[x] [KISLEV] Waystone Project: Hag Witches
[x] [WIDOW] Waystone Project: Ice Witches
Our strategic Grandma supplies are critically low. Especially high quality grandmas. The empire only produces low quality knock-offs (sorry Wilhelmine, but your Grandma score just isn't that great). Our allies, the dwarfs, produce some of the best grandmas and grandpas in the world, but the number is completly insufficent and there are sever export restrictions. Even Mathilde only has intermitten access to her dwarf grandpa (though it is the best grandpa). To ensure the continued success and functioning of the project, we must find different sources.
And Kislev is that source. No other nation can match Kislev in the qualtity, quantity and variety of Grandmas. We must use this chance to gain peaceful access to this strategic ressource.
Now, you may ask, why do we need two kinds of grandmas? Surely one would be enough. Get BÖÖK instead. To you I say, you must cure your ignorance. Kiselv has many grandmas, yes. But it is an important good, slow and expensive to produce, and there's no such thing as abundance. We cannot expect them to empty their own stock, and so we must spread out to fullfill our needs without causing a shortage. As for BÖÖK? Grandma is BÖÖK, but wrinkly.