Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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Frankly, compared to some other quests, I gotta say that Mathilde is actually reasonably focused on her job, while still having enough free time to get up to her usual nonsense.

It's just that there's several dozen things we could get up to at any time, people we could be helping, and as with almost all quests, there will always be a time cost to everything we do - you can only be in one place at a time, after all.

I think Boney does a fantastic job of mostly keeping questers on track by pointing out the realities of ideas that they come up with, like 'such-and-such person might disapprove of that', 'yes but it is illegal', 'X generally frowns upon that', 'you can but it is considered bad for your mental health', and everyone's favorite, 'try it and find out.' Rarely, if he feels a bit frustrated, he pulls out variations on '...why do you even want to do that?', 'you can get a better (though less dramatic) result by doing [thing that was already possible]', or even 'this is building chicken coops before getting eggs'.

And sometimes, just sometimes, some ideas are actually pretty decent! Turning off the waystones that fed Karak Vlag was a write-in, and the idea of using the Metalsmith's Guild's boon to help Nuln rebuild its cannon foundries in exchange for permission to copy Nuln's books was an idea someone came up with independently of Boney!

Edit: ...But the sewers thing was pretty weird, ngl. I didn't know about the metagaming regarding Skaven when I first read through the quest so it just seemed a bit odd. It wasn't a terribly big focus of the quest for that section, but still!
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It was only upon my first re-read that I realized how funny the interactions between Mathilde and the gentleman thief that she put in charge of the Watch were. Like, one can only imagine what was going through that poor guy's brain. 'Does she know? She must know, she's just being subtle... but it's almost like she's got no clue that the Skaven exist. But then how and why is she fighting the War Below, she has to know!' I honestly wish that she'd gotten him as her stabbing teacher instead of "Codrin Petrescu".
Did you think it was really weird how much time people spent on the sewers too? Like, I was pretty new to the WHF fandom when I picked it up and I was like "why did they pass up so many awesome options for training and equipping the watch in favor of sewers and doggos?" It just made no sense at all. Until I eventually learned about the skaven and how in most major cities they are down there.
Nah I knew about that.

It's more like, why has there been seemingly no interest in Ranalds kids? All the focus on the waystones but exactly zero interest in investigating the Lizardmen? Letting research opportunities simply gain dust, and ignoring artifacts that the voters went out of their way to get. And a bunch of choices I personally wouldn't have gone with but that's just personal. For example I definitely would've shown more interest in the dark elf stuff.
There's a master plan gathering steam, I think, that has us do a turn with the Father coin and hit every major potential that the thread has identified. We *think* we've got one of them in the hedgefolk goddess, whose priests were uncharacteristically(?) helpful and trusting when we went to all for help while wearing the father coin.

I do hope you push for some of the artifacts and research paths you want to see. Those areas get less focus in the plan votes so even one advocate makes a big difference.

Does anyone have a link to the best theory post about Ranald's daughters? There's been a ton of good discussions but that makes it hard to search.
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I do hope you push for some of the artifacts and research paths you want to see. Those areas get less focus in the plan votes so even one advocate makes a big difference.
Maybe, off to start reading the Runemaster quest next however. I'll have to try harder to keep up with the thread in this one than I do others.

Oh also, the weirdest of all choices was not playing with Wolf so much more? Like, literally a gift from your patron God that you named after a priest and just the bare minimum? Not playing with the puppy more hurt me.
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Maybe, off to start reading the Runemaster quest next however. I'll have to try harder to keep up with the thread in this one than I do others.

Oh also, the weirdest of all choices was not playing with Wolf so much more? Like, literally a gift from your patron God that you named after a priest and just the bare minimum? Not playing with the puppy more hurt me.

We do play with Wolf a lot but deepening the familiar bond has the very real chance of Matty getting bad side effects. I think its called familiar addiction or something (not sure) but it could lead to Matty having to bring Wolf along with her everywhere or something like that. We got the +1 magic from wolf and the thread didn't want to push its luck from my understanding.
We do play with Wolf a lot but deepening the familiar bond has the very real chance of Matty getting bad side effects. I think its called familiar addiction or something (not sure) but it could lead to Matty having to bring Wolf along with her everywhere or something like that. We got the +1 magic from wolf and the thread didn't want to push its luck from my understanding.
Cowardice when the other option is dog!
I kid but also I would've absolutely sided with more dog.
Maybe, off to start reading the Runemaster quest next however. I'll have to try harder to keep up with the thread in this one than I do others.

Oh also, the weirdest of all choices was not playing with Wolf so much more? Like, literally a gift from your patron God that you named after a priest and just the bare minimum? Not playing with the puppy more hurt me.

Wolf mount is now out of the question , but what if we turn the wolf quest apocrypha into a reality? Can we uplift his intelligence and magic more so he can get a job: research assistant/ sheriff of Karag Nar?

Wolf deserves more attention and action. More training for best boy!

5 year anniversary had a boon made wolf a winter wolf.
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The punchline to the sewer thing is when I got good enough at image editing to turn the Skaven tunnel map transparent and rotate and overlay it on top of the map of the Empire, it turned out they haven't reached Wurtbad yet.
Yeah, in hindsight that was pretty weird. Like readers know the reason. And people in the world have to assume she knows, because the alternative is insane. What, Mathilde focused significant effort in guarding waste management for no reason? No, she has to know. But she didn't know. Mathilde is just a total weirdo and she got away with it due to the impossible luck of there just happening to be a hidden conspiracy hiding billions of enemies in the sewers. Crazy.
I'm honestly surprised that any Gray Order journeyman would leave the Colleges without being 'read in' on the skaven's existence.
There's a master plan gathering steam, I think, that has us do a turn with the Father coin and hit every major potential that the thread has identified. We *think* we've got one of them in the hedgefolk goddess, whose priests were uncharacteristically(?) helpful and trusting when we went to all for help while wearing the father coin.

I do hope you push for some of the artifacts and research paths you want to see. Those areas get less focus in the plan votes so even one advocate makes a big difference.

Does anyone have a link to the best theory post about Ranald's daughters? There's been a ton of good discussions but that makes it hard to search.

Meanwhile, in discord PM's with @Godwinson

Article: Godwinson:
Okay, I'm mildly annoyed Truth didn't win, but
Your post theorizing that The Lady is one of Ranald and Shallya's daughters salvaged my mood in reading the post and aftermath

The Father
Status: Bearing Fruit
It was explicitly one of the conditional information packets. The magical ones locked in their heads that only get revealed when relevant. So she had it in her head, but lacked access.
Yeah, I believe you, to be clear.

It's just that it seems kind of weird. I would think that those magical information packets are great for dealing with situations where it's clear whether or not you are dealing with them, and where having an outside party decide whether you need information is simple. If you are not personally dealing with a waystone that is in danger of going boom, it is better if you just think of waystones as things to never touch. Lots of information about Chaos falls under that category too, only more so.

But skaven get Up To Shit on a fairly regular basis across much of the Empire. If you're not even aware that they're a thing because nobody's tripped the trigger conditions for your info-packet, it's fairly likely that you will miss something, potentially something dangerous. Or so I would think.

The conditions on the info-packet would have to be so sensitive ("any Grey journeyman who is confused by evidence of gun-armed beastmen or something like that") that it would seem rather pointless to bother with the subterfuge.
ignoring artifacts that the voters went out of their way to get

Ranald's Coin (note from Ranald: don't)
Vampire skulls
Branulhune - investigate the odd flash when it is desummoned underwater
The Vampire Prophecies of W'Soran
Vlad von Carstein's study notes of the Carstein Ring
Kurgan Shrine to Mannslieb
Kurgan enchanted weapons (approx. 12)

Gotta say aside from Carstein ring notes and the kurgan shrines I don't see too many interesting stuff.

Investigating the shrine would tell us more about kurgan theology and chaos, but I doubt there would be enough power connection in this shrine for Ranald to steal. This one I would have some interest in for everchosen HR project.

The ring could tell us how vampire regeneration can be enhanced, manipulated and perhaps delayed/prevented. Could be impactful for aftermath of silver road wars.

Edit: Mannslieb -> natural moon-> lileath -> daughter??? One more lead for the father lobby
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Yeah, I believe you, to be clear.

It's just that it seems kind of weird. I would think that those magical information packets are great for dealing with situations where it's clear whether or not you are dealing with them, and where having an outside party decide whether you need information is simple. If you are not personally dealing with a waystone that is in danger of going boom, it is better if you just think of waystones as things to never touch. Lots of information about Chaos falls under that category too, only more so.

But skaven get Up To Shit on a fairly regular basis across much of the Empire. If you're not even aware that they're a thing because nobody's tripped the trigger conditions for your info-packet, it's fairly likely that you will miss something, potentially something dangerous. Or so I would think.

The conditions on the info-packet would have to be so sensitive ("any Grey journeyman who is confused by evidence of gun-armed beastmen or something like that") that it would seem rather pointless to bother with the subterfuge.

The information packets allow you to preserve a secret by not telling it unless it turns out that you needed to tell it, in which case you retroactively tell them. To put it another way, they are Grey Wizard catnip. Saying that it might be better to just outright tell people things is like telling a Bright Wizard it might be better to not set things on fire.
Gotta say aside from Carstein ring notes and the kurgan shrines I don't see too many interesting stuff.

Investigating the shrine would tell us more about kurgan theology and chaos, but I doubt there would be enough power connection in this shrine for Ranald to steal. This one I would have some interest in for everchosen HR project.

The ring could tell us how vampire regeneration can be enhanced, manipulated and perhaps delayed/prevented. Could be impactful for aftermath of silver road wars.
The coin is a dead end, presumably the neat book has all the vampire information you could get from skulls, but the magic sword doing interesting things is just ignored,the vampire prophecies are always interesting, the Carstein ring notes could be a fascinating look into Nekeharan things, especially related to the mortuary cults knowledge, the Kurgan shrine and Kurgan weapons at least should be given a look.

It's worse because all these things were taken and are just hoarded away for no reason when at the very least handing it over to other people to study would get something out of it. I mean hell immediate rewards were passed up in favor of the the Kurgan items. It's just such a waste.
immediate rewards were passed up in favor of the the Kurgan items. It's just such a waste.
it's rpg brain and the voting system. Pray for another charitable lord magister to come and liberate us from some of them.

I have to say though most of the vampire stuff we collected for vanity's sake, at least that was my takeaway from the writing. Those prophecies are not the safe to read uncorrupted OG liber mortis we have. They have done awful things. The undead lobby is very much dead.

Sword enchantments hardly the most interesting thing. Mathilde has no need to make her own weapon nor patience/actions to do it for others.
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The information packets allow you to preserve a secret by not telling it unless it turns out that you needed to tell it, in which case you retroactively tell them. To put it another way, they are Grey Wizard catnip. Saying that it might be better to just outright tell people things is like telling a Bright Wizard it might be better to not set things on fire.

If it's something the Grey Wizards do to their apprentices because they're a bit messed up, then THAT makes perfect sense!

As long as we're not trying to imagine it as a perfectly rational response to the specific case of the skaven.
Mathilde does spend time with Wolf, just off-screen, in-between actions, just like she keeps up with her Stirland friends via letters.

I'm given to understand that it became pretty clear early on that it'd be a bit hard to incorporate Wolf into Mathilde's adventures - not only is she more mobile than him with her Shadowsteed, but he's also much squishier, which is an unfortunate state of affairs for the kind of familiar that currently grants a +1 to Magic and a +2 to Stewardship and Learning. If he'd unlocked some of the more combat-useful familiar abilities, maybe then we'd have seen a push to get him involved, but as-is... well, it's not just the bonuses to consider, but also how he's a precious Good Boy and we don't want to risk him.

He's... her friend. Ranald gave him to Mathilde when she was in a transitional and almost lonely part of her life, exiting the Stirland arc and going on the K8P expedition. She, the Grey Wizard, could completely let her guard down around him and trust him, because he was a small and inoffensive animal that needed taking care of.

...This is not to say that I wouldn't be behind getting him involved in our adventures by creating a "Wolf-piloting-Mathilde's Shadow" spell, or increasing our bond further, but generally speaking, I'm fine with the relationship we have at the moment. If it's not broken, don't try to fix it.

The information packets allow you to preserve a secret by not telling it unless it turns out that you needed to tell it, in which case you retroactively tell them. To put it another way, they are Grey Wizard catnip. Saying that it might be better to just outright tell people things is like telling a Bright Wizard it might be better to not set things on fire.
Didn't you say somewhat recently that Bright Wizards specifically don't pick out apprentices that are too attuned to Aqshy because they don't want them to be too eager to burn everything as a first solution?
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