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Dude, Boney specifically warned us about the mental health risk:

Yes, we'll probably get options to do risky things, we'll be depressed about it and probably get a malus on things. But we won't be forced to commit suicide.

Regardless, just closing our eyes from the problem is a shame. This is Warhammer, so there are things one should not know or see, but it's still a shame.
I'm voting to not buy the arm but this comes across as pretty disingenuous when you're voting to spend a 1000 GP on the acorn which is the same cost as both of the other items combined if you think the gold will be needed in the future then Surely you'd not be buying the acorn either? I mean it's of literally no known utility and isn't useful for potential lore/knowledge either. At least the arm via tale of metal can have some real information gleaned from it and the writings are admittedly a bit of a crap shoot but they're also relatively cheap.
IC arguments aside, Oak of Ages acorns are apparently used by the wood elves to ward off chaos, so there's actually some serious utility for us in the short term.

Looked it up:

Ebony Skulls

"Mine emissaries make gifts to greedsome strangers; the skulls of the unliving carry soul-scum skimmings, brine-song echoing still. These they accept, for bauble and toy is all. In doing acceptance they make abasement, for debt is eternal, beyond mortal-man’s ken." —Luthor Harkon[2a] The Ebony...
Luthor Harkon gives these out to people, break it and you become a discount necomancer but get conscripted into his war with the Lizardmen.
Neat, thanks! I'll update the list.
You're being just as disingenuous, the acorn is utterly packed with magic, and has an insane amount of power if it is what we think it is.
What, and the literally 'only one of its kind has ever been mentioned in lore' Old One relic that is being sold at a lower price tag is somehow less worth the gold than a specific breed of acorn that Wood Elf wizards bring with them as a keepsake and lucky charm when they leave their forests?
[x] HALL: No
[x] MEAT: Yes
[x] ARM: No
[x] NUT: Yes
[x] PAPERS: Yes
We have a Ghyran user back home we can research it with and who might come up with cool applications for it. We don't even know where to start with the arm -- if it is what the thread thinks it is, it shoots Hysh at people, and in any event it's a magical prosthetic and not a gauntlet, so it requires an amputee to be used.

My thinking is that the barrier to researching the arm is higher than the seed and the potential use-value is lower.
We've got two metal wizards back home and already were able to determine that it can project magic from the palm. Meanwhile, all we've got to go on for our one Jade wizard is that the seed has a lot of magic.

You can argue the total usefulness, but the barrier to research seems way, way, lower for the arm.
Yes, we'll probably get options to do risky things, we'll be depressed about it and probably get a malus on things. But we won't be forced to commit suicide.

Regardless, just closing our eyes from the problem is a shame. This is Warhammer, so there are things one should not know or see, but it's still a shame.
Fucking up Mathilde's mental health on the way to the Chaos Wastes may not be certain suicide, but it is still a non-negligible threat to her survival.
"Have you brought any of the following goods to Uzkulak: bound Daemons, precious stones or metals from Nehekhara, any seed, bud, fruit, or cutting from Athel Loren, unshielded warpstone, spherical devices made of brass, Vampire body parts, any item created or possessed by the Skaven Clan Pestilens, gilded skulls made of black bone, anything from the Temple-City of Zlatlan, any mummified bodies of large, frog-like beings, unshielded wyrdstone, any kind of projectile capable of moving on its own, any of Kadon's Scrolls of Binding, golden whistles, instruments stringed with unicorn hair, keys made of crystal, or any sort of stone that glows with a green light?"
Now thats a question that tells a story. Or more likely eighteen. Or just one very chaotic invasion. I can hope.
Try to match your skills at thievery and deception against the greed and paranoia of the worshippers of Hashut, who have spent millennia at Uzkulak honing and practicing their skills and procedures to prevent that exact occurrence?
Alright guys, after the Elf-cation, Grand Theft Uzkulak sounds awesome.
What, and the literally 'only one of its kind has ever been mentioned in lore' Old One relic that is being sold at a lower price tag is somehow less worth the gold than a specific breed of acorn that Wood Elf wizards bring with them as a keepsake and lucky charm when they leave their forests?
...You think an acorn from the oak of ages is a "keepsake/lucky charm"
Also I never said the arm wasn't worth the gold I was arguing with his description of the nut.
Guys the Arm is a steal, gold is no use to us, we only use it to buy books and we get a book stipend anyway, this is the sort of thing gold is meant for.
Hall no, insufficient ratio of risk to expected reward.

Arm no opinion.

Nut yes, worst case scenario is someone else doesn't get it, best case is a gift to either the elves or Panoramia or both.

Papers yes because elfcation quest hook.

[x] HALL: No
[x] MEAT: Yes
[x] NUT: Yes
[x] PAPERS: Yes
...You think an acorn from the oak of ages is a "keepsake/lucky charm"
I'm pointing out how many of them there are that Spellsingers can just bring one of them with them for that purpose when they're out on the road, with the option of using it for a power boost in an unforeseen emergency. As far as we know, the only example of the arm in the lore is the 'Hand of Gods' that Kroq-Gar has.
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