Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
I'm frankly not interested in continuing discussing the rest of this with you when the most you've said is "No that won't work and you didn't give reasons or evidence." To which I then point out that I did give reasons and evidence and you cycle back around.

But saying that this is somehow paranoid is a new.

ZhenGui literally would have been poisoned if Cui hadn't been watching for him.
Cai Renxiang explicitly informed that we should be careful of our mothers prior employ and inviting prostitutes into our staff.
At anywhere near our cultivation level convincing mortals of things becomes supernaturally easy. This is without adding techniques into the mix.
Having to spend Cai influence to fix our mothers fuck up is not a good look and makes us seem, for good reason, like incompetent fuck ups who can't even keep their two person family safe and functional.

Being with our family, taking focused time and effort to make sure they are well and will be well, is important if we want to make sure that these dangers are mitigated. Just like we should have made sure to keep an eye out for ZhenGui the first time.

That's not fear mongering. I'm not quoting people to throw this in their face, I literally only brought it up because you seem to think there is no cost to our family somehow.
Oh don't worry, I also grow tired of talking about this with you. It's because all your reasons and evidence can be summarized to: Spending time with family will strengthen them, because when when we spend time with family they grow stronger. Like even in this example you can't give any detail on how us spending time with them would make them harder to murder or influence. The reason we leave them in the sect village is because it's their responsibility to protect them, if bad things happened to our family it's be like spitting in the sect and duchess face and who in the world would be stupid enough to decide that's a good idea? Especially when it's accomplished nothing beyond make a mortal enemy of us.

This is paranoid because the risk assessment is close to non existent, especially when our ability to mitigate said risks is practically null. You really have to be reaching to think anyone would be foolish enough to try any of the things you've mentioned.

Notice how we just left ZhenGui sleep for 3 months without really checking up on him, because yknow, we relied on the sect to protect him, just like we're relying on them to keep our family safe.

Cai did say that and we ignored her and did it anyway, it's done or do you think we can wipe away the fact that they were whores? How do you figure that's gonna work? This is what I mean when I say that your 'solution' has absolutely no impact on the issues you mention. Like we could spend all our AP on this and they still wouldn't magically become not-prostitutes. You can't change their past by eating dinner with them more often.

You're perfectly right, hence why people making deals with mortals wouldn't be binding, those deals would have to pass through us first. No one in the setting would go "Your mortal retainer was convinced to sign off all your money to us, we got your now muhahahaha.", that sort of agreement would have about as much legitimacy as toilet paper.

The very fact that Cai could fix it mean people won't waste capital on it, but again, nobody is going to do that because it wouldn't make any sense to.

Oh yeah, cause now instead of us 1% of our time there we'll spend 5% of our time, so the window for them to come in our home and murder our household as shrank for 99% of the time to a whopping 95%, that's some intense mitigation, especially for a risk that'd have like 0.01% chance of happening in the first place, the only way I could see it even becoming a possibility is if we decided to torment Yan Renshu for shits and giggles to a point where he no longer had any future.

You've mentioned like a dozen bad scenarios throughout our discussion, but during the time our family has been here nothing even close to any of them as occurred, that's why it's fear mongering, because you're trying to push things that have inconsequential odds of occurring as likely and worse, your solution would barely mitigate most of them.
This is just nonsense, the "time" we spend with them is a few moments late at night and every choice affects LQ's future characterisation just like people voting to turn every social activity into one related to cultivation made us the kind of character that turns every available activity into cultivation.

We won't have time later because people keep voting to pass up on family SL options because they "aren't as important" as our other ones and I don't expect that to change much in the future given we have people REEEEEing over "sentimentality" and how despite this being like the only actual time we ever actually picked their SL option, after being automatically forced to due to the Zeqing arc, they get "plenty" of focus.

So no we aren't balancing work and family, we're ignoring them for working overtime like the stereotypical salarayman obsessed with success and if things keep going like this it'll be part of our characterisation.

Ling Qi isn't the "father" of the family; she's the daughter. This is the exact time in her life when she's supposed to ignore her family to focus on herself and her career. That's not 'salaryman', that's being a graduate student at a very competitive university. Calls home at night and brief visits is the right and appropriate way to live.
Best time to devote more time to family was when they traveled across the wilderness to be with us, next best time is now :p

[X] In the future, devote more time to your household and your family. (-1AP in future turns)

I'm basically picking this as an OOC decision, the quest is more interesting to me when it focuses on social. That's what I loved about FoD and that's what made the last update my favourite of this thread.

I am pretty turned off by the talk of this AP sacrifice being necessary for our Way though (if you didn't go so far as to say that, this isn't directed at you). Green is way formation and our home has never just been about family. In fact, Qingge wasn't even close to our strongest connection when we started on this path and our recent dream showed Renxiang, who needs us to be successful in cultivation, has a place in our Home.

I honestly do expect some negative impact to our progress, that's what makes this a sacrifice. I kinda feel bad for doing this to Renxiang too, especially when she's working so hard. Out of character, I'm doing this because I think it will mean more of what I want to read about. In character, at most, I think it will mean progress for the family seen in the last update (mortals and spirits) and putting out fires without requiring social slots.
Ling Qi isn't the "father" of the family; she's the daughter. This is the exact time in her life when she's supposed to ignore her family to focus on herself and her career. That's not 'salaryman', that's being a graduate student at a very competitive university. Calls home at night and brief visits is the right and appropriate way to live.
It's a mix, to be honest. While it's true she's attending what amounts to cultivation university she's also the one who's providing funds to the family after a long period of not having family followed up by brief visits that don't hold lots of substance like 'hi how are you bye' kinda thing. (By the way that's not appropriate but more like a side effect of most people needing to stay at the dormitories. It dosesn't really apply if your parents are a walk away not hours on the road)
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Ling Qi isn't the "father" of the family; she's the daughter. This is the exact time in her life when she's supposed to ignore her family to focus on herself and her career. That's not 'salaryman', that's being a graduate student at a very competitive university. Calls home at night and brief visits is the right and appropriate way to live.

No, she's the clan head. She most definitely is the 'father' of the family.
Ling Qi isn't the "father" of the family; she's the daughter. This is the exact time in her life when she's supposed to ignore her family to focus on herself and her career. That's not 'salaryman', that's being a graduate student at a very competitive university. Calls home at night and brief visits is the right and appropriate way to live.
Funny then how the daughter is the one with the Noble title and pays for all their expenses due to her job while also being considered the Head of the House with supreme Authority over them?

Also she literally lives a comparatively tiny distance from them. There's no excuse for not regularly visiting them when they're right there next to the Sect instead of back in Tonghou hundred of miles away.
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This means basically everyone's schedules are thrown off, meetings and work postponed, staff left idle and still eating up time...
This might be a bit insensitive, but... what meetings? What work? As I understand it, the only work that our household currently does is caring for Biyu and cleaning/protecting the house. So what is it that you are worried about being thrown off?
[X] In the future, devote more time to your household and your family. (-1AP in future turns)
People making the argument that the 1 AP will be spent on bad arts anyways are being idiotic. It's not like we seek out bad arts to train, we get arts because we think they will be good and sometimes for one reason or another they don't work out.
On the other hand, having less AP means less room for people to pick up new arts because they are shiny instead of focusing on core abilities, so that is a win in my book.
Thy Salt gods, I offer thee, some more art, as celebration for Zhengui's breakthrough, as well as appeasement from the occurring salt that's been spreading and plaguing us. May it fade away soon.

Now time to look back on good ol' times with Hanyi and her sled.

This is Yellow Zhengui in the picture btw

@yrsillar more offering good sir
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Here is another way of looking at what 22 AP is "worth".

We currently get ~160XP in Physical or Spiritual cultivation per AP. That is going to go up considerably once we get to Green 3 and start using an extra GSS, so lets say that more long term ~200XP is a reasonable medium. It takes 4800XP to go from Green 4 to Green 5. Thus, 22 AP is just under what we need to promote from Green 4 to Green 5 by the 2-year mark.

This gets us roughly 1hr on average blocked off for interaction with our family each day - although it is more likely to be in the form of 2-3 hours several times a week or ~7 once a week.
if the -1 ap goes through i feel the issue of us not being able to restrain our cultivation around mortals will go away. I also wonder if this ap will cover looking into arts that repair dantian or having a doctor look at mom.
All of the possible benefits of the family path are based on assumptions. We don't know for sure how the family path will benefit us. Meanwhile, we know exactly how 1 AP every month for the next two years could benefit us. The family path is the riskiest option here.

There's also a decent chance we'll need Green 6 to reach our final ranking goal, which will likely be very difficult if we sacrifice a month's worth of cultivation related actions.
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