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How do we get our research capacity up? Do we know?
We have two techs that can do it right now, but the lion's share will come from the AI research tree longer term
This is a great idea.The only think I'd like to express is that we should do the database dive on Adepta Sororitas, now that we know they exist.
Point ofI think we should grab Research from Denva; we already have a promise of manufactoring, and RP are the main way in which we're throtled right now.
We have one visible tech, Human Simulation Implants (cybernetics), and the path to one more, Machine Spirit Design (machine spirits), that will help with this.
I've been doing some idle brainstorming and I think I have a concept on how our robots could use some kind of psychic power even if we don't end up becoming psychic.
Our shields are able to project a meaning into the Warp (our 'No' to any questions about corruption), so what if we try to turn that shield outwards? basically throwing it at a Daemon and disorienting them with the sound of a very loud, constant 'No'?
I imagine that'd be how the alternative shielding meanings would explain it?
-[] Empathy as Sensors (100 RP) The warp is a place of emotion, and sensing emotions is hard. Still, when emotion determines what is true you think you can work it out. You can probably also make them work in physical reality as well, at least to an extent. (Unlocks better sensors for warp shenanigans. Likely to give you some warning of warp shenanigans. Will likely have synergy with psytech, further warp research, and unlock research towards warp-based FTL communication)
I'm wondering what would be better for finding the webway gate normal sensors or warp sensors (Empathy as Sensors, below).
Nah, average for the Imperium is 'functional, barely.' What you're thinkinf of ia those systems that fall below the 75th percentile.'Unstable Caricature' is kind of the baseline of the Imperial Faith.
Nah, average for the Imperium is 'functional, barely.' What you're thinkinf of ia those systems that fall below the 75th percentile.
If I have to guess, warp sensors would make finding the webway gate easier, but as this update showed us, we're disturbingly blind when it comes to seeing Eldar ships.
We're already getting manufaturing from them, and we can snowball factories easily. We can't snowball RP.Point oforderInformation, we are just as throttled on manufacturing right now. Our ship only has 350 BP. I'm hoping to build a couple of factory ships when we get back to Denva.
We're already getting manufacturing from them, and we can snowball factories easily. We can't snowball RP.
I more meant we can build a factory ship and use it to make more factory ships.You are correct we can snowball factories easily if we want to spend several actions building them. My general read on the group consensus is that we only want to spend a turn or two in Denva each time we return. If we are okay with Investing the time to rebuild a manufacturing base each time we return to Denva I think it's a solid plan. It will certainly help the Denvan's with their industry.
Also, with automation and shielding we're not that far from leaving stealth manufactories in places making things, then coming back for the finished project.
I don't like the stealth manufactories idea, I'd rather just pick up warp comms so we can command stuff while we're out of system.
Also, I'd like to reiterate my idea of asking Denva to research manufacturing technology, should improve their manufacturing as well as get us more tech.
Because they have no reason to share it for free, and since our asks help guide where they go, they might decide to research cybernetics first or just focus on building more of the manufactories we did, especially since they're expecting to deliver us a bunch of their gdp.They have every reason to do that on their own. Why spend a boon?
They have every reason to do that on their own. Why spend a boon?
Because they have no reason to share it for free, and since our asks help guide where they go, they might decide to research cybernetics first or just focus on building more of the manufactories we did, especially since they're expecting to deliver us a bunch of their gdp.
So they'll do it a lot faster, and in a way we can directly use the tech. Like, do you expect neablis to give us manufacturing techs from them if we don't spend a boon on it? Seems iffy to me.
We produce tech orders of magnitude faster than than and in fields they would never dare touch/ Every time we show up we will always have more tech to trade for whatever they made than they could hope to.
I expect the Denvans to in exchange for our tech.
So with that future sight, it seems confirmed that Bongo is a Tzeentchian demon.
I wanna make our shields scrapcode immune, encrypted, and also bind Bongo, so they're completely helpless and at our mercy to poke and prod however we want.
If we don't ask for it in specific, we're gonna get 50 RP scattered in dribs and drabbles over like five different techs - where as if ask for it in specific, we might actually get a whole tech or two in exchange.
I do not think we are going to get to direct their entire research output with the boon, at most we would get to focus half and half of 'not much' is hardly worth a boon. I'd rather have those diplomats for Vitcan to lead. Diplomacy has done very well for us so far.