Troop Type: Infantry (Special Character)
Magic: Johann is a Level 1 Wizard who uses the Lore of Metal. Instead of choosing spells normally, Johann always knows Searing Doom.
Special Rules: Stubborn, Fear
Gilded Man: Johann is a heavily Gilded Gold Wizard, and that confers a number of unique benefits. Johann has a 4+ Scaly Skin save, and despite being a regular Infantry unit, he has the Stomp and Monstrous Support special rules. In addition, if Johann is in the front rank of a unit, then he confers Impact Hits (D3) at his Strength score on the charge. If he rolls a natural score of 10 or more on the dice for the charge, then he has the Impact Hits (D6) special rule. Finally, Johann counts as Monstrous Infantry for the purposes of Killing Blow (IE it's a normal wound. Heroic Killing Blow works as normal).
Ultimate Defence: Johann is exceptionally skilled at layering defensive magic on top of his natural gilding. Johann has a 5+ armor save (from Aethyric Armor) in addition to his 4+ Scaly Skin save, giving him a combined armor save of 2+. In addition, Johann has a 4+ Ward save against shooting attacks thanks to Guard of Steel, but if the Ward Save is successful three times, then it may no longer be used. It also does not protect against Bolt Thrower attacks.
Resistant to Poison: Johann has a highly powerful immune system thanks to some of his internals being gilded. Poisoned Attacks don't automatically wound Johann, instead, they need to roll a 4+ to wound if the Poisoned attack rolled a 6 on the to hit roll.
Disciple of the Pick: Johann has trained extensively in the Art of the Pick, and that confers certain benefits to him. Johann makes an additional attack for every 6 he rolls To Hit in Close Combat. These additional hits don't trigger additional attacks on a 6. All of Johann's Close Combat attacks confer an additional -1 penalty to armor saves.
Magnetoreceptive Blind Man: Johann is blind, but is capable of "seeing" things through his magesight, which manifests through a sensation of metal. The more metal someone is wearing, the stronger his sight. For the purposes of Line of Sight, if an enemy wears any sort of armor or has a mount with armor (or even just has a Scaly Skin save), then he can "see" them and therefore has line of sight, so he receives no penalties.
If Johann does not have line of sight, he may not cast Magic Missiles against the target. He may make a shooting attack if the rest of his unit is firing at the same target, but he takes an additional -1 penalty. If he is fighting in Close Combat, Johann can use his allies and his enemies' weapons to see what is happening, so he suffers no penalties.
Magic Items:
Arm of the Gods: This prosthetic contains incredibly intricate and complicated mechanisms that significantly empower Johann. Arm of the Gods increases Johann's Strength by 1 (already added to profile) and gives him Armor Piercing on Close Combat attacks. In addition, Arm of the Gods has Shem's Burning Gaze as a Bound Spell (Power Level 3).
Staff of Steel: This staff was gifted by the Patriarch of the Gold College for Johann's part in acquiring Skaven technology. The Staff of Steel allows Johann to re-roll channeling rolls of 1 or 2. In addition, Johann can make an Extra Attack in Close Combat with Strength 6 and Armor Piercing using the fist on top of the staff. This attack does not benefit from Disciple of the Pick.
Mundane Equipment:
Handgun: S4, Armor Piercing, Move or Fire. Range: 24".