So, Realms of Sorcery and the Chaos Books and taken as canon gospel again, more or less like I was expecting. =/
Specifics would be nice though I'd still be skeptical, because if it's Manfred going on about how much he knows about magic and the soul, or other in-character documents, or from that guy visiting all the Chaos Realms (hope he doesn't go mad and vanish mysteriously) just... yeah. Somebody stating a fact as if they believe it to be totally true, is indeed unambiguous. But that just means that their statement, or their belief, is unambiguous.
There's also the simple fact that world-building, story-telling, and canon itself is kind of... eh. Call it malleable if you want. But like. Everybody brings up everything from every edition, of RPG and TT, and argues over it, and... Overall, there's a very use-it-as-a-toolbox approach to things.
How to put this... ... I'd put a lot of weight on stuff like "The Empire exists" and "The War of Vengeance happened, and Elves and Dwarfs are on pretty tough terms" and "There's High, Dark, and Wood Elves" and "The Old World nations that're around are..." as being hard strong canon; things that the setting not only revolves around, but always works with. Always mentions or brings up. It's the sort of thing that, when you read or play or write a story or quest in it, you're probably basing it on and working with.
Stuff about metaphysics and such, is always more questionable and theoretical and so on. Because it's an academic question and not one that is always relevant to most games or daily life. Except, by being an obscure academic question, it's super-popular among people for always bringing it up again and again and again...