Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.

[] In the future, devote more time to your household and your family. (-1AP in future turns)

This has my vote. Family is important
Ling Qi's goal isn't to get stronger for the sake of it - it's to gain the strength necessary to carry her bonds with her, as stated during her Yellow breakthrough and reinforced by her Green breakthrough. Ling Qi deciding to spend more time with her family is the most IC choice, especially after the Zeqing ordeal. While this might be frustrating from a player perspective, we can minimize the impact of sacrificing one AP by altering our plans to take the change into account.
Also the bond with her family will probability help advancing her domain on long term.
I do believe that, IC wise, it would be best for Ling Qi to devote more time to her family and bonds, since that is why she wants to be strong. I think it could also tie into a nice narrative arc where she gets into a situation where she wasn't strong enough, and now wonders if she should have spent more time training.
Ugh, exactly the kind of vote where SV crowd can't help being a bleeding hearts about. Personally I find the current amount we spend with them to be fine, we already spend time with the rest of our friends and it's not like it costs any AP. We need to heck out every bit we can get right now, especially with our objectives.
Mortals are really terrified of being outside the wards. Makes a lot of sense, but I often forget how present the 'Deathworld' aspect is for everyone. Especially those squishy mortals.
The price for the carriage and guards seems like a total rip-off, compared to what escorting Qingge for weeks did cost when she travelled from her home city to the Sect but it's still basically a rounding error for us. Maybe Ling Qi got ripped off that much because it was on such short notice.
At least some Sect Guards got an easy job. I guess those are the most popular assignment. 'Escort' a green-2 and their family through not particularly hostile terrain.

Qingge having a hard time accepting with the casual wealth Ling Qi display is bittersweet. At least Biyu will grow up without knowing that kind of need. And she seems to channel all of that into cuteness! lil' turtle is big turtle now, indeed.

Sixiang continues to run damage control for Hanyi, which is great. Although I like Hanyi's ... uhm... pointed views. It's fun to watch, as long as no one listens to her ideas too much XD

I am a bit curious as to why Zhengui seems smaller than typical Xuan Wu. Maybe it simply is the elemental difference? The mountain-themed ones are larger than the wood-themed ones. Doesn't seem implausible.
Also, Ling Qi is a bad troll. 'I didn't exactly mention how much bigger...' Bad Ling Qi. No scaring the mortals.
Seeing her explain her relationship and closeness with her Spirits to Ling Qingge still seems to need some more work, but it's all good and should follow naturally over time.

Generally, I am looking forward to the interactions between Hanyi and Zhengui, especially Zhen. With Sixiang sniping from the back and poor Gui caught in the middle. Well, he has a thick skin, he can take it.

Ling Qingge awakening is great, if surprising, news of course! I hadn't expected her to do so so early. But it seems she got her own 'Insight' from close contact with her daughter and her spirits. Or simply leaving the city and seeing a very little of the world. Now I am wondering how her Cultivation will continue and if it would make sense to hire some kind of Instructor for say, the physical parts of Cultivation at least.

Regarding the vote... I don't think we can really afford losing an AP. Ling Qi's family didn't exactly suffer so far, the issue was Ling Qi not talking to them about important matters. We got multiple mentions of Ling Qi visiting them after all. More would be nice, certainly, but currently, it's work before play. We have *very* ambitious goals heaped upon us by Shenhua, and can't afford too many distractions. There will be time for family later, pretty much after the Sect and our most critical stages are done. So, in about two years. That's not an indefinite span of time and with Ling Qingge now being Red there is also little concern of our time with her getting cut short.

Well, unless we mess up and get our own life cut short. Say, because we didn't spend enough AP on training. [Fearmongering intensifies]

But mostly, I think spending much time on our family at this critical junction would be a 'betrayal' of Cai Renxiang. Ren Ren needs our support, and our best, if she is to fulfill Shenhua's goals. That means AP. I would not suggest to discard all family time and minimize contacts, that would be missing the purpose of becoming strong after all. But this is not what the vote says. Ling Qi will keep in contact with her family, visit and spend time with them. Just not *as much*. I see it like having a career, investing time now and building a good future for the benefit of all. And not in a very distant time, but two years. That's... more than reasonable.

So, I'd vote:
[] While you will be present as much as you can, your household cannot be top priority yet. (Status quo)
There's also Ling Qi's way to consider. Her mental state and her actions can directly impact her cultivation. Trying to build a home domain by ignoring her bonds with her family and never going home sounds like someone shooting themselves in the foot. If we pick up mother moon as a patron, we might be able to get some of the invested AP back as well.
Love that in the same way Ling Qi emulated Meizhen (and later Xiulan and Renxiang), Zhen emulates Cai. 'Tis cute. Also general family fluff and all the characters really did feel like one big family there. Can't bring myself to not vote for more after all that.

Also pretty sure this is my favourite update of the thread so kudos on that yrsillar!
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Plus 'cultivating' the bonds with her (probably) talented little sister plus her own house seems the thing one needs to do anyway.
There too many examples of bad family interactions cause trouble later on (plus her mentor probably would be pissed off)

And one of the reasons for immortality is to give time to one self (I think).

Plus 4 bond with the MC is good mechanic speaking.
Love the update, but I'm not making that AP sacrifice.

Shenhua has E X P E C T A T I O N S that we really cannot afford to fail to meet. For everyone in the family's long term good. Ling Qi can't afford to slow down, can't afford to hold back, no matter how much we wish she could. There's no rest of the wicked, until we close our eyes for good.
I said it on discord:

I'm a bit iffy about reducing AP, but if one of you make a really convincing argument about it, maybe I'd be inclined to vote for it

If it said mortal family, I would be hard against.

I'm for, because we see our Family here.

Qingge, Hanyi, Zhengui, and Biyu; with Sixiang looking in from the outside.

Spending more time with Family means that Qingge spends time with Hanyi and Zhengui, accepting and becoming part of our life faster.

Spending more time with Family means that Hanyi gets a chance to heal with a more complete support structure based around healthier concepts than ownership.

Spending more time with Family means that Biyu will be one step closer to a second gen Noble born cultivator than to a mortal born one.

I'm down.
If Ling Qi is worried about protecting her family, she should choose the status quo option. Raising her status as CRX's vassal gives her more strength and power to do this. If Ling Qi cares more about spending time with her family, she should choose the second option. Right now, I think the second option more accurately reflects Ling Qi. OOC, I'm confident that we'll be able to put together plans that make us strong enough even without the extra AP. It would be nice to know how exactly this impacts our current plans though.

FVM's domain insight supports the first option while our recently gained advanced insight supports the second.
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The outing cost us 5 YSS in total. Imagine how a conversation about that might go.

Qingge: Can you really afford to spend such sums on a mere outing?
Ling Qi: ... do you know how much my cultivation costs each week?
Qingge: Ten Yellow stones? Or... perhaps Twenty?
Ling Qi: Oh, my sweet summer child...
There's also Ling Qi's way to consider. Her mental state and her actions can directly impact her cultivation. Trying to build a home domain by ignoring her bonds with her family and never going home sounds like someone shooting themselves in the foot. If we pick up mother moon as a patron, we might be able to get some of the invested AP back as well.

Do you think that not spending the AP means that she's ignoring her family and never going home? Because I do not think that's what it means.

But mostly, I think spending much time on our family at this critical junction would be a 'betrayal' of Cai Renxiang. Ren Ren needs our support, and our best, if she is to fulfill Shenhua's goals. That means AP. I would not suggest to discard all family time and minimize contacts, that would be missing the purpose of becoming strong after all. But this is not what the vote says. Ling Qi will keep in contact with her family, visit and spend time with them. Just not *as much*. I see it like having a career, investing time now and building a good future for the benefit of all. And not in a very distant time, but two years. That's... more than reasonable.

So, I'd vote:
[] While you will be present as much as you can, your household cannot be top priority yet. (Status quo)

Very important point. We want to be there for our family... but also for people who are depending on us.

Qingge and Baiyu would like us around, but they don't need us right now. Cai Renxiang needs us. We are her only true ally in a nest of vipers (even Meizhen can only go so far). To give up that AP is to be less than the best we can for CRX; to imperil her future and our own.
I wonder if we throw enough money at her Mom will be able to make Silver...

From what I remember Silver was when the whole "Mortal lifetime injuries reversed" thing happened.

For that reason, I think it's where the bigge st, longevity jump (that she could possibly acheive) would be, but I imagine it would also be nearly impossible for her.

In addition to the talent degradation, she has a LOT more mortal injuries to revert than we did.

I dunno.

We should probably hire a consultant for that sort of thing, or just ask Suyin for some help.

Probably an after Sect thing tho...
I wonder if we throw enough money at her Mom will be able to make Silver...

From what I remember Silver was when the whole "Mortal lifetime injuries reversed" thing happened.

For that reason, I think it's where the bigge st, longevity jump (that she could possibly acheive) would be, but I imagine it would also be nearly impossible for her.

In addition to the talent degradation, she has a LOT more mortal injuries to revert than we did.

I dunno.

We should probably hire a consultant for that sort of thing, or just ask Suyin for some help.

Probably an after Sect thing tho...

I think she can make it to Silver with how quick she's cultivating. Probably not Bronze though, unless we find and use resources currently not known to us.
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Qingge and Baiyu would like us around, but they don't need us right now. Cai Renxiang needs us. We are her only true ally in a nest of vipers (even Meizhen can only go so far). To give up that AP is to be less than the best we can for CRX; to imperil her future and our own.

As someone who constantly argues that we should do what CRX tells us more(XS SL WHEN?), I somewhat disagree.

Cai may have wanted a bodyguard, or a handmaiden, or a scout, or a spy; but that's not what she recruited us as, and not what we are.

We're her Vassal. Showing that we can cultivate not just ourselves but our Clan is only good for CRX.

I mean, we tutored a 30 year into Awakenening.

We've literally proven we are capable of bringing about the next generation of cultivators through our bloodline, or at least as well as we can until it's kid time or Biyu ripens gets old enough.

Also, caring for mortals is the cultivator equivalent of fancy NYC charity galas. As long as we don't go overboard on it it's better than hookers.
This whole house of cards comes crashing down if we disappoint Shenhua; we simply can't afford the luxury of often relaxing with our family this year.
Remember the whole insight about consulting Qingge regarding important decisions and not shutting her out?

Just curious, but if Ling Qi asked her Mother about this decision, what do you think Qingge would advise? Would she say, "spend the time with family my daughter" or would she say "you must work hard so as not to disappoint your mentors and your friends; so that you can survive"?

I think we all know the answer.

I mean, deciding to spend that one AP a turn would mean that we're taking advantage of Qingge's ignorance to take a course of action she would never approve of. Q-Mom would absolutely say that Ling Qi should become as strong as possible to survive the dangers of a cultivator's life.
I don't think that taking one day off each month to meet our family is such an imposition. Even more that we have seen that our tutoring will help our mother's cultivation. Remember, she needs to consolidate her red status and start working towards Gold​
I was sure 2 minutes ago that the AP lost would be worth it and now I'm not. If we consider our duty with Cai Rexiang and Cai Shenshua, the fact that Ji Rong might become stronger than us( him being very focused and all) and our other enemies, I 'm having doubts with keeping up.

Why do I worry about Ji Rong? Because in many ways, he resembles Ling Qi with his fast ascension in the sect, his low background, his ties to one of the Provinces ( former but it's only temporary, we all know it) Heiress, his luck in arts. If there is anyone we should compare our growth with, it's him (and his ridiculous talent).

Edit: I mean he's not our nemesis but he sure looks like it.
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Now it's my opinion that this vote is asking what does Ling Qi value more strength or her bond with her family.
More whether she thinks that she needs to sacrifice the now to be able to keep them safe in the future, I think. She's never going to be getting stronger for the sake of it, but pouring all her time into training and cultivating, only to see that the people she was doing it for are more distant because of it...that I could see. On the other hand, I could see her spending too much time being with her family now to get to a level of power where she's able to actually protect them. That's what this vote is about.
I don't think that taking one day off each month to meet our family is such an imposition. Even more that we have seen that our tutoring will help our mother's cultivation. Remember, she needs to consolidate her red status and start working towards Gold​
It's literally the difference between giving 100% of our effort or 95%. That's a pretty hefty difference, honestly.
And for Qingge, it makes no real difference if she reaches her next Cultivation steps 'now' or two years later. She doesn't have an ambitious goal set by outside forces like Ling Qi.
Spending time with the family's important but I think it's also important to remember that we're under a time crunch that Shenhua, she of the going white within 50 years of her life, said herself is a harsh one.

And if spending additional time with the family would prevent that then i think it's better to use that time on training. It's not like it's been the time that's been the issue; the issue had been the quality of that time. And while it's not certain that the extra AP spent on family time will be the critical factor in failing to meet Shenhuas directives, I think its safer to err on the side of caution here.