Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

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Ling Qi and Hanyi
So thank you very much for the advice @CornyBones @Inferno Vulpix @Hannz can't believe this took me 4 hours to figure out

With that said, here is my drawing.

Also went and pictured my draft (sketch) version.

Pls pardon the hands....and feet. Terrible with fingers.

More Art @yrsillar

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Chu Song, Han Fang, Kang Zihao, Shen Hu.... even Meizhen has them. need I go on?

Also, I guess this is ambiguous, but I am not sure if that's not a teleport:
Let's see...
Chu Song: didn't has instant movement, i don't know where you see that, quote plz.
Han Fang: well yes, he has his wind/thunder teleport tech.
Kang Zihao: he definitely has some Movement Art that boost's his (and his doggos) Speed, but isn't instant movement.
Shen Hu: it was a little surprising, but apparently he can move trough stones, like LQ move trough shadows.
Meizhen: well no, she has some Movement Arts, but they are not instant movement.
Sun Liling is the same actually, she is so freakishly fast, but she is just boosting her speed without teleporting.
Cui on the other hand doing the same thing as LQ and Shen Hu but with bodies of water.

And no, swordboi used instant 'shock wave from sword' attack on us, not the instant movement, he didn't actually moved from his spot beside adjusting his stand while doing his initial attack.

I have to admit that also not all of cultivators of interest from tournament had instant movement, most of them had some sort of Movemnt Arts and it doesn't really matter if someone teleports in your face or just charges if your base Speed isn't enough to counter it.
But still Movement Arts/Techs even instant ones isn't panacea, they can be countered in many ways, most obvious of which is to use Movement Arts/Techs of your own. For LQ it can be (soon) Sable Crescent Step.

Well if you rely on ranged attacks and have Good Movement Art (like LQ), then upping Speed (especially if it is on already tolerable level) isn't that important in duels at Close distance, like with swordboi. But it another matter entirely for things like Intersect Tournament (i suspect that it would be like war games and that means a lot of territory to move through) or war with Cloud Tribes when you need high Speed for scouting, or to cover a lot of distance quickly to aid your allies or to run away from overwhelming force.
So, upping Speed now may be arguable, but we shouldn't forget about it entirely, or we wouldn't have enough Speed when we actually need it and that time will come.

P.S.: I suppose for similar reasons Stealth we need too.
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Let's see...
Chu Song: didn't has instant movement, i don't know where you see that, quote plz.

Shen Hu: it was a little surprising, but apparently he can move trough stones, like LQ move trough shadows.
Meizhen: well no, she has some Movement Arts, but they are not instant movement.
I am talking about onscreen techs:

"There is a second Elder, enhancing the others beasts!" Meizhen's words cut through the noise and music like the crack of a whip, and Ling Qi found that there were indeed two much larger shadows circling the ceiling, well above her mist. She looked back down in time to see Meizhen's mantle of water drop away, and for a moment she wondered if the girl had been hit, and her technique disrupted.

That proved wrong of course, as the water simply seemed to merge with her shadow and flow up her legs and gown, turning her lower body inky black. She saw her friends legs flex, bending as if preparing herself for a leap… and then the gathered inky liquid exploded, launching her upward with the force to crack the stone beneath her feet, trailing behind the suddenly ascending girl like the tail of a serpent.

However, she must have made a mistake in drawing on so much qi, because a moment before she released the sparking missile from her bow, the creature jerked, and as her arrow howled toward it in a blinding bolt. The mud that comprised it flowed apart, a perfect circle the size of a small tree trunk opening and allowing her arrow to sail through harmlessly to explode when it embedded in the creatures nest of mud, showering the clearing with dirt.

She had only a moment to curse the failure before she saw the eyes of the corpse face snap open. A moment later, she was hurling herself backward as a tall, lanky boy burst from the beasts chest as if propelled by a rocket, trailing mud and dark earth. He wore the tattered remains of an outer disciples grey robe, little more than the scraps of the sleeves and a ragged stretch of cloth across his back, and… yes, that was a bearskin tied around his waist, and nothing else.

All of that vanished from her mind in an instant though as she saw the gleaming black claws of glimmering black crystal that had consumed his hands, each talon was half the length of her forearm, and she could already trace the path they would take, slashing across her chest.

Ling Qi felt a little bad as her opponents expression twisted into fury, and thunder boomed, rustling the leaves of the trees overhead. In the end though, it did what she wanted. Chu SOng launched herself toward Ling Qi with a bone rattling boom of thunder and a howl of wind, her massive slab of a greatsword appearing in her hands in an instant.

Darkness pooled in her channels and washed across her skin as Ling Qi launched herself upward, her limbs blurring into misty darkness as she expressed her flute, it's silver marking gleaming amidst the darkness as first melancholy notes of the Forgotten Vale echoed through the once bright summer sky. Below her, the area where she had stood and the closest trees in every direction where blown away, howling wind carving through wood and dirt alike as an arcing blade of air tore apart the terrain. For
In the case of Chu Song and Shen Hu, those were 100m+ leaps followed by attacks in the same turn, while Meizhen's was only a dozen or so meter in the air, but you can bet it can go further if needed. Her leap isn't going to be worse than Boom Leap.
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I do not remember such a thing. Can you provide a source, please?

Here's the relevant passage. It's from Ling Qingge's interlude.

She had felt her, before she had seen her, a presence like the first kiss of winter cold drifting on the fall wind, like the feeling in ones bones when the rains were coming and the mist would soon drift in, casting the world into dreamlike haze. That feeling had only intensified upon seeing her, and it made Ling Qingge wonder, the old judge who had visited her did not seem so intense, save for a moment when he had dismissed a frivolous excuse from one of her creditors. Was making oneself seem human merely a skill her daughter lacked, or did she simply not see any reason to bother?

She supposed, if she still knew her daughter, that it was more likely that the girl simply wouldn't have considered the matter. She could not quite put to words what made her daughter seem inhuman now, perhaps it the too quick movements of her limbs, the faint glow in her eyes, or even the strange way that she breathed, so slow and shallow, the rise and fall of her chest barely visible to the eye. A hundred little things, that made her seem more like a spirit from a cautionary tale than a young girl.
It may just be that the "old judge" who visited her was at a lower cultivation level. It might be that there is no skill to obtain.
It may just be that the "old judge" who visited her was at a lower cultivation level. It might be that there is no skill to obtain.

If you go back and read some of the very early FoD stuff when Ling Qi hasn't even awakened, the Sect Elders she meets don't blow her away as obviously non-human. I think it's pretty clear that disguising/tamping down their powah (at least from mortals) is something powerful Cultivators can do if they try.
I remember right around after that interlude, yrsillar did confirm that Ling Qi really is inexperienced at suppressing her aura.
Here's the relevant passage. It's from Ling Qingge's interlude.
That is a lot different from what @Briefvoice said. This quote shows that Qingge's presence was more palpable than other cultivators she interacted with, not that she was bad at hiding it. Most of that should be attributed to Ling Qi's higher cultivation and nothing else; of course someone who has unlocked a domain is going to exude more presence than a first- or second-stage cultivator.

The only real comparison we have with someone at our cultivation or above is with the Judge. So at best, we can conclude that Ling Qi's aura isn't on the level of someone who has to do that professionally (given that the Judge's job is largely going to consist of interacting with mortals), which is a far cry from "Ling Qi is shit at hiding her power level around mortals compared to other powerful Cultivators".
It may just be that the "old judge" who visited her was at a lower cultivation level. It might be that there is no skill to obtain.
Ling Qi, I trust that you do not speak in jest. I… have trouble accepting your words, even knowing this. Yet I cannot deny that recent events have shown that you are able to call on resources unimaginable to me.

When a an elderly gentleman arrived at my doorstep, wearing the uniform of an arbitrator, I felt some hope I admit. He was very kind and patient, reviewing my case with utmost care, yet still I worried that it would not be enough.

Then those loathsome men arrived, and upon a word from my elderly guest hurled themselves to the floor in kowtow. I… was somewhat nonplussed. While I do not profess to fully understand the conversation that transpired then, but I understood the title they referred to him by. What in the world did you do to bring the Senior Judge-Magistrate for the entire central region to the outermost district of Tonghou?

I feel that we need to speak to one another face to face, so I will accept the invitation. While I would never consider leaving the city in a normal situation… I have no further doubts about the safety of any transport.

It will be good to see you again. Ink and paper is well and good, but seeing my daughter's face once again will do my heart well, I think.

Ling Qingge
Emphasis mine.

That was not some random low level shmuck.
I'm fairly sure that if Ling Qi wanted to she could suppress her aura enough to sneak past a mortal. But if she's going into sneaking mode, then it would be hard for the mortal to actually even see her, if not outright impossible.
That is a lot different from what @Briefvoice said. This quote shows that Qingge's presence was more palpable than other cultivators she interacted with, not that she was bad at hiding it. Most of that should be attributed to Ling Qi's higher cultivation and nothing else; of course someone who has unlocked a domain is going to exude more presence than a first- or second-stage cultivator.

The only real comparison we have with someone at our cultivation or above is with the Judge. So at best, we can conclude that Ling Qi's aura isn't on the level of someone who has to do that professionally (given that the Judge's job is largely going to consist of interacting with mortals), which is a far cry from "Ling Qi is shit at hiding her power level around mortals compared to other powerful Cultivators".
I mean Ling Qi has taken lessons from Elders who had a bigger gap between them at the time then she does with her mom and only know cranky old troll Jiao was the only one who felt inhuman and that's just when he got trapped in a box by his wife for awhile.
I'm fairly sure that if Ling Qi wanted to she could suppress her aura enough to sneak past a mortal. But if she's going into sneaking mode, then it would be hard for the mortal to actually even see her, if not outright impossible.
I'd just like to note that Ling Qi still can't hide her cultivation the way that other 'stealth' characters can, because SCS is not a dedicated stealth art. Heijin could do it, Liao Zhu can do it...the only 'stealth' character that we have no notice of being able to do this is Han Fang, who, while cool, is not on the shortlist for the most impressive cultivator to emulate. While Ling Qi has gotten some minor training recently from Liao Zhu, it's in the realm of 'wear a face mask when committing a crime'.

Ling Qi could hide a mortal because she could do anything to a mortal. When she completed her most impressive, most fun feats, she was comparatively much further ahead of her competition in stealth terms. I want to get back to that.
I'd just like to note that Ling Qi still can't hide her cultivation the way that other 'stealth' characters can, because SCS is not a dedicated stealth art. Heijin could do it, Liao Zhu can do it...the only 'stealth' character that we have no notice of being able to do this is Han Fang, who, while cool, is not on the shortlist for the most impressive cultivator to emulate. While Ling Qi has gotten some minor training recently from Liao Zhu, it's in the realm of 'wear a face mask when committing a crime'.

Ling Qi could hide a mortal because she could do anything to a mortal. When she completed her most impressive, most fun feats, she was comparatively much further ahead of her competition in stealth terms. I want to get back to that.
I mean... I'm not entirely sure what you're talking about regarding Ling Qi's ability to hide her qi. If you're talking about Ling Qi's ability to supress her qi, we have a couple of quotes where she does that. Here's one in a bit of a general sense.
She smiled a bit when she felt a fluttering hesitant fluctuation in his qi. He was trying to ape the way she suppressed her own energy when sneaking. She thought a simple reassurance to him, and then set off to circle the clearing to flush their prey out, while keeping an eye out for anything actually dangerous approaching.
If you're talking about how we don't have any techs which helps with stealth from SCS, that's not actually true either as One with Shadow mutes our presence, even to spiritual senses.
One with Shadow: C rank
Duration: Persistent
The user merges with the shadows and dark, dematerializing entirely. In this form they may slip from shadow to shadow, without crossing the space between so long as the destination shadow is at least moderately sized. In this form the users presence is muted, even to spiritual senses. If the user slips successfully into the shadow of an opponent, their connection grants their first attack against that enemy a great potency. However, an attack on the shadow the user inhabits can harm the user, and damage will break this technique.
Emphasis mine.

So we do have a tech which mutes our presence and specifically mentions spiritual senses.

I agree, SCS isn't a dedicated stealth art, but it does help us mute our presence even to the more spiritual senses. Could we do better? Yes, we certainly can. Should we do better? I believe we should. We don't have a lot of the more passive techs to hide or even confuse the senses as to our cultivation.
Alright folks, I've got a bit of a dilemma. I've written a nice little bit, but getting to the vote point is going to require basically another full scene. Would you guys rather have the current section now, or wait until I finish the whole thing?
Alright folks, I've got a bit of a dilemma. I've written a nice little bit, but getting to the vote point is going to require basically another full scene. Would you guys rather have the current section now, or wait until I finish the whole thing?
I would like the current section now.

I don't think we need votes every single update.
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Alright folks, I've got a bit of a dilemma. I've written a nice little bit, but getting to the vote point is going to require basically another full scene. Would you guys rather have the current section now, or wait until I finish the whole thing?

Yeah, as long as what you've written is the entire Family section, fine for that to be its own chapter.
If they're two discrete scenes, just post it if you want, we don't need a vote every update. If you feel like the full section would work better to introduce the vote point, do the whole section instead.
Yeah, don't worry about needing a vote, if the scene's done, let it stand so it can get the appropriate attention.