Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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One thing to note is that the Greenskins holding the Citadel will not allow any of those in Goblin Town to approach the citadel, so unless our attack going on at that exact moment they probably can't flee the safety of the Citadel.
Literally space magic. The orks are a magitech bioweapon made by the old ones to act as a self-contained self-maintaining army, much as they are in 40k.
This isn't correct. For starters, orks with a 'k' are 40k, while in Fantasy it's orcs with a 'c'. The orcs, the Fantasy ones, were not created by the Old Ones. The Old Ones created the lizardmen, then the elves, followed by the dwarves, humans, halflings, and finally the ogres, but not the orcs. The orcs, like dragons, were natives of Mallus before the Old Ones ever stepped foot on the planet. In fact, they were one of the species the Old Ones slated for extermination, but never managed to fully carry out on account of their being orcs.
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[X] Plan Infighting first, Inflaming later
-[X] Attempt to rile up tensions first, start fires later. Provoke fighting, then move on to starting fires, near the Citadel entrance, which is the signal for incindiary bombardment.
-[X] then fall back to the Citadel, make contact with friendlies, and help hold the passage.

Black lotus poison and bewilder and Doppelganger and suchlike to start fights?
What problems do people see with weaponising the Citadel's shadow.

It seems like an amazing opportunity to exploit what's normally a niche spell.

A fire is both much more limited and much riskier to start, a setting fires in multiple places at once is very hard.
It might be a fallback step, of concentrated waves of reinforcements are swarming to the Citadel after all.
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Can we convert the bulk of our gambling 'victories' into organizational funds? Tithe the standard 1/10 to Ranald [maybe use it to set up a gambling house in Karag Nar as a church to him], give a small bonus to our journeymanlings, look into building a college chapter house in the area, and use the remainder for developing our subordinates like setting up a smithy for Maximilian/importing plants for Panormia/etc.?
The fire will quite possibly spread very quickly, amongst wall to wall shanty hovels.
We could try to start it near the Citadel, and have that be the signal for incindary bombardment to start fires elsewhere in the Caldera, and then the attack to commence.
Yeah, wall-to-wall slum+prevailing winds+no organized action is the kind of thing that produced the Great Fire of London. Adding incendiary bombardment to that...

That's not possible, grobi-town goes up to the Citadel save for the main avenue. It's basically one big target, not two possible targets (grobi town and space between it and caldera)
Grobi-town might go all the way there, but we can still start fires that cut off the bulk of the goblins from the Citadel.
Seconding this plan. Perhaps we might consider how the two Gold Journeymanlings can contribute, to the plan Light Everything on Fire? @DarkLight140 , perhaps you might want to consider building up the Write-in votes with the various clarifying suggestions offered, such as starting the fire near the citadel first?
I do like this, but can we make sure to set the fires between the Citadel and Grobitown first?
Okay, guys, I have edited in this ONE point, but to be honest I probably shouldn't have. @BoneyM made clear a long time ago that this quest operates on key principles of "Mathilde is not an idiot and will optimize plans on her own" and "If you micromanage votes with a dozen subvotes that are all basically saying 'don't fuck this up, here's how', you annoy the GM, so don't." Almost everything important about the plan is right there in the plan name.

I'm not going to edit it further unless someone has a serious, critical problem with its core functionality that a change to the subvotes will correct, rather than a simple optimization idea.
Okay, guys, I have edited in this ONE point, but to be honest I probably shouldn't have. @BoneyM made clear a long time ago that this quest operates on key principles of "Mathilde is not an idiot and will optimize plans on her own" and "If you micromanage votes with a dozen subvotes that are all basically saying 'don't fuck this up, here's how', you annoy the GM, so don't." Almost everything important about the plan is right there in the plan name.

I'm not going to edit it further unless someone has a serious, critical problem with its core functionality that a change to the subvotes will correct, rather than a simple optimization idea.
Thank you very much! And sorry for bugging you.

[x] Plan Light Everything On Fire And Kill Things
Too bad WHF grenades and bombs are unreliable, otherwise i'll votr for the plan that uses fire against grobi-town
It relies entirely on the magic going right, with potential shamans in the area and us not messing up.

Everything relies on the magic going right though. We may want to add assassinating the shamans first, if there are any left. We should be able to tell if there are already

The competing plan to set Grobi Town on fire just seems logistically impossible. Unless we have powerful incendiaries or accelerants like petrol then setting fires is actually really hard and time consuming. I'm not sure if Mathilde even has a portable way of starting fires that isn't the magnifying glass (requires daylight and a clear day) or a flint and steel, both of which probably need significant time to get going, if not building up a bonfire with kindling.

Setting fire to old, seasoned, almost certainly damp wood is hard. These won't be wooden building kept water-tight by thatched roofs sealed with pitch that have been dried out by having fires heating them from inside.

Setting a single fire is hard, and each on is likely to burn out without many spreading and just charring the building it's on. Setting the multiple fires near simultaneously would be required.
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It relies entirely on the magic going right, with potential shamans in the area and us not messing up.
I know that Ritual Casting says it increases the chance of miscasting, but we already are at Magic 7, and Burning Shadows needs just 5 Magic to be cast 'reliably', as in we don't even roll to see if we screw up. Unless Ritualizing it pushes the effective difficulty above 7, I don't think it's something we're gonna screw up on its own.
[] Plan Burning Sun
-[] Infiltrate and scatter (poisoned if viable) caltrops across the main avenue between the caldera and the Citadel, then cast Burning Shadow when the time is right with the Citadel's shadow across the caldera

[] Plan Can't hear the Doorknocker
-[] Commence a general bombardment of grobi-town to distract and deafen the noise of battle from the Citadel, with emphasis on incendiaries. Beforehand, you personally will sneak in to weaken the defenses for a set period of time before the bombardment against both the Citadel ranged spots and grobi-town begins.

[X] Plan Burning Shadows
-[X] Sell Belegar on the value of a day's preparation and rest time for the human mercenaries to get over their lack of sleep and hangovers, and the possibilities of the plan below.
-[X] Ask Belegar to check with Kragg if he believes there are any surviving shamans to worry about, and if there are can he be on overwatch for the below plan. Also discuss whether it would be viable to have the Journeymanlings help target artillery to kill any shaman attempting to counterspell or dispel fast enough to interrupt them. If there may be shamans and no better option is proposed spend the three or four hours before dawn hunting down and assassinating them. Make sure to go to sleep early the day before to be full rested and still fighting fit for the coming dawn after any required assassinations.
-[X] Mathilde infiltrates into position to be down sun of the Citadel and arranges for the dwarves to attack at the local dawn, when the sun becomes visible above the eastern peaks. She then times the conclusion of a casting of Burning Shadows to complete moments after the sun is visible and the Citadel's shadow is cast. Take enough black lotus to use as a reagent if that would help.
-[X] Scatter Black Lotus poisoned caltrops on the path to delay greenskins and get them stuck in the Burning Shadow longer.
-[X] Organise to have indirect fire of dwarven catapults firing whatever the engineers think will cause the most havoc arcing over the Citadel into Grobi down timed to a few moment after the Burning Shadows is cast (i.e. just after dawn, corrected for the different time the sun will rise over the mountains in the different locations).
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I do think people are underestimating the difficulty of setting fire without a proper accelerant at hand. If we had gasoline, oil, or something else to help then I think it would be sufficient, but as is, I'm not liking our chances of setting a fire of necessary size.

If noise is really going to be the issue for the attacking force, then figuring out how to cover up the noise or creating a sufficient distraction for the orcs in the caldera would be the most natural ways to mitigate the issue. The problem, then, becomes how to do that.

I like the idea of starting a fight between the different factions so that the noise of their fighting covers up our own attack as well as providing a distraction, I'm just struggling to think of a way that we can get the different factions fighting each other reliably.

The other solution is to make the attack on the Citadel as quiet and quick as possible while ensuring that any orcs comming up from the Caldera will have a difficult time of it. In that vein, us assassinating and causing chaos in the Citadel would be ideal, if not exactly quiet.
Setting fire to old, seasoned, almost certainly damp wood is hard.
Good point
have blasting charges
Not really incindiaries, though?
I don't think it's something we're gonna screw up on its own.
Being shot at or assaulted by orcs (or counterspelled by shamans or stomped by fists of Mork or whatever) might help us screw up, though. We're not especially an experienced Ritual caster, not that likely it'd be an uncontested casting?
X] Spend a night before the assault hunting down and assassinating any surviving shamans.
This is meant to be the day of the assault. Today, this afternoon.
Wait until tomorrow, and the Manling mercenaries might well start asking about their pay, in preference to charging into an enemy fortress. Codrin said they'd fight today.
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Being shot at or assaulted by orcs (or counterspelled by shamans or stomped by fists of Mork or whatever) might help us screw up, though. We're not especially an experienced Ritual caster, Not likely it'd be an uncontested casting?

We're meant to cast before they know what's happening, with Mathilde standing in the shadow of the Citadel with no one knowing what's going on before the assault starts while they're still asleep.
Could we use our petty magic, sounds, to create panic in the green skins. Making a dragon roar sound or other terrifying noise might make a large portion of them run away from the noise. Create the noise between the citadel and the grobi towns and all of a sudden they either run away from the sound or towards the sound looking for a fight. We can zero in on that path with grudge throwers and just pound those that want to fight.
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