"Ling Qi," Cai Renxiang's voice was deeply exhausted, her brow furrowed, her nose pinched between her fingers. The tea cup set before her on the fine tabletop was forgotten, the faint trail of steam rising from it drifting unnoticed.
Renxiang: Establishes a foundational element of her domain as being the need to order and structure the world so its better and makes sense.
Qi: Chaos is Motion, Motion cascades into unexpected places, Never stop Moving. VROOM.
Renxiang: I have, yet again, had to figure out how and what the fuck after a Ling Qi Adventure.
At least all this tribulating should be good for growth?
"Lady Cai, I can't possibly be blamed for this one," Ling Qi replied primly, blowing softly on her own cup, the fog that drifted off of the impossibly cold cider parted, leaving her free to drink. Rimefruit extract was very expensive, but frankly, Ling Qi was sure that she had earned a treat at this point.
Its funny to think way back when Meizhen was drinking a cultivation resource for the flavor despite it no longer adding anything to her cultivation.
Qi's doing it now hee.
Together the three of them sat in Cai Renxiangs sitting room, drinks and light snacks arranged neatly across the table. Xiao Fen had insisted on doing the settings and even now lurked in the shadows, ready to dart out and replace anything missing.
Ling Qi thought she should join them, but the idea had seemed to cause the girl almost physical pain.
Conditioning lies deep.
Meizhen's got a lot of work to go yet.
"And probably have gotten myself locked out of the Sect, and you almost certainly punished as well," Ling Qi pointed out dryly. "Come on Meizhen, even I know you were overreacting to what that worm had done at the time."
Meizhen turned up her nose haughtily, taking a drink. She didn't contradict Ling Qi though.
"No you cannot be blamed, not in any rational sense," Cai Renxiang agreed, her eyes squeezed shut.
"Are you saying that you are afflicted by irrational thoughts my lady?" Ling Qi said, tilting her head.
Cai Renxiang let a long breath through her nose, but did not rise to her bait.
Not quite there yet, Ling Qi supposed.
Oh no she's doing it on purpose. Run Renxiang!
"There was no comprehension that such an attack would occur. It is disturbing for everyone to acknowledge that we still do not fully grasp the tactics of the Ith-ia," Cai Renxiang said instead. "I commend you, Ling Qi on uncovering this, even through such…. Circumstances."
"I am just glad I was able to keep the damage low," Ling Qi said, the sweet rimefruit was a balm on her throat after so many hours and days spent in conversation. The way the cider turned to slush on her tongue was pleasantly cool as well. "The attacks that followed…."
"An ugly business, deliberately targeting mortals," Bai Meizhen sniffed. "Barbarian filth."
"It is unforgivable," Cai Renxiang agreed. "It is certain at this point that the next great campaign will be against them."
Basic difference in strategy.
For Imperials, the mortals are to be protected as a talent pool, economic base and religious duty. Killing the mortals does nothing to the current power, it only damages the future and makes the current powers really pissed.
But the Ith-ia use THEIR mindless mortals as raw manpower and resources, while the intelligent masses direct the city via consensus.
It sounds to me like a mass terror tactic failing on the simple gap of cultural differences?
"Something to prepare for, after the summit," Ling Qi said, considering the now serious atmosphere in the room. "Really, Lady Cai I did everything as responsibly as I could."
"I am aware," Cai Renxiang replied, finally taking up her tea. "Please excuse my moment of… bewilderment."
"It is rather adorable," Meizhen said airily. Cai Renxiang glared at her, Meizhen smirked back.
Bewildered at what happened, or bewildered that this tornado is what resultant while Qi was doing everything responsibly?
"Less adorable is that animal you dragged back," Meizhen added glancing toward her.
"Zheng Fu?" Ling Qi asked, tilting her head. "He hardly came with me. He has a message for the Duchess from the Ebon Rivers I guess?"
"Which is why it is most amusing that her Grace returned to Xiangmen for a short time, even if it is to deal with whatever plots the Butcher is making," Meizhen sniffed.
"It has been circulating that the Zheng are releasing their scions across the Empire in unusual numbers, so this is not too surprising," Cai Renxiang said.
"Hmph, butting in where they are unneeded, that is the way of the Zheng I suppose," Meizhen replied.
"Well he seemed nice enough in the passing, but I suppose we'll see what he wants," she'd been wary due to the wanton reputation the ruling family of the Ebon Rivers had, but the veiled man didn't seem particularly bad in that regard during their brief acquaintance. The family probably just didn't want to be left out of something their traditional rivals, the Bai were doing.
"Yes, hopefully he wishes to observe matters. We can use every scrap of legitimacy in this," Cai Renxiang murmured into her teacup.
Curiously, we still don't know what this message is, or whats driving them to go everywhere.
IIRC they traditionally stick to Ebon Rivers for the most part.
"You're suddenly a whole lot more popular," Sixiang mused. They floated upside down before her, glimmering rainbow hair waving and shimmering in the breeze. "Well more folks are definitely taking you seriously at least."
"I would hope so," Ling Qi replied, scanning briefly over the cover page of the correspondence in her lap.
+1 Reputation in the Central Valley
Just Hero Things.
"In it's way. You recent adventure is also useful."
"I'm not sure I deserve so much credit," Ling Qi sighed. "You would have solved it if things had gotten truly dire."
"No. I would not have."
Her head snapped up, eyes widening in surprise, "But…"
"I was not there, you are important, but not my only business," Shu Yue explained, righting the angle of their head, there was a faint scraping sound like bone on carapace.
That… made sense. "Of course, I shouldn't let myself come to rely too much on the idea."
"It is a good lesson, Elders always come to fail their juniors," Shu Yue said, cracking a toothless smile. "Rely on those who stand beside you, not behind."
"Ling Qi's just fine," Sixiang dismissed. "You didn't even think about spooky here being around till after. Fobbing things off never crossed your mind."
Ling Qi dipped her head, taking the muses chiding in mind. They were right, the idea had only come in the uncertainty after, when she had time to sit and let her mind spin.
Yeah, probably should keep that in mind when doing particularly dangerous stuff.
This is what many Young Masters fail to internalize.
Some days the Elder escorting you just...too busy to cover for you.
Shu Yue inclined their head. "Regardless, I feel that your encounter will have given you some insights into my lesson."
Ling Qi turned to fully face her teacher. She had an inkling of what they meant but she decided to be sure. "And what exactly is your Eye of Grudges Art, Shu Yue. You haven't explained yet."
They hummed, their hunched back straightening, things cracked and rasped as their legs straightened and they stood to their full height, droplets of water clinging to their fingertips as they fell to the tall elders sides. "The Eye of Grudges is an art of understanding people and the things that bind them, to insert yourself behind another's eyes, immerse yourself in their woes."
"That sounds… very intrusive," Ling Qi said cautiously.
"For you, it would be," Shu Yue said, rubbing their chin thoughtfully. "When I was young, I found it easy to become another. You cannot intrude or invade if there is no self to shove theirs aside."
Spooky, and effective to just...possess someone like that and spend a day literally in their shoes, without friction.
I don't think Qi can do that, she has a pretty loud presence for someone stealthy.
"Why is everything you say ominous," Sixiang said flatly.
Shu Yue ignored them. "You understand, Ling Qi, the truth of us. Press us, starve us, isolate us. We become animals, things of panic and fear and hate. Even the most virtuous of men, if pressed hard enough, will find their humanity peeling away like a thin skin on a fruit. I do not judge this, it simply is. Perhaps there is one in a million, or ten million, who truly cannot break, but this is not a standard mortals can be held too, nor indeed, most who cultivate."
"The point of a society, a community is to keep people out of that state," Ling Qi said quietly.
"Everyone has a price", flipped around is "Everything has a breaking point".
"As you like," they said neutrally. "My Eyes then, see the splintered threads of pain and hurt. They see fear and the chains of resentment it forges. Tell me true, are there none who you hate?"
"I don't have time to keep grudges," Ling Qi responded automatically. "But…"
"Some remain all the same," Shu Yue said. "Humans remember hurts more strongly than help. Pain more clearly than pleasure, Failure more starkly than success."
"You don't have to be like that though," Ling Qi pointed out, though she couldn't truly say Shu Yue was wrong.
"It is good to strive, those who wallow can only bring ruin," they said, tapping their fingers together thoughtfully as they strode onto the shore. "Nonetheless, to understand a person, you must understand their grudges. You cannot judge how a person will act without their baser urges. You have seen an example now, of a truly deep grudge."
This pairs strongly with Qi's new Insight - to understand the flaws of society, to reveal them such that they can be addressed or exploited.
Its the flaw of being merely human.
Ling Qi grimaced something ugly twisting in her chest. "You're talking about the traitor. How in the world can he…"
She trailed off gritting her teeth. That news had its own uproar, a simmering rage that spread with the communication. The Sect was furious. With that knowledge, the failure of the wardings in the advance base and the many deaths it had caused were laid in a new light.
If Yan Renshu ever stood openly on the surface again, she had no doubt his life was forfeit.
Nevermind openly.
The day he's outside of Divination screening is the day Elder Jiao takes action in a role both Personal and Professional.
Jiao nearly fell there. Jiao's protective formations were ruined by treachery.
"I have not observed him, only memories of him," Shu Yue replied clinically. "But there is a type of man for whom pride is more precious than their own heart's blood. Indeed they are very common, if not usually so severe in their transgression."
"It is this that I aim to teach you."
Ling Qi held back a retort, she didn't want to understand a mind that would think that way. But Shu Yue was right, she understood, even if she didn't want to.
"You cannot understand people, without understanding their fears, their resentments, their hates," Shu Yue said, putting it into bland but undeniable words. "Or succinctly, their Grudges."
The people who open sentences with "You Dare!"
Of course, its important to identify the OTHER things that drive them as well, or you're going to be acting off the worst of them.
"It's fine Sixiang. I know what being consumed by that looks like. It's no different from scouting an enemy to learn how they work."
"It is not only your enemies grudges that you will need to look upon," Shu Yue interrupted.
"Okay, yes," Ling Qi agreed reluctantly. It still felt… bad.
The better to know whether what you return with is a thing of beauty to the one you gift it to isn't it?
Shu Yue nodded, tilting their head back to observe the crystals glittering on the roof of the cavern. "Good let us begin then. Yan Renshu, what is his drive, his grudge?"
Ling Qi nearly said something pithy but she understood where Shu Yue was going with this. It wasn't about the obvious surface answer, it was about digging down into the ugly, tangled roots. So she frowned and thought of everything she had ever learned about the vile little toad.
His family were perpetual underachievers, ever just below the mark for gaining nobility. He was hostile to them as well, going by his interaction with his uncle. In his first year at the sect, he so offended a noble scion that they inflicted an outright crippling injury on him.
He resented the mighty and had contempt for the weak. He had no qualms about tricking and exploiting others into false and ruinous contracts. He always seemed to feel… owed. She remembered once, that he had even implied that by trying to frame her and drive her away from her noble friends that he was doing her a favor.
Not exactly new info, but all put together gives a paradoxical picture.
He dislikes his family enough to destroy them, but they seem to trust him quite a lot.
Dislikes nobles and offending a noble to the point of crippling on the other hand, suggests that he's not very good at keeping his opinions to himself...which puts the first point into confusion because his family trusting him at all with that seems kind of foolish in that light.
Unless that is, they thought they had a hold on him that he couldn't escape.
Perhaps a Contract?
Curiously, despite having people impressed under deceptive and exploitative contracts, a significant number continue working with him even after it was revealed. Weird on the surface, but getting someone to the point where they'd sign a ruinous contract would require other leverage to begin with, so closed conundrum.
He seems to have made a strategy of burning bridges, both his own and those of others.
He surrounds himself with puppets under his control and worms trapped and devouring each other in a pit as resource, every operation we've seen he's maximized his ability to act remotely, using puppets, communication formations, worms and other proxies.
If I'd hazard a guess, he sees himself as Unfettered, having seen through the illusions that bind individuals for society, and declaring himself free of them. His vision of the 'true' world is the Gu pit, where everyone and everything is predator or prey, until the most worthy remains, and his vision of the 'ideal' world is the puppet factory, all moving at his will, under his control.
But thats projecting a lot on circumstantial evidence.