Chu Song, Han Fang, Kang Zihao, Shen Hu.... even Meizhen has them. need I go on?
Also, I guess this is ambiguous, but I am not sure if that's not a teleport:
Let's see...
Chu Song: didn't has instant movement, i don't know where you see that, quote plz.
Han Fang: well yes, he has his wind/thunder teleport tech.
Kang Zihao: he definitely has some Movement Art that boost's his (and his doggos) Speed, but isn't instant movement.
Shen Hu: it was a little surprising, but apparently he can move trough stones, like LQ move trough shadows.
Meizhen: well no, she has some Movement Arts, but they are not instant movement.
Sun Liling is the same actually, she is so freakishly fast, but she is just boosting her speed without teleporting.
Cui on the other hand doing the same thing as LQ and Shen Hu but with bodies of water.
And no, swordboi used instant 'shock wave from sword' attack on us, not the instant movement, he didn't actually moved from his spot beside adjusting his stand while doing his initial attack.
I have to admit that also not all of cultivators of interest from tournament had instant movement, most of them had some sort of Movemnt Arts and it doesn't really matter if someone teleports in your face or just charges if your base Speed isn't enough to counter it.
But still Movement Arts/Techs even instant ones isn't panacea, they can be countered in many ways, most obvious of which is to use Movement Arts/Techs of your own. For LQ it can be (soon) Sable Crescent Step.
Well if you rely on ranged attacks and have Good Movement Art (like LQ), then upping Speed (especially if it is on already tolerable level) isn't
that important in duels at Close distance, like with swordboi. But it another matter entirely for things like Intersect Tournament (i suspect that it would be like war games and that means a lot of territory to move through) or war with Cloud Tribes when you need high Speed for scouting, or to cover a lot of distance quickly to aid your allies or to run away from overwhelming force.
So, upping Speed now may be arguable, but we shouldn't forget about it entirely, or we wouldn't have enough Speed when we actually need it and that time
will come.
P.S.: I suppose for similar reasons Stealth we need too.