Voting will open in 17 hours, 19 minutes and close in 1 day, 22 hours
And when she start yelling about Heresy and attempting to kill the crew what then? :)

Mmm, point. We might be able to get one that's a bit more reasonable? I have no idea. Trouble here is, we don't even know what the potential cost and benefits are, and won't until after we spend an action. :/

The problem I have is that your plan is to introduce ourselves as 'traitors to the Emperor' to a bunch of dogmatic imperials. That is what iconoclast means, explicitly, his are the icons the term objects to in this instance. This is not about malice in interpretation because the term is explicit.

Mmm. If we introduce ourselves as an ancient, then at least we'd be a heathen, instead of an apostate. That might make things better? We could also suggest we're willing to consider converting, but honestly that would kinda be a lie, and I don't think Vita's comfortable with lying in the long term - she revealed herself to the tech priests we picked up, for example.
[] Plan: House Cleaning

I'll tentatively vote for this, or a plan like it. Tackling a bunch of cheap research that will also all have noticeable benefits is great.

I'd probably want more description in the diplomacy action, seems lacking in detail. Might just be me, though.


[] Plan: Let's stay a turn

Also okay with this .
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The problem I have is that your plan is to introduce ourselves as 'traitors to the Emperor' to a bunch of dogmatic imperials. That is what iconoclast means, explicitly, his are the icons the term objects to in this instance. This is not about malice in interpretation because the term is explicit.

The Imperium is a totalitarian state. Anything but total submission is treason unless you have superior firepower, which we have. If we introduce ourselves to them as a human at all, we are an iconoclast. That is what iconoclast means.

I did not say "hello, I am an Iconoclast" in the plan. I said in essence to let them believe we are what we appear to be. Human, but not Chaotic.

I feel we are having a misunderstanding of terminology here. "Iconoclast" is derived from the Rogue Trader RPG and has become the popular term for independent humans in 40k, more or less. It does not refer to the actual real meaning of iconoclast.
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Free actions taken from Alectai's plan.
I put stuff into drugs so we might have stuff to trade with the Eldar in future, and some into Advanced Materials, but I have been thinking we might go into Demonology now since Bongo is quickly outliving its usefulness. Could also be convinced to take the Faith Shield instead of something else.
Also unsure on whether to take Cybernetics or Automation for Denva.
An alternative:
[] Plan: Let's stay a turn
-[] Research x2 (400 + 65 RP)
--[] Maybe there's a point to medical school (20 RP, complete)
--[] Improved Passive Stealth (50 RP)
--[] Ground Manufatory Efficiency (50 RP)
--[] Improved Armor Articulation (50 RP)
--[] Machine-Spirit Chaos Resistance (35 + 65 RP)
--[] Machine-Spirit controlled Psychic Shields (50 RP)
--[] Drugs? Drugs. (100 RP)
--[] Advanced Materials (95 RP)
--[] If anything is left over, put it in Advanced Materials.
-[] Diplomacy
--[] Introduce ourselves as Vita, an explorer in a refuebished ancient ship. Talk to all factions, get a base read on what they might offer us (especially interesting samples!) and what we might offer them.
-[][FREE] Repair all shield damage (Repair Bay covers all of it!)
-[] Anexa: research Machine-Spirit Chaos Resistance
-[] Victan: Diplomacy
-[] Cia: Active improvement
-[] Denva: Research (Cybernetics)

In this case Drug research would be more important since we wanna trade with the Eldar.

[] Plan: House Cleaning

I'll tentatively vote for this, or a plan like it. Tackling a bunch of cheap research that will also all have noticeable benefits is great.

I'd probably want more description in the diplomacy action, seems lacking in detail. Might just be me, though.
That's because it's not a diplomacy action, just a quick response.
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The problem I have is that your plan is to introduce ourselves as 'traitors to the Emperor' to a bunch of dogmatic imperials. That is what iconoclast means, explicitly, his are the icons the term objects to in this instance. This is not about malice in interpretation because the term is explicit.
I'll second this. The Space Marines would have gone down to Denva in person to "set them straight" if they had the time for it. "For their own good," even.
If we start fucking with the Ecclesiarchy then that's a very efficient way to get not just excommunicated but also declared lawless and to be shot on sight.
See my post as to the meaning of "iconoclast". We cannot be excommunicated because we are not in communion. We are by real-life terms a heathen and by 40k terms just plainly a heretic when pretending to be human.

See also: We have the murder ship and they don't.
A basic scheme around expecting to stay here through the end of the turn, aimed at both finding the webway gate and moving on to the next system next turn. Poking around the outer gas giant because it didn't sound like Vita combed it especially hard, so maybe there's another prize. Saving the inner noisy one for after upgrading sensors a bit. Could do that part differently, the point is mostly that it seems more comfortable to not just park and think when we've got novelty right here.

And, well, based around the idea that when we can increase our RP per action we do it. Before wasting any actions at lower productivity. There's loads of good tech to pick up, yes, but you buy output improvements first!

Might be a case for having Anexa on the HSI instead of the ANI - they're both important techs, but the HSI roll might determine how productive the RP boost is.

[] Plan: Spinning Up
-[] Research x2 (400 + 65 RP)
--[] Ok, maybe there's a point to medical school (+20 RP, done)
--[] Advanced Neural Implants (150 RP)
--[] Human Simulation Implants (85+65 RP)
--[] Empathy as Sensors (100 RP)
--[] Better Sensors (45 RP + any savings)
-[ ][FREE] Repair all shield damage (Repair Bay covers all of it!)
-[ ] Explore: Outer gas giant
-[] Anexa active Action: Research
-[] Victan passive action: Counterespionage & Alliance-building
-[] Active Psyker improvement

EDIT RECORDS: Moved med school up because it may discount cybernetics, moved Anexa bonus to Human Simulation Implants because good rolls there seem like the most important.
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...Play them against each other for what? Offering what? We don't want to spend construction actions, which is what we'd need to offer any real benefit, and it remains to be seen if they have anything worth getting anyway. I'm not convinced the results here are worth the necessary investment.
For whatever we want, I'm brainstorming tools in that post rather than goals. We don't know what they have yet that we might want from them.

The only concrete goals that are particularly clear are
1: Learn what they have/are so we can decide what we want
2: keep options open for how to capitalize on 1.

Making it easier for Denva to take over governance is what I kind of expect our long-term plan to be, but it's really too big to say. So, getting direct lines of communication to the different factions and hacking the fuck out of them are my first priorities regarding the locals.

But, that's something that can happen over time. Trade wise, I expect the eldar to be more fuirtful short term - technology wise, I don't want to give the imperials anything spicy like psy shielding before we've rooted out any chaos influence. Our options for bribes are quite vast without dipping into anything they'd call heretical tech anyhow.
In this case Drug research would be more important since we wanna trade with the Eldar.
I think we might need a sample that clues us to Eldar physiology before we can research Eldar drugs.

Also, trading drugs to Eldar seems a bit sketchy. The more they're into it the less they're safe to be around, no? And some of them might take the offer badly?

The probable-corsair we dealt with seemed perfectly okay with foodstuffs and valuable minerals. We don't have to invent elf-opium for that trade path to be open.
Yeah, might be best to start researching the human simulation implants. Even if the tech-priests provide only 50RP total, that's still an extra 50.
Also, trading drugs to Eldar seems a bit sketchy. The more they're into it the less they're safe to be around, no? And some of them might take the offer badly?

It should be noted that eldar hedonism is very much graded on a curve when it comes to risk, as well as comparison to humans. Even the exodites are living in what humans would probably consider a utopian society with constant pleasures. The craftworlders have luxury space communism. Both the exodites and the craftworlders have immortality in artificial heavens.

The late Dominion eldar who summoned Slaanesh were doing fully-Chaotic excesses, just not towards any of the three Ruinous Powers. They were fleshcrafting buildings out of slaves and eating each other for fun. We don't have to worry about not recognizing a corsair who's going off the deep end, it'll be pretty obvious.
A real Sororitas in this situation would show up with a chainknife and wearing nothing but purity seals, screaming at the sky and demanding the xenos filth to dare sully a holy world of the God-Emperor that they might be exterminated to the very last of their disgusting kind. These "Sororitas" are not true militants.
Sororitas orders have always run the gamut of military practicality and deranged fanaticism, but what you're describing would be real out there for an order. It's what you'd see from the Repentia, who are explicitly seeking death in battle.
For whatever we want, I'm brainstorming tools in that post rather than goals. We don't know what they have yet that we might want from them.

...But do we even know if they *have* anything we want? Like, you're suggesting spending at least two actions in order to get '???', when we could be spending those actions on things we actually know we want. We could get 4 100 point techs for that investment, or 8 50 point ones, by comparison, which sounds way more appealing in my view.

-[] Research x2 (400 + 65 RP)
--[] Maybe there's a point to medical school (20 RP, complete)
--[] Improved Passive Stealth (50 RP)
--[] Ground Manufatory Efficiency (50 RP)
--[] Improved Armor Articulation (50 RP)
--[] Machine-Spirit Chaos Resistance (35 + 65 RP)
--[] Machine-Spirit controlled Psychic Shields (50 RP)
--[] Drugs? Drugs. (100 RP)
--[] Advanced Materials (95 RP)
--[] If anything is left over, put it in Advanced Materials.

Advanced Materials, Drugs, and Armor articulation all seem iffy to me. In terms of 50 point techs, I would pick out Combat neural Implants, Antigravity, and Medium Defense Installations as all being better deals, and thats without getting into all the great 100 point techs hanging out, like faith studies, warp sensors, personal shy shields, scrapcode immunity, or the half dozen machine spirit ones. Probably toss stealth and GMEI for those, too, though that ones iffier.

Oh, and ANI and HSI are super appealing too obviously.
We also do need to talk about that last Denva boon.

Crew is a possible, more Manufacturing wouldn't hurt, I'd probably wait to pick up military alliance later if it seems relevant. Could do the research direction, but we passed on that before and that's probably okay? If we want to shape their navy this is the moment, but IDK how much we do?

Side note:
Bongo also reacts, swelling with power at an unprecedented rate before lashing out at the vault around him. His location inside the gellar field gives him an advantage over the rest of the demons around, and he manages to score a few nasty blows. But you over-engineered the hell out of it. It can take the hits.

-102 Scrapcode Generator Oubliette psychic HP
If this damage was reduced by our scrapcode resistance The Oubliette would actually have been able to take the hit without that, but not by a huge margin.

OTOH with it, it did take the hit by a huge margin, so we can probably consider jumping with Bongo to be an acceptably mitigated risk at least for a little bit, though it'd still be nice to wrap the Bongo Agenda one way or another.


In the department of 'well, we could', it occurs to me that the Order of the Penitent Flame would probably be willing to take delivery of a daemonic artifact. It wouldn't necessarily make them like us any more, I mean, they could easily decide possession is a far bigger black mark than turning it over can expunge. It honestly has very little going for it except maybe maybe mitigating some people's fears that blowing up the generator will lead to Bongo guiding a Dark Crusade against us? But it's one form of dialogue they would almost certainly be willing to participate in.
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We also do need to talk about that last Denva boon.

Crew is a possible, more Manufacturing wouldn't hurt, I'd probably wait to pick up military alliance later if it seems relevant. Could do the research direction, but we passed on that before and that's probably okay? If we want to shape their navy this is the moment, but IDK how much we do?

Side note:

If this damage was reduced by our scrapcode resistance The Oubliette would actually have been able to take the hit without that, but


In the department of 'well, we could', it occurs to me that the Order of the Penitent Flame would probably be willing to take delivery of a daemonic artifact. It wouldn't necessarily make them like us any more, I mean, they could easily decide possession is a far bigger black mark than turning it over can expunge. But it's one form of dialogue they would almost certainly be willing to participate in.
We are not giving Bongo away. It is ours to poke and pet and do things to. :)
to get annexa into out research team we need to make implants that can erase or partition her memory against chaos,as well personal psy shield with chaos resistant machine spirits implemented
...But do we even know if they *have* anything we want? Like, you're suggesting spending at least two actions in order to get '???', when we could be spending those actions on things we actually know we want. We could get 4 100 point techs for that investment, or 8 50 point ones, by comparison, which sounds way more appealing in my view.
Samples and Intel from a new polity have all kinds of benefits, actually - and hacking will get us plenty directly.

But especially, at the end of the day? We're an explorer, and I want to explore societies for its own sake. I am not interested in being incurious about the first inhabited world we've seen since we finally got off Denva.

Seeing new places and peoples is what we got all of this technology to do. It rewards us and feeds back into that cycle, but this is the meat and I want to dig in, lol.
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After this turn we'll have Scrapcode Immunity, and then Bongo gets to be our best friend forever and ever and ever and ever and ever. Once we have daemonology we can even squeeze and cuddle him and dress him up in custom-built bodies.

As for Denva, I reiterate - relations with the Velkar. I do not want to see any bad habits from the Imperium reasserting themselves, even if democratically.
Samples and Intel from a new polity have all kinds of benefits, actually - and hacking will get us plenty directly.

But especially, at the end of the day? We're an explorer, and I want to explore societies for its own sake. I am not interested in being incurious about the first inhabited world we've seen since we finally got off Denva.

Seeing new places and peoples is what we got all of this technology to do. It rewards us and feeds back into that cycle, but this is the meat and I want to dig in, lol.

We could be going and exploring other things, such as looking for that webway gate, or checking the next system over. Like, I'm willing to consider interacting with the imperials, but I'd like a better cost/benefit analysis than just 'they look neat, let's see what happens'.

...Actually, @Neablis, can we do a free action diplomacy mini turn with them the same way we did with the spess mahreens and the eldar? I think it would be appropriate.
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We could be going and exploring other things, such as looking for that webway gate, or checking the next system over. Like, I'm willing to consider interacting with the imperials, but I'd like a better cost/benefit analysis than just 'they look neat, let's see what happens'.
We can't even begin to make such a cost-benefit analysis until we see what happens. Exploration and exploitation is a dichotomy for a reason, lmao.

But as the first still imperial world we've seen and one on Denva's doorstep, there's going to be a lot of low hanging fruit for getting IC knowledge. It will also be an enduring interest because Ascalon is going to be part of Denvan space unless we fuck it up.

We're going to be passing through on our way back too, keep in mind. We don't have to do everything at once, but we can get an iron in the fire to cook while we're gone if our initial poke shows it's worth it.
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Voting will open in 17 hours, 19 minutes and close in 1 day, 22 hours