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So I had a sudden thought:

Ever since we discovered that AV can make liminal realms, there's been the question of whether Teclis used it in the making of the Colleges. It's clear at this point you'd need an immense amount to make something like the Grey College, but in theory it could be done.

Well, it occurred to me that if Teclis used Aethreic Vitae to make the Colleges, there's a chance he might actually have left some behind. Since, if you need an entire reservoir of the stuff for the sheer scale of tricks you're pulling off, you probably want it on site, yeah? Perhaps he kept it a secret for only himself after he returned from the affairs in Saphery, perhaps for the Colleges themselves once they understood what they were doing.

Such an AV reservoir wouldn't necessarily have remained intact, lots of stuff happened since then after all, but if it existed it would probably be outside the colleges, likely in a place both related to them, owned by none, and highly resistant to magic to boot. Any sort of containment failure would result in a spectacular explosion, of course, but evidence of mechanisms needed to contain the substance should still exist.

As it so happens, a candidate with those qualities comes to mind:

The Obsidian Hall, aka the Hall of Duels belongs to no single college, is made entirely from obsidian, (an immensely magic resistant material) acts as a wellspring of magic, and is said to have Erupted during the Night of a Thousand Arcane Duels.

Does it have a basement?
We manage to collaborate with Teclis, nobody will give a fuck that we did not do it solo.
Because at that point the subject is irrelevant next to the fact that we collaborated with Teclis.
The whole "managed to wrangle some knowledge out efldad" would make Mathilde possibly most famous and celebrated imperial magister alive.

Independently managing to replicate Teclis' greateat feats - ones who have stumped LMs for over a century - without any instruction is certainly going to make Mathilde the most celebrated imperial magister alive.

The Colleges revere Teclis - but they'd also like to get out from under his shadow and reach 'adulthood'.
If Mathelida ever met Teclis, what would be the top three questions you think she would ask him? I imagine the thread gets to decide so I'm curious what people would want out of that. I'd imagine it would be a passing interaction at most.

But the chances of this happening go up exponentially if waystone project keeps it's current pace.
Independently managing to replicate Teclis' greateat feats - ones who have stumped LMs for over a century - without any instruction is certainly going to make Mathilde the most celebrated imperial magister alive.
That makes me wonder- who is the most celebrated College wizard alive?

We knew for ages that our rival for 'Greatest Living Dwarf-Friend' was collectively the entirety of Tobaro, but who is the Tobaro of the Colleges?

Is it Elspeth? Melkoth? Does Dragomas hold it by default? Who among the living-and-not-Teclis has the highest College Reputation in the world?
We don't really have any guesses on how long it will take to show results though- tributaries are the slow and simple way to bulk up the network, so if there's enough built up Dhar it might take a decade to reduce it enough for people to see appreciable impacts.

The Stirland border was basically the place for maximum immediate visible impact. So it should hopefully help with building some hype. Other places will still notice the difference relatively quickly, but it's on a much more statistical level.

It will be a big deal to people living in or near places that are actively magical and malicious, like near Drakwald or Sylvania. Being able to bury a corpse without it getting up next time Morrsleib waxes is pretty stark. In other places people generally won't notice a different in their day-to-day, but on the scale of a province it won't take long until the cumulative effects of things like rarer mutations, more healthy births and less Beastmen will be visible in the censuses and tax rolls.
I mean, it has to be Dragomas right? Even taking into account Amber weirdness holding him back it used to be super rare and presumably impressive for a Supreme Patriarch to be able to defend their title successfully, at least until Dragomas did it three times in a row. I mean come on, just by virtue of his completely unique entrenchment he has to be as famous as Volans himself.
Currently it's probably Dragomas but Elspeth is a runner up for it. But once this whole thing with the Waystones finishes and we turn in the Orbs and Limal Realm it'll most likely be Mathilde.
It's not necessarily one of the P/Matriarchs - there are other roles in the Colleges you can fill where you accumulate a lot of accolades. Some of the Light Choirmasters or Bright Enchanters could theoretically accumulate a ton of reputation and favor over time even if they never made a play for the big seat. I can see Melkoth having more College Reputation than Algard, as one example.
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Algard is different in that most people don't even know he's in charge of the Grey College or what he's famous for, that's the case for most Grey as well. Other Wizards didn't know Algard was in charge. Melkoth and Mathilde are anomalies in that regard, being pretty famous.
Ct-Resistant-1' 'Ogres' project
@Boney I believe this should this be Cl?

Anyway, I suddenly thought back to something Cython said in a conversation with Mathilde, when they were talking about species that have pantheons that don't fit Cython's thesis that it's elf Gods all the way down:
"There is a greater variety of species here than in the west," it notes.

"Simple geography, perhaps? Less formidable natural barriers to stop the spread of species. Dwarves are from the south and Ogres from the east, after all."

"Perhaps," it says thoughtfully.
The sidestory sort of justifies that observation:
Cd is your native RC, and in your opinion the most prolific and sensible of those on this world.
Cd-3 isn't just being patriotic here. Of the species mentioned in the sidestory, 5 were made partly or entirly in Cd:

Cd-Resistant-1-Final 'Halflings'
Cd-Adaptive-1-Final 'Humans
Cd/Zl-Large/Resistant-2 'Sky Titan'
Cd/Zl-Large/Resistant-1 'Island Giant'
Cl-Resistant-1' 'Ogres'

The last one - ogres - isn't credited as being from Cd, but that's because the Cl team are a bunch of lying thieves.
Another 4 species are mentioned (also the Iz have Lizardmen strains but ignore them for now):

Zl-Resistant-1-Final 'Orcs'
Zl Adaptive/Resistant/Obedient-1 (dwarves probably)
Cl/Zl-Adapative/Resistant/Obedient-1 'Goblins'
Qt-Adaptive-1-Final 'Elves'

So Zl is tied with Cd, with 5 species worked on (but two of those are Greenskins). Cl comes second last, with only 2 species developed, and both of them are collaborations/thefts. At the very bottom is the pathetic Qt, who only made the elves.
Qt are the least productive RC
Zl and Cl also got some human samples from Cd, while Qt did not.

No wonder Cython feels there's a greater variety of intelligent species here. They came from the continent of the least prolific team (Qt) to the continents of the most prolific teams, Cd and Zl.
That makes me wonder- who is the most celebrated College wizard alive?

We knew for ages that our rival for 'Greatest Living Dwarf-Friend' was collectively the entirety of Tobaro, but who is the Tobaro of the Colleges?

Is it Elspeth? Melkoth? Does Dragomas hold it by default? Who among the living-and-not-Teclis has the highest College Reputation in the world?

Probably not Melkoth or even Algard or another one of the Greys - the Grey College does tend towards being sneaky often enough that it is unlikely for one to accumulate maximum accolades: although I'd note that Algard should be very well known considering his Screaming Towers are bait for Chaos warbands. The contender would probably be one of the other College heads.

Of them Elspeth is still perhaps a tad too junior to be considered the greatest, Reichtard of the Brights is 'not a risk taker' so it is somewhat unlikely to have gathered all the acclaim, Feldmann is politically savvy but probably not quite as accomplished a wizard to take the crown, Maria Stossel is the wild card of the College heads that didn't get the Supreme Patriarch spot however even she likely falls behind the SP trio: Dragomas, Paranoth and Alric.

Alric is probably a very controversial figure - he'd probably win in notoriety but if we're talking about having a positive reputation: it probably comes down to Paranoth or Dragomas.
Honestly, massive miscasts are also likely to make a wizard famous. My bet is that even after all the battlewizards, Jovi Sunscryer is still the second most famous wizard in eastern and western Stirland.
Honestly, massive miscasts are also likely to make a wizard famous. My bet is that even after all the battlewizards, Jovi Sunscryer is still the second most famous wizard in eastern and western Stirland.
Half of them probably lay that conflagration at the feet of the Dämmerlichtreiter, though.
They say that during the Sylvanian campaign she struck down a Ghoul King with her shadow, burned a quarter of Drakenhof with mystical fire,
And thus it becomes a matter of how sophisticated you are about wizards, to know that not only did the dammerlichter not do the thing but that she couldn't.

Altdorf attitudes in Sylvanian hamlets. ;)
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