Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Ooh, this is an extremely good point.

The different gender politics are going to be a point of friction. Being familiar with the story of the Iron King should help a huge amount with framing the presentation of Celestial Empire and Emerald Seas in ways that resemble the Iron King as little as possible.
I'm thinking Shenhua is going to be landing a lot of Iron King Vibes, based on the brief description we had. Doubly so - the Heavenly King in the area is the Xia.
This arc is just the bees knees. So tense! Creepy beepy! Dream Teamwork!
Storytime butpleasedonteatus.

Sea of Dreams! Brought to you by Feardrenaline! When you need it most Feardrenaline keeps you five to nine degrees ahead of nightmarish spiritual trauma and grievous bodily harm.

I might eventually become more coherent, but I needed to post about how much I am liking this.
[X] Tale of the Iron King

[ ] Tale of the Gates

Gates might be easier info to get, but the reliability of said information will be suspect since we don't have any idea as to how much of their past they lost since the creation of the Gates. The story could very well have turned into a tall tale by now.

On the Iron King, sure we'll likely never get an easy or accurate recount of it, but we don't really need much of the details for that story. The general strokes of it seems like it'll be perfectly fine and usable data for whatever we do diplomatically. So a 'totally accurate' retelling might not be as necessary as what the Gates actually are/do/meant to do.
I know that the Iron King might seem more practical in some ways but I am an absolute sucker for lore, myths and legends on which the foundation of nations are built. Especially by Yrsillar, that's one of the things he does so well.
I've wanted to know about the Polar Gates, what the evil aurora/ star thing in the sky is above the Ice Nation for a while...I want to knowwwww.

Be aware that both Meng Dan and Moon Senpai warned us against taking any history knowledge from dream sources at face value. The accuracy and perspective of those get more and more distorted the more people "dream" of then and the further away in time it happened.
For something like a foundational tale? There is still going to be plenty of useful info, but it's hardly what one would consider "rigorous". Specially since it's under the concept of Narrative.

The belief that men can't rule of be warriors because they are innately more aggresive and easier to possess by the void is almost as old as the Polar Nation itself.
As we just learned, that has led to a cycle of sorts, with men periodically trying and sometimes succeeding to seize power.
One of those attempts seem to be gaining traction right now, maybe even due to the ripples caused by us showing up and the diplomatic summit. If most of the empire is sending representatives and observers, it's also likely that the others Confederations of the Polar Nation will do the same. I'm sure there are several political storms unfolding over there rigth now.
And we just have been explicitly told that some of that is going to hit the summit.
We just have to prepare for that, and Iron King is the option for that.
"Greedy," Grydja sniffed. "Though that shows your line runs true, whatever foolishness that stray snowflake got up to. You've entertained this lonely old woman, so I suppose you can have a tale. But only one, greedy little poppet, else I seek a price."
I am choosing to hear this in a fond grandmotherly voice.

Should we bring Hanyi to meet her grandma later?
I can't decide if it would be the best idea ever, worst idea ever, or both.
[X] Tale of the Iron King

Be aware that both Meng Dan and Moon Senpai warned us against taking any history knowledge from dream sources at face value. The accuracy and perspective of those get more and more distorted the more people "dream" of then and the further away in time it happened.
For something like a foundational tale? There is still going to be plenty of useful info, but it's hardly what one would consider "rigorous". Specially since it's under the concept of Narrative.

The belief that men can't rule of be warriors because they are innately more aggresive and easier to possess by the void is almost as old as the Polar Nation itself.
As we just learned, that has led to a cycle of sorts, with men periodically trying and sometimes succeeding to seize power.
One of those attempts seem to be gaining traction right now, maybe even due to the ripples caused by us showing up and the diplomatic summit. If most of the empire is sending representatives and observers, it's also likely that the others Confederations of the Polar Nation will do the same. I'm sure there are several political storms unfolding over there rigth now.
And we just have been explicitly told that some of that is going to hit the summit.
We just have to prepare for that, and Iron King is the option for that.
And that warning is true for the Iron King story as well.
No worry about it though, this time, because, even if we are in the liminal, its a spirit is telling us the story, not a knot of qi that Replays the same vision again and again in a certain place.
And Ofcourse there will be warmongers on both side, Ambition and Delusions arent just the Empire's vices.
And that warning is true for the Iron King story as well.

I mean, yes, but that makes the Iron King story better, not worse, since what we want to gain from it is an understanding of the people and how they view their history. The truth of the Iron King is of much less practical importance than how the story is told among the Polar Nation and the lessons they draw from those stories. We want the cultural touchstone and how we can avoid the Empire coming off as too Iron King-like, not the objective truth.

This is also true of the story of the Gates, and would be fine if we just wanted a cultural touchstone there, but there was mention of the Gates story being Lore and wanting to know the truth, and objective truth is just not what this particular event is gonna give us in either case.
[X] Tale of the Iron King

It's a difficult decision. Both sound cool. But after rereading, I'm picking Tale of the Iron King because of this quote (and all the good arguments of course).

"This one would hope we might gain some understanding of those who might make the matter difficult. Grandmother has said that they trouble her," Xuan Shi surprised her by speaking up.
[X] Tale of the Iron King

Hmm, if I remember correctly part of the empire's cultural chauvinism is their dismissal of the notion that other nations might have great spirits of their own. I wonder how those twerps will react to the existence of the Crone, Perkunas, Fryja etc.