Crazy cat guy
- Location
- France
To me it's about priority.People making the argument that the 1 AP will be spent on bad arts anyways are being idiotic. It's not like we seek out bad arts to train, we get arts because we think they will be good and sometimes for one reason or another they don't work out.
The comparison that actually makes sense is SP. 16 AP of lost job actions is 16*15.5 = 248 SP. That's lost pills and lost tutoring that could be spent on accomplishing Shenua's insane goal and providing for our family in the future. 16 lost AP is not some rounding error to throw away, it's a huge amount that could easily be the difference between winning and losing. We're basically gambling 248 SP on a mystery box here, from a perspective of trying to survive what by all appearances is a very difficult challenge and not be replaced.
I think that a major motivation for Ling Qi working for CRX is because she wanted to be able to create and establish a solid clan as soon as possible. As such, lowering, probably significantly, the odds of succeeding at a test Shenhua gives us is acceptable given that spending time with our household and our family is the reason for even wanting that test. Not putting the cart before the horse and all that.
Obviously, it depends on what you want Ling Qi's reasoning for her desires to be, and it also depends on how you want her to approach said duties. I, however, am OK with failing Shenhua's test if it means a more healthy (or what I consider healthy) foundation for our clan.