Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
[x] In the future, devote more time to your household and your family. (-1AP in future turns)

From how we have chosen our Way so far, I feel that the other choice will result in us actually stunting our cultivation. We already have seen an example of what happens when we do not remain true to ourselves. I do not want an encore.
20 AP are several levels in Arts.
That's like fighting Ji Rong at the tournament with several of our highest Art levels missing. Ji Rong would have face rolled Ling Qi in that case.
Eh, not really.

Right now, 20 AP is a lot of arts - in large part because we've just hit that very special point where we suddenly transition into being able to run full Appraisal GSS which makes our dice explode. At the end of next year, however, our cultivation should be taking substantially longer to complete. It is entirely possible that another month of training would just put us halfway through getting another level in our arts... It's also entirely possible that at the end of next year we'll be a month off hitting breakpoints in a bunch of arts and hitting ourselves for missed opportunities. It's very hard to say.
Blleaergh WHAT, hold up, Xuan Shi's actually decently high up my list. He's ducal investment, of course he's important. The only reason he isn't at top is because CRX, GG, Spirits stuff
And right now we're choosing to spend an AP meeting Zhengui, Hanyi, Sixiang and Qingge's needs. All of which are time sensitive

Which is up top amongst the list of things which WILL displace Xuan Shi
@yrsillar, can you explain a bit more the vote option?
[] In the future, devote more time to your household and your family. (-1AP in future turns)
I read, in this vote option, 'devote more time to Sixiang/Zhengui/Hanyi' as well as Qingge, considering we just spent the last 3 updates telling Qingge they are our family too. Is this correct?

Moreoever, what does 'devote more time' mean? Does this mean some kind of abstract 'Ling Qi character development', or will it have an actual effect on Qingge, Biyu, Hanyi/Sixiang/Zhengui? Because the way I read it, committing 1AP/Turn on them all should mean we spend a lot of time tutoring Hanyi in music, or Zhengui in stealth, or Sixiang on ??, or learn things from them, and so on.

Not sure how off base I am.
And right now we're choosing to spend an AP meeting Zhengui, Hanyi, Sixiang and Qingge's needs. All of which are time sensitive

Which is up top amongst the list of things which WILL displace Xuan Shi

I mean, yeah, temporarily, but once they get to certain rank (especially Zhengui's case)? not for long....Hence why Xuan Shi is such a big investment
[X] While you will be present as much as you can, your household cannot be top priority yet. (Status quo)
Our mother is a great example that getting stronger now is much easier than later. Ling Qi has hundreds of years to spend with family Later.
If we wanted to spend time more frivolously, for a lack of a better word, the correct choice would be to join the sect or merry.
In joining the Cai we have chosen the more(most IMHO) ambitious route, at this point, we are committed to it.
At least until we become important enough to be more than a minor player trying to support a possible heir, and that all we will be in the green realm.
Failing Cai Shenshua first assignment may prove to be a critical blunder, we risk not only our allowance but being kicked from the faction and having the protection it provides rescind and we kinda need now.

Had to stop lurking for this vote...

Good stuff Yrs
[X] While you will be present as much as you can, your household cannot be top priority yet. (Status quo)

I hate phoneposting. Sorry if I appear a bit curt.

The reason for my vote is as such:

As was pointed out already, our time in the sect is somewhat similar to attending an University. Iirc, being a core student has been explicitly compared to being a grad student.

As such I am 100 per cent sure that if we actually asked ling quingge how we should proceed, she would say, as all good parents would to focus on our studies. These next to years, in which we will live separate from our family, have to attend lectures, perform duties and meet the exacting standards of our liege, we need to focus on ourselves and the opportunity afforded to us.

We have already moved out family close to us, assured that their needs are met, employed servants according to our mother's wishes and we have included them in the more esoteric part of our lives. Furthermore, we are already visiting them as often as we can without neglecting our duties it cultivation.

This brings us to the main point of the argument:

I believe, and I believe this is a point that ling quingge would vehemently agree to if given the opportunity to speak, that ling will deserves time and opportunity to thrive and grow, focusing on herself, her studies, her peers and her future without compromise or there being an apology necessary.

To soothe some of the remaining worries:

As we will not have to serve in the sect military, due to CRX paying off our debt, and instead are expected to manage a fief, as was stated several times in the quest, especially around the time we were joining up with CRX and when we were discussing what to do with the death mirror, we will get to spent a lot of time together when we will all get to move in together in the yet to be build ling clan estate.

Towards concerns that we will never have enough time to be with our family if we dont make it now, due to our responsibilities to CRX and other parties, well, to that I say that is called 'having a job'.

I think it was surely not the intent of people who were concerned about the wellbeing of our family, to indirectly imply that committing to professional or academic responsibilities and prioritizing them appropriately, will result in a decrease of family values and happiness, thus leaving the Way of being a stay-at-home caregiver as the only viable choice.

Such an absurd conclusion would be a smack in the face to all the good people who combine having a career and are good spouses, parents or descendants in their family units.

// Im at work and can't reply much. There is no disrespect meant if I do not reply to a counterargument it someone pointing out faults in my thinking in a timely fashion.
[X] In the future, devote more time to your household and your family. (-1AP in future turns)
[X] While you will be present as much as you can, your household cannot be top priority yet. (Status quo)
If we asked Qingge about this I'm pretty sure she'd be the first to tell us to wait. Increasing our risk of displeasing Shenhua also increases the risk to our family. Safety first.

Actually why aren't we asking her? Didn't we just learn a lesson about this?

[X] While you will be present as much as you can, your household cannot be top priority yet. (Status quo)
[X] While you will be present as much as you can, your household cannot be top priority yet. (Status quo)
I would note that LQ is most definitely not ok with the status quo.

There's more to life than cultivation, as literally every teacher has told us.

And besides, our hurdle to succeed is not something we can cross with Sect Points, which is effectively all we lose taking this. We cross it with Insights and high quality Arts. The former of which this choice likely facilitates.
Our familly include zhengui, hanyi and sixiang. Not just Biyu and mom.

We know that hanyi at least require a lot of training to be up to snuff. Voting against spending time on our familly is ensuring that she does not get her much needed time.

I believe, and I believe this is a point that ling quingge would vehemently agree to if given the opportunity to speak, that ling will deserves time and opportunity to thrive and grow, focusing on herself, her studies, her peers and her future without compromise or there being an apology necessary.

You are talking about the same qingge ? Because quingge chose the exact opposite, prefering to follow her Way than what was gonna further her power, when she chose to refuse to be a bed warmer. She is gonna tell us to do what we wish.
[X] While you will be present as much as you can, your household cannot be top priority yet. (Status quo)

I hate phoneposting. Sorry if I appear a bit curt.

The reason for my vote is as such:

As was pointed out already, our time in the sect is somewhat similar to attending an University. Iirc, being a core student has been explicitly compared to being a grad student.

As such I am 100 per cent sure that if we actually asked ling quingge how we should proceed, she would say, as all good parents would to focus on our studies. These next to years, in which we will live separate from our family, have to attend lectures, perform duties and meet the exacting standards of our liege, we need to focus on ourselves and the opportunity afforded to us.

We have already moved out family close to us, assured that their needs are met, employed servants according to our mother's wishes and we have included them in the more esoteric part of our lives. Furthermore, we are already visiting them as often as we can without neglecting our duties it cultivation.

This brings us to the main point of the argument:

I believe, and I believe this is a point that ling quingge would vehemently agree to if given the opportunity to speak, that ling will deserves time and opportunity to thrive and grow, focusing on herself, her studies, her peers and her future without compromise or there being an apology necessary.

To soothe some of the remaining worries:

As we will not have to serve in the sect military, due to CRX paying off our debt, and instead are expected to manage a fief, as was stated several times in the quest, especially around the time we were joining up with CRX and when we were discussing what to do with the death mirror, we will get to spent a lot of time together when we will all get to move in together in the yet to be build ling clan estate.

Towards concerns that we will never have enough time to be with our family if we dont make it now, due to our responsibilities to CRX and other parties, well, to that I say that is called 'having a job'.

I think it was surely not the intent of people who were concerned about the wellbeing of our family, to indirectly imply that committing to professional or academic responsibilities and prioritizing them appropriately, will result in a decrease of family values and happiness, thus leaving the Way of being a stay-at-home caregiver as the only viable choice.

Such an absurd conclusion would be a smack in the face to all the good people who combine having a career and are good spouses, parents or descendants in their family units.

// Im at work and can't reply much. There is no disrespect meant if I do not reply to a counterargument it someone pointing out faults in my thinking in a timely fashion.
This is just nonsense, the "time" we spend with them is a few moments late at night and every choice affects LQ's future characterisation just like people voting to turn every social activity into one related to cultivation made us the kind of character that turns every available activity into cultivation.

We won't have time later because people keep voting to pass up on family SL options because they "aren't as important" as our other ones and I don't expect that to change much in the future given we have people REEEEEing over "sentimentality" and how despite this being like the only actual time we ever actually picked their SL option, after being automatically forced to due to the Zeqing arc, they get "plenty" of focus.

So no we aren't balancing work and family, we're ignoring them for working overtime like the stereotypical salarayman obsessed with success and if things keep going like this it'll be part of our characterisation.

It's always "later later later", we'll always have time "later" in some vague future. You know what that reminds me of? The stereotypical career-oriented parent character that misses out on important moments in their child's life (like birthdays or promises to go fishing or help them with homework or what have you)

And once again for emphasis, we'd never have even gone to see them here if the events of Zeqing's arc hadn't forced us to do so automatically. Yeah, Qingge might tell us we don't have to but that's not the lesson we learned, it's just her acquiescing to our desires just like our friends did in that dream and if it was wrong then it's wrong now.

We literally got a powerup due to character development and you want to ignore further opportunities just to do more cultivating? When Green requires a bunch of character-development insights to complete?
This is just nonsense, the "time" we spend with them is a few moments late at night and every choice affects LQ's future characterisation just like people voting to turn every social activity into one related to cultivation made us the kind of character that turns every available activity into cultivation.

We won't have time later because people keep voting to pass up on family SL options because they "aren't as important" as our other ones and I don't expect that to change much in the future given we have people REEEEEing over "sentimentality" and how despite this being like the only actual time we ever actually picked their SL option, after being automatically forced to due to the Zeqing arc, they get "plenty" of focus.

So no we aren't balancing work and family, we're ignoring them for working overtime like the stereotypical salarayman obsessed with success and if things keep going like this it'll be part of our characterisation.

It's always "later later later", we'll always have time "later" in some vague future. You know what that reminds me of? The stereotypical career-oriented parent character that misses out on important moments in their child's life (like birthdays or promises to go fishing or help them with homework or what have you)

And once again for emphasis, we'd never have even gone to see them here if the events of Zeqing's arc hadn't forced us to do so automatically. Yeah, Qingge might tell us we don't have to but that's not the lesson we learned, it's just her acquiescing to our desires just like our friends did in that dream and if it was wrong then it's wrong now.

We literally got a powerup due to character development and you want to ignore further opportunities just to do more cultivating? When Green requires a bunch of character-development insights to complete?
True it's always later rarely now.
[X] In the future, devote more time to your household and your family. (-1AP in future turns)