I mean I would consider this a win too tbhBoney said Malthitide in character would consider this a win if we had to cancel it for his triumphant return.
I mean I would consider this a win too tbhBoney said Malthitide in character would consider this a win if we had to cancel it for his triumphant return.
And that means they can stomp the empire? I do not get your reasoning.
Hello, I just binged through this quest, love it to death, stealing every bit of metaphysical lore and more besides for my own 2e and 4e games, just one quick question, how on Mallus have we not studied all the secrets of the Liber Mortis? Such a huge risk was taken when we took it and I mean look at this.
[ ] The Second Secret of Dhar teaches how to collapse it upon itself. Practice upon local Dhar taint, and very cautiously see if this works with Warpstone.
If this doesn't sound like a way to disintegrate Morrisleb into the constituent winds of magic eventually, then I've gone mad with dhar taint, and blowing up the moon before the Skaven can only be a good idea.
The gates are closed, but a small door in the base of them is open, and a handful of what must be Hobgoblins shiver and bicker as they crowd around a cooking fire. Physically they look little different from 'normal' Goblins except perhaps a bit taller, but their nature is said to be entirely different, as these are the Goblins that have turned their backs on Gork and Mork, either in favour of Hashut or pure self-interest. East of Kurgan land they're said to control a vast stretch known as the Khanates, and here in the Dark Lands they're possibly the craftiest of those in the service of the Chaos Dwarves.
Not saying much.suggests that those present could be as reasonable as the Druchii are capable of being, since they left the fanatics and the slavers at home.
The Old World also has people who think Sigmar should be the only human god. And others who think Marienburg should be independent. And others who think magic should be outlawed again.and there are those in the Old World who would argue that keeping the Asur distracted is to the Empire's benefit
Ha! No.because it's Ulthuan that's most directly dependent on the integrity of the Great Vortex
Every word from their mouth is manipulative poison.
A slaving pirate, but an affable one at least.
Ever the showman.You take a breath and begin to weave together and tell a suitable yarn on the fly.
She has enough Dhar in her that I am amazed Methilde's belt didn't immolate her.
We have got to find a way of improving Mathilde's mental defences.As Harathi flaunts away, the Sorceress takes a breath, the Winds rippling and a series of dirty looks turning her way as she recentres herself. Dhar blooms and writhes within her she seems to transform without externally changing in any way, her outfit going from ridiculous affectation to a flaunting of her dominance over the elements, the traces of Dark Magic clinging to her going from an elusive whiff of foulness to a sickly-sweet scent that hovers just between cloying and enticing, and the gaze that turns to you is almost fully restored to that familiar look of superiority.
Given the centuries long civil war and continual infighting I find it nigh inconceivable that Bretonnia has killed more Empire citizens that the Empire.For all that Bretonnia did fight alongside the Empire in the Great War Against Chaos, there have been the Third and Fourth Parravon Wars since then. The Third started before the dust had fully settled from the Great War, and the Fourth was recent enough that some of the songs about it are still floating around.
Second Secret-ing Morrslieb would probably destroy the planet. Hell, Second Secret-ing a city like Skavenblight has a decent shot of doing so.Hello, I just binged through this quest, love it to death, stealing every bit of metaphysical lore and more besides for my own 2e and 4e games, just one quick question, how on Mallus have we not studied all the secrets of the Liber Mortis? Such a huge risk was taken when we took it and I mean look at this.
[ ] The Second Secret of Dhar teaches how to collapse it upon itself. Practice upon local Dhar taint, and very cautiously see if this works with Warpstone.
If this doesn't sound like a way to disintegrate Morrisleb into the constituent winds of magic eventually, then I've gone mad with dhar taint, and blowing up the moon before the Skaven can only be a good idea.
This is like the one thing I will feel sympathetic for regarding her.Also, Morathi Quest AP hell is absolutely unreal. Six to seven millennia, jeez. Definitely the take away from this.
Hello, new comrade.Hello, I just binged through this quest, love it to death, stealing every bit of metaphysical lore and more besides for my own 2e and 4e games, just one quick question, how on Mallus have we not studied all the secrets of the Liber Mortis? Such a huge risk was taken when we took it and I mean look at this.
[ ] The Second Secret of Dhar teaches how to collapse it upon itself. Practice upon local Dhar taint, and very cautiously see if this works with Warpstone.
If this doesn't sound like a way to disintegrate Morrisleb into the constituent winds of magic eventually, then I've gone mad with dhar taint, and blowing up the moon before the Skaven can only be a good idea.
There's also the infinitely respawning armies of daemons to consider.Yeah, Ulthuan may be the most dependent on the Vortex, but everyone else in the Old World also needs it, because megatsunamis are only slightly more pleasant than what would happen to Ulthuan should the Vortex fail.
On the other hand, this is legitimately worrying:
The Druchii have direct interest in seeding us flawed information that could blow up our share of the network. And how would we even test that info?
I'm sure Mathilde could think of a way, but she'd be putting her intrigue against people who have honed it for millennia.
Not "Naggaroth". Naggaroth as a polity has no use for the Waystone network. The only Druchii old and knowledgeable enough to maybe know the keyphrases are Morathi and Malekith. Morathi has no interest in improving the Waystone network, but she and Malekith would love to sabotage it because they would like the Vortex to fail. And literally minutes before that offer was made it was mentioned that Morathi deliberately gives false magical knowledge to her students.But, come on. We've just heard that we can't connect new Waystones to the network without secrets that Ulthuan won't give us... but that Naggaroth have. And they arrive literally the turn after, offering magical knowledge.
Those are secrets that could literally push back Chaos. We can't dismiss the possibility out of hand, not when the stakes are this high.
I was going to talk about how everyone would get swamped in excess magic (and daemons) if they couldn't figure out how to replicate something like Kislev's network in time, but then I figured that the megatsunamis were a much more imminent concern.There's also the infinitely respawning armies of daemons to consider.
I feel like people often forget about the infinitely respawning armies of daemons.
I think you are perhaps overestimating what the people in favour of dealing with the Druuchi would be willing to give them. Given that no one actually wants a real alliance with them, buying Waystone knowledge with some other magical lore or strange gribblies isn't going to seriously empower the Druuchi.I believe in the Waystone Project, very much so, but on the other end of the scales are the empowerment of a horrifying nation (because make no doubt, even simple trade is empowerment) and potentially even worse. I believe there is a point where it might not be worth it to save the world, and Druchii dominance, or Druchii evil equivalent dominance of the world is that point, and though I doubt this will be the push that sees Naggaroth win it's millennia old war and move on to the rest of the world, empowering them even a little is increasing the likelihood of such an event coming to pass. And this is ignoring the effects opening relations may have on the Empire, and Mathilde herself. What's saving the world worth?
Long term? I thought the plan was to show off our new BFF to the High Elves to make them bribe us to remove DE influence. It was a pretty short term plan. And given that as you point out elsewhere, the unbroken line of rulers for the DE over millenia, means human long term probably starts somewhere in the elven mid term.I was talking about the long run, in any wide scale trade bwetween the Empire and the Dark Elves 'these guys' are thoroughly irrelevant. The base assumption that cost benefit analyses can stand in for morality does not stand up to scrutiny and historical comparison.
Long term? I thought the plan was to show off our new BFF to the High Elves to make them bribe us to remove DE influence.
I don't know I'd agree that widescale trade between the Empire and DE is irrellevant, but I would agree that they're a teritary partner after the dwarves and other neighbouring human state. This is why I think the dangers of Dark Elf trade are greatly exaggerated. They just aren't going to be replacing anything crucial the empire already has and can be cut off relatively easily.
And it was you that brought up cost benefit analyses. I was just pointing out where your logic was flawed.
I mean yeah, it could be a trap. But Mathilde obviously won't trust them on their word alone, and she has plenty of very talented people to help, including people just as old as Morathi. They won't just use the phrases on Waystones and go pikachu faced when it explodes.Not "Naggaroth". Naggaroth as a polity has no use for the Waystone network. The only Druchii old and knowledgeable enough to maybe know the keyphrases are Morathi and Malekith. Morathi has no interest in improving the Waystone network, but she and Malekith would love to sabotage it because they would like the Vortex to fail. And literally minutes before that offer was made it was mentioned that Morathi deliberately gives false magical knowledge to her students.
So yes, we can and should dismiss the possibility out of hand, exactly because the stakes are so high. You don't invite the famousely duplicitous president of the Dhar fanclub to the Dhar elimination project.
It's not actively wielding Dhar, it's actively destroying dhar.We got plenty from the Liber Mortis, no need to start actively wielding Dhar.
Okay that's a very very good point. But I still say small scale destruction of warpstone and dhar would be a good idea.Boney has stated repeatedly, upon suggesting many ideas, good and terrible, that we should 'try it and find out'. However, for this specific idea he has gone on record as saying 'try it and... actually, no, dont, i dont want to start a new quest anytime soon.'
I read that the other way around; they told people about the Project (and hence Mathilde indirectly interested the Druchii because it's her project) but not that they were working with humans (which would have meant Mathilde directly interested the Druchii, because she's one of said humans)No, she didn't:
She hasn't told either party about the Project, she's just reached out to them at all because the Eonir are working with humans, on what happens to be the Waystone Project.
Typical portrayals of Teclis among the Elves tend to ahve him as being deeply bitter about his status as a cripple, and empathising with huamns because the Elves used look down on him too before he 1v1'd Malekith. I don't remember many portrayals of Teclis as a happy person tbh.All this talk about Teclis got me thinking about how interesting Boney's take on the character would be. What sort of person has the founder of the Empire Magic system become in the centuries since his departure? Has he grown bitter? Softer? Has his time among the elves pulled him closer to them, or further away? Has he wanted to come back? Does he feel guilty that he didn't?
Acarier than that, I'm pretty sure that was an amusement, not an actual plot.This is a very good point. We just had what seems to have been a six to seven millenia long plot of Morathi's unveiled right in front of us, and while I'm sure plenty have also seen through it in that time, that it's still around shows the Druchii reputation for duplicity and treachery being second perhaps only to the Skaven is very much well deserved.
There might be some sort of solution for meagtsunamis (even if that solution is abadon everything within a mile or so of the coast). There's no solution for infinity daemons.I was going to talk about how everyone would get swamped in excess magic (and daemons) if they couldn't figure out how to replicate something like Kislev's network in time, but then I figured that the megatsunamis were a much more imminent concern.
I guess they might undercut prices for raw resources which could, theoretically and over a pretty long timescale result in problems with losing that trade.They just aren't going to be replacing anything crucial the empire already has and can be cut off relatively easily.
It's not actively wielding Dhar, it's actively destroying dhar.