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Eike's new trait is the kind of thing that would help her figure out how to make Chamon and Shyish windsoak mushrooms right?
She's not a mycologist, though.
It's not just a matter of being a mycologist, I recall Boney stating something on how it'd be probably years of experimentation. That's why the book was published, so that it'd be someone else's burden to take up if they want.
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Eugh. Wouldn't be early 2000s WHF without that gross sprinkle of misogyny.
that's uh, not really much of one? it can be used by anyone, and comeliness isn't a gendered descriptor. it's equating looking good in it's entirety with stupidity.

it's not misogyny, just the standard 'nerds considers good looking person to be stupid by default' stereotype
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Ressentiment is a hell of a drug

(I'm talking about the designers here, not anybody posting in thread)
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Maybe in wfrp 2e potion making is restricted to mages (I'd have to check to be certain), but I know it isn't the case in 4e
Yeah, it is that restrictive in 2e:

You only need to spend 3 hours a day tending to the brewing process and the longest creation time of the listed potions is 2 months
Yup, again more lenient than 2E:

Potion spoilage is also only risked after each season rather than a certainty, with well brewed potions being less likely to go bad
Even in the earliest category, with the maximum degree of successes, a potion has a 10% chance of having spoilt with a 5% chance of also losing the intended effect. Note that in-quest, a turn is two seasons/six months. While "instant spoiling" is a result of a bad brew, in-character you'd have no way of knowing this:

The fire and explosions are indeed on fumbles still, though, yes.
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Eike's trait applies to enchanting and turning as well, so we can just teach her the things we do know about and leave it up to her if she wants to pursue the other fields available to her.
This isn't an or/else situation?

Eike's looking at probably another couple years of Apprenticeship before we send her out into the world and we've been consistently teaching her multiple things a turn
There is no particular reason why teaching her about enchanting or turning should preclude giving her the opportunity to pick up Alchemy or Brewing and seeing if she takes to it, so I don't get this false dichotomy
Heck we are specifically outsourcing her enchantment education this turn instead of teaching her the basics ourselves, despite being an enchanter, so this whole "stick solely to what we ourselves can pass down" angle doesn't hold much water
We're already letting other people have a hand in her education
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This isn't an or/else situation?

Eike's looking at probably another couple years of Aprenticeship before we send her out into the world and we've been consistently teaching her multiple things a turn
There is no particular reason why teaching her about enchanting or turning should preclude giving her the opportunity to pick up Alchemy or Brewing and seeing if she takes to it, so I don't get this false dichotomy
Heck we are specifically outsourcing her enchantment education this turn instead of teaching her the basics ourselves, despite being an enchanter, so this whole "stick solely to what we ourselves can pass down" angle doesn't hold much water
We're already letting other people have a hand in her education

by the looks his statement had little to do with personally passing down the knowledge and everything to do with us, the voters, knowing fuck all about potion brewing. and as such being completely unable to actually predict what could be gained from that path.

so just, not bothering to go down that path. if she wants to brew potions, she is free to learn herself when she gets some time.
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Potion making suffers the same problem as magic in 2E of "it's fine if you want to write somebody who's mediocre at best but if you have higher aspirations at the very least you have to beat it with a stick"

Which, I mean, I don't blame them, that was the tone they going for, but it does make trying to write, say, a High Elf Mage who does not have the limitations of the colleges, shall we say, difficult :V
by the looks his statement had little to do with personally passing down the knowledge and everything to do with us, the voters, knowing fuck all about potion brewing. and as such being completely unable to actually predict what could be gained from that path.

so just, not bothering to go down that path. if she wants to brew potions, she is free to learn herself when she gets some time.
Boney's stated potioneering in the Empire is generally pretty naff and not worth the investment. As opposed to potioneering in Ulthuan, where you can't walk 5 meters without tripping over some impressively magical flora and fauna for use in ingredients.
Are Itxi grubs good for anything? Like, do they have any useful effects?
The gourd can be eaten to provide +3 to the casting roll of a single spell.

(Spells vary from ~8 to 25 that you need to hit on a series of d6s)

As somebody else pointed out, they're rather like the Waaaghshrooms. The Itxi Grubs are stated to have absorbed magical power from the ground.
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Boney's stated potioneering in the Empire is generally pretty naff and not worth the investment. As opposed to potioneering in Ulthuan, where you can't walk 5 meters without tripping over some impressively magical flora and fauna for use in ingredients.
Yeah, the RPG takes place in and around the Old World so it assumes you're limited to its own 'medieval' lab tools.

What potioneers can do is limited by what materials they have and how good their preservation methods are, not just skill. Presumably, the Golds and Jades do their best to improve upon the tools and materials they have at any time, but it must be a slow process of improvement. Maybe we can nudge that a bit faster with Dwarven knowledge of chemistry or glassmaking?

Presumably, if Teclis returns with the milk and cigarettes, it'll also be with enough ingredients and materials for making a lab of his own.
by the looks his statement had little to do with personally passing down the knowledge and everything to do with us, the voters, knowing fuck all about potion brewing. and as such being completely unable to actually predict what could be gained from that path.

so just, not bothering to go down that path. if she wants to brew potions, she is free to learn herself when she gets some time.
That would be why I've said that testing the waters and taking a look would be needed to get a proper idea of how worthwhile or not the practice is
Which maybe I should clarify is not necessarily me saying that Mathilde should take up potion brewing since that's apparently a point of confusion

Idk, it just feel premature to me that we just go "well we don't know anything about it so we shall have absolutely nothing to do with it whatsoever"
Part of the whole point is to get a better idea rather than just shrug and blindly dismiss things out of hand, and it hardly costs much to try in this case
That would be why I've said that testing the waters and taking a look would be needed to get a proper idea of how worthwhile or not the practice is
Which maybe I should clarify is not necessarily me saying that Mathilde should take up potion brewing since that's apparently a point of confusion

Idk, it just feel premature to me that we just go "well we don't know anything about it so we shall have absolutely nothing to do with it whatsoever"
Part of the whole point is to get a better idea rather than just shrug and blindly dismiss things out of hand, and it hardly costs much to try in this case
Suppose we could always just go ahead and ask Panoramia if she could tutor Eike in Potions.

If we're going by the fact that she's a Magister and not that she's Mathilde's girlfriend, it'd only be, what, 5 College Favor?

Though if we're focusing on the other side of things, we unfortunately don't have any Panoramia Favor.
That would be why I've said that testing the waters and taking a look would be needed to get a proper idea of how worthwhile or not the practice is
Which maybe I should clarify is not necessarily me saying that Mathilde should take up potion brewing since that's apparently a point of confusion

Idk, it just feel premature to me that we just go "well we don't know anything about it so we shall have absolutely nothing to do with it whatsoever"
Part of the whole point is to get a better idea rather than just shrug and blindly dismiss things out of hand, and it hardly costs much to try in this case
it costs a vote.

that is, it costs the effort required to convince people to bother with the thing that has been, inarguably, stated to be at best a bit naff.

which is a consideration that must be made. do we collectively care enough to bother, and who is going to try to change that if the answer is no?

certainly not me. I don't care for potions.
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Suppose we could always just go ahead and ask Panoramia if she could tutor Eike in Potions.
I did consider that earlier, but there's the fact that she's kind of occupied in the apprentice teaching department right now. (And is kind of out of practice, what with spending most of her time doing large-scale long-term magic on fields instead of brewing things in her lab.)
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If we're going by the fact that she's a Magister and not that she's Mathilde's girlfriend, it'd only be, what, 5 College Favor?
If something catastrophic happens with the Orb construction next turn, which is not outside the realm of possibilities given the sheer amount of magic we're throwing around in a small space, we're down 35 CF for the powerstones. At that point we're downright poor on College Favour.

Theoretically we might also come out of a successful attempt with a Great Deed or more, but no favour refund, for the same result.
That would be why I've said that testing the waters and taking a look would be needed to get a proper idea of how worthwhile or not the practice is
Which maybe I should clarify is not necessarily me saying that Mathilde should take up potion brewing since that's apparently a point of confusion

Idk, it just feel premature to me that we just go "well we don't know anything about it so we shall have absolutely nothing to do with it whatsoever"
Part of the whole point is to get a better idea rather than just shrug and blindly dismiss things out of hand, and it hardly costs much to try in this case

All of the stuff her trait covers is frankly not really stuff that would necessarily be covered in an apprenticeship. Even covering one option (Enchanting) is adding quite a lot onto her plate. Adding potions on top of that as opposed to other things isn't particularly appealing to me. Maybe in a couple of years if she's continued to blow through other stuff I would consider revisiting it, but until then I'm not inclined to it against other potential options.
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