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It literally kept an entire peak free of infestation. I would not say thats not practically applicable, it just might be way too high cost for what it is.

Huh, that does remind me of designer cars actually.

In the real world, there is this thing called designer cars. Basically it's a car where engineers were given permission to stuff it with every single possible gadget and idea they could.

Creating this "futuristic" car, that has an ice machine, wireless driving, giant tv and so forth. It also costs several millions and there's no way it could be mass produced on an affordable scale.

But what it does, is that enginners can take a look at the designed car, see what works and what doesn't, ala the cold from the ice machine makes it so the gps system starts malfunctioning.

Using that knowledge, they'll adjust changes to the mass produced car types. This is how gps, and so on were slowly added to cars. Through concept and testing with designer cars.

BOK, could be a "designer" car for what happens if you try to combind elven and dwarven craftsman ship, and evidently fhat seems to have worked, but just like designer cars it's normally way to expensive to produce on a larger scale.

But what it would allow, is dwarven and elven to see how something reacts with more then 3 runes, and how to replicate that on smaller and weaker materials.

BOK might not be doing much because of that. The creators at the time had what was an untested golem, and dwarves are always rigorous about testing, so BOK isn't doing much till they've established the baseline rules.

Given how radical this concept would be. It Might been centuries of just testing..but well, war of vengance.
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Huh, that does remind me of designer cars actually.

In the real world, there is this thing called designer cars. Basically it's a car where engineers were given permission to stuff it with every single possible gadget and idea they could.

Creating this "futuristic" car, that has an ice machine, wireless driving, giant tv and so forth. It also costs several millions and there's no way it could be mass produced on an affordable scale.

But what it does, is that enginners can take a look at the designed car, see what works and what doesn't, ala the cold from the ice machine makes it so the gps system starts malfunctioning.

Using that knowledge, they'll adjust changes to the mass produced car types. This is how gps, and so on were slowly added to cars. Through concept and testing with designer cars.

BOK, could be a "designer" car for what happens if you try to combind elven and dwarven craftsman ship, and evidently fhat seems to have worked, but just like designer cars it's normally way to expensive to produce on a larger scale.

But what it would allow, is dwarven and elven to see how something reacts with more then 3 runes, and how to replicate that on smaller and weaker materials.

BOK might not be doing much because of that. The creators at the time had what was an untested golem, and dwarves are always rigorous about testing, so BOK isn't doing much till they've established the baseline runes.

Given how radical this concept would be. It Might been centuries of just testing..but well, war of vengance.
Exactly this, its a super prototype intended to demonstrate that the idea works, excelling all materials, but you couldn't use it because its tied to a specific facility and purpose.

Imagine building a fully autonomous robot warrior that could exclusively operate on a custom built charging platform, built at a location never expected to see battle, and well, you already built it to prove the idea works. So you dress it up and have it greet visitors.
Huh, that does remind me of designer cars actually.

In the real world, there is this thing called designer cars. Basically it's a car where engineers were given permission to stuff it with every single possible gadget and idea they could.

Creating this "futuristic" car, that has an ice machine, wireless driving, giant tv and so forth. It also costs several millions and there's no way it could be mass produced on an affordable scale.

But what it does, is that enginners can take a look at the designed car, see what works and what doesn't, ala the cold from the ice machine makes it so the gps system starts malfunctioning.

Using that knowledge, they'll adjust changes to the mass produced car types. This is how gps, and so on were slowly added to cars. Through concept and testing with designer cars.

BOK, could be a "designer" car for what happens if you try to combind elven and dwarven craftsman ship, and evidently fhat seems to have worked, but just like designer cars it's normally way to expensive to produce on a larger scale.

But what it would allow, is dwarven and elven to see how something reacts with more then 3 runes, and how to replicate that on smaller and weaker materials.

BOK might not be doing much because of that. The creators at the time had what was an untested golem, and dwarves are always rigorous about testing, so BOK isn't doing much till they've established the baseline rules.

Given how radical this concept would be. It Might been centuries of just testing..but well, war of vengance.
so what you're saying is Bok is the dwarven equivalent of a "pimp my ride" vehicle
I think it might also be a base that whatever Bok is literally cannot work outside the giant ring of Waystones that is K8P. We know that traditional Gontri Duraz no longer work because they cannot be powered, so it would make sense that the only functional Golem-like entity is basically leashed to one of the biggest nexuses of magical power in the Old World.
All in all I think we can do better than slapping an Orb on things and calling it good. I am still partial to trying to grow power-stones in specific patterns. We know that the arrangement of stones matters in magic, that is how arrays work so shape might be able to do something interesting. For the amount of crystallized Ulgu that makes a Orb we could be able to get quite a lot shaped or written. Imagine if we could write something in Crystal Mist across say our new armor?

I considered growing a powerstone into the shape of a rune of Ulgu a long while back. Possibly using moulds made of obsidian (as it blocks magic).

In the unlikely event that this is possible, it might be something where knowledge of Aonoquean and Arcane Khazalid would be useful to fully exploit.

It would be an interesting way of making enchantments, possibly including multi-Wind ones, by literally writing out the runic text that defines the effect in solidified magic.

I recall that the difficulty of enchantment was related to binding the Winds to a physical object when they 'want' to blow freely. If the magic is already solidified that might be less of a problem

Even more ambitiously, you could potentially make modular magic items by building lots of powerstones into Aonoquean runes and then assembling them to spell out the desired results effect. You'd need a lot of powerstones though.
My apologies, I could have sworn these were sapient but It seems I am very probably wrong about that?
Their limbs are arms with tiny hands on the end, with fingers equipped with suckers.

Thank the gods and Boney, the We just look like regular spiders, just larger.

I think that's 4e lore. IIRC in Divided Loyalties, the Light College only has one orb of sorcery and so only one Luminark.
That's not stated anywhere.
I think that's 4e lore. IIRC in Divided Loyalties, the Light College only has one orb of sorcery and so only one Luminark.
Boney has said that Multiple powerstones can replace an orb of sorcery, so it's likely that the light college has made multiple luminarks, one powered by the orb of sorcery, and the others powered by arrays of powerstones.
Boney has said that Multiple powerstones can replace an orb of sorcery, so it's likely that the light college has made multiple luminarks, one powered by the orb of sorcery, and the others powered by arrays of powerstones.
Except that the idea that each college has only one Orb is a misconception, directly contradicted by canon, so even without that ability colleges would have multiple.
Dryad-butt and Orb staff for Eike?

Putting aside whether or not it's a good idea to gift our Apprentice an Orb of Sorcery staff...

I think it was mentioned that Dryadbutt would be better for control and precision, not so much power?

I'd be worried that it wouldn't be able to handle the Orb.
Don't worry, considering what we know about the proclivities of elves, i am sure someone who was in contact with them for millenias will have a butt able to handle an orb of sorcery.

I love double entendre.
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Except that the idea that each college has only one Orb is a misconception, directly contradicted by canon, so even without that ability colleges would have multiple.
I'm pretty sure quest canon is that the Colleges only have one set of Orbs. (Also, IIRC it used to be implied that there was only one set in older canon lore.)
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Yeah, searching old discussion > bothering boney for something, because we've had this discussion before. (Applies to almost all discussions here)
I suspect the reason Boney hasn't stated the exact number of Orbs of Sorcery is so that he doesn't end up pinned down to a specific number until the actual narrative requires him to—and then he would be able to determine how many they actually have.
I suspect the reason Boney hasn't stated the exact number of Orbs of Sorcery is so that he doesn't end up pinned down to a specific number until the actual narrative requires him to—and then he would be able to determine how many they actually have.
True, but this isn't about exact number. It's about whether that number is more then 1.
Hm. What does everyone think about either writing down Rite Of Way for our colleagues, or developing a new spell (either managing to nail down the shadow dagger/sword or making a fog full of shadow dagger/tentacles which kill things inside the fog)? Magic improves by using it and pushing your limits, and Mathilde is at the level where she needs to use some battle magic to push her limits.

Another avenue would be to finally do the long neglected option of trying to see through the pall of darkness, since it might improve our mage sight, and we probably want that for both the Waystone project and finding a new way to generate AV. And, it just kinda comes up a lot.
What does everyone think about either writing down Rite Of Way for our colleagues
It's certainly a possible option, but I'm pretty sure codifying RoW would involve more than just writing it down. We don't have a ton to go off of for how much it'd take, but I imagine if we roll poorly it could take several AP to get it to a state others can cast it, or might not even be able to get it to that state.
Another avenue would be to finally do the long neglected option of trying to see through the pall of darkness, since it might improve our mage sight, and we probably want that for both the Waystone project and finding a new way to generate AV. And, it just kinda comes up a lot.
I want to take that option with Eike. As our most impressionable duckling, it's important that she develops an acute windsight.
So I'll try and start right now to make my point that we should involve ourselves in the Nordland/Laurelorn simmering tensions. Here are a few reasons :
  • Nordland's simmering ressentement could end up blindsiding us and the Waystone project,
  • We are putting the Nordland hedgewise in a pretty touchy situation by having them work for us in Laurelorn, if the EC of Nordland finds out this can get nasty,
  • Solving the situation would be profitable with potentially the Eonir, Nordland and/or the Empire owing us a favor of some degree for solving the situation,
  • Solving the situation can be argued to be part of the Grey College's duty,
  • The current tensions are high enough that the Eonir don't allow us to access the most juicy parts of their library,
  • We have an habit of just solving the biggest problems our bosses encounter and this is probably one of the biggest headache our current employer is facing,
  • Potential Protector shenanigans, it's been a while!
As part of the Empire's intelligence appartus with access to the highest levers of power we are perfectly placed to find a mutually beneficial solution with our Xeno-diplo trait and immersion in Eonir culture giving us a better insight on the situation than pretty much any other imperial. We have every reason to try and solve the issue and we have plenty of political and economical capital that we can invest in solving the situation.
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