Starting to think this is just the spiritual equivalent of "Grudge the mountain pass, then!" as time goes on.
In fact, it pretty much basically is exactly that. ((Or the "grudged for not paying the last 2 coppers" story, which made me go "Aha, so in Divided Loyalties,
everybody Mathilde asked at the bar has a variant of this story? That says to me that it's a, what do you call it, apocryphal story or a cultural myth or fable; it's a well-known or well-shared story (that likely isn't true) because it teaches a lesson or value or demonstrates something. Impossible to verify its truth. But useful for its cultural statement and place."))
The Dwarfs need a method for dealing with feelings of shame or inadequacy or gratitude or grief or etc. There's no easy or straightforward explanation. But just because there's no simple answer does not mean you're allowed to just shrug and go 'I guess it's impossible to know, throw it on the pile of Mysterious Things and move on' because they're
Dwarfs. They
need an answer. They
need an outlet. And so they call a conclave. And debate until they come up with something that helps them make sense of the situation.
I don't think Mathilde's soul was stolen. For that matter, I don't think the Dwarfs have enough magical know-how to be able to tell that -- or at least, not without a
lot of personal experimentation and testing. Testing and experimentation which they
have not done to Mathilde. (Heck, I'd be more willing to believe this of one of the humans that was affected by Kragg's Anvil of Doom buff spell, than of Mathilde.)
No, I think this was more likely done as part of an attempt by them to explain and nail things down.
So basically: they blame Ranald for this.
And the Grudge is ameliorated in whole or in part, based on what comes of this deed.
And so that way, their own spirits and minds can rest a bit easier.
I think, the more important and interesting impacts of this, will come in the following:
how will everyone else react to this? How many Dwarfs will be pissed at this, because they think it's conservative Longbeards trying to come up with a reason to 'explain away' Mathilde's accomplishments? What will Belegar think, of this thing done by Karaz-a-Karak? Will he be pissed off again and blame Thorgrim some more? What will radicals and conservatives who weren't at the Conclave think of this thing -- of both Mathilde herself, and of the thing the Conclave proclaimed, I mean?
Approach it from the other side. 'A human saved a Dwarfhold when nobody in the entire Karaz Ankor could'. Put that on top of 'a human did more for Karak Eight Peaks than the High King did' and 'a human translated Queekish when generations of Dwarven scholars couldn't' and you've got an extremely rough message to internalize. Alternate explanations could become very convincing at that point.
You know, this reminded me about how I mentioned earlier that the "what" part of "information shared by a trusted individual" is just as important as the "who", and I wonder. On the off-chance restoring the flow from Karak Vlag and Dum actually fixed some deficit in the energy production that remained even after Eight Peaks, or even just Thorgrim not considering the bare minimum to be enough and only thinking dwarf-kind properly saved after a sizable surplus was established... well, is it possible he told the Ancestor Cults that Mathilde saved the dwarves? Or at least that she was responsible for more than just recovering a Karak singlehandedly or something. One would think the High King counts as a trusted individual, and him vouching first anybody pretty powerful.
Then again, it's late and I have a headache, so this might just be crazy talk.
I really want to know what Thorgrim thinks of this, and feels about it.
That is -- his thoughts and feelings on the matter would be very revealing here. I wonder what he's thinking about what was declared? Resigned, surprised, uncertain, constipated, weary and unhappy at having to come up with an answer that can't be true but which people will believe?
Worried at the possibility that this might cause some cultural or diplomatic woes or complications in the Karaz Ankor? Hoping that this might cheer Belegar up (and probably being surprised by the outcome)? Flabbergasted that the Elders at the Conclave went and did this?
Or perhaps simply relieved and thankful that somebody has done so much for the Karaz Ankor? As it makes it more likely and probable for the Karaz Ankor to survive another year, decade, and century.