Four Winds Joy: In stealing the wind, the old and stagnant fall, the freed winds dance and scatter, but find purpose. North, East, West, and South. Never again will the winds be wholly wild, uncontrolled, chaotic. Purpose and order are not wholly enemies of freedom, and a contemplation of their intersection can only advance a wily thief's goals. Advances West Wind Step to Four Winds Dance, improving the technique. +1 XP to Motion and Freedom. Unlocks a new Project
Boundaries Untrodden: To slip between, through and around, through the tiniest keyhole or the open window. Round the mountains or through even the veil of death. So walks the thief, who must bypass boundaries in the same way that a bird must fly. But to step across or through, one must understand that which they will violate. Alters and advances the Breeze in the Vault technique. +1 XP to Want and Mystery. Unlocks a new project.