Actually not even then. Even if we got no DR and took 408 Psy-Damage the vault @Alectai designed would have tanked it no problem. It would have scared the bejeezes out of us questers, but wouldn't have taken any damage.

PS - Good job on the vault Alectai, certainly proved its worth here.
Still not happy with it, and I'm inordinately pleased that we armored up so well.

Onto the space nuns. Should we namedrop the spacemarines and tell them that we're on our way towards them, and decided to stop by this planet on the way?
I really want a full diplomacy action with the sisters of battle, there should be a pile of research discounts for faith-based psy-defenses. Especially if they have some holy relics which are legitimately blessed by the Emperor.

The random reverse engineerable loot would also be nice

Onto the space nuns. Should we namedrop the spacemarines and tell them that we're on our way towards them, and decided to stop by this planet on the way?
Oh, absolutely. Name-dropping is essential at this level between disparate groups. Especially when Vita can handout party favors which to her are stupidly cheap but princely gifts for others.
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[ ] Plan: I'll get my own nuns! But with swords because they're cooler
-[ ][FREE] Apologize for spooking them, we're just an exploratory cruiser on a survey mission, we'll keep to the outer system until we've finished maintenance and then get on our way.
-[ ][FREE] Repair all shield damage (Repair Bay covers all of it!)
-[ ] Explore:
--[ ] Caldereth
-[ ] Research x2 (400 + 65 Anexa RP)
--[ ] Faith is my Shield? (100 RP)
--[ ] Improved Gellar Fields (100 RP)
--[ ] Basic Psychic Amplification Devices (100 RP)
--[ ] Basic Psychic Suppression Devices (85 + 65 Anexa RP)
--[ ] Okay, maybe there's a point to medical school (15, now at 45/50 RP)

This is a focused push to get our Gellar Fields tuned up (Because hoo boy we don't want to be taking that kind of damage from Bongo every time we Explore), and get a basic package to help Cia's progression, with the basic amplification devices and basic suppression devices. We're also doing the Faith push so we can, you know, actually engage these people--but later, when we've properly done a deep dive on the benefits of the whole business.

With Cia now having 135 points of Shield in her training facility now too, I'm willing to risk having her go Active now, especially since Faith + Suppression Devices should make Perils either harder to happen or less damaging if they do.

EDIT: I'm also perfectly fine with engagin the space nuns, though I do think that we'll want to be circumspect about it, I definitely want Faith is my Shield and Improved Gellar Fields this turn though.

In fact, here's another plan that does just that.

[ ] Plan: Look, it's clear we have a weakness for space nuns
-[ ] Explore:
--[ ] Either an in depth survey of Ascalon, or Caldreth--depending on the results of the Diplomacy action.
-[ ] Diplomacy:
--[ ] Oh boy oh boy, more zealots. Fortunately, if this is more along the lines of Cia, this... Might be doable. Introduce yourself as the sponsor and partner of an Explorator Survey Expedition, making use of a design recovered from an early dark age vessel that was discovered in the region, and constructed using your resources. You do have certain aspirations towards acquiring a Warrant of Trade when contact can be re-established with the greater Imperium, but a recent meeting with the Knights of the Crimson Vigil have shown that the Sector's getting a little hectic with threats. Hence the mission, to see where they are and who's still in one piece. If they'd still prefer to keep you at arm's reach, you understand. Otherwise, you have a staff of talented Tech-Priests on hand if there's any devices that need maintenence, and you've got several manufactorums on board that can manufacture any goods they might need that they can't produce on site. We'll be able to spend a few years here doing a more detailed survey of the system with their permission, and can easily multi-task if we have to.
-[ ] Research (200 + 65 Anexa RP)
--[ ] Faith is my Shield? (100 RP)
--[ ] Improved Gellar Fields (35 + 65 Anexa RP)
--[ ] Okay, maybe there's a point to Med-School (20 RP, Finished!)
--[ ] Basic Power Armor (45/100 RP)
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Man I really hate the fact we went for victurn diplomacy instead of spy we could just get the samples from him borrowing stuff instead of having to talk to the murder nuns.
Man I really hate the fact we went for victurn diplomacy instead of spy we could just get the samples from him borrowing stuff instead of having to talk to the murder nuns.

That comes with the risk of him getting shot. Talking only comes with the risk of them saying 'no'.

@Alectai what do you think of doing Active Cia training this turn? She's ambitious and I'm worried that if we have her too long on passive with no level ups it might be bad for her mental wellbeing.

Ummm, it's an Eldar ship, right? Isn't the Warp, like, really not safe for them?

He only jumped one system back to the one with the Webway gate. He may have a bit more of a taste for excess than last time, but I think that is what the slaves are for.
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Also WE NAMED HIM, OUR BONGO. And then we pissed him off for fun and got even more juicy tech out of it.
"Do not taunt happy fun ball"

Vita: Taunts Bongo, the demon happy fun ball.
Did we get any more research progress from Bongo's attempts or have we pretty much plucked all the fruit off this proverbial tree?
We might be able to learn of that thing called "friendship"
[150RP, discounted to 50RP due to the presence of Bongo]
Actually wait a sec, if we took diplomats under Vitcan for our Denva boon we would be that much more likely to get some good narrative results asking the Imperials for tech.
Do you think we can get them to make documentaries in their off-time?

@Neablis that depiction of the gas giant was beautiful.
Is my silly idea of having some of the small-c crew making documentaries in the background on the cards, or is it too silly?
And if it's not too silly, would some members of a "diplo/spy cadre under Vitcan" be able to work with one or two of the tech priests on it?
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That comes with the risk of him getting shot. Talking only comes with the risk of them saying 'no'.

@Alectai what do you think of doing Active Cia training this turn? She's ambitious and I'm worried that if we have her too long on passive with no level ups it might be bad for her mental wellbeing.

He only jumped one system back to the one with the Webway gate. He may have a bit more of a taste for excess than last time, but I think that is what the slaves are for.

I think we've got enough protection to risk it, yeah.
Was thinking more 'Slaanesh reaching out and grabbing their souls as soon as they enter the Warp', to be honest.

The daemons would still have to break into his ship, it is better protected than an Imperial one by default because the Eldar have better tech. It would not be a good idea for him to make big warp jumps, but if the Eldar could only go where the Webway is they could not access most of the galaxy by now with the way it degraded and that is clearly not the case.

The problem they have as distinct from humans is more internal, because they are all psykers and all bound to Slaanesh.
Shouldn't we work towards research to improve our RP? Either the machine spirits, the implants, or both. The sooner we get those, the sooner they'll pay for themselves.
[ ] Plan: I'll get my own nuns! But with swords because they're cooler
-[ ][FREE] Apologize for spooking them, we're just an exploratory cruiser on a survey mission, we'll keep to the outer system until we've finished maintenance and then get on our way.
-[ ][FREE] Repair all shield damage (Repair Bay covers all of it!)
-[ ] Explore:
--[ ] Caldereth
-[ ] Research x2 (400 + 65 Anexa RP)
--[ ] Faith is my Shield? (100 RP)
--[ ] Improved Gellar Fields (100 RP)
--[ ] Basic Psychic Amplification Devices (100 RP)
--[ ] Basic Psychic Suppression Devices (85 + 65 Anexa RP)
--[ ] Okay, maybe there's a point to medical school (15, now at 45/50 RP)

I'd really like to do some exploring in the system while we are here. Any chance I could convince you to drop a research to look for the webgate or extend our stay here a second turn?

As for your research choices, You've displayed a great long term vision for this quest, so I'm curious why you've prioritized Faith is my Shield. It didn't jump out at me as that important unless we want to design a new religion. What do you see for this (that I'm missing)?
We might be able to get it to do the "build blanks" thing? Or that might need another tech.

I think what was meant was "for building other ships that do manufacturing" (only our flagship uses ground manufactories).

I think we should look into researching Immaterium Understanding. Guaranteed level for Anexa, probably other goodies.

Now, a list of all 50 RP research (as of turn 21, per the Informational post):
Ship Design
Medium Defense Platforms
General Design
Ground Manufactory Efficiency
Basic Ground Force Stealth
Improved Passive Stealth
improved Armor Articulation
Miniaturized Antigrav
Maube there's a point to med school
Combat Neural Implants

This adds up to 470 RP. 420 if we ignore Servitorization. Now some of these are more useful than others, but I think we at least ought to finish Med School and get Combat Implants, GME, Improved Passive Stealth, and Medium Defense Platforms. Getting all the non-servo ones in one turn might be better, though.
List update!
Ship Design
Medium Defense Platforms
General Design
Ground Manufactory Efficiency
Basic Ground Force Stealth
Improved Passive Stealth
Improved Armor Articulation
Psychic Shielding
Machine Spirit-controlled Psychic Shields (has reqs)
Miniaturized Antigrav
Maube there's a point to medical school (partially completed)
Combat Neural Implants

[ ] Plan: I'll get my own nuns! But with swords because they're cooler
-[ ][FREE] Apologize for spooking them, we're just an exploratory cruiser on a survey mission, we'll keep to the outer system until we've finished maintenance and then get on our way.
-[ ][FREE] Repair all shield damage (Repair Bay covers all of it!)
-[ ] Explore:
--[ ] Caldereth
-[ ] Research x2 (400 + 65 Anexa RP)
--[ ] Faith is my Shield? (100 RP)
--[ ] Improved Gellar Fields (100 RP)
--[ ] Basic Psychic Amplification Devices (100 RP)
--[ ] Basic Psychic Suppression Devices (85 + 65 Anexa RP)
--[ ] Okay, maybe there's a point to medical school (15, now at 45/50 RP)

This is a focused push to get our Gellar Fields tuned up (Because hoo boy we don't want to be taking that kind of damage from Bongo every time we Explore), and get a basic package to help Cia's progression, with the basic amplification devices and basic suppression devices. We're also doing the Faith push so we can, you know, actually engage these people--but later, when we've properly done a deep dive on the benefits of the whole business.

With Cia now having 135 points of Shield in her training facility now too, I'm willing to risk having her go Active now, especially since Faith + Suppression Devices should make Perils either harder to happen or less damaging if they do.

EDIT: I'm also perfectly fine with engagin the space nuns, though I do think that we'll want to be circumspect about it, I definitely want Faith is my Shield and Improved Gellar Fields this turn though.

In fact, here's another plan that does just that.

[ ] Plan: Look, it's clear we have a weakness for space nuns
-[ ] Explore:
--[ ] Either an in depth survey of Ascalon, or Caldreth--depending on the results of the Diplomacy action.
-[ ] Diplomacy:
--[ ] Oh boy oh boy, more zealots. Fortunately, if this is more along the lines of Cia, this... Might be doable. Introduce yourself as the sponsor and partner of an Explorator Survey Expedition, making use of a design recovered from an early dark age vessel that was discovered in the region, and constructed using your resources. You do have certain aspirations towards acquiring a Warrant of Trade when contact can be re-established with the greater Imperium, but a recent meeting with the Knights of the Crimson Vigil have shown that the Sector's getting a little hectic with threats. Hence the mission, to see where they are and who's still in one piece. If they'd still prefer to keep you at arm's reach, you understand. Otherwise, you have a staff of talented Tech-Priests on hand if there's any devices that need maintenence, and you've got several manufactorums on board that can manufacture any goods they might need that they can't produce on site. We'll be able to spend a few years here doing a more detailed survey of the system with their permission, and can easily multi-task if we have to.
-[ ] Research (200 + 65 Anexa RP)
--[ ] Faith is my Shield? (100 RP)
--[ ] Improved Gellar Fields (35 + 65 Anexa RP)
--[ ] Okay, maybe there's a point to Med-School (20 RP, Finished!)
--[ ] Basic Power Armor (45/100 RP)
I don't think the Gellar Field would protect us from Bongo—as noted in the update, he's inside. I also really think we should get some of these 50 RP things. Maybe Machine Spirit Chaos Resistance, too, so we can put them in our shields later.
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List update!
Ship Design
Medium Defense Platforms
General Design
Ground Manufactory Efficiency
Basic Ground Force Stealth
Improved Passive Stealth
Improved Armor Articulation
Psychic Shielding
Machine Spirit-controlled Psychic Shields (has reqs)
Miniaturized Antigrav
Maube there's a point to medical school (partially completed)
Combat Neural Implants

I don't think the Gellar Field would protect us from Bongo—as noted in the update, he's inside. I also really think we should get some of these 50 RP things. Maybe Machine Spirit Chaos Resistance, too, so we can put them in our shields later.
I want to do all of these, they look so nice!
I really want a full diplomacy action with the sisters of battle, there should be a pile of research discounts for faith-based psy-defenses. Especially if they have some holy relics which are legitimately blessed by the Emperor.

The random reverse engineerable loot would also be nice
Thing is, I think it'd take rolling very well on several actions to get any level of access to that from them.

We have so much other low hanging fruit that's worth picking asap that I think we should do those and hope that our journeys have us enter situations where we can be Big Damm Heroes, and start off on a better foot with those groups that also have stuff that'll provide discounts in those areas.

Right now... these people just aren't worth the opportunity cost. The massive massive opportunity cost.
This is a focused push to get our Gellar Fields tuned up (Because hoo boy we don't want to be taking that kind of damage from Bongo every time we Explore)
I still think we should yeet Bongo into a sun [it's what he wants,probably] but I will find it very amusing if it somehow gets to the point where we have to threaten him with a yeeting to make him expend his built up energy attacking us.
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-[] Scrapcode Immunity (100 RP) You thought your new algorithms would make you immune to scrapcode, but it's a squirely opponent. But with some more thought you think you can still reach that bar. (Makes your shielding Extraordinarily resistant to potentially completely immune to scrapcode-based attacks. Does not apply to machine spirits. Likely synergistic with generating your own scrapcode)
Just take this lmao.

The rest I can think about later, but this just ends the race for good. He won't even take up our repair budget anymore.
Just take this lmao.

The rest I can think about later, but this just ends the race for good. He won't even take up our repair budget anymore.
Good point Prime, we should grab Scrapcode Immunity this turn to prevent anymore Bongo issues.

My draft plan currently looks like this.

[] Plan: Find the Gate, Neuter Bongo, and Leave Next Turn
-[] Research 1 (200 RP):
--[] Better Sensors (200 RP)
-[] Explore: Find the Eldar webgate
-[] Research 2 (200+65 RP):
--[] Scrapcode Immunity (100 RP)
--[] Ok, maybe there's a point to medical school (Finish for 20 RP)
--[] Advanced Neural Implants (80+65 RP)
---[] Anexa
--[] Overflow to Advanced Neural Implants then Human Simulation Implants
-[] Anexa active Action: Research – Advanced Neural Implants
-[] Victan passive action – Passively monitor Imperial message traffic
-[] Cia Active Psyker improvement
-[] Denva: Manufacturing Capacity

Since Cia is still low level and the Psy-lab has shielding I think we can handle active improvement.

I'm hoping better sensors will not only help us find the Webgate, but with future exploration as well. Since this plan would have us here for a second turn we can improve the Gellar field next turn.

Edit the 2nd: I think more manufacturing capacity is the best grab from Denva. We will likely need to build alot when we get back.
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Ah. Isolated Faith, with Military Backing.

I wonder if these guys have developed into an unstable caricature, yet.
I still think we should yeet Bongo into a sun [it's what he wants,probably] but I will find it very amusing if it somehow gets to the point where we have to threaten him with a yeeting to make him expend his built up energy attacking us.
Between Scrapcode Immunity and Binding for permanently solving the safety issue, and the reveal that he's been scrying past the shield this whole time, I am dead opposed to sending bongo back to the warp. High likelihood he knows we're an AI.

No thanks to letting THAT cat out of this bag.
List update!
Ship Design
Medium Defense Platforms
General Design
Ground Manufactory Efficiency
Basic Ground Force Stealth
Improved Passive Stealth
Improved Armor Articulation
Psychic Shielding
Machine Spirit-controlled Psychic Shields (has reqs)
Miniaturized Antigrav
Maube there's a point to medical school (partially completed)
Combat Neural Implants

I don't think the Gellar Field would protect us from Bongo—as noted in the update, he's inside. I also really think we should get some of these 50 RP things. Maybe Machine Spirit Chaos Resistance, too, so we can put them in our shields later.
[] Plan: House Cleaning
-[] Research x2 (400 + 65 RP)
--[] Maybe there's a point to medical school (20 RP, complete)
--[] Improved Passive Stealth (50 RP)
--[] Ground Manufatory Efficiency (50 RP)
--[] Improved Armor Articulation (50 RP)
--[] Machine-Spirit Chaos Resistance (35 + 65 RP)
--[] Machine-Spirit controlled Psychic Shields (50 RP)
--[] Drugs? Drugs. (100 RP)
--[] Advanced Materials (95 RP)
--[] If anything is left over, put it in Advanced Materials.
-[ ][FREE] Apologize for spooking them, we're just an exploratory cruiser on a survey mission, we'll keep to the outer system until we've finished maintenance and then get on our way.
-[ ][FREE] Repair all shield damage (Repair Bay covers all of it!)
-[ ] Explore:
--[ ] Caldereth
-[] Anexa: research Machine-Spirit Chaos Resistance
-[] Victan: Passive
-[] Cia: Active improvement
-[] Denva: Research (Cybernetics)

Free actions taken from Alectai's plan.
I put stuff into drugs so we might have stuff to trade with the Eldar in future, and some into Advanced Materials, but I have been thinking we might go into Demonology now since Bongo is quickly outliving its usefulness. Could also be convinced to take the Faith Shield instead of something else.
Also unsure on whether to take Cybernetics or Automation for Denva.
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Good point Prime, we should grab Scrapcode Immunity this turn to prevent anymore Bongo issues.

My draft plan currently looks like this.

[] Plan: Find the Gate, Neuter Bongo, and Leave Next Turn
-[] Research 1 (200 RP):
--[] Better Sensors (200 RP)
-[] Explore: Find the Eldar webgate
-[] Research 2 (200+65 RP):
--[] Scrapcode Immunity (100 RP)
--[] Ok, maybe there's a point to medical school (Finish for 20 RP)
--[] Advanced Neural Implants (80+65 RP)
---[] Anexa
--[] Overflow to Advanced Neural Implants then Human Simulation Implants
-[] Anexa active Action: Research – Advanced Neural Implants
-[] Victan passive action – Passively monitor Imperial message traffic
-[] Cia Active Psyker improvement
-[] Denva: Manufacturing Capacity

Since Cia is still low level and the Psy-lab has shielding I think we can handle active improvement.

I'm hoping better sensors will not only help us find the Webgate, but with future exploration as well. Since this plan would have us here for a second turn we can improve the Gellar field next turn.

Edit the 2nd: I think more manufacturing capacity is the best grab from Denva. We will likely need to build alot when we get back.
I think Better Sensors is likely to be discounted by Stealth research. Additionally, I think we should grab Research from Denva; we already have a promise of manufactoring, and RP are the main way in which we're throtled right now.
The only think I'd like to express is that we should do the database dive on Adepta Sororitas, now that we know they exist.
I think if Vita finds out that they exist because the state church was not permitted to field men under arms following yet another civil war, she's going to grow herself an artificial stomach for one of her bodies just so she can develop an ulcer in it.
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