Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Ok RP time - this vote is framed as what Renxiang favours, and I don't know if she'd be as pro-shrine as us.

I think she'd want to do forestry, on the grounds that the location and production of lumber not being formalised causes her a deep pain :V

(being fair, Forestry is actually the single strongest production gain we can do right now. If our fishery was fully staffed they'd both add 3A, but it's not so it boats only adds 2A. Though we also don't have any spare manpower to use and boats gives us another MP, so I think it's still ahead.)

Yeah, Fields Expansion will give us more manpower, and for RP reasons it would be a very good idea to implement Bai Clan Soil Studies shortly.
Fields expansions also wants to use up +2 manpower, so really that bonus manpower is only helping to defray its resource needs. Expansions is really something that wants us to do all the other field upgrades first for maximum efficiency.
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Fields Expansion comes with that v. unfortunate -15 to Defense.

If we weren't just about to go to a war with people who consider mortal populations to be targets, maybe I'd support it.

Fields Infrastructure and Fields Preservation Infrastructure are both cheap and relevant, though I'd kinda like to build the Experimental Chillgrasp Pottery before the Fields Preservation Infrastructure; it seems like stuff that could be very useful in making cold rooms.
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Ok RP time - this vote is framed as what Renxiang favours, and I don't know if she'd be as pro-shrine as us.

I think she'd want to do forestry, on the grounds that the location and production of lumber not being formalised causes her a deep pain :V

(being fair, Forestry is actually the single strongest production gain we can do right now. If our fishery was fully staffed they'd both add 3A, but it's not so it boats only adds 2A. Though we also don't have any spare manpower to use and boats gives us another MP, so I think it's still ahead.)

Fields expansions also wants to use up +2 manpower, so really that bonus manpower is only helping to defray its resource needs. Expansions is really something that wants us to do all the other field upgrades first for maximum efficiency.


Boiling Deeps, Forestry, and BOTE then?

Boiling Deeps is still very good for us after all, given the health benefits. Which Renren is not ignorant of.
Fields Expansion comes with that v. unfortunate -15 to Defense.

If we weren't just about to go to a war with people who consider mortal populations to be targets, maybe I'd support it.
Tbf the war isn't going to end any time soon. We're going to have to take it with that threat in the background. It's more a matter of getting the cultivators in to get our defense up first imo.
Boiling Deeps, Forestry, and BOTE then?
I thought about it, but honestly I think shrine is just more optimal. Forestry needs a manpower which we don't have available rn really - though admittedly it's still a net gain to spend our new mp on forestry instead of fishing. More importantly though shrine increases our cultivator gacha odds, which we really want as high as possible. Especially if we're getting boiling deeps done to raise our cap to 2.

Sorry Renren I love u really
Also we might want to think about pop drive in the coming months too.

Currently we're at a deficit of 4 mp, which would go up to 5 if we get forestry. Boats + Boiling Deeps + Pop drive would bring us up to 19 effective, allowing us to fully staff everything which would be nice.
The walls had no answers, stolid and unmarked, the stones and mortar knew nothing. No foe had breached them, no cunning saboteur had climbed them. They divided and excluded, the border they made held, only as porous as it had been made.

The earth was disturbed, the ground sickly with blood and worse things, spilled by the dying and by the spreading toxic mycellum of fungal fibers which crawled and spread, slowly writhing and burning under the sun. She listened to that creeping fiber but… it had nothing to say to her. It refused her despite not being conscious to do so.

The craft of the Ith had its own defenses against diviners.

Instead she listened to the sounds of feet. Late many had rushed and stampeded too and fro, seeking the gates, seeking shelter, seeking nothing at all, merely panicking. But if she whispered to the earth, asked it to remember further back, to before the sickness had begun to sprout and right after…

She heard the sound of rickety wagon wheels and the steady tramp of boots, the slap of sandals and shoes against the ground. Small traffic, carrying things from the logging and forestry camps back to the town itself.

It was still a tremendous rush of information, a million, million moving parts and intersecting factors, even translated through the inhuman senses of flagstone and dirt. She took a ragged breath, feeling a vein pulse in her forehead, an ache beginning to bloom inside her head head, just under her eye.
LQ's senses are really absurd on pretty much every level and we're seeing it be put to great use.

There. A set of boots which had only rarely crossed the stones under the gate. A quickened pace, ragged breaths. Leaving just an hour before the deaths began.

He stood out from the handful of other travelers, because he was heavier than he should have been. His shadow weighed on the earth, his boots carried a weight that a mortal man should not have

The Mortal-not-mortal left with a small departing caravan, just another of many boots, porters and laborers. She could not see his face or frame. Stones did not feel such things, and whatever winds had touched him had long blown on from this place. But she could in her minds eye, construct a silhouette. Height and weight, a man, but most of all, she thought the most relevant fact was…
Looks like there's a mortal being empowered and infested.

"A man who held marks of ith impurity left this town fifty seven minutes before the sickness began to spread. He was one hundred seventy two centimeters tall and about seventy two kilograms," Ling Qi said. "He left with a small caravan of fifteen people."

Huo Gen took in a sharp breath, straightening up immediately. "You are certain of this?"

"I will stake my honor and my liege's honor on it," Ling Qi said. "There is only one other detail my method could discern."

"What is it?"

"He was mortal."

"Mortal?" Huo Gen frowned. "Then it may be meaningless…. Mortal pawns controlled by cultivators do not last. The mechanisms of control break their fragile bodies…"

"...Are not the same among the ith. I… did not feel that the man was dying, or even… controlled with a hard method," Ling Qi said. He had been running a little hot, but… it didn't feel sickly.
Mortals seem to be fragile enough that must stuff like this doesn't work but the Ith's methods get around it.

"Please do, and you are more than welcome," she said, bowing her head. "Let the culprits be rounded up swiftly, and this crime against our people be avenged."

The man's expression darkened, and she felt the chaotic mix of helpless rage, hope and anxiety slip through the facade that had held against her casual senses slip through.

This old man had kin among the sick and the dead.

She held back a grimace and the urge to bow lower. He wouldn't be happy to know she had glimpsed his thoughts.
Man has a grudge against them for understandable reasons, LQ being able to tell that though would likely creep him out.

"Unfortunately we do not know the highest level of operational thinking. Only my Mother and her inner circle would," Cai Renxiang replied, shaking her head in frustration.

"We will not simply sit and let ourselves be attacked. These ith may think us ponderous for the speed of our response, but they will regret awakening it when it comes," Xia Lin said quietly. "There can be no mercy for those who would unleash weapons on mortals."

The atmosphere was not the most cheerful.

"But there is nothing we can do about it right now… We aren't the military or intelligence commands of the Diao. We should focus on what is within our reach," Ling Qi said.
They can only stay in their lane.

"I think that will prove unnecessary," their liege replied dryly. "I have some thoughts and the petition system is seeing some results, but for now, I believe it best that Shenglu focus on…
Seeing projects will be great.

I find myself very very surprised by the incredible level of specificity Ling Qi could get without a single active qi technique. Insane post-cognitive detective work just by listening real hard.
She's a sensory monster in terms of amount and skill.
I would suggest, since the projects available seem to need some adjustment, that we wait to plan until we know if there is another Defense project behind the basic walls.
Speaking of which, I take it we whiffed on the roll for a cultivator pop yet again?
I'm not sure tbh.

Searching yrs's posts for "roll" I can only find one on the 30th of May at the end of month 11, during the vote for month 12's fief projects:
Oh hey someone give me 1d100 roll see fi you guys are getting a cultivation pop this month for the fief 10% chance so needs to be 90 and up
Not sure if this roll was for month 11 or month 12?

And then on Jun 4th (start of turn 12) we got rolls for Meng Duyi which look to be for month 11:
That aside, I forgot to roll for Meng Duyi's benefit from last turn, could someone give me a d100 roll?

So my impression is that we need a geomancy roll for last turn, and possibly also a cultivator roll?
Alright, so snowblossom meditations was what raised our cultivator cap to 1, and allowed us to start rolling. We did meditations in turn 11, which means that the roll should have been for turn 12 when the benefits come online?

So if I'm reading this correctly, our roll status is:
  • Turn 11: geomancy 98 crit success!
  • Turn 12: cultivators 41 fail; geomancy ??
  • Turn 13: cultivators ??; geomancy ??
I think the geomancy and cultivator rolls are out of sync bc cultivators only came available for turn 12, unless we got a roll for them in the same turn we did the project? While Meng Duyi got a roll as soon as he arrived in month 11 (retroactively).

Am I right here? Or am I just confused?

edit: correcting this since @yrsillar says that the Meng Duyi roll was probably supposed to be for turn 12. Which makes the log look like this:
  • Turn 12: cultivators 41 fail; geomancy 98 crit success!
  • Turn 13: cultivators ??; geomancy ??
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I find myself very very surprised by the incredible level of specificity Ling Qi could get without a single active qi technique. Insane post-cognitive detective work just by listening real hard.
Man has a grudge against them for understandable reasons, LQ being able to tell that though would likely creep him out.
Iirc it came up during the summit that a lot of higher stage etiquette is pretending you don't know all the things your senses are telling you about those of lower cultivation.
Alright, voting time

[x] Plan: One Cod Two Cod, Red God Blue God
-[x] Boiling Deep Shrine Foundation
-[x] Fishing Boat Construction
-[x] Snowblossom Shrine

edit: we've run the numbers and this is a bad plan - with the increase to three project slots we need to do cai wealth this turn if we want to have anything next turn.
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