How are you so wise in the ways of science?
Assuming you're talking about my Citation no Jutsu, the secret, in all seriousness, is that I have a terrible memory.
(Seriously, it's real bad. I have a million reminders and calendar notes and so on and still forget things. It's to the point where my fiancée actually
believes me when I say I've forgotten something I promised to do, though it probably helps that as part of an atemporal bargain made between my past, present, and future selves I assume the responsibility even if I don't remember making the commitment. I'd be real easy to gaslight, is my point.)
Consequently to this and growing up in the computer age, I've gotten real good at searching things like my chat archives and email using a variety of different phrasings to chase down various things I am trying to bring to mind. This is a transferable skill to quests, especially since SV's search function is really quite good; it does good fuzzy search for variations on a word (e.g. plural or verb forms of a noun) and you can easily drop some useful constraints on it to narrow the field. So the main skill I've developed as a coping mechanism to get through my day-to-day life has the side benefit of being helpful to others in this beloved quest of ours (and winning large amounts of nerd cred, which is always nice); it's always nice when things you acquire for one reason end up being handy for another, more fun reason.
How do we unlock your nerdiest form?
Play in LARPs with me.
(Seriously, though, if you're interested in
theatrical LARPing, especially but not only if you're in the New York City or Boston metropolitan areas, shoot me a PM. Always happy to evangelize my #1 hobby.)
How old is Roswita? 30ish?
Roswita is sixish years younger than Mathilde:
he had a daughter only six years your younger
So with Mathilde about to turn 40, Roswita is somewhere in the neighborhood of 34.
(Unfun fact: Roswita has been Elector-Countess of Stirland for nearly twice as long as her father was. He ruled for seven years, she took office in the middle of 2477, and it's currently the end of 2489, twelve years and sixish months later.)