Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
[X] [SCRIBE] Locals
Will demonstrate the value of literacy to the local population, and will be reasonably loyal and self-sufficient. Reikspiel, Tilean.

I really want the library to be Karak Eight Peaks's library, not Mathilde's library in Karak Eight Peaks.

[X] Max
The entire time you've known Maximilian, he has been pursuing his own goal of true transmutation via magically-enhanced blacksmithing. Check in to see how he's going with that.

Max is a good lad and I want to spend some quality time with him after he's been such a huge help and pulled through for us time and time again. It's been a long time since we socialed him.

[X] Panoramia
In the wake of an apparently quite controversial paper, Panoramia is finally taking her Magisterial exams. Be there to observe the fallout and offer moral support.

If we don't do this she has every right to make us sleep on the sofa for a month.

[X] Brief the Emperor
Though the Waystone Project is in early days, you've had a few early wins and have uncovered some important information about the Waystone Network as it relates to the Empire's security.

We have some results to report and he absolutely needs to know about the Reikland Nexus.

[X] Amber College
Check in on the salamanders.

We're not in as quite a rush for CF anymore, but still good to check this off the list.

[X] Gold College
See what's become of their research into Skaven technology.

I want to know what Skaventech is going to become available over the next few years.

[X] Middenland
See how the Ulricans are going with their new Eonir coreligionists.

@mathymancer makes a good point that we really need to see what this relationship looks like from the other side; we've invested a ton into Eonir diplomacy but nothing into the diplomacy the Empire is already doing with the Eonir.

[X] Skull River Ambush
Look into the investigation of the mining of the Skull River, and any consequences of it.

It's been a couple of RL years and I am interested in finding out what was up with this.

EDIT: Strategic voting:
[X] Thorek
[X] Sylvania
[X] Gretel
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[X] Panoramia
[X] Middenland
[X] Druchii Diplomats
[X] Brief the Emperor
[X] Gold College
[X] Thorek

[x] [SCRIBE] Cult of Scripsisti
[x] [SCRIBE] Cult of Clio
[X] [SCRIBE] Locals
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[X] Panoramia
[X] Gretel
I'm always repping the gorls. Whoever else may come to mind I'll add later I guess.
Then the expert should be in charge because they are the only ones who have the faintest idea what this thing is. Knowing how to defend a fortified position is a far more common skill than 'being aware when someone is messing with the poorly understood ancient arcane technology'. The Elector Count of Reikland is not competent with dealing with things like this (the Colleges or the cult of Rhya proably aren't fully competent either, but they are closer to it) and he certainly isn't competent to name Cousin Wilhelm whose main skill is divesting orcs of their skulls in charge of the place. Yes there might conceivably be a priest with the garrison but

A) There probably won't be two and that is a worrying lack of redundancy in case something happens
B) There is no way to know for sure if the priest will have the standing to overrule the commander if he is about to do something stupid, or if there are signs of infiltration etc...

I would rather the person in charge be the one who has some clue the most dangerous thing present, which is the nexus.

You do realise that I'm not suggesting that we put some random sergeant in the command chair, right? I'm suggesting we hand authority over the nexus to the Elector, because he can fund, equip, and train an army to protect it, and employ specialist mages to operate it.

You don't place the ownership of a nuclear power plant under a guy with a physics PHD, you give it to the government who then employs PHD's and security officers and admin staff to operate it safely. The Elector is literally the government, and has all the resources that entails, so why shouldn't he spend them on protecting the Nexus.

If we put it under the control of the Colleges, where are they going to get the resources and the authority from to build up a garrison from?
[X] [SCRIBE] Locals
[X] Thorek
[X] Panoramia
[X] Sylvania
[X] Brief the Emperor
[X] Amber College

Reasoning as above, I would not really mind either Orphans or one of the outsourcing options, but I think gig is a terrible deal due to not being able to learn more languages.
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[X] [SCRIBE] Locals
[X] Panoramia
[X] Gretel
[X] The Black Water Canal
[X] Druchii Diplomats
[X] Brief the Emperor
[] Write-in: Wilhelmina
I want to see Eike spend some time with her mother now that she's out of the College and apprenticed to Mathilde. Edit: See Boney post below.
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[X] [SCRIBE] Locals
[X] Panoramia
[X] Skull River Ambush
[X] Sylvania
[X] Brief the Emperor
[X] Thorek
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You do realise that I'm not suggesting that we put some random sergeant in the command chair, right? I'm suggesting we hand authority over the nexus to the Elector, because he can fund, equip, and train an army to protect it, and employ specialist mages to operate it.

You don't place the ownership of a nuclear power plant under a guy with a physics PHD, you give it to the government who then employs PHD's and security officers and admin staff to operate it safely. The Elector is literally the government, and has all the resources that entails, so why shouldn't he spend them on protecting the Nexus.

If we put it under the control of the Colleges, where are they going to get the resources and the authority from to build up a garrison from?

A nuclear power plant is a well understood thing that anyone can learn around and interact with freely. This is like if the monolith from 2001 ran a theoretical zero point energy that only certain members of the population can interact with. Probably best to leave that to the scientific organizations that train and manage such sensitives.

The Cult of Rheya has militant members who can protect it and the colleges can have a state troop presence seconded.

I also just do not trust feudal overlords to be consistently competent or sane, I mean look at Albericht. The only real requierment to become Elector of Raikland is to be born to the right parents and not make yourself entirely detested by your vassals to the point where they overthrow you. The Colleges and the cults have more exacting standards than that.
[x] [SCRIBE] Cult of Clio
[x] [SCRIBE] Cult of Scripsisti
[x] Panoramia
[x] Thorek
[x] Brief the Emperor
[x] Amber College
[x] Gold College
Though, Mathilde doesn't have any reason to think that the Printing Press will soon be viable enough to massively expand the book population.

And it might not even be- who says it gets invented at a similar time in-quest?
I'm pretty sure a lot of dwarven books are printed, though not sure if they use movable type or not.
[X] Panoramia
[X] Brief the Emperor
[X] Druchii Diplomats

[X] [SCRIBE] Locals
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[X] [SCRIBE] Cult of Scripsisti

[X] Gold College
[X] Amber College
[X] Sylvania
[X] Brief the Emperor
[X] Panoramia
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[X] [SCRIBE] Cult of Scripsisti
[X] [SCRIBE] Cult of Clio
[X] [SCRIBE] Locals
[X] [SCRIBE] Orphans

Still mulling over the Scribe options, but for now I'll approval vote these. I'll consolidate my choice later.

[X] Panoramia
[X] Brief the Emperor
[X] Amber College
[X] Middenland
[X] Gretel
[X] [SCRIBE] Locals

[X] Max
[X] Thorek
[X] Panoramia
[X] Gretel
[X] The Black Water Canal
[X] Brief the Emperor
[X] Amber College
[X] Gold College
Can we get a social with Wilhelmina? Since Eike is out of the Colleges proper now and they'll both want to spend some time together. (And Wilhelmina will definitely want to know how Eike is doing in Mathilde's care.)

When there's more to report, sure.

I have strong feelings about AoS so I have to mention that portals to anywhere from anywhere popping up whenever convenient isn't actually what happens. All portals are static in location and lead to predictable spots and are well documented with the exception of Chaos hellportals. It's very rare for a portal to appear out of nowhere, and the reason I'm saying this is because the first Campaign for AoS was all about capturing strategic locations in the form of dimensional pathways in static locations and creating fortresses out of them and then cities. Age of Sigmar is an objective capture game, so there is always an objective to capture. They can always make up some random event that inspires a bunch of factions to come fight it out, or make some subsection of an existing faction come crashing in, but random happenstance isn't exactly how things work. There is always a cause and effect.

I don't doubt that the setting as it exists now is a lot more thought out than what I described, there's been a lot of management turnover for the better since then. I'm just citing what people inside the company have said is one of the main problems the old management had with the Warhammer Fantasy setting, and one of the key reasons they felt that AoS would be an improvement.

Do we know of we can start copying the Library of Mournings with our future scribes once they learn Eltharin?

You'd have to negotiate it, but being able to copy the non-magic, non-Cult, non-military parts aren't off the table.
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