I'm not sure about sending her a gift. She mostly seemed to want being left alone without colleges+potential Witch Hunters burning everything in sight. And not sure how useful specifically an axe would be. I got the impression all of the axes the village used were ritually made/prepared from scratch so rando Dwarf iron might not work with that.
This is an interesting point.
Every axe of the village has runes carved in the haft by thorns cut when Mannsleib was in wane.
So maybe a dwarf axe would not be appreciated. Going to drop my approval votes on that variant for now.
I'm not sure I see the logic here. The village's axes have runes carved in their hafts, right? That's the soft, carve-able wooden handle. I'd be very surprised if that isn't an enchantment added
after the axe was made and/or purchased. So I don't see any obvious reason why a gifted (non-runed) dwarfen axe wouldn't be able to be enchanted the same way the normal axes are - if anything, the dwarfen steel and crafting precision will be a much better base for whatever magic's added on top.
We know that Hedgewise magic is big on rituals, but I find it kinda contrived to assume that every axe has to be enchanted right from its forging. There's no reason to assume that's how it's done instead of any other way. Plus, enchanting
each and every axe of an entire village is a big ask for College-style enchanting; every single axe would be its own individual project for Mathilde. But with Hedgewise magic, well, who knows how it's done? Just off of what we saw in the village, I wouldn't doubt Baba Brzeginias's ability to do
something useful with our gifted axe. It's
a little bit of a flex to have your entire village's tools/weapons enchanted. That is a lot of magical axes. (Either that, or they're all perfectly mundane axes with a bit of traditional decoration added on top and all this is more than a bit silly. But then the dwarf axe is still going to be a useful axe.)
At the end of the day, Mathilde is a dwarf. A stranger did a big favor for her, but we unfortunately don't know her that well. So Mathilde is going to gift her an axe in gratitude. If it's not a perfectly fitting gift, that's ok; it's still a perfectly engineered dwarfen axe. (Dwarf axes are easy to get for Mathilde given her reputation and that she lives in a dwarf hold, but up in Gerdouen they don't really have any local dwarfs to trade with.)
[X] [PURCHASE] The Lady: Extensive Bretonnian, Shallya: Extensive Bretonnian, The Kingdom Of Bretonnia: Extensive Bretonnian, Trade: Extensive Eonir, The Karaz Ankor: Extensive and Esoteric Eonir, a
dwarven axe for Baba Brzeginias/Gerdouen
You have an extra line break here, making this its own vote in the vote tally. (With 1 vote.)