Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Classic Feudal authority is actually very weak.
Only in certain historical contexts. Certainly it's not weak in the mythical China of Xianxia. And in this sense:
Are new clans usually much looser in the sense of authority and courtesy they expect out of their subordinates?

I'm curious how clans like the Bai and Cai end up developing into ultra rigid structures that demand obedience from their lessers.

Compared to the nascent Ling clan which has a founder that likely doesn't care about how deeply you bow or if you don't speak in formality.
More commonly, at least in our timeline, the rising middle class that aspire to high prestige are more formal than the entrenched aristocracy that they compete with. Being of lower origin uses up some of their 'deviance budget', so they have to adhere to 'normal' i.e. highly standardized and tight standards of etiquette more strictly than those who have the safety cushion of having founded the Empire.

But this is just a general rule. You're better served considering these things separately IMO.

In the case of the Bai they keep to hierarchy and structure because the snakepit is seen as a source of power and a way to train. The Cai are extremely new by contrast and are formal because Shenhua is formal. She constitutes the entirety of the clan. I would say that the Gu are the best example of 'middle class aiming higher', because they were a lower noble house and they now are accruing power beyond that afforded that standing. And the main representative of them is Xiulan, who is a young woman who hoped to be identical to the Imperial ideal of manners.

To most people Ling Qi is the very picture of cold and haughty cultivator noblewoman, at least in her behavior. Some of that is Gu Xiulan, Zeqing, or Bai Meizhen influenced, but some of that is that she aspires to 'be better'. Even if she dislikes the rules of the court, she doesn't intentionally break them even when speaking to her worst enemies, and that's because her idea of what it means to 'be better' is to be like the idealized court lady. The rules protect her so she stays within them—she ends up breaking them by accident when she's with people she feels comfortable with. Compare the ways she interacted with Sun and Xin this most recent update.
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I was under the impression that it was referring to the cultivation penalty. Sluggishness in LQ's meridians has been repeatedly emphasized and I don't think in her capacity as a medical worker Xin would comment on merely normal cultivation. She'd be concerned with illnesses and stagnations like those caused by Ling Qi's now-fading doubt about herself
Pretty sure she is talking about Zeqing's Qi, which is aligned with "Endings" (a very close match for the "Entropy" descriptor).
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Adhoc vote count started by archangis on Mar 26, 2019 at 2:18 PM, finished with 13600 posts and 119 votes.
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Edit : Ninjas everywhere. :ninja:
Adhoc vote count started by archangis on Mar 26, 2019 at 2:18 PM, finished with 13600 posts and 119 votes.
To most people Ling Qi is the very picture of cold and haughty cultivator noblewoman, at least in her behavior. Some of that is Gu Xiulan, Zeqing, or Bai Meizhen influenced, but some of that is that she aspires to 'be better'. Even if she dislikes the rules of the court, she doesn't intentionally break them even when speaking to her worst enemies, and that's because her idea of what it means to 'be better' is to be like the idealized court lady. The rules protect her so she stays within them—she ends up breaking them by accident when she's with people she feels comfortable with. Compare the ways she interacted with Sun and Xin this most recent update.
This is why I hope we either get part of the upcoming scene from the point of view of our mom's friends, or at least omake of it. Ling Qi feeling awkward with them and falling back into courtly etiquette before her little sister runs up and all of that melts away would be fun to see from their perspective.
This is why I hope we either get part of the upcoming scene from the point of view of our mom's friends, or at least omake of it. Ling Qi feeling awkward with them and falling back into courtly etiquette before her little sister runs up and all of that melts away would be fun to see from their perspective.
Or just Ling Qi being a derp/ditz again, that's always fun.
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[X] While you have provided for them, and you visit from time to time, you cannot help but feel that you have neglected your family. Your mother in particular deserves to be respected enough to know more of the goings on your life. You need to take a day and really talk to her.
[X] The time has come for you to fulfill your promise to Bai Meizhen, and begin 'tutoring' her cousin Bai Xiao Fen. Though you will mostly be acting to gather intelligence on the Outer Sect, you will also be legitimately be tutoring her, and hopefully learning more of the Bai than your reticent friend will say.
Vote-swapping! And TBH, this feels more important to read about, especially given the Sun's whispers in our ears. I would, if Qi was willing, even hear out ALL the Sun's complaints, even if we can't change the Bai's mind on those things we might be able to do some good ourselves in the times to come.
[X] The time has come for you to fulfill your promise to Bai Meizhen, and begin 'tutoring' her cousin Bai Xiao Fen. Though you will mostly be acting to gather intelligence on the Outer Sect, you will also be legitimately be tutoring her, and hopefully learning more of the Bai than your reticent friend will say.
Vote-swapping! And TBH, this feels more important to read about, especially given the Sun's whispers in our ears. I would, if Qi was willing, even hear out ALL the Sun's complaints, even if we can't change the Bai's mind on those things we might be able to do some good ourselves in the times to come.
yeah alright not much point in dithering. Gonna lock up
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Edit : Ninjas everywhere. :ninja:

I warned you about ninja trees bro!!!! I told you dog!

Anyways, speed isn't just useful in direct combat. Like I mentioned earlier, speed is vital in the battlefield for getting in position and for scouting purposes. Remember Zhou's first trial with the island and the fortress. Imagine if our team had very low speed. We could have gotten to the fortress dead last and had to deal with ambushes instead of ambushing ourselves. You don't want to rely on Qi-expending movement arts to cover longer distances when you need to conserve it for a potential fight later.
I expect that most mortals are likely to be more comfortable with Qi Ling if she is formal. Being around a weapon of mass destruction is less scary when it is obviously taking pains to be polite.
I expect that most mortals are likely to be more comfortable with Qi Ling if she is formal. Being around a weapon of mass destruction is less scary when it is obviously taking pains to be polite.
More that it's giving you a structure to judge things off of. A polite person isn't going to start shouting in your face and making overt death threats.
I expect that most mortals are likely to be more comfortable with Qi Ling if she is formal. Being around a weapon of mass destruction is less scary when it is obviously taking pains to be polite.

Everyone is likely to be more comfortable around Ling Qi if she is formal. Formal is the expected, coded behaviour. It gives anyone she interacts with a playbook about what to expect and how to react in turn. That is why formal stuff is formal and why people came up with it. It's coded behaviour, and works on all levels of society even if it expresses itself differently. A gag has rules and expectations about how to conduct themselves, as do nobles or bakers. Someone diverting from expected norms, for whatever reason is 'dangerous'. Now, for the common baker that is usually not concerning unless you are really worried about your bread. But for a so called 'weapon of mass destruction'? Yeeeeah, better keep things stuffy around minions we don't want to terrorize. (Although from a reader's perspective someone bucking conventions is nearly always more fun :3)

Cai Renxiang could feel exhaustion creeping into her bones from her intensive morning cultivation. With a deep inhale and exhale she expunged that exhaustion, however. There was much to do, and little time for rest. Taking a moment to give the request a quick glance to see if any mistakes were made, she placed it in her storage ring for later. With the venue requisition done, it was time to start drafting and composing various letters to inner sect members inviting them to another of her… parties.

The parties were going well, and forging connections between the Inner Sect Disciples that she may be able to call upon later, but progress was still tediously slow. Her Mother's demand still thrummed at the back of her mind like a clock for which to measure progress by. For all of her and Baroness Ling's meteoric rise in the initial rankings, there was still much progress to be made and the hurdles were just beginning.

Even still, it was clear to all that their class's initial rankings were one of custom and tradition and not actual ability. For it was not only were Sun Liling, Bai Meizhen, Xuan Shi and herself quickly rising through the ranks, but even the likes of Yan Renshu were rising quickly. Simply more pressure then, to quickly rise and hit the next wall in the rankings.

However, before she could get back to drafting the letters, a shadow made itself known on the edges of her senses. Baroness Ling continued to be punctual to their meetings, which always made planning them easier. Interestingly though, Cai Renxiang's senses told her that the shadow was a little bit deeper, and a little bit colder. Peculiar.

After the initial polite greetings and courtesies, it was down to business as usual. Sifting through information and gossip and determining which was relevant or irrelevant, and how each piece might best be used to determine where the various loyalties of the Inner Sect Disciples lay was tedious, but necessary work. During this work, Cai Renxiang noticed that another spirit seemed to have wormed its way into Baroness Ling's dantian. A spirit of Ice, Darkness, and Song. An intriguing mix. Maybe one of the offspring of that tutor that Baroness Ling seemed to have found in the outer sect? It was of little matter, however. Prying into Baroness Ling's actions too much might cause undue fractures in their relationship.

During the sifting, however, a strange piece of gossip came to light.

"Baroness Ling… it seems that the outer sect had an impromptu trial a short time before the end of the truce. You are tutoring Xiao Fen this month, are you not? See if you can find from Xiao Fen the individuals who received points for their actions and the nature of their allegiances. Getting a grip on some rising stars of the outer sect will only help us plan for their possible ascent into the inner sect."

Suddenly, the silence between them was almost palpable. An uneasy tension that seemed to scream that Baroness Ling was uncomfortable about something. Something about the storm or Xiao Fen was making her uncomfortable to talk about the subject. Better to end this tension quickly before letting it fester.

"Baroness Ling… is there something you wish to report?"

"Well…" she began, "I may have been… a cause for that impromptu trial."

Cai Renxiang raised an eyebrow and with some measure of trepidation rarely felt asked, "A cause? How were you a cause for such a destructive storm which did incredible damage to the Outer Sect Mountain?"

"I… may have assisted in speeding up my mentor and tutor's death, which caused the storm. Hanyi and I are still a little shaken over the ordeal, so I would beg forgiveness in not wishing to discuss it in any more depth."

"Baroness Ling, you mentioned once that your tutor was a cyan spirit, didn't you?"

With a small resigned sigh, she answered with a small voice, "yes."

With a small shake of her head, Cai Renxiang shifted her focus back to the tasks and paperwork in front of her. This must be another case which Bai Meizhen attributed to Baroness Ling's strange propensity to get into bizarre circumstances.

… and who was Hanyi?

A/N: Another omake for the omake throne! This one is how I think the report to Cai Renxiang would go regarding how Ling Qi devastated the outer sect mountain. I'm sure that Ling Qi's liege would have heard of the storm, and we do have to meet and plan stuff with her. It would be a natural point of discussion to bring up with the opperation to get information regarding the outer sect from Xiao Fen. Either way, I hope people enjoy the read, and critiques and criticisms are welcomed.

Also: @yrsillar
I expect that most mortals are likely to be more comfortable with Qi Ling if she is formal. Being around a weapon of mass destruction is less scary when it is obviously taking pains to be polite.

Mom once noted that Ling Qi is shit at hiding her power level around mortals compared to other powerful Cultivators. It's a skill you actually have to develop, and Ling Qi hasn't spent enough time around mortals to bother.
Imgur should allow image preview, along with SV. Image format should be jpg for uploads and web sharing. A File converter is your best bet.

Is it a photo you're uploading, or a digital file you've mad on computer?

Uploading in photo.

So when I click on Insert edit image, do I put the link of BBCode version (the one with [img ] link [/ img])