Something something...
"Greetings, I am Magos Explorator Vita piloting a restored Ancient vessel discovered in the nearby Denva system. I am here on a mission by the [Insert the title of the highest ranking Mechanicus position found on Denva] on Denva to both identify allied worlds and trade some vitally important STC's found in this vessel with nearby Imperial polities in exchange for any STC's they themselves may have. We would not normally even consider this dissemination of such sacred secrets, but the Crimson Vigil Space Marine Chapter recently stopped in the system and warned that there is a growing danger of enemies belonging to the Archenemy in some relatively nearby systems. To prevent further collapse of the imperium, and to fulfil our oaths to the Omnissiah... and out of sheer necessity, we find it vital that these STC's be shared, as they are especially effective at protecting against the Archenemy. Connect us to your local Mechanicus leadership with all haste, and we will be about our business. Should you have need of supplies or repairs in the mean time, we may discuss further trade."
Offer the Psychic shielding to them as the 'material buff' to smooth things over even further and there we are.
Denva should recognize it as the same tactic that we used to avoid war with the Mechanicus on their world, and it would likely be a fairly simple way of showing ourselves off if we use the admech body we made.
Of course alternatively, we could use our 'true' ancient persona.
"Hello! I am Explorer Vita of the 'Ancient Spark'. Apologies for entering your void-space. I am an ancient from the Dark Age of Technology and was trapped in stasis on Denva until they recently assisted in my revival and helped me reestablish myself. I have come to aid humanity and explore the Galaxy, if you'll permit me to offer some assistance? I have some Tech that helps protect against what the Imperium calls 'the archenemy' and can even suppress psyker abilities somewhat as long as it is maintained. From experience, it also assists Gellar Fields in protecting against the dangers of Warp Travel. If you'd rather we leave, I will simply bid you farewell until the next time I pass through."
Then we could also just... ignore them. show our face so they know we're human, apologize for getting so close, and wish them well before going about our day. Regardless, showing ourselves as human is important to make possible future interactions less instantly hostile.
All the same, I say we stay here for at least two turns. Explore the rest of the planets more in-depth, and improve our Abacus and Gellar field. Though the first and MOST important things will be increasing our RP throughput with the techs we have- HSI, ANI, and the others as needed. The rest is secondary or comes after. Once we've explored the system in-depth, we need to scan that Webway gate. If we can figure out enough habout the Webway... maybe we could open more Webway gates? Or start working on restoring and/or improving it? Long-term projects.
Point is, it would at LEAST help us later on with other techs. And if it exists as a tech we're aware of, it'll passively get discounts over time as we do other research related to warp-craft until its worth getting. Which would be VERY cool.
"Greetings, I am Magos Explorator Vita piloting a restored Ancient vessel discovered in the nearby Denva system. I am here on a mission by the [Insert the title of the highest ranking Mechanicus position found on Denva] on Denva to both identify allied worlds and trade some vitally important STC's found in this vessel with nearby Imperial polities in exchange for any STC's they themselves may have. We would not normally even consider this dissemination of such sacred secrets, but the Crimson Vigil Space Marine Chapter recently stopped in the system and warned that there is a growing danger of enemies belonging to the Archenemy in some relatively nearby systems. To prevent further collapse of the imperium, and to fulfil our oaths to the Omnissiah... and out of sheer necessity, we find it vital that these STC's be shared, as they are especially effective at protecting against the Archenemy. Connect us to your local Mechanicus leadership with all haste, and we will be about our business. Should you have need of supplies or repairs in the mean time, we may discuss further trade."
Offer the Psychic shielding to them as the 'material buff' to smooth things over even further and there we are.
Denva should recognize it as the same tactic that we used to avoid war with the Mechanicus on their world, and it would likely be a fairly simple way of showing ourselves off if we use the admech body we made.
Of course alternatively, we could use our 'true' ancient persona.
"Hello! I am Explorer Vita of the 'Ancient Spark'. Apologies for entering your void-space. I am an ancient from the Dark Age of Technology and was trapped in stasis on Denva until they recently assisted in my revival and helped me reestablish myself. I have come to aid humanity and explore the Galaxy, if you'll permit me to offer some assistance? I have some Tech that helps protect against what the Imperium calls 'the archenemy' and can even suppress psyker abilities somewhat as long as it is maintained. From experience, it also assists Gellar Fields in protecting against the dangers of Warp Travel. If you'd rather we leave, I will simply bid you farewell until the next time I pass through."
Then we could also just... ignore them. show our face so they know we're human, apologize for getting so close, and wish them well before going about our day. Regardless, showing ourselves as human is important to make possible future interactions less instantly hostile.
All the same, I say we stay here for at least two turns. Explore the rest of the planets more in-depth, and improve our Abacus and Gellar field. Though the first and MOST important things will be increasing our RP throughput with the techs we have- HSI, ANI, and the others as needed. The rest is secondary or comes after. Once we've explored the system in-depth, we need to scan that Webway gate. If we can figure out enough habout the Webway... maybe we could open more Webway gates? Or start working on restoring and/or improving it? Long-term projects.
Point is, it would at LEAST help us later on with other techs. And if it exists as a tech we're aware of, it'll passively get discounts over time as we do other research related to warp-craft until its worth getting. Which would be VERY cool.
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