Anyway, here's an alternative skill plan that aims to give is the possibility of as many level ups this turn as possible - as well as giving us Speech for that cool social bard style.
Fortitude is put down to 1 because we don't have any arts on it this turn and we only need 1 point to level it (also it's less in theme for this turn anyway). Speech at 3 to make getting D safer, and because we're unlikely to get a speech art any time soon. War at 3 because that gives us good odds of F War even without EANP. Resilience at 3 because if we train SES we want to take advantage of it (and it sets us up to level it next month potentially).
Finally, with the last points we could just bump Composure up to 3 on the off chance (1 in 27!) that it could level up and we could then ignore it

That being said, 2 dice in fade would allow us to level it next turn, so that's probably a better investment.
[X] Skill plan: Sweetly Social Songs
-[X] Manipulation* 3, Presence* 3, Composure* 2 (16 points)
-[X] War 3, Perceptiveness** 3, Fortitude 1, Resilience* 3, Fade 2, Empathy* 3, Speech 3 (18 points)
-[X] Woodwind* 3 (6 points)
This plan works fine with both month plans - EANP just gets more War do, while SES gets more Resilience. Both however should be able to meet level up targets in good order.
[X] Drugged-Fueled Musical Battle Royale