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Hmm... all this talk of Ulgumancy has actually inspired me enough that I'm going to give a "Bad End Omake" a shot. If anything half-decent comes of it, and @BoneyM approves, I'll post it here.
"I am the Shadow, the True Self."
Make all dreams come true.
All of them. Especially the nightmares.
That's still conceptually close to what regular Ulgu does.

I would go for the opposite, making reality non-real.

Some spells mirror regular Ulgu by using opposing methods, such as being unnoticed not by changing perception of you, but by going etheral.
Others would have different effects, like making enemy weapons non-real for the duration of the spell, letting swords be unable to touch anything and such.
High-end would be to unmake living creatures and let demons dissolve back into aetheric potential rather than pseudo-fleshy beings interacting with reality.
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I would go for the opposite, making reality non-real.
What's the shadow? An imaginary object, a shape of blocked light that is defined and controlled by the person who throws it. What's a perversion of shadow? A non-imaginary object that defines and controls the person throwing it. Shadowmancy can be mind/body control through summoned shadow monsters.
Ok in that case is anyone on point in regards to what Ulgumancy would actually do?
My bet is "it'll drive us insane" people are on point. BTW, did you notice how we're getting a lot of corruption options where we were getting none before, why is that, how do you think? My guess is it's something in the air of Sylvania or the Libris Mortis influence (meaning Abelhelm only brought it near us very recently).
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Lots of Dhar floating around, yes. Hopefully not the book.

Edit: also desperation+confused but strong feelings for Van Hal, yep.
Ulgu can already do spells that turn a person ethereal, or turn shadows into real constructs to murder people with.

My guess for what Ulgumancy will be able to do.

Creating shadows of the other winds of magic. Shadow healing, shadow light, shadow transformation, shadow fireballs, etc. No longer limited to just the effects of her own wind an ulgumancer would be able to create a shadow of any other form of magic.
An Ulgu version of Necromancy would probably be some really fucked up Kyoka Suigetsu / Cthulhu Mythos shtick. Extremely powerful illusions that can adapt to the mind of the one seeing them to be as close to perfect as possible. Raw Telepathy. Creating a hive-mind of enslaved thralls. Driving people mad, tearing their minds open and flaying them for their knowledge, consuming them mind, body and soul. Creating a twisted nightmare world within your own soul that spawns boogiemen shaped by humanities fear of night.

Oh, and also probably tearing open a portal to whatever the fuck lives at the bottom of a Pit Of Shades and letting the creatures into the real world to serve as your army. Can't be a Dhar art without access to minions, it just isn't done.

I really don't want any of that.
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The people are taking Dhar and its negative influence on the mind way too lightly.

[X] The vacuum must be filled. Step forward and take command. Fulfil Van Hal's final legacy in the manner that it begun.
[X] Do nothing with it; your role is to safeguard it.
Don't worry about it I don't know about the others but I'm personally just speculating at this point, I'm not yet desperate enough to try using Dhar.
[X] The vacuum must be filled. Step forward and take command. Fulfil Van Hal's final legacy in the manner that it begun.
[X] Do nothing with it; your role is to safeguard it.

Sure being a woman and a mage is against us and the Marshal may yet live, but let's give it a shot. Let's at least burn the town and every undead in it. Then we can see what is to be done further. I think there will be no attack on the castle with Van Hal dead, but with the army already there if someone can just rally it, it should be able to purge the town.

As for the book, I think that's a long term project. For now, we should just safeguard it. Later, maybe we can study it for enchantment purposes. Like remaking that Dhar spell matrix with Ulgu. See what actual usable non-Dhar knowledge we can extract from it.

I think with Van Hal dead, and no confirmed heir, there is going to be civil unrest. We probably want to finish of the town, and just go home and get ready for the shit storm. Maybe we get recalled, maybe everything goes to shit and we go take our mastery. We shall see.

After all, we may be merely competent at war, but that's still better than our Marshall with his Martial 10.
Abelhelm's Finger

"Immerse yourself in history, myths and stunning scenery at Abelhelm's Finger Fort, set abridge
across Draken just near the dreadful Drakenhof. Inextricably linked with the legend of the Dusk
Rider, for centuries this dramatic fort and coastline has fired the imaginations of writers, artists
and even the wizards. Now it's your turn to be inspired."

—From "The Comprehensive Guide To What You Should And Shouldn't Do In Stirland",
by Herr Felix Kiesinger (Wurtbad Press, 2755)​

Abelhelm's Finger is a fortified bridge across the Draken river just next to the town of Drakenhof. In years passed since its construction during short-reigned Abelhelm Van Hal's Purge of Drakenhof it has been the toughest outpost of Stirland in Sylvania, where offensive campaigns started from and defensive campaigns took their first (and often decisive) stand. It is build around a cenotaph of Van Hal himself, soldiers defending the symbolic rest of the leader whose life they couldn't protect. The tower overseeing Sylvanian side of the bridge, staying vigilant over the grave, is called Mathilde's tower for reasons lost to time.

There's at least a token detachment of halflings and dwarves on duty at all times, symbolizing the unlikely alliance that led to this fort's establishment. Depending on the faction politics it's considered a duty of honor or a duty of punishment, but a duty nonetheless. The fort has been sieged form one or both sides of the river countless times, playing a major role in every Sylvanian Incursion, Purge, or Vampire War since the Fourth one (included). It has been destroyed to the last brick four times but never taken and always rebuilt, which is a major point of pride for Stirlanders.

This needs to be fucking cannon
[X] A book of necromancy, a newly-dead body. This doesn't need to be the end of Abelhelm. Raise him, and not in the clumsy way of the fumblers you're facing: you can make him a body superior to that of the living.

It's the encyclopedia on using another wind of magic to manipulate Dhar. It'd skip you right past the 'fumble around and have it blow up in your face' stage of things and get you right to the part where you're uncovering new and interesting sins against man and nature.
Ooh, ooh, I have a proposal for one of those new and interesting sins against man and nature.

Use Ulgu+Dhar not to necromantically revive Abelhelm, but to create a replica of him akin to the constructs made by spells such as Shadowsteed and Okkam's Mindrazor, drawing heavily on Mathilde's memories and impressions of the man to determine how "he" comes back wrong. Not a full man, just the side Mathilde saw of him, but a powerful mockery of life nonetheless. Anyone who knew the Elector Count in life, likewise, cannot help but think "This is the man I remember" and must make a Will test if attempting to disbelieve that this is Abelhelm.
Ooh, ooh, I have a proposal for one of those new and interesting sins against man and nature.

Use Ulgu+Dhar not to necromantically revive Abelhelm, but to create a replica of him akin to the constructs made by spells such as Shadowsteed and Okkam's Mindrazor, drawing heavily on Mathilde's memories and impressions of the man to determine how "he" comes back wrong. Not a full man, just the side Mathilde saw of him, but a powerful mockery of life nonetheless. Anyone who knew the Elector Count in life, likewise, cannot help but think "This is the man I remember" and must make a Will test if attempting to disbelieve that this is Abelhelm.
The funny thing is that he's made our of Mathilde's own memories, so now she has no idea who that magnificent mockery of man is.
Ooh, ooh, I have a proposal for one of those new and interesting sins against man and nature.

Use Ulgu+Dhar not to necromantically revive Abelhelm, but to create a replica of him akin to the constructs made by spells such as Shadowsteed and Okkam's Mindrazor, drawing heavily on Mathilde's memories and impressions of the man to determine how "he" comes back wrong. Not a full man, just the side Mathilde saw of him, but a powerful mockery of life nonetheless. Anyone who knew the Elector Count in life, likewise, cannot help but think "This is the man I remember" and must make a Will test if attempting to disbelieve that this is Abelhelm.
Why would they ever disbelieve it? That's obviously the real Abelheim brought back to life, not through a miracle, but through to the power of Ulgu applied on ancient Van Hal wisdom.
Sure being a woman and a mage is against us and the Marshal may yet live, but let's give it a shot. Let's at least burn the town and every undead in it. Then we can see what is to be done further. I think there will be no attack on the castle with Van Hal dead, but with the army already there if someone can just rally it, it should be able to purge the town.
I suspect they aren't thinking so much about her gender and thinking a lot about how she melted the ghoul army right now.
Mathilde is visibly at the edge of homicidal fury and she hadn't washed ever since carving an island out of a sea of undead.
As for the book, I think that's a long term project. For now, we should just safeguard it. Later, maybe we can study it for enchantment purposes. Like remaking that Dhar spell matrix with Ulgu. See what actual usable non-Dhar knowledge we can extract from it.
Like I mentioned previous, it's pretty far down the priorities. I don't expect us to have the spare research attention for it in the next 4 years of play. Current priority for me is:
1) Learn the remaining 5 Relatively Simple Ulgu spells. We have no business testing for Magister before that I think.
2) Start work on the Juice. We got the lab set up after all.
3) Test for Magister
4) Study enchantments up to Relatively Simple enchantment capability
5) Study the Shyish Kebabs now that we know enough enchantment not to kill ourselves with Shyish
6) Do the Book.

I think with Van Hal dead, and no confirmed heir, there is going to be civil unrest. We probably want to finish of the town, and just go home and get ready for the shit storm. Maybe we get recalled, maybe everything goes to shit and we go take our mastery. We shall see.

After all, we may be merely competent at war, but that's still better than our Marshall with his Martial 10.
Note that:
-Abelhelm had already set up contingencies. Anton and Wilhelmina are getting things ready in case they need the heir brought up to speed fast.
-Medieval news transmission is slow, we can expect the rest of Stirland to find out in about 4-6 months, unless we speed it along.

We probably want to finish the castle off, have the Amethyst wizards roll Purple Suns around like bowling balls through the ruins to THOROUGHLY ruin them, secure the town and appoint some wounded soldiers to a new Watch right there.

Then go back and spend our next full turn as:
-Study Martial
-Secure the book
-Investigate new Elector
-Brief the new Elector
-Public Order action
-Public Order action x2
Ooh, ooh, I have a proposal for one of those new and interesting sins against man and nature.

Use Ulgu+Dhar not to necromantically revive Abelhelm, but to create a replica of him akin to the constructs made by spells such as Shadowsteed and Okkam's Mindrazor, drawing heavily on Mathilde's memories and impressions of the man to determine how "he" comes back wrong. Not a full man, just the side Mathilde saw of him, but a powerful mockery of life nonetheless. Anyone who knew the Elector Count in life, likewise, cannot help but think "This is the man I remember" and must make a Will test if attempting to disbelieve that this is Abelhelm.
That sounds...very likely yes.
The funny thing is that he's made our of Mathilde's own memories, so now she has no idea who that magnificent mockery of man is.
Good idea, then she can better pretend innocence of what she just did! :whistle:

Why would they ever disbelieve it? That's obviously the real Abelheim brought back to life, not through a miracle, but through to the power of Ulgu applied on ancient Van Hal wisdom.
Because they saw him die, maybe? But I might agree that such a memorial construct should look so much like the real thing, it would perhaps not even allow a test to disbelieve unless there's clear external reason to do. And I'd be inclined to have it saying "Sigmar sent me back" as the excuse if anyone asks "Weren't you dead?"
OTOH, the Memorial Man would probably be a little exaggerated in all respects based on the caster's memory. Mathilde, for example, might add another few inches to the height of Memorial Van Hal.

As a potential write-in phrasing:
[] There are rules against reviving the dead. But there are none against remaking the living. You will use the Liber Mortis for good and create a new Abelhelm Van Hal.
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[Healing Van Hal: 6]
[Finding Jovi Sunscryer: 1]
[Last, Desperate Attempt: Piety, Req 80, 58+18=76]

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Now that I god that out of my system, it seems I slept through a lot of the thread aftermath.

[X] The vacuum must be filled. Step forward and take command. Fulfil Van Hal's final legacy in the manner that it begun.
[X] Do nothing with it; your role is to safeguard it.

This is the most loyal and sensible path for now. It also keeps the Book with us should we ever feel to switch to the dark side in one of many interesting ways.

A fair warning about something I didn't see anyone mention though: This particular combination of votes means that we are only a few more terrible roles away from dropping the Liber Mortis in the middle of Sylvania.

even the GODS are against Van
Screw the Gods. We can keep Ranald around as an occasionally useful buddy that is ultimately not very reliable, but Mathilde has little reason to care about any of the other failures.
Very tempted to do this, but I'm holding myself back by promising that as soon as the war that cost Van Hal his life is over we are doing this for sure.
Seconding the notion.

Oh, and also probably tearing open a portal to whatever the fuck lives at the bottom of a Pit Of Shades
What's a Pit Of Shades? The wiki doesn't say.
Also, I really like how your vision of shadowmancy looks. A mix of forceful mind control/fuckery and making the unreal material is exactly how the twisted perversion of Ulgu would look IMO. And of course if we control madness itself we can't go mad ourselves, right? Right? The voices tell me so.

As a potential write-in phrasing:
[] There are rules against reviving the dead. But there are none against remaking the living. You will use the Liber Mortis for good and create a new Abelhelm Van Hal.
As a long term goal after we've gone completely off the deep end maybe. But right now we have nowhere near the skill to adapt necromancy knowledge from a book we've never opened to crafting our own high level Dark Shadowmancy spell on the fly.

And since it seems like this particular vote is on the winning path, we should prepare for a major politicking shitstorm. Our enemies are whoever in the whole Empire has the power and will to reshuffle Stirland's leadership council. Our assets are the fact that we still have a mysterious backer that wants to keep us in place, especially now that we are well positioned, relatively friendly relations with the current council, the ability to guilt trip Kasmir and Markus, access to the late Van Hal's secrets (must access and secure as fast as possible right after we destroy Drakenhof) and a decent information network.

Questions for the future:
How much do we devote to honoring Abelhelm's memory?
How much to his enduring bloodline?
How much to the good of Stirland?
How much to our selves, both regarding our magical and political career and legacy?
How much fun will we have with the Liber Mortis?
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What's a Pit Of Shades? The wiki doesn't say.
Also, I really like how your vision of shadowmancy looks. A mix of forceful mind control/fuckery and making the unreal material is exactly how the twisted perversion of Ulgu would look IMO. And of course if we control madness itself we can't go mad ourselves, right? Right? The voices tell me so.
The pit of shades is a stupidly dangerous Ulgu Battle Magic that opens up a portal to some horrific hell-realm and drags everybody in a radius inside. I don't think anybody actually knows what's going on with that, nor do they wish to find out.
[X] The vacuum must be filled. Step forward and take command. Fulfil Van Hal's final legacy in the manner that it begun.
[X] Do nothing with it; your role is to safeguard it.

Edit: Also let me just say that the comments and discussions are probably as entertaining as the chapter itself.
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