Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Basically, like @Erebeal said, Domain stuff really shouldn't have numbers, and that should include domain weapons, I think. It just invites said numbers looking too 'strong' or 'weak' depending on the current power creep, and given how intrinsic Domain stuff is to the cultivator, that's not the good place for that I think.
Make every domain weapon stats a multiplier from the wielder's stats and/or his domain level and call it a day.
How tall are they all actually?
Sry if it is a silly question but i can´t remember the relevant numbers and the height chart confuses me.
Are the line in feet or something else?
How tall are they all actually?
Sry if it is a silly question but i can´t remember the relevant numbers and the height chart confuses me.
Are the line in feet or something else?
So we really don't get a height in straight numbers from what I remember. However we do get references to others height based on our own 'tall' height. So Ereabel went through and complied those references and then used those to draw his picture. At least that is what I assume happened.
The "our sword's full power can't be used" argument, if anything, should mean it would be closer in power to Sun Liling's/Meizhen's sword, as it means all our sword's powers are at the very limit early green can use, and their swords would only really show they are stronger in Green 8+, as theirs will still be at the limit of power possible in cyan, while ours would barely be a cyan-level sword.
Precisely my point, which is why I'm not buying "of course the others are much better!".

The others are better at using it? Sure. But there's a limit of how powerful one's gear can be, based on how powerful one is, and it shouldn't matter their cap is higher if everyone pertinent to the discussion is years and years away from reaching the tipping point.

The drastic difference of the first couple domain levels should normalize in a few months.
First, why shouldn't it lose to essentially anything at our level. For the following discussion I will use the word power to describe a resources used to get different effects for a flying sword. If we assume that at our level people can only bring out X amount of power from their flying sword regardless of material then everyone is roughly at equal power level when it comes to flying swords. However power can be applied in different ways. I would expect a sword that has no special functions or active effects to beat our sword at this current level. The reason for this is that they decided to apply the power of the flying sword differently than ours. The power has to go somewhere and if it is not going into active effects or special functions then the power has to go into the base stats and functions of the weapon. There is the same power for both swords and you can't just assume that someone is going to make a sword not make use of the power available.

Now both flying swords (ours and the other hypothetical sword) increase in power due to their owners leveling up. Now both people can handle Y amount of power from their flying sword. However the other sword only has X amount of power it can make. So it doesn't matter that the other student is able to handle more power because their flying sword only has X power. Sure that person has more control and is able to use their sword better but there is not a huge increase in ability. Now look at our sword. We can handle Y power and our sword can generate Y power. So now that power has to go somewhere and it will go into improving our sword in a far more meaningful way then the other sword who is still at X power.

Our sword would lose to the other sword when both people are using X amount of power because the power of the flying sword wasn't spent on combat specs it was spent on unlocking different effects. However our swords growth rate will be massively higher than other swords that our peers own because of it's massive quality.
This is very well thought out... But misses my point entirely.

I'm not just saying our sword feels too weak in killing things (even if it does!), when I say "shouldn't be weaker than any other, because it's already as strong as someone our level can possibly handle", "Strenght" here is s catch-all term for being powerful. For being effective.

And right now, it clearly seems I miss not alone in feelig our sword, which seemed monumental when we made it, is just an afterthought.

It can't fight, it can't defend, it's fragile, it's Qi drain is barely noticeable and combat is almost decided by the first time it procs, if you consider it does so at earliest possible opportunity, and while the buff to our music is ok, it's just that. Ok.
We have seen arts do some crazy things. Is it too out there for there to be an art that temporarily boosts relationship levels? I don't think so.
I pointed precisely that out back when that yang music art showed up on the selection, that it seemed like we could possibly raise relationship dots with one of its effects to proc our domain.
I expect that she skipped alot of the fine coding by enslaving an animal spirit.
I suppose that might be possible, but we haven't seen any animal spirit outside of said animal spirit's body. We know that humans can produce ghosts in specific circumstances, but we've never seen a spirit beast ghost and I don't think there are any.
Li Suyin's automatons have gotten pretty advanced should they be able to handle complex orders like that.
What's complicated for us might not be complicated for cultivators. Qi can include a lot of information that is hard to determine using light, sound, and temperature.
I pointed precisely that out back when that yang music art showed up on the selection, that it seemed like we could possibly raise relationship dots with one of its effects to proc our domain.
I don't want any such way to give a temporary boost to relationship. Those dots represent deep irreplaceable experiences, and deftly manipulating them would mean that Ling Qi has dedicated a significant amount of herself to manipulating others.

To be clear, I'm fine with a character being edgy and morally discongruent with modern morals. In fact I prefer it for medieval characters like Ling Qi (is supposed to be). This isn't a 'oh no how dare Ling Qi mindcontrol people without consent' thing. When I go for edgy shit it's not in contradiction to character traits—early Ling Qi was pretty violent and brutal until the general voters' squeamishness got in. But Ling Qi has always been uncomfortable socially.
Ok, I'm done with the height chart for important people:

(also @yrsillar this is really 6 pictures if you think about it :V)
This is amazing Erebal. I really like how much everyone's poses communicate, especially Renxiang's military bearing.

Also damn does Su Ling look amazing, it makes me miss her Su Ling even more though. Still hoping she changes her mind and turns up in the inner sect again. If she finds a hidden graduation method we culd add her to our tournament line up.

Also for some reason I felt like Shenhua was taller.
How tall are they all actually?
Sry if it is a silly question but i can´t remember the relevant numbers and the height chart confuses me.
Are the line in feet or something else?
Pretty much, yeah. Ling Qi is ~6 foot.

Also for some reason I felt like Shenhua was taller.
ikr. I originally had her at like 8 foot but then yrsillar told me she was actually just under 7 :(

So we really don't get a height in straight numbers from what I remember. However we do get references to others height based on our own 'tall' height. So Ereabel went through and complied those references and then used those to draw his picture. At least that is what I assume happened.
Yeah. I guessed at everyone's heights based off that, and then went and checked with yrsillar. So yes, this should be accurate.
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Turn 3: Arc 1-5
That single moment seemed to stretch on strangely as Ling Qi considered her foes and they considered her in turn. The sounds of the gibbering swarm seemed to fade as Ling Qi regarded her real foes. The lesser spirits were effectively just their weapons after all. As she met the knife wielders eerily human eyes, Ling Qi admitted to herself that it was a bit of a relief to once again face down simple enemies, things that didn't deserve mercy or consideration.

Then, her fingers twitched, and she played the first note of the Elegy again. All at once, the world seemed to come back to life. Her enemies eyes widened, and it let out an alarmed yip, raising its knife as if to ward her off. As the mists churned and thickened, encircling the knife wielding beast, it's own oily qi pulsed again, and Ling Qi blinked, her eyebrows rising as she felt the net of qi she had woven slide off of the beast and snap shut around one of the ape-like beasts instead.

The thing let out a piteous yowl as her qi entrapped it, throwing its head back and forth in a wild panic as her mist cut it off entirely from its fellows. Ling Qi had no time to consider her techniques failure though. Ling Qi dissolved into dark mist as a grey missile shot through where she stood a moment before, rematerializing atop the back of one of the many beasts still flooding the room. The spear wielding beast that had lunged at her let out a high pitched cackle as its oddly bent legs struck the ground and sent it rebounding toward the ceiling like a childs ball, a second time she slid to the side, avoiding by a hair the bone tipped spear and the sizzling purple toxin that leaked from it's tip, and then a third she dodged, bending backwards to be near parallel to the ground as the beast rebounded directly backwards, thrusting the barbed back end through the space her torso had occupied just a moment before.

The beast she had landed on was pounded to the ground, but its fellows were not so impaired, claws flowed through her and fangs snapped and gnawed at the hems of her gown and legs, failing to break through where they touched her at all, bony spines skimmed across her skin, deflected by her Thousand Ring Technique alone. In her distraction, the third beast had time to act as well, as she straightened up from her dodge, she saw it reach one of its twisted hands into a pouch and pull it back out clutching a fistful of viscous black ooze. Ling Qi prepared to dodge a throw, but instead the beast simply gave a light toss, letting the lump of goo land atop a pile of broken frozen flesh that had once been several beasts.

The ooze immediately began to hiss and bubble violently, spreading across and consuming flesh as it sunk into the shattered corpses. For a fraction of an instant, Ling Qi hesitated, unsure of whether she should stick to her original plan. She gave her flying sword a second mental tug, but found it still entrapped, somehow stopped from even dematerializing, She considered again her foes, and what she had seen so far. What was the surest path to victory?

Her thoughts went by in a mere moment as he finished straightening back up, and simply dissolved into shadow. Uncaring of obstacles, Ling Qi flowed through the shadows of beasts, sprang forth again fully formed behind the beast that had flung the ooze. Before the creature could so much as flinch, her flute sang a blizzards howl, focused down on a single point, and Hoarfrost spread across its rubbery hide.

The creature cried out in pain, stumbling away from her with blood oozing from frostbitten patches spreading across cold cracked flesh. The one supporting the beasts was dangerous, but it was a danger in decline, even as they howled and rushed to swarm her again, some of the weaker members were beginning to drop mewling into the sand, exhausted and lethargic from her first use of Starlight Elegy. The direct attacker was dangerous, she thought, as she dodged repeated blows from its spear and winced as a spray of fine purple mist erupted from the point of its spear, sizzling as it seeped through her renewed armor and burned against her skin, but it was a danger she could handle.

The third one though, had likely entrapped her domain weapon, and had done something unknown. She would rather eliminate the variable. She paid for her choice as she was nearly buried by the hoard again. Here and there she miscalculated by a fraction, and she felt the prick of teeth faintly through her armor.

Yet Ling Qi remained confident, her qi was slowly draining, the trickle of pure qi Ling Qi was able to absorb from the tainted mass could not quite keep up with the liberal expense of her attacks, but she still felt she was winning. Keeping her focus on the yipping beast as it rummaged through its pouches and scrambled away from her, she flowed again, bypassing the cloud of filthy feeling yellow powder it flung up in her path. Again her flute sang, but this time without focus. Now that it was among the crowd, she might as well reduce their numbers while battering it with cold. It had the advantage of icing over the bubbling muck it had flung as well. Ice crusted flesh cracked and squished beneath her feet as she slipped directly into dodging, dancing atop the carpet of bodies as she felt the tendrils oily qi brush across her spirit, drawing her eyes to the knife wielder, whose twisted face seemed to be showing a growing alarm. Inside her mind, Sixiang let out a tittering laugh, and brushed away whatever the effect was with contemptuous ease.

She suffered another scratch as the spear wielding beasts whipping spear managed to catch her off guard, cutting a burning line across her shoulder, cutting through cloth and viridian qi with a sizzling, acidic hiss. It's partner let out a low, defiant snarl as she bore down on it, ripping the entire pouch that it had pulled the ooze from and flinging it at her, Ling Qi dodged with ease of course.

Winter cried out again, and this time, it was silenced just like the dozen of its lesser kin that were nearby. As the flurry of pink snowflakes fell once again around her, Ling Qi turned back to face the other two, and restrained a smile as she felt her flying sword tug loose of the dissolving trap it lay in. In an instant, she called it back, and sent it spiralling out at the knife wielder in a screaming blur. She met the spear wielders eyeless gaze where it crouched atop a frozen corpse, and saw cold calculation there.

The beast cocked its head to the side, and its snaggle toothed maw stretched into an ugly expression that might have been called a smile. Ling Qi tensed in preparation...only to be left blinking as her opponent shot away like an oversized bullet, reducing the frozen corpse it had crouched onto into a mass of pink slush, and vanished down the tunnel it had come from.

She had only an instant to feel bewildered before the corpses beneath her feet rumbled ominously, and her instincts screamed at her to move. Ling Qi shot straight up, carried on the wings of her cloak as the carpet of flesh erupted in churning black slime. Living beasts screamed as arm thick tendrils of drooping sludge dragged them into the main mass, and the bubbles on its surface seemed to scream, as they popped, the shadows of faces forming beneath the surface and fading just as fast as the mass began to spread.

More alarmingly, Ling Qi felt her mist dissolving where the slime touched, the qi infusing the water vapor draining as if into a hungry void. Ling Qi grimaced as she once again played Zeqings song, and while the tendrils reaching for her froze and crumbled, she felt a leeching drain as the technique drew more than it should have from her reserves to do its work. Worse, it didn't really feel like she had done the muck much harm… and its aura was already third realm and still swelling with power… it's rapid growth was filling the cavern alarmingly fast as well. Even if Ling Qi could beat this thing, Li Suyin would quickly run out of room to avoid it if they remained here.

Darting out of the sky, Ling Qi snatched the half frozen bandoleer from the body of the foe she had killed, and held out her right hand, drawing the bodies of as many beasts as she could fit into her ring then shot away from the spreading mess at high speed. Through her sword, she could feel the knife wielder scrambling away, letting out alarmed yips as well.

"Li Suyin, I think it's time to go," Ling Qi said tersely as she rematerialized beside her friend. "You've got what you need, right."

Suyin nodded quickly, glancing at the reaching tendrils in alarm, half of the nest she had opened was empty by now. "Yes, I… I can't carry anymore as it is anyway. I already had Yi set explosive charms around the entrance, just in case, so…"

Ling Qi grinned tightly and patted her on the shoulder, as she recalled her sword from chasing the fleeing beast down the tunnel. "Time to run then."

As they fled the cavern at Suyin's top speed, the roar of explosions and collapsing stone at their back, Ling Qi could not help but laugh. No, she really couldn't let fear control her, because this is what being alive felt like. As they reached the top of the antlions tunnel and Li Suyin stopped to gasp for breath, she saw a little bit of a grin in the other girls expression as well.

Perhaps, Ling Qi thought, she had been thinking about things wrongly. If she had followed her knee jerk instinct, and simply focused on keeping her friend out of danger, could Suyin smile like that? If she had treated her like a fragile vase that needed to be kept on a shelf, wasn't that insulting?

Perhaps she had been thinking of things the wrong way.

"Ling Qi, are you alright?" Li Suyin asked as she straightened up, her face still red from exertion. "You're staring."

"I'm fine," Ling Qi replied. "Are you satisfied with your take, Suyin?"

She nodded happily. "Yes! I've acquired so much more than I could have hoped for! And it was amazing, seeing you fight like that. I'm sure, once I break through that we'll be able to go even deeper!"

Yeah, Ling Qi decided, she had to think about what it meant, to protect your friends.

Meridian Cleansing Wand: Increases the number of meridians that can be trained per AP to 2
Li Suyin bond increases to 4

Domain XP: +75(small retroactive bonus for previous turns)
Athletics +2
Perceptiveness +3
Survival +3
Spirit Ken +2
War +3

Blades +2
Fortitude: +2
Fade +2
Resilience +2

Woodwind +3
Sable Grace +1

AN: Alright, here's event end, so lets just squeeze in a little vote on some of the months sideshow stuff

Ling Qi will be doing some challenge research this month, please vote on what part you would like to see on screen

[] Visiting Meizhen's new lodgings
[] People watching at the archive
[] Assisting Cai Renxiang with party set up

Also gonna experiment a bit since its a low impact vote. One hour moratorium on voting
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Pretty fucking cool, I kinda figured that had to be really awesome to watch from Suyin's perspective, and we got some great loot.

As for the vote, absolutely Meizhen. We have seen far too little of best snek.
Nice update yrs!

That ooze thing was pretty deadly, hopefully it burns out when the corpses run out. Not a bad strat, have the horde kill or weaken some and if that fails drop the ooze that grows stronger the more dead bodies it eat.

[] Visiting Meizhen's new lodgings

edit.ops 1 hour.
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The moral of the story is that killing things together is the best way to bond, and truly protecting someone comes from helping them harvest strength from the corpses of their fallen enemies. It's so sweet.

Perhaps we will learn an equally touching lesson next time, on My Little Cultivator: Friendship Is Murder.