Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Honestly I'm pretty sure the sect would be completely okay with "unfair advantage against people who for some reason are completely incapable of either fighting or production but managed to somehow make it into the inner sect anyway." It doesn't exist for the purpose of fairness, it exists for the purpose of border defense, and if someone was somehow COMPLETELY incapable of contributing to that border defense they have no real motive to help them advance or maintain their position.

That scenario is incredibly improbable, and not really relevant.

You have to either compete, or be promoted through military service to get into the inner sect. The only way you'd get in otherwise is if there were literally only eight entrants, and in that case the sect probably has bigger problems.

And frankly, our music is how we fight. Working on it directly contributes to our ability to defend the border.
Just keep in mind that the Elders have opinions and aren't robots. If they feel you're getting too hyperspecialized and exploiting the belief that you won't get challenges outside your specialty, they'd start giving you challenges you don't have skills for so you'd wise up and get good, or lose status.
So guys, I just caught up to the thread and I realized nobody brought this up.

We know who's at the archives.
Ji Rong.

Everyone forgot a named character was specifically stated to be in there literally fighting the legal code?
Wait, I was kinda too busy to keep up with discussion, but that wasn't why people voted for it in the first place?
Did we seriously just go for the mystery box because it's a mystery box?

I didn't have strong enough a preference to feel justified voting when I wasn't engaging, but had I known people were preferring to roll dice over snektiem I definitely would have.
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So guys, I just caught up to the thread and I realized nobody brought this up.

We know who's at the archives.
Ji Rong.

Everyone forgot a named character was specifically stated to be in there literally fighting the legal code?
I mean, not everyone...
Mystery options like this always interest me. Wonder if we'll stumble across Ji Rong there.
I didn't have strong enough a preference to feel justified voting when I wasn't engaging, but had I known people were preferring to roll dice over snektiem I definitely would have.
I just felt that Meizhen already gets a huge amount of screen time, and this looked to be more interesting than checking out her next Sect home.
While I was initially enthusiastic about AFL, my enthusiasm has cooled significantly. The reason for my declining lack of enthusiasm is that our dodge skill has evolved into something entirely different than the type of dodging AFL is teaching.

Rather than learning a new way of dodging, I think that Ling Qi can do a lot more by exploring and mastering her new dodge skill, and pursuing arts that promote the dodge skill. Something like DSL and it's physical counterpart. Learning the skill "Sable Grace" is just the beginning, and there is a lot more work that Ling Qi can do to really perfect it. So rather than learning how to be pushed away by an attack, let's work on mastering the art of simply not being there when an attack comes.
AFL's dodge seems a lot more additive than replacing SCS/Sable Grace's dodge. I think we can fit it surprisingly well in our defensive strategy: AFL + SCS + TRF, "You can't catch me; if you do, I'm not there; if I am, you can't hurt me anyway". My read is that it's basically the art form of what we've already been doing.
Source on that last bit? I was under the impression that options you got for defense matched your strengths, not your opponents. There is no possibility that if Li Suyin challenged us we would be offered the chance to compete with her on pill-crafting.
It matches both your strengths and the opponents. @yrsillar mentioned many times that if someone challenges us and we have a music option, it means the person challenging us is good at music. So if someone challenges Suyin, if she gets a pill choice it means the person challenging her is good at pill making.

Something I'd like to note about Lark is that it kinda is a dedicated flight art, and the larceny aspect to it is comparatively pretty small.

The keywords and description don't have a hint of larceny or anything like that in them, instead focusing on flight and keeping out of reach. It's only in one of the techs that we see any larceny:
Larceny is Stealth. Or, rather, the Stealth skill include Larceny, and Larceny itself would be a 'specialisation' of it at B rank+

The keywords don't focus on flight, they focus on on being agile, stealthy and playful. Given stealthy includes larceny, well....
AFL's dodge seems a lot more additive than replacing SCS/Sable Grace's dodge. I think we can fit it surprisingly well in our defensive strategy: AFL + SCS + TRF, "You can't catch me; if you do, I'm not there; if I am, you can't hurt me anyway". My read is that it's basically the art form of what we've already been doing.
AFL's dodge is additive if you use both art, but so is PLR's or ENM's.

Sadly, the type of dodge from AFL is 'I am just behind you ahahah'. It's actually very much the type of dodging we don't want.
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I'd like to point out that stealth is currently sitting at 25/25 with 5 overflow on our character sheet, and apparently will require some kind of evolution to progress further. I don't know about you guys, but those numbers disgust me. I'd like it if we found a way to boost that up soon, which seems like it would require both a relevant art and a stroke of inspiration.
I'd like to point out that stealth is currently sitting at 25/25 with 5 overflow on our character sheet, and apparently will require some kind of evolution to progress further. I don't know about you guys, but those numbers disgust me. I'd like it if we found a way to boost that up soon, which seems like it would require both a relevant art and a stroke of inspiration
Ling Qi is already working on it advancing it.
It was very educational, and Ling Qi was sure that she was on the edge of an advancement in her ability to conceal herself, but it simply had not come yet.
Ling Qi is already working on it advancing it.
Not just that, but given how skills work we want to advance specific aspects of Stealth to B rather than others. I think that Sneaking > Infiltration > Larceny > Subterfuge for Ling Qi, for example. As such, it's probably 'safer' to get to B rank for sneaking first before learning a B rank that's more larceny focused if we want the latter.
Not just that, but given how skills work we want to advance specific aspects of Stealth to B rather than others. I think that Sneaking > Infiltration > Larceny > Subterfuge for Ling Qi, for example. As such, it's probably 'safer' to get to B rank for sneaking first before learning a B rank that's more larceny focused if we want the latter.

The options we are seeing are Infiltration, Hiding, Sleight of Hand.

Will we be choosing which to advance directly or will this be determined indirectly by narrative choices and learned arts? I believe there was no choice for Dodge, but maybe I just missed it.
Just keep in mind that the Elders have opinions and aren't robots. If they feel you're getting too hyperspecialized and exploiting the belief that you won't get challenges outside your specialty, they'd start giving you challenges you don't have skills for so you'd wise up and get good, or lose status.

I dont think we're at any risk of that.

And in any case, by that logic, Xuilan would probably be on the chopping block. Does she do anything *but* set everything on fire?
Specialization is what most cultivators *do*
I dont think we're at any risk of that.

And in any case, by that logic, Xuilan would probably be on the chopping block. Does she do anything *but* set everything on fire?
Specialization is what most cultivators *do*

Gossip, talking to other nobles, and probably a ton of other stuff that never came up. She is a noble, of course she can do other things. She has been trained since she was a kid in being a noble and everything this entails.
Gossip, talking to other nobles, and probably a ton of other stuff that never came up. She is a noble, of course she can do other things. She has been trained since she was a kid in being a noble and everything this entails.

How would you have a gossip competition? I mean, we're talking about challenges in skills useful to defend the empire, at least, I thought we were.

And in any case, can you name an actual proven generalist? Seems like the vast majority of cultivators specialize, both elementally and skill wise.

And I don't think anyone is saying 'raise only one skill ever'.
How would you have a gossip competition? I mean, we're talking about challenges in skills useful to defend the empire, at least, I thought we were.

And in any case, can you name an actual proven generalist? Seems like the vast majority of cultivators specialize, both elementally and skill wise.

And I don't think anyone is saying 'raise only one skill ever'.

Gossip is one way to acquire information which is self evidently great for the empire.

And a gossip competition could be simply to be let off in a dream city and having to find out some rare information that some NPC have.

As for the generalist, I can cite two. The sage emprah and the sect leader.

The sect test what is usefull for the empire (and the sect). Someone able to find out that X is keeping fund away from the sect from gossip might be even more usefull to the sect than yet another face puncher.

More importantly, your starting exemple of lanlan is terrible because as a serious noble, she has probably tons of skill up to C or maybe even B from her schooling (like gossip, knowledge about clans and spirits, ...). She is not an ultra specialist useless outside of her speciality and I heavily doubt any noble are.

Moreover and that's now a mechanical argument, we need to train at least 7 skills (assuming we put half our dices into skills and put the max number (3) every times). We trained 8 skills in the last plan from a quick search. That's a lot of skills which means no hyper specialisation being possible yet.

PS: In case I am not clear please ask me to rephrase.
How would you have a gossip competition?
How is this a question? Gossip is the spreading of information of a person among the "low" channels. There are a ton of forms a gossip challenge could take, my favorite being the examiner has a disseminated a number of "secrets" among a group of spirits or whatever, and the examiners have an hour to piece together the secrets into a poem or whatnot, and the person with the most complete version of the poem after the hour is the winner.
So, a couple of fun things regarding multi-attacker bonuses has been bandied about on discord.

Dissonance of Night's Terror: D
Duration: Special
Damage: F
May only be used within Mist of the Vale. The melody grows low and eerie, punctuated by high, sharp notes, while the mists darken with indistinct and predatory shapes. Claws and fangs of mist and shadow tear at the musician's foes, rending armor and leaving wounds that bleed freely to feed the hunger of the mist. This technique counts as one combatant on the musicians side for multiattack bonuses

Illustrious Phantasmal Festival: B
Duration: Long
The foundational technique from which all others in the art arise. [...] This technique may be renewed as if it were D rank at instant speed at the end of its duration. This technique allows for stealth and is an illusion effect, affecting all senses. The festival counts as an additional combatant for the purposes of determining multiattacker bonuses

Verdant Ash Duality
+5 to Spiritual Avoid vs single target attacks
+2 on Hit and Penetration when techniques from Blazing Blood and Blooming from Ashes are used in the same turn.
User counts as two separate combatants for determining multiattacker bonuses

What this seems to mean is that with PLR, FVM, and Zhengui running about, we'll have a total of 4 additional combatants for determining multi-attacker bonuses. Which is pretty nuts. Should we bind Hanyi, then that could be an additional combatant for determining multi-attacker bonuses. That's a lot of combatants on our side of any fight.
I dont think we're at any risk of that.

And in any case, by that logic, Xuilan would probably be on the chopping block. Does she do anything *but* set everything on fire?
Specialization is what most cultivators *do*
Not yet, facepunch is as broad as Production after all, and Xiulan has demonstrated respectable flexibility within facepunching during the tournament. If she specialized exclusively into artillery then she might well be put up against an endurance run challenge however.

Not that I expect endurance to be an issue with her in the long run. Her family arts have Sun and thats one of the Sustain elements.
Turn 3: Arc 2-1-Nature of Dreams
In the days that followed their expedition Li Suyin vanished into her workshop almost completely, and Ling Qi did not begrudge her for it. She hadn't missed the way that Li Suyin's eyes had lit up when she handed over the bandoleer she had torn from the beast's corpse. She expected her friend would be doing the equivalent of closed door cultivation for most of the month's remainder. Ling Qi's plans were not so far from that. Between the expensive pills purchased from the Sect at the cost of most of her points, and her newly improved cultivation, Ling Qi planned to make this a very productive month. However, the days when Ling Qi would thoughtlessly retreat into meditation without consideration for anyone else were well past, and so Ling Qi was sure to take care of her obligations first.

Her friends were all settling into their own routines. Meizhen was getting comfortable in her new home, which wasn't much larger, but was definitely better appointed. Xiulan was enclosed in cultivation, catching up arts whose advancement had been stymied by her partial breakthrough. Everyone was quite busy it seemed, and so Ling Qi found herself drifting to the archive when she was not making preparation for her upcoming cultivation binge, or attending to Cai Renxiang while she made her preparations. It was a center of activity after all, and Ling Qi still needed to keep an eye on her peers. While she wasn't sure if she intended to challenge this month, she could still be challenged.

She hadn't expected it to be so dull though. Sitting off in a corner, a tome on imperial history open in her hands, Ling Qi tried to keep her mind from wandering. Keeping her ears open, listening the murmur of small conversations throughout the archive, she thought she might go a little stir crazy. While she knew that she wouldn't get anything really interesting with this method, the mundanity of peoples day to day lives still surprised her sometimes.

Remembering the cavern, and the nightmare before it, it seemed so incongruous that people could still be interested in petty little concerns when they were, one and all, people with real power at their fingertips, in a world filled with tribulations and challenges. She supposed she wasn't any better, hadn't she spent yesterday morning just chatting with Meizhen about nothing in particular?

She was being unfair she knew, but it didn't help that even Sixiang was silent again, leaving her alone in her own head to try and focus on other people when the siren call of cultivation was singing in the back of her mind. Sighing, Ling Qi refocused her eyes on the text in front of her, listening carefully to the snippets of conversation that reached her ears. Only a few minutes later she found herself distracted again. This time, by the feel of a familiar aura moving through her senses. A bolt of lightning stalked the archives, tense and crackling, tiny arcs of electricity snapping and coiling at any that dared approach it. There was only one person Ling Qi knew who cultivated heavenly qi to such an extent and singular purpose. At his side moved a frolicking wind, that danced around the lightning poking prodding and floating away laughing when the lightning snapped and crackled in turn.

"...Junior Brother Rong, to make an enemy of the archivists so early in the year. You truly do excel," she heard the second of the pairs voice at first, and it conjured to her the image of a rather pompous fellow.

"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up, this is all the books right?" The living lightning snapped testily. Ji Rong was as taciturn as ever she supposed, but it looked like he had made a new friend? That was something to make a note of.

"Just the one more," the other voice replied lightly, and Ling Qi heard the sound of leather striking flesh. He had presumably tossed Ji Rong another book.

"...Fu Fan's Guide to Administration for the Simple… are you making fun of me you windbag?" She could practically here the twitch of Ji Rong's eye.

"Hmph, Hmph, to show so little respect for your kind senior, Junior Brother Rong, where did I go wrong in raising you?" The stranger laughed. "Off to the reading room you, this Senior Brother has his own tasks to attend to."

Ling Qi caught sight of the second speaker then, moving swiftly between the aisles in front of the reading area she occupied. His mustache was rather ridiculous looking, but he seemed pretty unassuming otherwise. That set her on edge a bit, she couldn't clearly read his aura. He was also gone as fast as he appeared, not even glancing her way.

"Jackass," Ji Rong muttered to himself as he slouched around the corner, cradling an armful of books. "What I get for askin that guy for help."

He looked up then as he trod on the plush carpeting that marked out one of the reading areas in the archive.

Ling Qi restrained herself from matching his grimace with her own. "You never struck me as the type, Baron Ji," she said dryly, eyeing the titles of the books he held. Treatises on leadership, logistics, and yes, administration filled out most of the stack.

"What's it to you," he replied, meeting her eyes defiantly. "You think I'm too stupid to learn anything but punching or something?"

Ling Qi debated just leaving, but curiosity drove her to ask. "...Why though. Did my phantoms jar something loose when they were spinning you around?"

He looked like he wanted to spit blood at the reminder of his loss. She found it funnier than she probably should have. "Dunno, why do you care about the past all of a sudden?" He spat in return.

Ling Qi glanced down at the book in her hands that she had been casually perusing. "...Even if it doesn't matter, seeing the patterns is important I think," she replied, thinking back to her encounter in the dream and Senior Brother Liao's own words on the futility of it. "I'll leave you to your study," Ling Qi said, closing her book and standing. There wasn't much point in antagonizing him, aside from petty satisfaction.

...And she had already indulged in that, doing more would just be gluttonous.

As she moved to pass him by though, he spoke. "They aren't any different," he said. "But that doesn't change the fact that I've been a shit Boss."

Ling Qi paused, eyeing the scarred boy without turning her head. "Are you making the comparison that I think you're making?" She asked, vaguely incredulous.

He let out a bitter laugh. "Yeah, Guess I am, Gang Boss, Baron, Duke, Emperor. It's all a matter of scale, innit." He shook his head. "I'm never gonna be leading packs in a fight like that Cai or or pet giant, but if a Boss is what I am, I'm not gonna be a shit one."

"That's not the kind of thing you should say Sect Brother," Ling Qi replied dryly. "Please consider your words more before you tarnish the Sect's reputation."

"Whatever," he snorted. "I'm outta here in a couple years anyway. Not gonna run off and leave her alone like the rest of those parasites," he turned away from her then, resuming his path toward the reading desk in the far corner.

Ling Qi shook her head as she began to move toward the archive's exit. She supposed that at least answered clearly what was going on between Sun Liling and Ji Rong.

"Ling Qi, are you busy?" She paused, her step faltering as Sixiang spoke. Something about the spirit's voice felt… insubstantial, or even fragile. It didn't sound right.

'I'm not,' Ling Qi thought back immediately. 'What's wrong?'

"Nothing, nothing," Sixiang laughed. "It's just uh… might've put a little too much into my project, I'm almost done, I just need a little more…. Could you...find somewhere with better background Qi...please?" Sixiang's voice seemed to fade and waver in and out alarmingly with every word.

What in the world had they done? Ling Qi thought with alarm, picking up her pace. Why would they do something dangerous without even telling her? Why… Ling Qi had a sudden sinking feeling that she now knew how Meizhen felt sometimes.

Choosing to ignore that moment of self reflection for the moment along with thoughts of old enemies and collating the gossip she had gathered. She made a beeline for the archive's exit, barely pausing to turn her book in. The moment she stepped outside, her feet left the ground, her gown snapping and rustling in the wind as she soared away from the archive.

[] She flew back home to the Argent Vent, with its solid foundation building qi
[] She flew to Zeqing's home, the single most potent qi locus she could think of
[] She flew to the Silent Stones, though she disliked the implications, it was the only moon site she knew
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