Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
All these suggestions for what to do with Drycha's remains, and yet no one has put forth the one suggestion I had hoped to see.

Plant them and grow another Drycha. Whats the worst that could happen?
Actually, I think we might benefit from something like that. Could Panoramia or another Jade Wizard use Dyrcha's legs to breed a new kind of Ulgu-aligned tree? I imagine the Grey Order would find such things very useful if it's possible, from making staffs to buildings or even an esoteric defensive forest.
All these suggestions for what to do with Drycha's remains, and yet no one has put forth the one suggestion I had hoped to see.

Plant them and grow another Drycha. Whats the worst that could happen?
Get possessed by angry tree.

If we can grow another Drycha, we will absolutly try to bind her, because at that point we can actually do the prep work. Though original Drycha was nice and happy, so the new Drycha could be nice too. there even any Manticore poop on the scene? Did it crap itself when Boris killed it or something? Or are we suggesting that the dung be extracted from inside the Manticore?
Doesn't every always have a little bit of poop inside them at all times? It's not like the bacteria ever stops producing poop, and it's not like pooping means your body is 100% poop-free. Even if you did stop eating, your body starts eating itself right? Which honestly sounds like one of those myths commonly heard in school but it's believable enough that you would live your life never double-checking.

Yes, I thought the plot twist was lame too. Just cast both Cure Disease and Cure Poison. Wow. How riveting.
As a player it is pretty disappointing, but in-game I imagine it's like discovering washing your hands improves delivery rates. I imagine someone invented a spell that combines both from that.

Did the enemy forces have anything on them that could be planted and grown? Like seeds or nuts? Or plant pieces in the case of some types of weeds?
Or parts that can be transplanted, like grafting a dryad branch onto another tree or some such?
Isn't this seen as literally taking their children and raising them? Or clones I guess in the case they're asexual? I'm assuming the result is sentient, or capable of expression at least.
If we decide to plant this but and it produces a dryad, i am going to be against binding it unless it is utterly homicidal or something.
Drycha was one thing, random dryad we have no beef with and has no history of mass murder is another.
Heartkill being so much faster is probably a disadvantage for subtle assassins.
I also liked the Traitor something. I just know there was traitor in it, a three component poison, where ingesting any of the two parts is lethal, but consuming but one or all three is harmless. Pretty neat.
[x] [KISLEV] Waystone Project: Hag Witches
[x] [WIDOW] Waystone Project: Ice Witches

Makes sense to grab the Hag Witches while we have the opportunity. From our previous discussions with Boris it should be easy enough to get him on board without needing to call in a favor. In fact it would probably be a favor to him to have Kislev as involved as possible in the Waystone project.
@Boney assuming we can show Drycha is actually dead what happens with any grudges against her. Does Mathilde get any reward for clearing them or as an (officially) dwarf is it just considered part of her duties to clear grudges where possible?
1) We first need to confirm it is Drycha, which is kinda hard because we don't have any idea this was actually important personage
2) I assume standard Daemon protocol for grudges in case we do find out.
I also liked the Traitor something. I just know there was traitor in it, a three component poison, where ingesting any of the two parts is lethal, but consuming but one or all three is harmless. Pretty neat.
You might be referring to Traitor's Hap from Page 84 of Renegade's Crown 2E:

"This poison is compounded from plants, animals, and monsters gathered from across the Borderlands. It has three components, all ingested. Any two of them form a slowacting but deadly poison. Around half an hour after ingesting the second component, the victim starts vomiting. If he succeeds at a Challenging (–10%) Toughness Test, he is merely helpless for about half an hour and must take –20% to all tests for the next twelve hours. If he fails, he dies within twenty minutes, often literally vomiting his guts up. A single component is harmless. In addition, if the third component is ingested as well, the complex of all three is harmless. Each component loses its effectiveness within half an hour, unless a further component is ingested. Thus, the traitor can ingest the first component, put the second in everyone's food, and share a drink containing the third with his target. All the components are tasteless and odourless. This is a highly feared poison, but fortunately, it is very difficult to obtain. (1000 gc for three doses, one of each component. Very Rare)"
I also liked the Traitor something. I just know there was traitor in it, a three component poison, where ingesting any of the two parts is lethal, but consuming but one or all three is harmless. Pretty neat.
Traitor's Hap, funnily enough I remember this from another quest but the main character had Danger sense and spit out the second component, since the first wasn't lethal by itself. I thought it was this quest but I checked the other Warhammer quests I've read and I don't remember them having danger sense so I'm at a loss since my only experience of warhammer are through user fiction. Anyone remember an MC with danger sense somewhere?
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[x] [KISLEV] Waystone Project: Hag Witches
[x] [KISLEV] Waystone Project: Kislev
[x] [WIDOW] Waystone Project: Ice Witches
[Kreml Guard vs Treeman: Martial, 84+20+10(outnumber)=114 vs 18+30-15(heavily wounded)=33.]
[Boris: Martial, 86+20+10(Shard Blade)=116.]
[Nadezhda: Learning, 63+15=78.]

[Horse Archer vs Branchwraiths: Martial vs Learning, 99+20=119 vs 64+25=89.]

It just doesn't stop.

Mathilde: goes out to investigate rumors of disturbances in order to recruit a couple of Orders into the project.

Also Mathilde: sets off a city wide manhunt and murders a Chaos champion while making friends with a Cult, then instigates a mass mobilization of Kislevite forces to murder a tree spirit army and murders the most dangerous of said tree spirits personally.

Parranoth and Mira: :o:o

Belegar is nodding sagely in the background.
[x] [KISLEV] Waystone Project: Hag Witches
[x] [WIDOW] Waystone Project: Ice Witches

Our strategic Grandma supplies are critically low. Especially high quality grandmas. The empire only produces low quality knock-offs (sorry Wilhelmine, but your Grandma score just isn't that great). Our allies, the dwarfs, produce some of the best grandmas and grandpas in the world, but the number is completly insufficent and there are sever export restrictions. Even Mathilde only has intermitten access to her dwarf grandpa (though it is the best grandpa). To ensure the continued success and functioning of the project, we must find different sources.

And Kislev is that source. No other nation can match Kislev in the qualtity, quantity and variety of Grandmas. We must use this chance to gain peaceful access to this strategic ressource.

Now, you may ask, why do we need two kinds of grandmas? Surely one would be enough. Get BÖÖK instead. To you I say, you must cure your ignorance. Kiselv has many grandmas, yes. But it is an important good, slow and expensive to produce, and there's no such thing as abundance. We cannot expect them to empty their own stock, and so we must spread out to fullfill our needs without causing a shortage. As for BÖÖK? Grandma is BÖÖK, but wrinkly.
We should definitely prioritise getting magical traditions over access to Waystones at this point. Every magical tradition gained is a benefit right now, whereas we don't even know if we'll need Kislev's Waystones for anything. And if we do, we can bargain for access to them later when we need them.
Random thought:

Kieslev doesn't want AMAB spellcasters. The Universities always need more magisters. The parents don't want their children killed for having magic.

Any chance of convinging Kieslev to send their magic babies to the empire instead of their current "solutions"?
Random thought:

Kieslev doesn't want AMAB spellcasters. The Universities always need more magisters. The parents don't want their children killed for having magic.

Any chance of convinging Kieslev to send their magic babies to the empire instead of their current "solutions"?
They already do it anyway, the only men who actually get killed for casting spells are the ones that refuse to stop casting them AND refuse to go to the Empire. There is also those that get lynched, but frankly, that almost happened to Mathilde too. So the ones that do get lynched aren't really any worse off than most mages are in Empire.

Its also outside of the scope of the favour we did for them. Even if they did autolynch any man with magical potential, which Boney has established they do not(meaning there is nothing to change), it would be a vast societal change. Not really equal to "should be in the ballpark of having a talk with learned specialist" favour.
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We should definitely prioritise getting magical traditions over access to Waystones at this point. Every magical tradition gained is a benefit right now, whereas we don't even know if we'll need Kislev's Waystones for anything. And if we do, we can bargain for access to them later when we need them.
I also feel having the Witches on board would do a lot to getting acess to Kislev's waystones. How keeps those operating? Witches. Who's the local ruler going to ask about letting us access them? Witches.

Now, I don't expect this to be a "choose two, get one free" kind of thing. Boney doesn't like "but I should get both because X" wheedling when it comes to choices, and the people granting access (either the local ruler or the Tsar) have interest in getting what concesssions they can. I do think it'll make those negotiations easier, and perhaps actually free if it's about testing some concrete thing (done by a witch) rather than Mathilde getting full permission to be nosy all over the place.
I think Kislevite nobility already does that, but it's true it could be a boon for the Empire.
Yea, but I was thinking for everyone, not just the people in power. Would prevent an awful lot of pointless death and bolster the colleges in one swoop.

Its also outside of the scope of the favour we did for them.
I meant in general. Not as a repayment for this. That's waaaay more than a single heir conversation.
Man, Thorek's gonna facepalm when he sees us bringing back even more magic users

[x] [KISLEV] Waystone Project: Hag Witches
[x] [WIDOW] Waystone Project: Ice Witches
Random thought:

Kieslev doesn't want AMAB spellcasters. The Universities always need more magisters. The parents don't want their children killed for having magic.

Any chance of convinging Kieslev to send their magic babies to the empire instead of their current "solutions"?
It's already being done on The hush.

But it's not becoming official because the ice witches think murder is a more reliable solution.
It's already being done on The hush.

But it's not becoming official because the ice witches think murder is a more reliable solution.
Reliable? Maybe. Evil? Yes.

Why do they hate them that much anyway. I mean, if they were all in the empire, they'd be someones elses problem? Even if they do think AMAB spellcasters are doomed?