1b) That he is superior for seeing this, where others do not.
This, I do not see. Mild disagreement from me. I do not get the feeling this is where his sense of entitlement comes from.
Yeah, this is not the cause of his sense of entitlement, but it is still a trait he possesses. Remember that fake-ish contract book he had during Forge? He pretty explicitly took the other sect members for fools due to them being ignorant on the actual power those contracts has.
Ling Qi thought long and hard about her answer. Yan Renshu, he thought himself very smart, smarter than everything else. He seemed to have very little ability to make uncoerced connections. Slowly, she worked out an answer. "His grudge is against community itself. He thinks it's contracts and strictures as false and hollow as his own dealings. That he is superior for seeing this, where others do not."
+1 Community XP
Shu Yue regarded her silently, save for the tap-tap of their long fingers meeting. They regarded her impassively, until she began to squirm, wondering if she had answered poorly. Sixiang vanished and reappeared at her side, a hand on her shoulder.
"Not a terrible answer, not correct either. Your own perspective is too embedded. Tell me, you have come to regard community as a fundamental good, do you not?"
"Because it is," Ling Qi replied. "It harms, it fails, I know that, but alone we are nothing."
"Good, that is your conviction. Grasp it tightly," Shu Yue said mildly. "We shape the world through disseminating our convictions, making them the consensus, but that does not make your answer right."
"And how do you know?" Ling Qi asked, not accusatory, but curious. They had said they did not meet Renshu.
"Though the picture is still incomplete, you may see the shape of a puzzle without all its pieces," Shu Yue said. "Despite his efforts, like all humans he existed in the lives of many others. And it has become lawful to peer into the minds of those who had the most experience.
Ling Qi shifted, feeling a little uncomfortable with the implication. She knew how things worked. One could not just do something as terrible as Yan Renshu and expect no repercussions for their family. She couldn't feel sorry for that selfish little man she'd saved, but she could imagine there being members of the Yan family who were less disagreeable.
"Worth arises from power," Shu Yue said clinically. "This is a commonality, a core."
Ling Qi blinked. "You can't do anything without power, that's true."
"These are not the same statements."
Ling Qi glanced to Sixiang, and the muse cocked an eyebrow. Ling Qi ducked her head. "...I understand. My Mother is not powerful, there are many things she cannot do, but…"
Ling Qi did not want to go back to the way things had been at the beginning, treating her like a porcelain doll. It was also why she did not press Mother to cultivate more. It was good, it improved her health, but… her value wasn't in being another cultivator for the Ling clan.
Shu Yue hummed to themselves, beginning to slowly circle her position, one uneven step after another, their shadowy robe whispering across the ground like a serpent's coils. "Worth arises from power. What we have is deserved, hard worked for. What others have is not. Others who fall behind are failures. Lazy. Others who pull ahead are cheating. Stealing. These are not the words spoken aloud, but it is the meaning which lies beneath their beliefs. Common thoughts from the lowest root to the highest branch."
"Born from the refusal to see the self in others," Sixiang said, flopping down, resting their chin on her shoulder.
"Don't steal my lines," Ling Qi huffed, Sixiang had pulled that right out of her head. jabbing an elbow back, thanks to her practice, it hit a narrow chest, drawing a whiny grumble from the muse.
"But, Shu Yue, I'm not sure how that differs from my words," Ling Qi continued, as if the stage hadn't happened.
"It is not resentment of community, the bonds and hierarchies it represents. It is resentment of ones place in those structures," Shu Yue said. "Understand Ling Qi, until you cannot any longer, others do not see the concepts dear to your soul in the same way you do."
Ling Qi frowned, but took their point. She knew that most had not meditated on community as she had. They saw perhaps, a stair instead of a net, or perhaps they did not see it at all, treating the society that let them live as more than an animal as something like the sky or the earth, a piece of the background, requiring no effort or maintenance. "I feel like that's impossible to do consistently. The mind makes assumptions."
"It does, it is impossible to fully master when you have an identity. One sees others through the mirror of the self, always," Shu Yue admitted easily, and Ling Qi found herself peering at the black emptiness behind their moving lips, beginning to get an inkling of what her teacher was. "But there are lessons all the same. Let us move on to your correspondence."
"Wait, what is Yan Renshu's grudge?"
"It is not important for the lesson, your answer was," Shu Yue replied blithely. "And as you will come to find such things do not have simple single faceted answers."
She couldn't help but feel a bit discontent, but being cryptic was just how teachers were. "Alright, so what are we doing with the letters?"
"You will read, consider and discuss, as you have done. I will posit questions on the motivations of your correspondants. You will analyze, I will critique."
Ling Qi nodded. She thought she understood what Shu Yue was doing. If they could not directly teach her the art and technique, then she supposed that teaching the mindset behind it was.
It made for much slower reading and replies than usual. Shu Yue's questions and interruptions were frequent. Taking apart everything from the structure of the writer's arguments down to individual word choices. They forced her to slow down, to think, and examine. How a single innocuous line was meant to steer her into examining a rival or a neighbor of the writer negatively. How to look past the words on the page and see what they wanted.
And yes, just a little cultivation, the right way to tweak and strain the flows of qi in her eyes to see the faint shadows of intent embedded in the writing.
She found that her support was strong among the Foundations region, the southernmost part of the Emerald Seas, consisting of the foothills of the Wall and much of the Wang lands. There was much praise, but she could see a great deal of opportunism. New against old, the young clans seeking her associating to raise their own status.
And there was no wrong in that, she supposed, if they stood with her on the right matters, if they could be brought to support Renxiang. There was, as Shu Yue would say, a grudge there. There was an undercurrent of being hard put upon, a resentment for the more northerly regions. They saw themselves as injured by the endless raiding, and blame for that spread north.
It was something to be careful of, an ugly infection that needed tending, lest it turn into outright rot. South and west, if the Meng could be won. A distant dream, but something perhaps to work towards. She'd have to talk to Hanyi, about what it was like in person.
On the other hand, the Central Valley had been upturned, there was a chaos and alarm there. Dozens of letters asked for advice on spotting and combatting ith-ia spies and impurity. There was a great deal of panicked alarm there, but also a deep well of anger. The central valley was safe. Not since the Duchess had risen had they faced Cloud tribe raids. This was not how things were supposed to be.
A grudge, in its infancy, coming screaming into the world. It made her wonder about the ones the Duchess had subjugated, and in her replies, she was careful to emphasize the name of those responsible, as a tribe and government. She shared what she knew freely, described the methods and ways she had experienced.
And she couldn't help but think of her idle words at Hanyi's first concert, about the old road through the haunted remains of the dead Li families stronghold, contested by Wang and Diao. It had seemed insurmountable, but, she was growing a little cachet with at least one faction of the Diao.
Another project for after the summit.
It was strange, how much she was growing used to this, taking in and churning out dozens, hundreds of pieces of correspondence every month. She was still terrible with names, but Sixiang helped. Shu Yue helped. When you spent so much time analyzing a persons thoughts as read through their letters, it was hard for the picture assembled to not become a person. Someone remembered, at least in passing.
She was still a small player a small piece, in the great expanse of the Emerald Seas, but with her recent actions and her efforts, she was on the board, with all that that entailed.
Hou Zhuang's gift completed! Minimal spy network established in the Emerald Seas. Actions are no longer required to maintain this. Quests, information and contacts will come to you through this, and each turn will have a minor action detailing your efforts.
Eye of Grudges Cultivation project unlocked as a Successor Project to Silent Songseekers regard. Details to be added after FSS action complete.
Argent Disciple Advances by 2 and Ascends, becoming-
Imperial Baroness(G) 1: An established noble of the Emerald Seas, province of the Celestial Empire. New and young yet, nonetheless, you stand among the peerage in knowledge and status, no longer a child.
"You are an attentive student," Shu Yue said as Ling Qi finished her analysis of the last letter, a simple invitation from a baron in the nearby Wang lands to trade some pointers regarding the establishment of agriculture in mountainous lands.
"You are a thorough teacher," Ling Qi said, bowing her head.
"Exhausting more like," Sixiang drawled, lounging in midair. "We should have finished this batch hoooours ago."
"Sixiang," Ling Qi scolded, the muse seemed to not like Shu Yue very much. Ling Qi had an inkling of understanding of why.
"Do not scold. I take it as a compliment," Shu Yue said, letting out the unsettling, rasping wheeze that Ling Qi had come to recognize as laughter. "My lessons aside, you have established your foundation well. The work to come is without end."
"But I now have something to build on. There is at least, no one in the south who does not take me at least somewhat seriously," Ling Qi replied.
"A boon and a bane," Shu Yue said, dipping their head in comisseration. "I have a suggestion."
"I would like to hear it," Ling Qi replied politely.
"Focus, build this strength, this moment. Take the opportunity to expand your reach, and bolster this high before it fades."
Ling Qi considered. "...I do need to focus my effort if I want to grow. I can maintain this all, but…"
"Advancement is more demanding," Shu Yue agreed.
Sixiang flopped over onto their belly, chin resting on their hands. "And we should probably focus south, Wang or Diao. I feel like the Meng need more time to cook, let That Diu Lady do her work."
Ling Qi nodded her head in agreement, until the summit she would focus on…
[ ] Mountain Halls-Focus your efforts on building reputation and cachet in the Foundations and Wang lands(Events and chances to improve reputation will focus on these factions for turn 17 and 18)
[ ] Garden of Sinners-Focus your efforts on the Central Valley and Diao lands(Events and chances to improve reputation will focus on these factions for turn 17 and 18)
[ ] Mountain Halls-Focus your efforts on building reputation and cachet in the Foundations and Wang lands(Events and chances to improve reputation will focus on these factions for turn 17 and 18)
She found that her support was strong among the Foundations region, the southernmost part of the Emerald Seas, consisting of the foothills of the Wall and much of the Wang lands. There was much praise, but she could see a great deal of opportunism. New against old, the young clans seeking her associating to raise their own status.
And there was no wrong in that, she supposed, if they stood with her on the right matters, if they could be brought to support Renxiang. There was, as Shu Yue would say, a grudge there. There was an undercurrent of being hard put upon, a resentment for the more northerly regions. They saw themselves as injured by the endless raiding, and blame for that spread north.
[ ] Garden of Sinners-Focus your efforts on the Central Valley and Diao lands(Events and chances to improve reputation will focus on these factions for turn 17 and 18)
On the other hand, the Central Valley had been upturned, there was a chaos and alarm there. Dozens of letters asked for advice on spotting and combatting ith-ia spies and impurity. There was a great deal of panicked alarm there, but also a deep well of anger. The central valley was safe. Not since the Duchess had risen had they faced Cloud tribe raids. This was not how things were supposed to be.
A grudge, in its infancy, coming screaming into the world. It made her wonder about the ones the Duchess had subjugated, and in her replies, she was careful to emphasize the name of those responsible, as a tribe and government. She shared what she knew freely, described the methods and ways she had experienced.
Grabbing the inroad we have. They are afraid and angry. We have solutions and targets.
This likely revolves around spinning our temporary importancei n the Central Valley region into more permanent understanding and hooks...but note the regionalisms, they're never going to be close friends.
hmm, Wang or Diao... I hope Wang, but thread has gotten into the habit of chasing shallow connections and neglecting allies in favor of trying to sucker up to people that dislike LQ so Diao is prob going to win.
[X] Mountain Halls-Focus your efforts on building reputation and cachet in the Foundations and Wang lands(Events and chances to improve reputation will focus on these factions for turn 17 and 18)
Shoring up our reputation with the Wang will be harder high it goes on so getting a strong foundation would only make sense.
I'll also note that Central Valley right now is currently at 2 in reputation since last update, which means Foundations and Central Valley are both 2. Meanwhile Wang and Diao are respectively at 1 and -1.
Fundamentally, the problem for me with the Diao option is that it continues the trend of chasing and aiming to keep clans in a neutral standing and trying to keep problems away rather then building allies and friends. Closest we got atm are the Meng reformist and their counterparts. But everyone else we are seemingly trying to keep at arms length. Sure we dont get negative attention keeping everyone away and in a neutral standing, but we dont get positive either.
Well, the Dao clan is up to -1 rep as a whole now, which means they don't like us but will leave us alone. So now it's time focus on the Wang to build up a real political faction. Like Shu Yue said, this high won't last forever, so we need to have strong friends by the end of it. We're already underwater with the Diao because of rep hits due to the neo-Weilu project. And the Neo-Weilu thing is likely to continue giving us rep hits with the Diao every once in a while, so I don't see them being a great short term choice. Too much action cost for what we get.
There might be some long term potential there if we can stay around neutral with them and keep helping out their small neo-Weilu faction, but they're a long way off from being a major player in Diao politics, so not useful right now.
The Wang on the other hand seem A-OK with the neo-Weilu thing and live right next to us. A much better choice, both right now and in the long term.
Damn. Such a nice update. And we've finally unlocked SSR+! Not sure how it'll work, but I think it'll fit well after our Tribulation and facing Nightmare.
That being said...
[ ] Mountain Halls-Focus your efforts on building reputation and cachet in the Foundations and Wang lands(Events and chances to improve reputation will focus on these factions for turn 17 and 18)
I think Foundations works best. Firstly, we'll be leaving the sect to our fief soon. The Wang and Foundations are our direct neighbours, so it's better to work with them. We're already at Rep 2 with Foundations, so we can finally push it to 3 and be liked, which is really good. Similarly, we know more about them and their make-up. We didn't really affect the Weilu Moderates with our tale iirc, but they're at 2, and makeup 50% of the clan. So hopefully we can push them to Weilu Reformers.
Plus, the Wang are Architects and Builders who are focused on fusing Weilu and Imperial styles. We got a nice road from them which gives up Wealth. We can get more concessions from them if we increase our rep with them. IIRC, We've unlocked fief actions now, and the locked one will either finish this turn or turn 17, depending on whether or not turn 15 counted as one of the months. If we can get concessions from them, then they can help when more fief projects are available. We already have a Meng geomancer to help with structure. I want me a Wang Architect to help with the Neo-Weilu building styles. The two will have a nice synergy.
Edit: It has come to my attention that our Foundations rep is 3 instead of 2. I think this just gives even more reason to work with them. If we can move from 3 to 4, there's a high chance we'll get more help with fief development.
4: Greatly Liked- The organization will support you whenever doing so is both possible and does not significantly harm their other goals
Plus, we unlocked a new professional project when we got Foundations to +3 from HZG2. Working with Foundations and the Wang will be a good way to tie it into the narrative.
While i would prefer to read about the Wang, going for central valley now when we have such a golden opportunity to make inroads at a region we are unlikely to ever have equal change to work on is tempting.
It's a difficult question. There are good reasons for both. Fortunately, one can vote for both at once so I don't have to belabor my head too strongly.
Right now, we have a very good opportunity for inroads with the Diao. The Wang are, long term, a great gain and a clear focus, but I think our immediate efforts are spent on the Diao.
Particularly as it may give us a chance for more fox stuff in the short term and it's be good to keep a hand in on that.
hmm, Wang or Diao... I hope Wang, but thread has gotten into the habit of chasing shallow connections and neglecting allies in favor of trying to sucker up to people that dislike LQ so Diao is prob going to win.
This is a fair point but is it not good to strike while the iron is hot? Wang connections aren't something we'll forget between best boy ghoat rider and their help in our fief. Diao meanwhile just have a current in with their tie to our work with the ministry of communication, the traitor and fox mum.
Another thing. I want to work on the simmering grudge against the northern part of the ES before it's fully formed. LQ does NOT like rot, and I don't want this one to set since we're focused on bringing the ES together and forming a unified cultural identity. Can't do that when both halves hate each other. Plus, we'll need our own political base for when we eventually challenge Shenhua so building on our strengths and the Wang will help.
The Diao. The Central Valley is all a dither over the attack, and we are the one who beat it back. We have an opportunity that may not repeat anytime soon.
I think I'm leaning towards the wang. They are neighbors, they will have advise and aid for anything we have to deal with locally, they have been treating us pretty well, and really infrastructure experts there are so many upsides to solidify something more solid. Also they will have to deal with white sky they are the border. We want them to listen to anything that gets decided and not have any resentment.
I think it's very funny that Sixiang and Shu Yue are exactly the opposite kinds of nonbinary people. Sixiang is nonbinary because their gender is fluid, morphing, evolving - they shape themself into different identities for different purposes, and gender is just one thing they shape and play with.
Shu Yue carved out their gender with a knife. It got in the way.