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...I really don't think so. The dwarfen mindset is that you do not make anything unless you are 100% certain of it no its ands or buts. Him "improving" it after the fact would be the equivalent of acknowledging he gave a subpar product in the first place--since improvements are an implicit acknowledgement that the original product was lacking. The context of this gift was Kragg using his gathered 1000+ years of knowledge to create an artifact to repay a debt. In that light giving something subpar (which is how they'd view "can be improved afterwards") for the sake of quickly fibbing off, or cheating a debt, is like automatic Slayerdom Do Not Pass go territory.

He explicitly said that our sword was a rushed job.

Deep in the heart of Karag Lhune, Kragg grimaced at the Rune he had just struck. A shoddy job, it would barely last a century or two before beginning to fade. He resisted the urge to throw it back into the crucible; this was only needed for a single task, and in these dire times such shortcomings had to be accepted.

So it seems like he would be willing to acknowledge the problems with our sword, and he would be willing to work on improving it.
The Staff of Volans isn't the political equivalent of Ghal Maraz to the Colleges or to those outside of the Colleges.
except it is treated as the college's badge of office like Ghal Maraz is for the emperor. (if not as religiously )

in every edition, it's mentioned it's 'the badge of office'.

Look, you think its would be ignored, I think it would twist some nickers. I don't think we are going to move on this point. so lets just drop it.
except it is treated as the college's badge of office like Ghal Maraz is for the emperor. (if not as religiously )

in every edition, it's mentioned it's 'the badge of office'.

Look, you think its would be ignored, I think it would twist some nickers. I don't think we are going to move on this point. so lets just drop it.
Them both being badges of office doesn't mean that using some other item in lieu of them means the same thing, image-wise.
How far away is Mathilde from the title of best enchanter in the gray college? If she doesn't already have it.
How far away is Mathilde from the title of best enchanter in the gray college? If she doesn't already have it.
She's probably quite far from it. She is not capable of enchanting Battle Magic and others in the Grey undoubtedly are. Then there's just technical skill and experience, such as that practiced by Magister Grey who helped us build our doomtower (not to be confused with Lady Magister Grey, who also helped). Mathilde isn't bad, but she's a dabbler.
Well then Mathilde still has room to grow. Once she can claim that title remaking her staff seems a cool idea. Mathilde's current waystone project does seem enchantment heavy. Or at least it should be once we set the groundwork.
Well then Mathilde still has room to grow. Once she can claim that title remaking her staff seems a cool idea. Mathilde's current waystone project does seem enchantment heavy. Or at least it should be once we set the groundwork.
I dunno. Ranald was very mindful of our action crunch when we got a best-possible-for-us 6 result straight off. He really does have our back.
The staff turning results table suggests to me that even if we reach a tier up in Enchanting Staff Turning (which isn't == Enchanting) skill and/or a new super-material, we'd still likely need to roll another 6 'Exceptional Staff' for an outright improvement. So in this hypothetical we might burn multiple actions chasing well made normal staves, or staves with fancy quirks.

What you might get with more reliability from greater expertise is what was hinted at for the Brights- staves to enhance a specific spell or two... But we kind of styled all over that with our debut attempt, too.
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Yeah, Mathy will probably have to learn a lot of enchanting techniques from a lot of different styles for the Waystone project, if only so she can know enough to actually do anything with them. That and Windherder could eventually make her really, really good, especially if she eventually learns Battlemagic level enchanting too.

But that's a long way away. Especially if we ever want to get near the Staff of Volans which… actually now that I think about it feels almost like a mini portable Waystone from what we saw of it. Or was jacked into the Altdorf Waystone network. I might need to go re-read that chapter again.
ase loses its power supply, and becomes whatever mundane pestilence it was augmented from.

As a concession to a game about hitting things, sure. But there's both the point that an effective power supply demon would be as low-profile as possible to maximize the amount of time you can infect while they are searching for you, and the fact that mundane illness is a heck of a lot worse IRL than seems to be here.

Wizards are the guys who go "I have my setup just the way I want it", from top to bottom. Them opting to use their own stuff instead of the Colleges' stuff is normal

Given wizards don't actually exist, this is pretty much just your opinion. Like, I get that you want to phrase your instincts on this in a persuasive way, but "normal" is like two steps too far for me on this subject. Implies too much "oh, we can just look at what's really there and see".
I have a brilliant idea to get double AP that'll definitely work and have no real potential for complications.

First, we buy a second Seed of Regrowth and put it in our other hand. Then, we get someone to cut us perfectly in half. Both of the Seeds of Regrowth will activate and then there'll be two healthy and alive Mathildes. The reason no one from the Colleges has ever done this is because they weren't smart enough to think of it.
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I have a brilliant idea to get double AP that'll definitely work and have no real potential for complications.

First, we buy a second Seed of Regrowth and put it in our other hand. Then, we get someone to cut us perfectly in half. Both of the Seeds of Regrowth will activate and then there'll be two healthy and alive Mathildes. The reason no one from the Colleges has ever done is because they weren't smart enough to think of it.
... I'm sure that there was a Wizard clone plot one-shot campaign for 2ed at some point floating around the forums at some point.

Something to do with a High elf hiding in a tower in the border princes to do dangerous and unethical experiments. that was totally a thing,

I'm not crazy, your crazy.
... I'm sure that there was a Wizard clone plot one-shot campaign for 2ed at some point floating around the forums at some point.

Something to do with a High elf hiding in a tower in the border princes to do dangerous and unethical experiments. that was totally a thing,

I'm not crazy, your crazy.
Dude, we're all crazy. Why else would we be here?
I have a brilliant idea to get double AP that'll definitely work and have no real potential for complications.

First, we buy a second Seed of Regrowth and put it in our other hand. Then, we get someone to cut us perfectly in half. Both of the Seeds of Regrowth will activate and then there'll be two healthy and alive Mathildes. The reason no one from the Colleges has ever done is because they weren't smart enough to think of it.
Ah, recycled regrown thread madness. :)

This one is Seed Madness from the early days.
Now I have a mental image of Mathilde losing the seed-bearing limb and- amidst her bleeding- watching in fascinated horror as another Mathilde regrows from that arm.
"So who's the-"
"Well, I am the one with the Seed."

"So? I still have all of Mathilde's memories and magicks!"
"So do I! Plus: seed."

"... Well, are we at least agreed not to fight to the death to prove the real one?"
"Sure, that would be stupid."
"Especially as you've got the Seed."
"Good point."
Hey if you have the seed could you use a second charge to fix my arm.
Dialogue Path A:
''You may want to get something else to wear tough'' said a ramdom soldier.
And that was the day Mathilde mastered the mindhole spell.
Dialogue Path B:
"...PSYCHE!" [cuts off seed hand with surprise greatsword]
Third Mathilde grows
TM: "Brilliant move, genius!"
First Mathilde: "But now we outnumber her!"
"Outnumber her? You just cut my hand off!"
"No, she cut my hand off! Wait..."
As a concession to a game about hitting things, sure. But there's both the point that an effective power supply demon would be as low-profile as possible to maximize the amount of time you can infect while they are searching for you, and the fact that mundane illness is a heck of a lot worse IRL than seems to be here.
Limited power supply for the daemon as well. By the time it gets to a manifest daemon, slow and steady really isn't a solution anymore
... I'm sure that there was a Wizard clone plot one-shot campaign for 2ed at some point floating around the forums at some point.

Something to do with a High elf hiding in a tower in the border princes to do dangerous and unethical experiments. that was totally a thing,

I'm not crazy, your crazy.
High elf cloning? Huh. Neat coincidence given that one faction of Lumineth Realm-Lords that uses Hysh to clone themselves.
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