Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
[X] His grudge is against community itself. He thinks it's contracts and strictures as false and hollow as his own dealings. That he is superior for seeing this, where others do not. (+1 Community XP)
[X] His grudge is against community itself. He thinks it's contracts and strictures as false and hollow as his own dealings. That he is superior for seeing this, where others do not. (+1 Community XP)
Random thought: Does Meizhen know that her father cringing all the time is not because he's a coward (if I understand it correctly he can't even really feel fear), but because his Way forces him to avoid any and all confrontations?
[X] His grudge is against the world. He is alone, and wears his isolation as a crown. He deems this strength. Every time he is proven wrong, his grudge grows. (+1 Isolation XP)

As much as i want to vote for community XP, he came across for me as someone very bitter about the whole world not bending over for his every whim.
[X] His grudge is against community itself. He thinks it's contracts and strictures as false and hollow as his own dealings. That he is superior for seeing this, where others do not. (+1 Community XP)
Well, now that the vote is practically decided, I want to bring attention to this part:
+1 Reputation in the Central Valley

This couldn't have come at a better time, after the political bombshell that was the Weilu party.
Sure, the reaction of the Weilu Reactonaries was the worst, but I'm sure that a lot or regular nobility (barons and viscounts) thought: "Who does she thinks she is?"

Well, now Linq Qi is the one that uncovered a widespread Ith-ai terrorist plot. One that even viscount clans had missed. Her actions saved many mortal and cultivator lives, avoided serious damage to several cities and let them preserve a lot of face.

Sure, it wasn't exactly on purpose, but they don't need to know that.
This grants Ling Qi a good reputation and a great deal of legitimacy and credibility. So it's a lot more likely that the next time she walks into some place and demand manpower and resources for an emergency, their response will be "Yes ma'am" instead or raising an eyebrow and losing time with a "that's quite a serious claim, young lady".
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Sure, the reaction of the Weilu Reactonaries was the worst, but I'm sure that a lot or regular nobility (barons and viscounts) thought: "Who does she thinks she is?"

Well, according to the Rep changes, those seemed to be mostly in the South Jing and Celestial Hills regions, whereas we gained in the Thundering Hills. So it was probably more by Imperial-Weilu hard divide than audacity in our performance.

Actually, @yrsillar are you sure you didn't mean for a rep loss in the North Jing region? It would make more sense, since both it and the Celestial Hills are the Bao/Imperial conservative country. The South Jing are explicitly Jia territory, after all.

Tangent aside, yeah. The Law arc definitely gave us a lot of practical credibility you can't ignore regardless of your political issues with her.
[X] His grudge is against community itself. He thinks it's contracts and strictures as false and hollow as his own dealings. That he is superior for seeing this, where others do not. (+1 Community XP)
[ X] His grudge is against the world. He is alone, and wears his isolation as a crown. He deems this strength. Every time he is proven wrong, his grudge grows. (+1 Isolation XP)
[X] His grudge is against community itself. He thinks it's contracts and strictures as false and hollow as his own dealings. That he is superior for seeing this, where others do not. (+1 Community XP)
[X] His grudge is against community itself. He thinks it's contracts and strictures as false and hollow as his own dealings. That he is superior for seeing this, where others do not. (+1 Community XP)
[x] His grudge is against community itself. He thinks it's contracts and strictures as false and hollow as his own dealings. That he is superior for seeing this, where others do not. (+1 Community XP)
[x] His grudge is against community itself. He thinks it's contracts and strictures as false and hollow as his own dealings. That he is superior for seeing this, where others do not.
[X] His grudge is against the world. He is alone, and wears his isolation as a crown. He deems this strength. Every time he is proven wrong, his grudge grows. (+1 Isolation XP)
[X] His grudge is against community itself. He thinks it's contracts and strictures as false and hollow as his own dealings. That he is superior for seeing this, where others do not. (+1 Community XP)

Somehow the other one resonates more, but I think this is the best lesson Ling Qi can take out of this.

I think each one of the options have two main sentences.

1a) His grudge is against community itself. He thinks it's contracts and strictures as false and hollow as his own dealings.
On this one, agreed 100%. He doesn't see the difference of what he does to the victims he tricks, and what the imperial society/ the Argent Sect has done to him. Well, he sees one difference: It is okay when he does it to his lessers, because he deserves to be on the oppressing end of that exchange. It's not okay when it's done to him because he does not deserve being on the receiving end of it. It's not so much that he disapproves of the exploitation system, rather he resents that he's an exploited, when he should by all means be an exploiter.

1b) That he is superior for seeing this, where others do not.
This, I do not see. Mild disagreement from me. I do not get the feeling this is where his sense of entitlement comes from. Knowing a truth that others don't know of being the source of his superiority doesn't feel like it matches much with him. Could it be Ling Qi projecting here, filling a void with her own interpretation? On the other hand, it IS part of a vote offered by Yrsillar, which, unless it's a trap choice (Which Yris very much does NOT do), it means it has to contain some degree of truth, so I don't think Ling Qi would be entirely off-mark, if she were to believe this.

2a) His grudge is against the world. He is alone, and wears his isolation as a crown. He deems this strength.
I don't really think he glorifies isolation like this. It is rather a natural, if un-welcome byproduct of his greatness, which comes from elsewhere. His superior station forces him to exclude his lessers, and to antagonize anyone who questions him, but I don't think this something he revels in. It merely feeds into his complex, magnifying it, but it's not the source of it. He would much rather be surrounded by loyal allies... if only he could get them to thoroughly acknowledge him as the one rightfully in charge. Which he can't manage to accomplish. He's better off alone than surrounded by people who fail to see his greatness.

2b) Every time he is proven wrong, his grudge grows.
This part, however, is the one I also agree on 100%. Bitterness over failure isn't channeled into a constructive direction. It just entrenches him further in his unreasonable stance. Being questioned brings shame to him. Experiencing failure bings shame shame to him. He cannot accept the shame, and is forced to blame anything and everything else other than himself. He will blame Ling Qi. He will blame the successful, those that have earned what he could not. And those who wronged him personally, directly or indirectly.

So, I agree on the core premise of community vote, but not in the auxiliary premise. Conversely, I disagree on the core premise of the isolation vote, but strongly agree on the auxiliary one.
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[X] His grudge is against community itself. He thinks it's contracts and strictures as false and hollow as his own dealings. That he is superior for seeing this, where others do not. (+1 Community XP)
[X] (Write-in without permission) His grudge is blind, a self-justified side-effect of his own frustrated wants and inability to fit in (+1 Want XP)
About some front page stuff, SSC is currently listed as having potency increase at 0/3, is that correct? And also in meridian slots one of our perception arts is named Merry Moon's Eye, which should be Silent Songseeker's Regard.
You just finished an upgrade for it so its back to zero, will fix the meridian thing

Also, in case you missed it, things other people have noted you need to fix.

Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny) Original - Users' Choice!

[X] His grudge is against community itself. He thinks it's contracts and strictures as false and hollow as his own dealings. That he is superior for seeing this, where others do not. (+1 Community XP) Also @yrsillar with all the small Domain XP retcons Discord send you, the Concept list below...

Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny) Original - Users' Choice!

Also @yrsillar If we're discussing issues on the first page, I've mentioned previously that the Vanishing Trait should be 9 (11) instead of 9 (10) because we have two separate Arts that give it +1 each (specifically, Laughing Flight of the Wind Thief and Ephemeral Night's Memory). Inquisitive...
On the other hand, it IS part of a vote offered by Yrsillar, which, unless it's a trap choice (Which Yris very much does NOT do), it means it has to contain some degree of truth, so I don't think Ling Qi would be entirely off-mark, if she were to believe this.

Keep in mind that this is the initial answer being given before we get taught a skill that will help us see grudges much more clearly.

Its far more likely that both answers are wrong and that Shu Yue will demonstrate their shortcomings in the next update
Keep in mind that this is the initial answer being given before we get taught a skill that will help us see grudges much more clearly.

Its far more likely that both answers are wrong and that Shu Yue will demonstrate their shortcomings in the next update
I wouldn't say wrong.... But definitely incomplete.
We just do not have enough information on him and are obviously biased.
Though the fact that he goes for mortal kills is... saying a lot about his character, even if the Itc Ia were the ones setting up the attacks.
[X] His grudge is against community itself. He thinks it's contracts and strictures as false and hollow as his own dealings. That he is superior for seeing this, where others do not. (+1 Community XP)