I'm in this category, I not going 'we need to go now now now!' but just start getting ready, and if we don't get everything planed done... well, cant spend the whole thing planing.Do you really think they're going to take a Magic Seven Wizard (eight, if we get our staff) with Master Swordsmanship and an enchanted greatsword and tell her 'well, you were pretty great, thanks for coming, don't come back' if we don't blow it out of the park? The way you build up the fastest amount of elf reputation is by being around them and doing things. Three solid B missions are worth a lot more than a single 100%, and they have the benefit that you actually got to play three missions, rather than obsessively preparing for one.
If we take the same amount of time to reach the level of mastery we'd prefer either way, but one is spent preparing at home to make a good impression and the other is learning on the job while getting things done, one will always sound more entertaining to me. I'm fine with self-improvement actions, but I'm not okay with boring choices anymore, and that's what this compulsion to grind feels like it's becoming.
Like we had this conversation before and it was... not decided, that's not how these things work, but it was pointed out that the stuff and new robe was the only 'have to have's' left, and the rest is 'would like to have' but can go if we get a good time.
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