Don’t think of it as dying; just as leaving early
- Location
- Earth
That falls flat because it just immediately makes it impossible for the other side to counter offer. Like, in that scenario, the msot logical conclusion to draw (given that they must accept that negotiations are taking place) are either that Mathidle is a patsy who hasn't been given enough info to properly negotiate or that it's a trick to drive up the opposition's already existing offer.Well in that example she could say she can't talk about the specifics. That would avoid the whole problem of needing to know what one side would ask for in exchange for their waystone knowledge.
Conversely dealing with just one side means that with no competitors the seller has all the advantage and can set the price as whatever the hell they want. If we're dealing with two sides though we may as well have the ability to perfectly lie since it grants a great advantage.
I don't think it does in this situation, considering it has to be prepared for in greater detail than I think Mathilde is really capable of right now. Like, if you want to lie to open negotiations with Ulthuan, wouldn't it just be easier to tell them the Project is complete but she wants their buy-in to double check everything and/or ensure the new parts of the Network link up to the Vortex rather than an overcomplicated game of double bluff?