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Again, probably will take years. As in more then 4 update cycles. The only thing we could do right now is tributaries but that's just ambient stuff...
Well, we'll see where we are at that moment and let the thread choose.

Édit: I'd still enjoy doing the WP more, I like the cast and to explore the Eonir more.
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The elfcation is 99 in-game days. At 8 days a week, that's ~13 weeks. That's roughly the same amount of time we spent on the Terror in Talabecheim and Unrest in Ostermark adventures combined.
Both Ranald and Manaan are worshipped in Sartosa. It's dual ownership over piracy. Sartosa is also one of the places that openly worship Stormfels, so I assume Manaan and Stormfels are the same for them. We know that is largely the case and that Stormfels being discarded was largely a political move by the modern Cult of Manaan to create a more positive image.
I'm solidly with K on the Elfcation. It's a big commitment both in and out of character, and I'd much rather leave it near the tail end of the project.

Then again, I wrote an entire omake on what I think would be some great preparations on it to not just do well but really shine there. I'm a bit biased.
I am curious what it would involve.

Would we just be fighting Corsairs in Nagarythe? It at least seems like the case given that Daroir only mentioned fighting in Nagarythe itself.
I am curious what it would involve.

Would we just be fighting Corsairs in Nagarythe? It at least seems like the case given that Daroir only mentioned fighting in Nagarythe itself.
Either that or we join them on raids on Naggarothian soil, but if that's the case, it's not going to be anything major. Skirmishes are constantly happening around the Arnheim area, and the trip there and back is likely to be somewhat lengthy, so I doubt we'll be doing much of that if any.

I highly doubt something as ridiculous as Alith Anar popping up and launching a large scale invasion on a major Druchii city where we get involved in it is going to happen, although if this was a Gotrek and Felix novel that's probably what would happen.
Either that or we join them on raids on Naggarothian soil, but if that's the case, it's not going to be anything major. Skirmishes are constantly happening around the Arnheim area, and the trip there and back is likely to be somewhat lengthy, so I doubt we'll be doing much of that if any.

I highly doubt something as ridiculous as Alith Anar popping up and launching a large scale invasion on a major Druchii city where we get involved in it is going to happen, although if this was a Gotrek and Felix novel that's probably what would happen.
Just watch, the dice might have heard you.
I actually don't want to finish the sword style before we go on the Elfcation - I'd like to incorporate some lessons from Nagarythe into the "final draft" of Branarhune.

I also don't see binding apparitions as necessary, for that matter - I think Mathilde with her current skills and equipment is largely set on the combat front. Most of the prep I'd like to see is more along the lines of picking up relevant diplomacy skills and improving our Scouting.
I actually don't want to finish the sword style before we go on the Elfcation - I'd like to incorporate some lessons from Nagarythe into the "final draft" of Branarhune.

I also don't see binding apparitions as necessary, for that matter - I think Mathilde with her current skills and equipment is largely set on the combat front. Most of the prep I'd like to see is more along the lines of picking up relevant diplomacy skills and improving our Scouting.
I still want some battle wizard spells, we are a bit underarmed with damage spells i feel.
I'm not exactly sure if this was officially announced at any point or not, but Black Library's doing something. I've noticed that over the past year they've been bundling up a lot of books into larger omnibusses as re-releases, but apparently, either most of or all of Warhammer Fantasy's novels are available in E-Book format currently.

It's 200+ entries, and I don't know what to look for, so maybe there's some missing books. But even the Witch Hunter's Handbook was rereleased recently and that book's pretty old and includes some stuff that's long been retconned I think.
I'm not exactly sure if this was officially announced at any point or not, but Black Library's doing something. I've noticed that over the past year they've been bundling up a lot of books into larger omnibusses as re-releases, but apparently, either most of or all of Warhammer Fantasy's novels are available in E-Book format currently.

It's 200+ entries, and I don't know what to look for, so maybe there's some missing books. But even the Witch Hunter's Handbook was rereleased recently and that book's pretty old and includes some stuff that's long been retconned I think.
If we're discussing news, Cubicle 7 released the new Sea of Claws sourcebook as a pdf.

(My understanding is that the next one is Lustria)
I'm not exactly sure if this was officially announced at any point or not, but Black Library's doing something. I've noticed that over the past year they've been bundling up a lot of books into larger omnibusses as re-releases, but apparently, either most of or all of Warhammer Fantasy's novels are available in E-Book format currently.

It's 200+ entries, and I don't know what to look for, so maybe there's some missing books. But even the Witch Hunter's Handbook was rereleased recently and that book's pretty old and includes some stuff that's long been retconned I think.
Game workshop is just trying to off load it's dependence on storage sites for its books. A lot of publishers are currently doing this.

Having everything digital and only printing on demand is cheaper then having to store actual books until someone wants it. So they have being digitalising everything in the boxes, and once the back log of old copy's of old books (Witch Hunter's Handbook as an example) is gone, they can stop paying for the storage.
Game workshop is just trying to off load it's dependence on storage sites for its books. A lot of publishers are currently doing this.

Having everything digital and only printing on demand is cheaper then having to store actual books until someone wants it. So they have being digitalising everything in the boxes, and once the back log of old copy's of old books (Witch Hunter's Handbook as an example) is gone, they can stop paying for the storage.
I'm surprised they're storing anything. I assume GW just throw their books into the void when they decommission their stuff. It certainly feels like it. Sometimes you miss a release by a year or two and then bam, you can't get it anywhere except secondhand on E-Bay. I'm still trying to get my hands on Broken Realms Teclis, which released like a year or two ago. It's the only Broken Realms book I don't have... access to. I don't think it's ever going to be restocked and no place I've gone to has it in stock.
Reminder that the invitation to train with the shadow elves was given to Magister Weber.
It wasn't an invitation to train, it was an invitation to participate in war alongside them. It's not learning new assassination techniques or magic spells or arcane theory. The elfcation is 99 days of war.

If we want to go on the elfcation, first we need to ask why we want to spend 99 days fighting dark elves instead of doing something else. Do we want loot? Prestige? To simply kill dark elves? To help Nagarythe? Whatever the motive, the elfcation must be seen as a campaign, not as a school.
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