Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
I kind of want the plateau. It says low agriculture but that just means that our baby will have more fun trying to create and maintain a new garden.
I'm very drawn to the High plateau region on the grounds that it seems like its agriculture would be more herding than farming and that seems fun description-wise. That being said, leaning into our existing agricultural advantages does seem wiser.
[ ] Valley Region (Very High Agriculture, Low Minerals, Average Exotic Materials, Low Danger)
[ ] River and Cave Region (Average Agriculture, Average Minerals, High Exotic Materials, High Danger)

I am drawn to either, the Valley Option is not just appealing because of our little brother but for our mortal family as well.
Difficult choice by nature I tend to be a bit more cautious but in this case I do tend towards the River and Cave Region, whatever´s there we´ll either cajole them or break them.
Good thing I can now literally sleep on the options!
[ ] Valley Region (Very High Agriculture, Low Minerals, Average Exotic Materials, High Trade, Low Danger)

Prefer going for stable output that's not dangerous for mortals.
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We do need to keep in mind that the Ling clan will need to rely on it's own stuff to become self sufficient, or else in the future it's going to have to eat disadvantageous deals in order to fund it's own cultivators

Maintaining the level of cultivation that Ling Qi envisions for herself and her family is gonna be an expensive prospect.
Yu Nuan's collected notes on the Ling Qi experience:

Data point 1: As apology for harassment by her bound spirit, Ling Qi agreed to help in binding a spirit.
Result of Ling Qi Adventure: Invitation to local Thunder Lord's court and received one Spirit Doggo Companion.

Data point 2: As result of adoption request Ling Qi joined in visit to Thunder Lord's court.
Result of Ling Qi Adventure: Promised lessons by Thunder Lord's wife and recieved one Spirit Husbando Companion.

Conclusion: More data required. Art to allow binding of more spirits also likely required.
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[ ] Valley Region (Very High Agriculture, Low Minerals, Average Exotic Materials, Low Danger)

Really? We would not be at home most of the time. We need base of operations and we need not problems at home. Numbers and safety.

I forgot, after six hours we put posts with x in brackets?

p.s. Even high Trade!
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Yay thunderboi joining the party....

Also we r keeping that diamond snare right?

As for the choice it's pretty obvious, we have avg output for food, and metals and stuff too which means if we grab some exotic resources we can have good money and resources, and while high risks r troubles, what road to cultivation doesn't have some. Also, more conflicts we resolve and more problems we solve it will increase our overall approval. So the River & Caves r obviously the way to go...
The river and cave region is very attractive indeed. In xianxialand, where is there opportunity without danger? For Ling Qi who wishes to keep advancing, it seems like the natural choice.

But the thing is, she would also have to manage and defend the land, and the Ling clan is basically nothing right now. There's Ling Qi herself plus her spirits, and now Yu Nuan. That isn't a lot of manpower to keep a constant eye on a high danger area, to say nothing of when they go out adventuring.
The high trade of the valley does make it more tempting, but I'm still going to go for the Rivers and Caves.

Really, the major downside is the high danger, but we do have the tools to mitigate that danger or turn it to an advantage. I think that the high exotic materials is worth the risk, and the average spread across everything else will make for a fairly solid base to build a fief in.
Not choosing the high agricultural land when we got a potent spirit of renewal and good land studies from the Bai, seems kind of handicapping ourselves, just to go for the novelty value. And we will be importing a lot of mortal families and we need stability for them to get established prosper. We definitely don't need WT levels of drama with the land we live in.

Onto less serious matters, Leigong must begin to get a bit concerned about having LQ around. First time he did it, his dog left him, second time. Second time, his son is leaving him. Third time...
In fairness he has a lot of sons, getting a few of them off of his couch is more positive than negative. :p
The very high agri from the valley would be on theme for zhengui. It otherwise just sounds like generic land though: low minerals, ordinary chances of cool materials, high trade, minor danger. Any baron who goes south and can keep the place running could likely handle it.

[ ] River and Cave Region (Average Agriculture, Average Minerals, High Exotic Materials, Medium Trade, High Danger)
River and Cave both sounds like more interesting terrain imo, and Zhengui can help make the place more than average for agriculture. And we have better amounts of both other kinds of resources in exchange for not going all in on agri. The trade level should be fine, and its new land, high danger is expected.
As a reminder, we've got Zhengui and those notes from Uncle Warcrimes on I wanna say, pest removal?

Those can potentially off set weaker agriculture.
really leaning towards the Valley region, with between very high agriculture, Zhengui, and Bai studies we should be able to have great exports of Spirit Herbs. We can look at getting some pillmakers on staff too, in which case we would be able to produce large amounts of pills.
The river and cave region is very attractive indeed. In xianxialand, where is there opportunity without danger? For Ling Qi who wishes to keep advancing, it seems like the natural choice.

But the thing is, she would also have to manage and defend the land, and the Ling clan is basically nothing right now. There's Ling Qi herself plus her spirits, and now Yu Nuan. That isn't a lot of manpower to keep a constant eye on a high danger area, to say nothing of when they go out adventuring.
Isn't CRX & GG gonna join us too?
Well that was a fun arc! Got loot, thievery, aunties and new spirits!

Yu Nuan's new spirit is definitely high quality too! Cyan seems basically inevitable for him so that adds some serious power to our clan. Maybe he can found a new thunder palace in our fief!

The diamond snare sounds like it's a useful thing to have on hand too if we wanna capture something (or someone) without harming them

Back to the aforementioned fief, I'm leaning valley or caves right now. I'd be all in on caves but I'm worried about shishigui attacks and the trade in valley is nice. Spirit stone mines though...
[ ] High Plateau Region (Low Agriculture, High Minerals, Average Exotic Materials, Low Trade, Medium Danger)
[ ] Valley Region (Very High Agriculture, Low Minerals, Average Exotic Materials, High Trade, Low Danger)
[ ] River and Cave Region (Average Agriculture, Average Minerals, High Exotic Materials, Medium Trade, High Danger)

So, just for clarification, is this The Qi family lands, or the Cai Expedition lands? Because that matters, as far as which pertinent resources we can bring to bear.

Also worth noting that this isn't determining which lands there will be. This is determining which lands we will have. presumably the other lands will be populated by other people, and trade will be available.
Mmm, Valley could be good for the Iron Road Plan if we want that - it's the best situated for a trade route terminus, and able to supply the food to keep the road running and fuel its development.
[X] Valley Region (Very High Agriculture, Low Minerals, Average Exotic Materials, High Trade, Low Danger)
I like the idea of going min/max on farming and using our high trade capabilities to make up for not being self-sufficient. The first time we snort drugs made from locally-grown herbs will be great.
@yrsillar has filled this quest with powerful girlbosses as polity leaders. Unfortunately he's pretty much made them all arguably evil in some way, which makes Thatcher comparisons rather easy :D
"They just hate to see a girlboss winning" --Cai Shenhua, probably
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@yrsillar just to clarify, we're deciding the region for all three of us right? CRX and Gan will be moving into the same zone as us? Because we should probably consider what is good for them as well in that case.