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Well. I should say- kind of felt that that longer earlier post- while informative, and thanks for the honest efforts you out in- was full of trigger warnings for me. :) Priests 'above' people. :rage:
Maybe what this is actually saying is organised religion is terrible, and people should in fact be free to mediate their own relationship with the higher power of their choice. Or not!
And that is very true. I certainly don't believe priests are above people.

I was trying to explain from the institutional standpoint of priests. If you have an honest and deep connection with the divine then more power to you. At that point the need for priests has largely been subsumed by your strength of faith.

Religion is a very messy topic so I tried to be analytical and remove any of my own emotions regarding it. I am sincerely sorry if my attempts have only made things worse.
The main point is that you can't be unknowingly acknowledged as a priest. There are rituals you have to go and those rituals don't happen by accident. You have to chose to be a priest. You have to go through the steps. This is true for almost every religion realistic or not. There are established ordination rituals for Ranald. Since Mathilde has not purposefully gone through them Mathilde can't be a priest.

And, as part of my silly just-for-fun speculation, why not an exception where others recognize and acknowledge Mathilde as a priest without Mathilde herself knowing? It's the kind of prank I'd expect of an exception-friendly and insritution-hostile religion like the cult of Ranald.
On appropriate staff materials, going by Ulgu themes you're probably looking at silver and steel, I'm not sure if wood would be significantly better symbolically, theres a number of woods I might see a relation to Ulgu with, but those are usually kind of a bitch to get a long, strong piece either, since they're usually flexible or twisty woods like Willow.

But on another point, what about shape? The classic long straight design seems rather contrary to Ulgu's themes of deception and ambiguity. Something curved would be good, but not grossly, just a sinous wiggle shape.

At which point I realized I was discussing a silver-steel flamberge.
A) A silvered steel flamberge would be awesome.
B) I guess the most Ulgu weapon would be a mecha-shift thing, like from RWBY, or maybe like, posion gas? I can't imagine ulgu generally is drawn to most weapons, they're too real.

I'm pretty sure BoneyM told us that no, enchanting a runed item is impossible, and we even had a dicussion on whether we want a runed or enchanted greatsword (sometime shortly before or in the beginning of this dwarfwenture, I beleive) but I don't have the time to hunt the quote right now.
If you can get the time, I would love to find that. I had a quick poke around but didn't find anything.
I am a bit confused. Why do some people say the expedition is nearing its end? Was the purpose not reclaiming the entirety of the Eight Peaks? We only have two, Karag Nar and Karag Lhune
The expedition was never meant to reconquer the whole place.
It was meant to establish a foothold or try to for a set amount of time.
The expectation is that the reconquest will take years or generations, with lots of back and forth.

The expedition has actually been wildly successful. Certainly far past any hopes.
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I am a bit confused. Why do some people say the expedition is nearing its end? Was the purpose not reclaiming the entirety of the Eight Peaks? We only have two, Karag Nar and Karag Lhune
People are saying the Expedition will near it's end because the Expedition will be officially complete after capturing the Citadel, which we'll soon do. Prospalz answered the rest of it above.
I am a bit confused. Why do some people say the expedition is nearing its end? Was the purpose not reclaiming the entirety of the Eight Peaks? We only have two, Karag Nar and Karag Lhune
The goal of the expedition was to set up a secure foothold into Karak Eight Peaks from which the dwarves could fortify and slowly use to conquer the rest. We just happened to succeed really, really well and managed to grab two peaks and several side goals in the first push.
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The trick, now, for this expedition is to secure what has been taken against assaults from Greenskins and Skaven. Which is why the Citadel is so important to take as it will give us a fortified position to protect the Eastern Valley from. With the Eastern Valley becoming the source of the Hold's food, the expedition needs to prevent raiding from destroying the growing agriculture.

That it will also allow for uncontested fire over the Caldera is a very nice bonus as it enables the Hold to keep an eye on Greenskin activity as well as judicially lower the number of Greenskins in the area.
In a setting with an active, constant divine presence, all it takes is one suitable divine omen.

I think you are conflating relationship with/favor of your god (a matter of faith) and a position of priest (a matter of organized religion). You can be a Saint/Prophet/Chosen One without being a priest. Divine omen makes you first, training and ordaining makes you second. Many real-life saints weren't priests. If you want an example from Warhammer - Magnus the Pious had several divine omens associated with him (like passing through the flame of Ulric unscathed) and there is a movement for his canonization, but he wasn't any kind of priest.
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And, as part of my silly just-for-fun speculation, why not an exception where others recognize and acknowledge Mathilde as a priest without Mathilde herself knowing? It's the kind of prank I'd expect of an exception-friendly and insritution-hostile religion like the cult of Ranald.
So this brings up the question of free will. Some religions are fine with people being forced through religious ordinations as other priests recognize something priestly about the person. Raland though seems pretty big on free will with his whole protect the weak part. So I don't think something like this can happen.
GASP! Maximilian you say! Clearly, since every character has a unique first name, this Maximilian fellow is the same person who is pretending to be a Gold wizard! He is either a fellow who can channel two winds of magic at once or a Hierophant of the Light Order who is lying about who he is! Do you know the last hierophant of the light order to lie about his origins was? Egrimm von Horstmann! Either way, as a paranoid member of the Grey Order, we must investigate this matter!
I think @ctulhuslp was arguing for just getting a regular greataxe, and turning the shaft into a staff, rather than a staff that pops out into a greataxe. Also, greataxe and halberd are different, halberds give +1S while great weapons give +2S at the cost of -2I.

And what do you mean by a grounding rod? Are you talking about what 8th calls an earthing rod, a bit of magical kit that allows you to reroll on the miscast table?
I did mean earthing rod.

Pop out staff weapons were definitely mentioned including halberds.

We're not using the Warhammer system except for the magical effects tables so I'm not really interested in the stats in that system. I'm more trying to apply what I know about the actual weapons to Mathilde's capabilities and needs. E.g. Halberds hit harder than greataxes (and much harder than greatswords) have longer reach and more options but the length makes them heavier, less nimble, less convenient and much more restricted by tight spaces.

A spear is the pole weapon for Mathilde. It's light, it's mobile - important for someone who often fights outside a unit where they will have to keep changing facing and generally moving, the thrust-centric use won't catch on the sword on her back, and a spear is an excellent weapon to use mounted (though there's not much extra power in a couched lance charge without the mass of a real horse to back it up).

Likewise, even if the stats are the same, a greatsword makes more sense than a greataxe for her. Smol and a swinging weapon with the mass at the far end of a long shaft do not go together. Also reach is big and clever; -2I my arse.

edit: her current greatsword is a flamerge or at least the one Marcus gave her was, I'm not sure if she got it back after Drakenhof. It'll be a really good one too - the gift of a chief Greatsword to a high status individual when that Greatsword is a master in the weapon and her personal instructor is going to be a weapon that fits her.
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[X] Fire
[X] Projectiles
[X] Shadow

Just looked through the past few pages, saw nothing indicating an official end to voting.

EDIT: And I agree with the spear-staff combination, if we do want to commission a secondary weapon this wouldn't be a bad one. Plus, how many people inquests have Spears as any of their weapons specialties?
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So this brings up the question of free will. Some religions are fine with people being forced through religious ordinations as other priests recognize something priestly about the person. Raland though seems pretty big on free will with his whole protect the weak part. So I don't think something like this can happen.
Tbh, if Ranald was to make Mathilde a priest without telling her, it seems entirely likely he'd eventually let her in on the joke and choose whether to continue or not.

GASP! Maximilian you say! Clearly, since every character has a unique first name, this Maximilian fellow is the same person who is pretending to be a Gold wizard! He is either a fellow who can channel two winds of magic at once or a Hierophant of the Light Order who is lying about who he is! Do you know the last hierophant of the light order to lie about his origins was? Egrimm von Horstmann! Either way, as a paranoid member of the Grey Order, we must investigate this matter!
Absolutely! And while we're at it, we should investigate everyone else who has a name similar to anyone else!

I did mean earthing rod.

Pop out staff weapons were definitely mentioned including halberds.

We're not using the Warhammer system except for the magical effects tables so I'm not really interested in the stats in that system. I'm more trying to apply what I know about the actual weapons to Mathilde's capabilities and needs. E.g. Halberds hit harder than greataxes (and much harder than greatswords) have longer reach and more options but the length makes them heavier, less nimble, less convenient and much more restricted by tight spaces.

A spear is the pole weapon for Mathilde. It's light, it's mobile - important for someone who often fights outside a unit where they will have to keep changing facing and generally moving, the thrust-centric use won't catch on the sword on her back, and a spear is an excellent weapon to use mounted (though there's not much point in a couched lance charge without the mass of a real horse to back it up).

Likewise, even if the stats are the same, a greatsword makes more sense than a greataxe for her. Smol and a swinging weapon with the mass at the far end of a long shaft do not go together. Also reach is big and clever; -2I my arse.

edit: her current greatsword is a flamerge or at least the one Marcus gave her was, I'm not sure if she got it back after Drakenhof. It'll be a really good one too - the gift of a chief Greatsword to a high status individual when that Greatsword is a master in the weapon and her personal instructor is going to be a weapon that fits her.
Pop out weapons were mentioned, as were large weapons such as halberds, I just don't remember anyone saying we should have both in a single package.

I suspect our combat is not so divorced from the Tabletop. We have a consistently updated WHFB stat sheet after all. Also, I was always under the impression that halberds don't really hit harder, but that the extra range they give is generally better than a greatsword or axe, at least when you're in formation, because a halberd isn't really a good weapon for a duel. Too long to be maneuvered easily, so if an opponent gets past the stabby bit at the end, there's not really much you can do to them with it.

A spear does make some degree of sense, but I'm not sure how easily we could get training to use such. It's not like we just want the basic 'stand like this and jab with everyone else' sort of thing that made spearmen militia so easy to train, preferably, we want to be able to fight a duel with whatever weapon we have.

Couldn't comment on that. And initiative in WHFB generally seems to represent how fast you can move your weapon, because combat is pretty abstracted. Range doesn't really come into it, except with supporting attacks. Greatweapons take longer to move because they're all big heavy bits of metal that require swings. Or at least, I can't think of one that isn't.

Yeah, I assume her sword is pretty nice. The question is would it be easier to enchant her sword to do the magic thing, or learn a new weapon. I believe it would be the former, but the latter isn't completely without merit. Although, if we pick up a second weapon my preference would probably be for something like a shortsword, or maybe a dagger. An actual secondary weapon, not another one to replace the use of our greatsword completely.
I'd rather just focus on Advanced Greatsword for a bit, tbh. It is all that we need to get Weapon Skill 5, IIRC, which would be a fairly major upgrade against vast majority of opponents.

Nvm we kind of invested a lot into it already. Took like... Four actions to get it at the point it is now?
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We're not using the Warhammer system except for the magical effects tables so I'm not really interested in the stats in that system. I'm more trying to apply what I know about the actual weapons to Mathilde's capabilities and needs. E.g. Halberds hit harder than greataxes (and much harder than greatswords) have longer reach and more options but the length makes them heavier, less nimble, less convenient and much more restricted by tight spaces.
Halberds can be very different. Infantry halberds are all that: long, heavy, unwieldy and restricted by tight spaces. They are tailored to unit operations. Dueling halberds used by foot knights were small, agile and very versatile. A bit heavier than a spear, and a lot more expensive, but otherwise superior to it.
Halberds can be very different. Infantry halberds are all that: long, heavy, unwieldy and restricted by tight spaces. They are tailored to unit operations. Dueling halberds used by foot knights were small, agile and very versatile. A bit heavier than a spear, and a lot more expensive, but otherwise superior to it.
I'll be honest, the description you gave just made me think of poleaxes.
Question didn't Boney say that enchanting a greatsword or similar metal weapon with +1 magic to be really hard for Ulgu as opposed to making a staff from wood more inclined to the wind?
Question didn't Boney say that enchanting a greatsword or similar metal weapon with +1 magic to be really hard for Ulgu as opposed to making a staff from wood more inclined to the wind?
He said it would be harder, yeah. Apparently woods are just better at being used for that sort of thing.

That said, staves are easiest. Pick the right wood and your job is half done already, whereas it's hard to find a metal that plays nice with a wind that isn't Chamon.
Question didn't Boney say that enchanting a greatsword or similar metal weapon with +1 magic to be really hard for Ulgu as opposed to making a staff from wood more inclined to the wind?
I think we need the material of the object to be attuned to our wind. That's easier with different types of woods, where most of the work is already done for us. With metal we'd have to do more research to find something attuned to Ulgu.
I read somewhere here that the gods mould the winds of magic and give it to their followers for divine magic. Is there a source for that?
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