Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
well, power and cultivators are pretty much the same in this setting.
They are tightly entwined, but not identical. The town's Red & Gold guards do not have more power than it's mortal governors; Shenhua doesn't have more power than the Prism-level Empress; a Yellow-level bodyguard doesn't have more power than the merchant who he is hired to protect. Cultivation is an important type of power, but status/backing count for a lot, as does (to a lesser extent) wealth.

In the case of the women here, they are a lot more likely to have run into derived power (e.g. officials, servants for more serious cultivators) then meaningfully powerful cultivators themselves.
That was a sweet update. Someone might say it was boring or nothing happened, but honestly, this are the kinds of moments in stories I like the most.
Interacting with people important to you, and also meeting normal people and seeing their reaction and their world. With how much we interact with peers and our 'betters', I really like any glimpses we get at mortals or even 'normal' Cultivators. (Hint: A mere Green Cultivator is a reasonable big deal for most other Cultivators...)

Biyu continues to be adorable (and keeps hinting at significant talent), and Hanyi seems to go for the lowkey terrifying, but mostly adorable route. I like it.
Sixiang was great, especially his implication that mortals matter, too, and are still human. Duh! But it feels good that some said it.
It plays well with Qinge's motherly glare when the topic of the blizzard came up and Ling Qi was all smooth, distracting laugh. Nothing suspicious to see here, at all!
Ling Qi coming around to 'taking her mother' serious, and including her feels like a good, natural evolution of the recent insights and the setup of this scene. Well done, Yrs.

The servant's behaviours were fine with me. It looks pretty negative from our modern point of view, but... It seems absolutely normal for ancient Not!China, especially Cultivator land. They might get a little more comfortable with us, and less fearful but it will probably never go away and it shouldn't. It's not how that society works, and breaking that isn't helpful to anyone. It seems Ling Qi is handling this reasonable well. Behaving mostly noble like, giving the 'commoners' something known and expected to react to.
A house party... well that might be fun, or very awkward, depending on how it is received or played out. Still, guess it's better to practice and have one with Xiulan before inviting Cai Renxiang and have her hang out with Biyu!

Still wanna abduct Biyu for myself >-<!
If Mother sees Hanyi and how her abilities seem to also be ice stuff, then she might misunderstand and think that the snow storm was Ling Qi partying with the spirits or something, and Hanyi was its byproduct.
New sister for Biyu.

Also like how Ling Qi gets a brief flashback of Qingge going into parent mode towards her. She about to get introduced once again to the Qi shenanigans.
If Mother sees Hanyi and how her abilities seem to also be ice stuff, then she might misunderstand and think that the snow storm was Ling Qi partying with the spirits or something, and Hanyi was its byproduct.
Everyone in the thread, and in-story, knows that "little brother" is Ling Qi code speak for "son".
I'll let you make the deduction what "little sister" means...
Ling Qi saw almost in slow motion as the young woman's eyes widened in first surprise, then alarm. She saw the way that the mortals grip on the bamboo broom in her hands grew tight enough to whiten her knuckles, and the way her eyes darted too and fro, noting with alarm the parts of the path which were still unswept.
With this and the whole thing earlier, the guards and servants of the other high-class households, Ling Qi is getting the panicky -incoming-VIP treatment. She had some experience with that — the whole shaman event and the lumberyard mortals, the deference from the Red and Yellow cultivators under Renxiang's council — but it still seems to be weird for her. When will she be acclimated? It's been roughly almost a year since people have been regarding her as a representative of high-class authority and power.

While I hesitate to assign magical cause to this reaction (because that's stupid, especially when the mundane explanation is much simplier), I wonder if Ling Qi simply will never be able to implicitly accept she has overwhelming power over anyone, due to how she slotted in FVM and FSS. In other words, Ling Qi carved [Once, she was nothing] into her spirit, as half of those insights; so she will never really be able to comprehend the authority of her positions in society.

Letting out a breath, Ling Qi loosened her hold on her qi by just a fraction as she approached the door. Biyu laughed and clapped in her arms
Note that Domain auras are basically the cultivators' spirit let loose from their body. Here, Ling Qi isn't knocking on a door, she actually is surprise glomping her mother and sister.

On that note, I'm wondering exactly what music are Biyu and Qingge hearing from Qi's aura; the base Domain is whatever the Moon Maidens were playing in the Domain vision, probably, but now Ling Qi has slotted in FVM and FSS. What Ling Qi took from those songs are way happier than the originals, but Biyu seems to think the music is a fun and entertaining composition.

I should like the household to be acceptable if you ever entertain guests," Ling Qingge said quietly.

Ling Qi hadn't even really considered that as an option, even though she really should have. Well, maybe she could invite Xiulan as a test sometime?
...What, Xiulan is the catty social spec of Ling Qi's friends. She can behave but she's only not the high noble of Ling Qi's social circle because her other friends are literally the people "high noble" is defined around! Suyin would be better choice as the tutorial level, since she's mortal nobility from her father's ministerial position, and cultivator nobility when she breaks through.

I guess while I was up there, it occured to me how disrespectful that was.
By which she means, Zeqing literally told Ling Qi her attitude hurts Zeqing as a mother.
What, Xiulan is the catty social spec of Ling Qi's friends. She can behave but she's only not the high noble of Ling Qi's social circle because her other friends are literally the people "high noble" is defined around! Suyin would be better choice as the tutorial level, since she's mortal nobility from her father's ministerial position, and cultivator nobility when she breaks through.
Xiulan is certainly a better shock test or a litmus test. Suyin will be able to help point out some of the more necessary requirements, but Xiulan will notice a lot of the more subtle things that need doing and given Xiulan's upbringing she'll have a more in-depth understanding of what is required to host other cultivators.

So I could see having Suyin as an initial run to see where the obvious faults are, and then having Xiulan run through as a stress test and giving a more in-depth guide to how our household can improve.