Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Rereading the fight, it seems like disengaging from Zhengui and the worms only cost Ji Rong one attack on us before his Domain Weapon broke and he was restored. Ji Rong landed hits on us on all four other turns before his restoration.
I feel like youre bullshitting me here
Their limbs met with the crack of a millenial tree struck by heaven's fury, and though her arm trembled and her feet were driven back through the dirt, gauging furrows in the ground, she held. The surprise in his eyes was worth the bruise she could already feel forming across most of her forearm. As he withdrew, recovering his balance, the card in her hand flashed and sizzled, and from the earth, hissing grey worms the length of her arm sprang. He was driven back then, shadows shredding the wide sleeves of his shirt, while spearing roots tore his already damaged sandals asunder and hissing worms leaped ugly, toothy maws agape at him, chasing the boy through the ephemeral revel. He moved with incredible alacrity still though, none of these lesser assaults penetrating his guard. A crack of thunder rang through the eerie music as he drove Zhengui's tortoise head face first into the ground with a kick, pushing her little brother back.
One action
Yet it still gave Ling Qi room to breath, and even as the card in her hand flashed again, summoning still more of the foul worms of the earth, she let out a wordless shout, carried on a surge of flowing fiery qi that washed over her Zhengui and her summons alike infusing them with a burning vigor.

Ji Rong did not simply allow himself to be pushed back though, she saw the determination in his eyes as he hardened his guard, standing firm under the multi-headed assault of the trap she had laid for him. She felt the surge of qi a fraction of a second before the scarred boy bellowed a warcry and heavenly qi surged. Eyes burning with the blue light of lightning and hair spiked up with static, the sheer force of his unleashed spirit was like s small explosion, blowing the worms circling him away in a blast of crackling wind, even as he batted aside a burning glob of venom spat by Zhen, suffering an angry burn across the entirety of his forearm for the effort.
Two actions
His fist slammed into her gut a moment later, and Ling Qi tasted blood as lightning erupted from her back, charring a black line across the hillside. Despite pain she felt, Ling Qi glared at the glowing boy, and before he could withdraw his fist, blew single note from her flute. It was a thing of absolute cold, the song of winter condensed into a single rattling wail like a blizzard howling through a dead city.

Bolstered by the wisps of qi circling his limbs, left by the failed attacks of her spirit and summons, it struck with terrible force, patches of flesh on Ji Rong's chest turned black and cracked, weeping a sluggish stream of blood and hoarfrost spread across his limbs, leaving him to stagger back off balance.

Golden light flared then, and the sound of shattering glass echoed across the hillside, Ling Qi saw Ji Rong's weapon, the golden mirror falling to pieces, leaving her own blade to zoom through the air where it had been. Her eyes widened then as she turned them back to Ji Rong who was straightening up, rejuvenating qi melting away ice and shrinking the patches of frostbitten flesh.
Accumulated penalties and boosts to Current getting a maxed out Hoarfrost Caress, which then got negated by the Domain weapon consumable.

She grimaced, as she leapt back, darting back into Zhengui's ashfield and putting her little brother between them again. They were not done yet. Renewing her mist, she weathered his next assault, feeling a painful crack as the bone in her blocking forearm fractured… and yet, she felt a surge of confidence as Ji Rong was punished for blowing past her summons, being driven back by gnawing teeth and biting shadows yet again. Her reserve of qi was lower than it had been in a long time, from weathering his blows and activating her defense, but…
Three actions

A silent command sent the qi reserved in the worms surging, and they struck as one, a hissing carpet of writhing flesh… and Ji Rong missed a step, his bare foot sliding a few centimeters too far, right into the waiting grasp of one of the half dozen worms assaulting him. The hissing beast coiled around his leg in an instant, and for a single second, her opponent was held still. Grasping roots seized his other ankle.
First grapple and one full turn

In that moment of vulnerability, Ling Qi finally was able to make distance and then the revelers laughter boomed, and phantom hands grew all too solid. With some satisfaction, she saw Ji Rong's eyes widen even as lightning charred the worm on his leg to ash. His next attack went wide, a boiling beam of plasma going wide, and sending giggling fairies spinning in the heated channel of air it left in its wake.
Second grapple via Lunatic Whirl activation right afterwards thanks to first grapple, and thus making all his turns after that point completely wasted due to the nature of said tech

It's true that our set up enabled us to easily defeat him after his restoration, but we would have been able to get off at least five HCs without taking more hits than we did in the actual fight if we didn't use anything else. We likely would have taken more damage without MotV/IPF and each HC would have done significantly less damage than the one we used in the actual battle without the multiattacker penalty. However, I think we could have still won the fight. Of course, all of this is assuming that the description of the fight was a fairly accurate representation of the dice rolls.

We took an absolute shit ton of damage to get to that point, and getting wailed on the entire time would not have let us win that fight. We only managed to get that damage done due to Ji Rong being forced to keep out of Ling Qi's face for most of the fight to begin with, and if Ji Rong had had free rein after his second wind we wouldn't have come out on top.

"Hmph, so she is not entirely a fool then," Ling Qi's eyes snapped open as the familiar irritable and harried voice of an old man reached her ears. Blinking, she quickly tried to reorient herself, old instincts almost making her leap back up in a crouch. However, she found her limbs heavy and her muscles slow to obey. She was lying down in a soft bed, under the light of a paper lantern shining with a soft gray light. As she watched, the light pulsed briefly, sending the shadows cast by the characters painted on its sides dancing across the room.

...Elder Jiao?" she asked fuzzily peering at the shadowed figure standing at the foot of her bed. She felt a cool touch on her hand then, and looked to her left to see Xin, seated comfortably on a chair beside her bed. The moon spirit smiled at her attention.

"Sturdy enough not to go into shock without her qi holding the damaged area together, the Lantern will be enough," the old man said in a clipped tone, not looking at her, but instead scribbling a note in the folio in his hands. "The rest is disciple work then." Xin shot him a sour look as he turned away.

I think this discussion is finished.
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Am I missing something? It seems like you skipped half the fight. You can correct me if I'm wrong, but this is my interpretation:

Her flute formed in her right hand, and Zhengui began to take shape in front of her, a dark shadow in the grass. Even as she raised her hand to bring her flute to her lips though, she found herself staring point blank at the knuckles of Ji Rong's right hand, thick rings of bronze, arcing with electricity adorning them. She had a bare instant to flood vibrant wood wi through her spine and activate Ten Ring defense before it crashed into her nose.

Even as she moved with the force of the blow, reducing the impact, stars exploded in her vision, and she felt something in her face snap. She tasted blood on her lips as she retreated, avoiding the follow up blow by leaping over it, her gown fluttering in the wind as she landed on the far side of the now solid Zhengui.

Above them, their clash was reenacted, a wailing sword with a spiralling blade meeting a flashing golden mirror in a cacophony of noise and light.

How long had it been since she her nose had been broken? The idle though scurried across her thoughts as she began to play, suppressing the twitching in her muscles and nerves from the lighting flooding her body. He had chipped her front teeth as well, she thought, adjusting her playing for the slight change. Zhengui cried out in fury as her mists rolled over the battlefield, and superheated ash mingled with shadow haunted mist. The cherry red embers greeted her like an old friend and the cool, slick feeling of moon-aligned qi quelled the lightning seizing her muscles.

Turn one. Ji Rong successfully lands an attack. Ling Qi sets up MotV/Dissonance.

It wasn't enough though, Ji Rong was back in her face in an instant, the scent of his burning sandals reaching her nose as he landed lightly a top Zhengui's shell, a quick jab snapping Zhen's head back, and away while his follow up caught her in the shoulder, his fist shrouded in blinding actinic light.

She had to fight against her own muscles as they tried to become rigid with the voltage flooding them until Sixiang could act, and only the protection of Deepwood Vitality and her armor prevented the damage from being worse. Yet, as she met her enemies eyes in the moment before he leaped away to avoid Zhengui's retaliation, she saw surprise there. He had been hoping to overwhelm her entirely.

So it was with a bloody smile that she summoned a qi card into her hand in preparation. Not yet though, were her minions unleashed. Instead, she spun away limbs swaying to an unheard tune, and flooded the field with laughing, dancing phantoms. A riot of color and light spilled from her, casting the sunset hill in lurid color as fairies danced in the sky and elfin figures reveled on the ground.

Turn two. Ji Rong successfully lands an attack. Ling Qi sets up IPF.

At the same moment, she brought the disparate parts of her Thousand Ring's together, and activated the Hundred Ring's Armament. Rippling green light spilled across her limbs, coalescing the faint vital aura into something more solid, for Ji Rong navigated the tittering grasping figures with the light of heaven burning in his eyes. This time, when he rounded on her again through the thickening ash illusions and mist, embers burning in his hair, she raised her arms to block the lightning fast jab aimed for her face.

Their limbs met with the crack of a millenial tree struck by heaven's fury, and though her arm trembled and her feet were driven back through the dirt, gauging furrows in the ground, she held. The surprise in his eyes was worth the bruise she could already feel forming across most of her forearm. As he withdrew, recovering his balance, the card in her hand flashed and sizzled, and from the earth, hissing grey worms the length of her arm sprang.

Turn three. Ji Rong successfully lands an attack. Ling Qi summons worms.

He was driven back then, shadows shredding the wide sleeves of his shirt, while spearing roots tore his already damaged sandals asunder and hissing worms leaped ugly, toothy maws agape at him, chasing the boy through the ephemeral revel. He moved with incredible alacrity still though, none of these lesser assaults penetrating his guard. A crack of thunder rang through the eerie music as he drove Zhengui's tortoise head face first into the ground with a kick, pushing her little brother back.

Yet it still gave Ling Qi room to breath, and even as the card in her hand flashed again, summoning still more of the foul worms of the earth, she let out a wordless shout, carried on a surge of flowing fiery qi that washed over her Zhengui and her summons alike infusing them with a burning vigor.

Ji Rong did not simply allow himself to be pushed back though, she saw the determination in his eyes as he hardened his guard, standing firm under the multi-headed assault of the trap she had laid for him. She felt the surge of qi a fraction of a second before the scarred boy bellowed a warcry and heavenly qi surged. Eyes burning with the blue light of lightning and hair spiked up with static, the sheer force of his unleashed spirit was like s small explosion, blowing the worms circling him away in a blast of crackling wind, even as he batted aside a burning glob of venom spat by Zhen, suffering an angry burn across the entirety of his forearm for the effort.

Turn four. Ji Rong disengages from Zhengui and the worms. Ling Qi summons more worms and uses PC.

His fist slammed into her gut a moment later, and Ling Qi tasted blood as lightning erupted from her back, charring a black line across the hillside. Despite pain she felt, Ling Qi glared at the glowing boy, and before he could withdraw his fist, blew single note from her flute. It was a thing of absolute cold, the song of winter condensed into a single rattling wail like a blizzard howling through a dead city.

Bolstered by the wisps of qi circling his limbs, left by the failed attacks of her spirit and summons, it struck with terrible force, patches of flesh on Ji Rong's chest turned black and cracked, weeping a sluggish stream of blood and hoarfrost spread across his limbs, leaving him to stagger back off balance.

Golden light flared then, and the sound of shattering glass echoed across the hillside, Ling Qi saw Ji Rong's weapon, the golden mirror falling to pieces, leaving her own blade to zoom through the air where it had been. Her eyes widened then as she turned them back to Ji Rong who was straightening up, rejuvenating qi melting away ice and shrinking the patches of frostbitten flesh.

Turn five. Ji Rong successfully lands an attack. Ling Qi successfully lands HC boosted by worms/Zhengui. Domain Weapon restores Ji Rong

She grimaced, as she leapt back, darting back into Zhengui's ashfield and putting her little brother between them again. They were not done yet. Renewing her mist, she weathered his next assault, feeling a painful crack as the bone in her blocking forearm fractured…

Turn six. Ji Rong successfully lands an attack. Ling Qi renews MotV/Dissonance.

Following turns. Ji Rong is no longer able to attack Ling Qi due to her set up and Ling Qi wears him down.

There were four chances for Ling Qi to use HC instead of using debuffs/summoning worms without giving Ji Rong more attacks. These HCs would be significantly weaker, but I think two of them would have been enough to force a restoration, so the restoration would have been used on turn two (this might be where my assumptions are wrong). If this is the case, I think five HCs, with the damage done on turns following each HC, would have been enough to bring Ji Rong down for good. Ji Rong would have landed the same number of attacks on us as he did in the actual fight, but without MotV/IPF/PC, he would have been able to do significantly more damage, so this plan is definitely riskier if it takes five or more HCs to bring him down. I think we would still have a good chance of winning though.
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Am I missing something? It seems like you skipped half the fight
That doesn't really matter since you were claiming that there was, at most, one point pre-mirror shattering where Zhengui and the Worms impeded Ji Rong's action economy. I proved that there were most certainly two.

And then made the claim that Ji Rong would've been able to be Out DPS'd post Mirror refresh if we had just spammed Hoarfrost Caress at him constantly, when all indications are that even with the keepaway and cautious game we were playing we still came hideously close to being knocked out by him.

I then cited the relevant parts of the fight, and the post-fight analysis that made clear just how deadly a fully ramped up Ji Rong punch was. One we certainly would have been hit with more than once without the Worms and Zhengui forcing him to play keep away for most of the fight.

As well as the points where our accumulated advantages sealed his ability to leverage his ramped up buffs more than once, when a second shot would have been decisive for him.

That's the long and short of it, so like I said, the rest doesn't really matter. Your assertion is wrong.

Edit: Setting aside the hilarity of you assuming we even had enough gas in the tank to spam Hoarfrost Caress and Qi blocking and our defensive buffs at the rate we were going through it, when half the reason we went with Happiness Worms was because the Qi cards let us conserve Qi for those decisive blows in the first place.

We were very clearly flagging, even when playing super conservatively with Ling Qi's reserves.

No matter how much you insist otherwise, the reality of the circumstances and the mechanics at that time don't bear out your beliefs.

Turn five. Ji Rong successfully lands an attack. Ling Qi successfully lands HC boosted by worms/Zhengui. Domain Weapon restores Ling Qi.
lol what
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That doesn't really matter since you were claiming that there was, at most, one point pre-mirror shattering where Zhengui and the Worms impeded Ji Rong's action economy.

And then made the claim that Ji Rong would've been able to be Out DPS'd post Mirror refresh if we had just spammed Hoarfrost Caress at him constantly, when all indications are that even with the keepaway and cautious game we were playing we still game hideously close to being knocked out by him.

I then cited the relevant parts of the fight, and the post-fight analysis that made clear just how deadly a fully ramped up Ji Rong punch was. One we certainly would have been hit with more than once without the Worms and Zhengui forcing him to play keep away for most of the fight.

That's the long and short of it, so like I said, the rest doesn't really matter. Your assertion is wrong.

My assertion was that Ji Rong only lost one action pre-shattering due to Zhengui and the worms. I didn't say in my second-to-last post that Zhengui and the worms didn't affect the fight significantly outside of this turn. I did say that at first, but I changed my mind later, as I said here:

Did Ji Rong have to waste actions moving around? I agree with you on the rest but I'm not sure if the debuffs were necessary to win.

What I meant in the latter part of this was that MotV/Dissonance/IPF/worms weren't necessary for us to win. If we were by ourselves, spamming HC might have given us a better chance to win as MotV/Dissonance relied on the multiattacker penalty and PC to be more effective.

My belief is that if we spammed HC, the mirror refresh would have happened much earlier, before Ji Rong got off as many attacks on us.

As I said in my last post, spamming HC while solo would probably give us a lower chance of defeating Ji Rong than the plan we used with Zhengui. I still think we would have had a decent chance of defeating him.
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What I meant in the latter part of this was that MotV/Dissonance/IPF/worms weren't necessary for us to win. If we were by ourselves, spamming HC might have given us a better chance to win as MotV/Dissonance relied on the multiattacker penalty and PC to be more effective.

As I said in my last post, spamming HC while solo would probably give us a lower chance of defeating Ji Rong than the plan we used with Zhengui. I still think we would have had a decent chance of defeating him.
You cant say that your approach would simultaneously have provided both a better chance and lower chance of achieving victory at the same time, man.

Thats not how this works, you know?

Either way, spamming Hoarfrost Caress was n approach that had great odds for us being bodied, because no one believed that we would be able to out-DPS Ji Rong, him having a consumable restorative of some stripe or other consumable buff was also accounted for in the planning stages.
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There were four chances for Ling Qi to use HC instead of using debuffs/summoning worms without giving Ji Rong more attacks. These HCs would be significantly weaker, but I think two of them would have been enough to force a restoration, so the restoration would have been used on turn two (this might be where my assumptions are wrong). If this is the case, I think five HCs, with the damage done on turns following each HC, would have been enough to bring Ji Rong down for good. Ji Rong would have landed the same number of attacks on us as he did in the actual fight, but without MotV/IPF/PC, he would have been able to do significantly more damage, so this plan is definitely riskier if it takes five or more HCs to bring him down. I think we would still have a good chance of winning though.
From what I can tell, you seem to be arguing that spamming HC would have been a viable plan?

Another way of putting that is that you expect us to have been able to out DPS Ji Rong, someone who outright specialises in that field. I fail to see how that ends in any way except our defeat, especially considering the constraints of action economy would've meant our defensive buff cycle would've been crippled by the need to spend standard actions on HC.
You cant say that your approach would simultaneously have provided both a better chance and lower chance of achieving victory at the same time, man.

Thats not how this works, you know?

Either way, spamming Hoarfrost Caress was n approach that had great odds for us being bodied, because no one believed that we would be able to out-DPS Ji Rong, him having a consumable restorative of some stripe or other consumable buff was also accounted for in the planning stages.

I guess I should have specified more clearly, but I changed my mind on spamming HC being as reliable a strategy (assuming we have Zhengui). I forgot about how big the dice penalties to Ji Rong and buffs to us were with MotV/Dissonance/IPF/PC/worms. I still think spamming HC if we were by ourselves would have been one of the more effective strategies.

With the knowledge we had, our strategy was pretty effective. We didn't know how poor Ji Rong's spiritual defense was though.

From what I can tell, you seem to be arguing that spamming HC would have been a viable plan?

Another way of putting that is that you expect us to have been able to out DPS Ji Rong, someone who outright specialises in that field. I fail to see how that ends in any way except our defeat, especially considering the constraints of action economy would've meant our defensive buff cycle would've been crippled by the need to spend standard actions on HC.

Wait, would using HC have prevented us from using TRF? If so, spamming HC is a terrible idea.

It's true that Ji Rong specialized in physical attacks, but we also had pretty good physical defense with TRF. Meanwhile, Ji Rong seemed to have terrible spiritual defense while our spiritual offense in the form of HC was pretty good, if not as good as Ji Rong's physical offense. We weren't able to mitigate Ji Rong's perfect damage, but I don't think Ji Rong was able to mitigate our semi-perfect damage.

EDIT: Actually, how important was Zhengui to our multiattacker bonus plan? Could we have gotten the worms and shadows to successfully hit Ji Rong without Zhengui?
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Well, based on the AAR we got, it was down to the wire even with nearly perfect play. Like, to the point where a single hit more would have wrecked us.

And half the reason we actually hit him so hard when we did attack was because we had dragged his defenses into the dirt with the multiple attacker penalty and Pressure Crack.

We might have hit him more times by going maximum offense, but they wouldn't have hit him as hard--and he literally only needed one more hit to put Ling Qi down. (I think she was down to one or two health boxes left at the end?)
Well, based on the AAR we got, it was down to the wire even with nearly perfect play. Like, to the point where a single hit more would have wrecked us.

And half the reason we actually hit him so hard when we did attack was because we had dragged his defenses into the dirt with the multiple attacker penalty and Pressure Crack.

We might have hit him more times by going maximum offense, but they wouldn't have hit him as hard--and he literally only needed one more hit to put Ling Qi down. (I think she was down to one or two health boxes left at the end?)
And Ling Qi was particularly tanky for her weight class.
Edit: Setting aside the hilarity of you assuming we even had enough gas in the tank to spam Hoarfrost Caress and Qi blocking and our defensive buffs at the rate we were going through it, when half the reason we went with Happiness Worms was because the Qi cards let us conserve Qi for those decisive blows in the first place.

We were very clearly flagging, even when playing super conservatively with Ling Qi's reserves.

No matter how much you insist otherwise, the reality of the circumstances and the mechanics at that time don't bear out your beliefs.

I assumed qi wasn't a concern, which was a dumb assumption. If the extra HCs used up significantly more qi than the arts we used in the actual fight and we were running low on qi in the actual fight, the plan we used in the actual fight would definitely have been better even if we were alone.
Turn 4: Arc 1-2
As busy as she had been in the last few months, Ling Qi had not had the leisure to spend at the hill Zhengui was hibernating in. So she was glad that the Sect had assigned someone to check on the location periodically as well. She knew the Sect was doing so partially out of self interest. Having a confused recently broken through beast of Zhengui's likely size wandering around would not do them any good. Studying his growth could benefit them in other ways too, or so Cai Renxiang had said after making the arrangement. She would get a copy of their observations too, for the future.

All of that was the reason that Ling Qi knew that observation and divination indicated that her little brother would awake sometime tomorrow afternoon. It had been fortuitous news. It had stopped her from procrastinating any longer about doing this.

Sitting out here on the veranda with her Mother, looking out over the garden, she couldn't regret that. The sun was on it's way down now, and Biyu had fallen asleep some time ago, worn out by the excitement. Ling Qingge was seated in the lotus position, breathing slowly as she followed the basic exercises Ling Qi had given her. Hanyi was still out as well, snuggled up to Ling Qi's side side, toying with a half frozen flower. The shattered remains of it's predecessors littered the young spirit's lap and the floor around her.

Ling Qi cast a sidelong look at her Mother, as much as her cultivation and arts had improved of late, she could feel in far more detail the problems that plagued her Mother's cultivation. Though it was inactive, she could feel Ling Qingge's dantian. It was small and empty like all mortals', but the difference was, with her recent efforts to cultivate, subtle flaws had been made clear. Though it appeared as a healthy vessel on the surface, it really wasn't. It was like a jug riven by a hundred invisible hairline cracks, and though it could hold some 'water' the closer the jug came to being filled, the more 'water' was forced out through the widening cracks.

While Ling Qi did not know enough of the subject to say, she suspected that this was the result of age on cultivation potential. Her Mother let out a deep breath then, opening her eyes, and Ling Qi watched the slow trickle as recently cultivated qi began to dissipate. "I never imagined that sitting and breathing could be so tiring," her mother sighed, trying and failing to disguise the slump of fatigue in her shoulders.

"There's a bit more to it than that, even if you can't quite tell yet," Ling Qi replied wryly. "Are you done for the night?"

"I believe so," Ling Qingge answered.

"You shouldn't be. If you stay like that your gonna disappear and make Big Sis sad," Hanyi commented idly, not looking up from her little project. The young spirit blew gently on the flower in her hands, sending scraps of the plant matter still clinging to the fragile sculpture in her hands fluttering away.

Awkward silence fell in the wake of her words, and Ling Qi sighed. She really was going to have to work on Hanyi's social skills.

"I think we're still a long ways from worrying about that," Sixiang said lightly. "Anyway, Ling Qi didn't you have something you wanted to ask?"

"I did," Ling Qi replied silently, thanking Sixiang for the save. She glanced again at her Mother, glad to see that her composure hadn't been shaken much by the impolite comment. "I was hoping to take you and Biyu on a little day trip tomorrow. Do you think you'll be up for it?"

"I suppose," Ling Qingge replied slowly. "I wish you had given me more notice. I could have prepared better."

"Well, we would be going out into the wilderness a ways," Ling Qi said. "Not exactly something you need to get fancy for."

"You mean outside the wards?" Her Mother asked in alarm.

"I am pretty strong," Ling Qi replied soothingly. "Neither of you will be in any danger, and you got here alright, even without me, didn't you?"

"Traveling on the road is a different matter, and not, I suspect what you intend," Ling Qingge replied with a hint of reproach.

"That's fair, but… I promise that both of you will be safe. I just want everyone to be there when Zhengui wakes up," Ling Qi said, causing Hanyi to perk up as well.

"The Xuan Wu?" Her mother asked in confusion. "It will be an impressive sight I'm sure, but…"

"Mother," Ling Qi replied quietly. "Zhengui is family too. I know you can't understand him yet, but he's as smart as Hanyi or I," she shot the spirit beside her an unimpressed look at the scoff that elicited. "I raised him from an egg. He's my... little brother, and this is kinda like his birthday, you know?"

Ling Qingge gave her a long, searching look, and Ling Qi shifted uncomfortably. Searching her words and the tone they had come out in, she had a feeling that she had implied the wrong thing. She almost thought to correct herself but… that wasn't a tangle she wanted to voice aloud.

"I'm missing something again aren't I? Why does the idea that the big goof is more like your kid than your brother bother you so much?" Sixiang asked silently.

Ling Qi held in a grimace as her Mother nodded. "Very well. I will trust you, Ling Qi. Is there anything I should know, in order to prepare?"

"Well, the first thing is… he's going to be a bit bigger than you remember," Ling Qi began.


Ling Qi was not able to cultivate as much as she would have liked that night. She knew it was her own fault for putting off preparations for this though. By the time the sun had risen the next day, the proper forms had been filled out, permits paid for and permissions granted to rent out a carriage that could navigate the rough hilly and wooded terrain. Zhengui's hill was still well within the Sect's grounds, so there was no need to hire more than a handful of guards to ward off the dimmer sort of spirit beasts, without having to flex her own spirit and scare her family.

-30 Red Stones

When they set out the next day, she could tell that her Mother was on edge, and the consequences of confining a small child into even a spacious carriage didn't help matters. Still as first an hour, and then another passed without incident, Ling Qingge seemed to find a reserve of nerve and calm herself.

For Ling Qi's part the transportation was interminably slow. While the carriage never so much as bounced or jostled them, no matter what terrain was outside the window, it didn't help Ling Qi feeling stir crazy as time went on. She could run faster than this thing. Still she trusted that this was the best that could be done keeping mortals in mind.

Yet, it was worth it, she felt, when they reached their destination, a clearing next to a shallow brook that ran sluggishly around the base of Zhengui's hill. Here the second part of her preparations came into play, in the form of a couple of trinkets she had picked up overnight at the Inner Sect market.

Namely, a 'pocket pavilion' a block of formation carved wood that rapidly unfolded into wide wooden platform, with self adjusting stilted legs to ensure an even surface, and a single use storage talisman, meant specifically to hold prepared meals in good order.

-2 Yellow Stones

Ling Qingge looked on in bemusement from inside the carriage as Ling Qi finished setting up, though she still held tightly to the squirming little girl in her lap. Behind Ling Qi the platform settled, and a faint mist hissed from the thick rug which made up the talisman, revealing in its wake baskets full of simple fare. "Come on out mother," Ling Qi said cheerfully, giving the platform a subtle… nudge, causing it to pop out a couple of steps in a puff of sawdust scented smoke.

Ling Qingge stepped slowly down from the carriage, looking left and right as the guards who had been driving the carriage and rising along on the back spaced themselves out, forming an out of sight perimeter for them. "It really is this easy, is it not?" She asked wistfully as she stepped down onto the dry earth.

Ling Qi understood the subtext in her Mother's words and smiled. "Cultivation does make the world a much bigger place," she agreed. "Come on though, relax a little and enjoy the fresh air, it could be a little while until he actually wakes up."

Hesitating only a moment more her mother set Biyu down, who immediately scrambled up onto the platform, following the smell of food rising from the baskets and the containers. Ling Qingge followed a moment later, settling herself carefully on the rug. "How long did you spend preparing this?"

"Most of the night," Ling Qi admitted. "But I rarely sleep anymore."

"And food is something you need only eat for the flavor," Ling Qingge mused, looking out over the spread. "...I suppose that explains your lack of concern for nutrition."

Ling Qi laughed sheepishly, glancing at the copious number of sweets among what she had ordered. "Well even for you and Biyu it doesn't hurt once in awhile, right? Besides, I have other things. You still like those lotus seed dumplings, right?"

Ling Qingge shook her head, the last of the tension draining from her frame. "It is so very easy now, isn't it?" She asked quietly.

"...And there's nothing wrong with that," Ling Qi replied bluntly. Neither she nor her mother or anyone else in her family would have to scrimp and save just to have their favorite food once a year. "These little things, everyone should have that. It's not like theres any shortage of things to strive for."

"I don't see what the big deal is, none of this stuff is even alive," Hanyi said within her dantian, her qi conveying a pout. "Wake me up when Zhengui starts moving around."

"I suppose I will just accept my good fortune," her mother replied with a small smile, before glancing to the side and having her eyes widen. "Biyu no! Do not put your hands in that!"

Ling Qi darted over, expertly removing her little sister from the desserts basket, much to the little girl's protests and the amusement of the muse in her head. This had been the right decision.

Over the course of the next few hours, Ling Qi found herself growing more comfortable and relaxed as she chatted with her Mother, drifting over from the platform to the banks of the little brook after the food had been finished. Still she kept an eye always on the slowly thickening stream of smoke rising from Zhengui's hill, and the still mostly imperceptible tremors rippling out through both dirt and qi alike.

So, when the ground began to rattle and rumble, she was ready, snatching Biyu from the edge of the brook and placing a steadying hand on her Mother's shoulder. "Looks like the guest of honor is about to get here," she said lightly to put her Mother at ease. "Let me just make things a little easier."

As she finished speaking, she breathed out, cycling her qi through the forms of the Thousand Ring's Unbreaking and Deepwood Vitality techniques. Biyu clapped in delight as rippling viridian light spread from Ling Qi's hands, and across her body, and her Mother, though startled merely looked down at herself in consternation, opening and closing her hands as if seeing them for the first time.

Though the earth shook and smoke was belched into sky, neither of them was so much as knocked off balance, even as one of the hired guards rushed back to calm the horses. In her arms, Ling Qi felt Biyu begin to grow distressed as the noise coming from the hill grew louder and a stream of superheated ash shot into the air, but it took only a little cajoling to soothe the little girls nerves. It was probably only so easy due to both herself and her mother remaining calm though.

Finally, though, Ling Qi felt the awakening qi of her little brother Zhengui, and knew that the little fireworks show was coming to an end. From the top of the hill a column of orange and blue fire rose, and molten rock and dirt erupted in a wave, only to stop dead at the boundary set by the totems surrounding the hills base.

Her first glimpse of Zhengui was the sinuous shape of Zhen rising in the smoke, with a body as thick as a small tree trunk and black scales outlined by faintly glowing molten light, he peered left and right, his flicking tongue looking like little more than a wispy jet of fire. The rest of him emerged shortly thereafter, giant stumpy feet pounding down the dirt and making a ramp for Zhengui to pull the rest of his bulk from the pit. The eyes of his other half were still a bright vibrant green, and flecks of the color had spread to his scales and shell, glimmering in the ash darkened sun. However, Ling Qi could not help but notice… he was a bit smaller than she had expected, the length of his shell was closer to five meters than six, which was the lower range Xuan Shi had indicated. For a moment, she worried that something might be wrong, but then his aura washed over her, healthy, vibrant and vital and washed the concern away.

She raised a hand to wave, carefully allowing her own aura to rise for his notice. "Zhengui! Get down here! I brought everyone to see you!"

"Big Sister?" Two voices echoed out from the Xuan Wu, and to Ling Qi's surprise, and the widening of her mother's eyes. The words were not immaterial. Gui's voice was a deep rumble now, and Zhen's a smooth and loud hiss. "Big Sister!"

"Lil turtle?" Biyu whispered in her arms, eyes wide in both fear and wonder. The little girl looked up at Ling Qi then and seemed to take comfort in her smile.

She heard her mother's sharp intake of breath as Zhengui began to move toward them, at a pace that was no doubt alarming to a mortal. As stubby as his legs were, his sheer size meant that Zhengui ate up ground quickly. She glanced over in time to see her mother steady herself, even as her hands curled into white knuckled fists.

"I did it Big Sister!" Gui announced as he approached, looming large over all of them. His rumbling voice rose briefly cracking back into a chirp.

"Hmph, Dull brother, there are guests," Zhen hissed haughtily, arching his body over Gui's shell to peer down at them.. "Behave properly."

Gui blinked, seeming to notice that there were other people present. "Oh! Big Sister brought Grandmother and Lil' Sis too. Hello Grandmother, Hello Lil Sis. Can you understand Gui now?"

Ling Qi was rather glad that she had put up Thousand Rings Unbreaking, because her Mother looked like she could have been blown away by Gui's breath at that point. Still, after a moment she rallied, shooting Ling Qi a look of consternation. Ling Qi might not have specified how big she meant by 'bigger', when describing the situation. "I can, congratulations on achieving such a… milestone? At such a young age." Her voice rose in question toward the end.

"Lil turtle is big turtle now!" Biyu announced helpfully, her eyes still wide.

Zhengui seemed to puff up at the praise though, particularly Zhen who practically preened. "That is right. Thanks to I, Zhen, we broke through very quick."

Ling Qi shot him an unimpressed look, no matter how big he was, she wasn't going to put up with him talking like Cui. Before she could say anything to that effect however, she felt a churning in her dantian, and frost spread across the grass beneath her feet as Hanyi launched herself back into the physical world with a mighty warcry.

"YOU DUMMY!" the little spirit yelled, reforming into the world with her hands on her hips atop the platform that Zhengui had stopped in front of. "You were asleep for like, forever! How can you call that fast!"

"Huh?" Gui replied cluelessly, looking cross eyed down his own blunt snout as he peered down at her. "Who are… Hanyi?"

"That's right! You disappeared and I had to change like this cause… cause…" Hanyi faltered in the middle of her tirade, seeming to curl in on herself. Her final words came out in almost a whisper. "...It was lonely, you big idiot."

Zhengui, both of him, looked to her in alarm and Ling Qi shook her head rapidly. This wasn't the place to catch him up on events, she had spoken with Hanyi about this earlier, but well, she couldn't blame her.

"...It was dull brother Gui's fault," Zhen hissed experimentally.

"Hey! You couldn't figure out the weird dream either!" Gui cried out in betrayal.

"You know, I worry about that boy sometimes," Sixiang whispered in amusement, breaking their relative silence.

Ling Qi glanced at her Mother who was taking a moment to collect herself, and down at her sister, who was practically vibrating in excitement. "Oh, just what kind of dream did you have?" She asked curiously.

Zhen shot Gui a look of horror. "Nothing important Big Sister, It was just a strange… confusing dream."

"That's totally suspicious," Hanyi replied bluntly, narrowing her eyes.

"Well that sounds kind of important," Ling Qi added slyly, detecting his embarrassment. "Are you sure…"

"Ling Qi did you not say that this was akin to a birthday?" Her mother chided. "Perhaps it would be better save such a conversation for later, after the festivities."

"Yeah give the little… big guy a break before you start teasing him," Sixiang said in an amused drawl.

Ling Qi huffed, but conceded the point. Teasing was all well and good, but Zhengui had done well, he deserved the presents she had gotten him.

...She would probably have to give Zhen his present out of sight, while Mother had shown a high tolerance so far, watching Zhengui dig into a meal might be too much.


They stayed out there for much of the afternoon, and by the time they returned home, Zhengui once more snugly stored away in her dantian. His presence certainly strained her qi a great deal more now, but it was a comfort to have him back. That night however, she did not return to the mountain. After Biyu had been put to bed, as she had been about to leave, her Mother had come to her and asked that she stay and instruct her.

By the time the sun rose the next day, Ling Qingge had awakened. Her cultivation was a fragile thing, in need of constant reinforcement, but her Mother had taken the first step. It seemed like she wouldn't be losing her any time soon after all.

Ling Qingge bond Advanced to 4

[] In the future, devote more time to your household and your family. (-1AP in future turns)
[] While you will be present as much as you can, your household cannot be top priority yet. (Status quo)

Two hour moratorium.

AN: Zhengui stats will go up tomorrow most likely, working on this ate up all my time.
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[] In the future, devote more time to your household and your family. (-1AP in future turns)

familiy is very important so while it may not be optimal to its in my mind more important to spend time with them so go for this option once the moratorium is up
So before I decided my vote

Ling Qi glanced at her Mother who was taking a moment to collect herself, and down at her sister, who was practically vibrating in excitement. "Oh, just what kind of dream did you have?" She asked curiously.

Zhen shot Gui a look of horror. "Nothing important Big Sister, It was just a strange… confusing dream."

"That's totally suspicious," Hanyi replied bluntly, narrowing her eyes.

"Well that sounds kind of important," Ling Qi added slyly, detecting his embarrassment. "Are you sure…"

..................I swear if that dream is what I think it is....
Ling Qi glanced at her Mother who was taking a moment to collect herself, and down at her sister, who was practically vibrating in excitement. "Oh, just what kind of dream did you have?" She asked curiously.

Zhen shot Gui a look of horror. "Nothing important Big Sister, It was just a strange… confusing dream."

"That's totally suspicious," Hanyi replied bluntly, narrowing her eyes.
As far as we know, does losing 1 AP affect any of our future plans? I'd personally still sacrifice the AP regardless.

[] In the future, devote more time to your household and your family. (-1AP in future turns)

Ling Qingge actually stepped into Red already? That's far faster than I was expecting.
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I said it on discord:

I'm a bit iffy about reducing AP, but if one of you make a really convincing argument about it, maybe I'd be inclined to vote for it
[] In the future, devote more time to your household and your family. (-1AP in future turns)
The sacrifice is significant, as it means losing more than a full turn before leaving the sect.... however, this is the direction Ling Qi should go, I think. It fits the kind of way I want her to go for, and it's a characterisation milestone too.

Definitely worth the sacrifice, even though it's a really big one.
I said it on discord:

I'm a bit iffy about reducing AP, but if one of you make a really convincing argument about it, maybe I'd be inclined to vote for it

Ling Qi's goal isn't to get stronger for the sake of it - it's to gain the strength necessary to carry her bonds with her, as stated during her Yellow breakthrough and reinforced by her Green breakthrough. Ling Qi deciding to spend more time with her family is the most IC choice, especially after the Zeqing ordeal. While this might be frustrating from a player perspective, we can minimize the impact of sacrificing one AP by altering our plans to take the change into account.

Edit: This post still reflects my opinion, even though I changed my vote. I think this option is slightly more IC for Ling Qi but, like with the Cai vote, I think you can easily make an IC justification for the other.
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[] In the future, devote more time to your household and your family. (-1AP in future turns)

Ling Qi should spend more time with her family and household staff: having mortal company (and Ling Qingge who is now red) that she cares about will balance the fact that a lot of Ling Qi opinions and thoughts are influenced mostly by her street-rat past and her times in the sect among the Empire finest nobility.

Plus her domain is about home, might as well pass time in the real one from times to times.
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[] In the future, devote more time to your household and your family. (-1AP in future turns)

Not really a choice IMO, Ling Qi's character arc has been building towards something like this
Now it's my opinion that this vote is asking what does Ling Qi value more strength or her bond with her family.