Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Though Yu Nuan now road on the back of Qiu, grown to his full horse-like size.
Go forth fluffy steed!
"He said it was about understanding the origin of the storm," Yu Nuan said lowly, hurrying along at a swift jog. "And I… kinda get it. It all comes back to water. Hey don't touch anything off the path!"

Ling Qi blinked, immediately banking to the side to fully avoid a curtain of gleaming stone that seemed like a cascade of water, frozen in time. She'd not have touched it physically but a trail of her qi would have. "Alarms? Traps? I don't sense anything."

"No," Yu Nuan whispered. "But if you get your qi into the stones here, it'll piss off the gardener, we need him sweet to get what we need."
Not a guarded room, but rather a clean room workshop.
Down down through winding caverns of increasing beauty, past pools lined with living crystal and strange, alien formations of stone, until at last they came to a wide chamber, filled with water that bubbled and boiled, an underground lake, spotted with isles of stone. There were dozens of isles each overgrown with glittering crystal in many hues, and in the center was a small stone hut, humble, and inconspicuous. Above steam rose into a shroud over the caverns roof, and the air was thick with humidity.
Oh this is a crystallization chamber. Superheated water with dissolved minerals will precipitate onto seed crystals to form larger ones
Yu Nuan bowed her head. "The Lady Dianmu set us a hunting game, and I think one of your crystals is an answer. Could we bargain for one?"

"That woman," the stone spirit rumbled. "So thoughtless, sending drunkards to gambol in my gallery. Hmph. Take one then, and get you gone. One less hoodlum fighting down here will only make it easier to keep order."
...he's not going to be happy at all when the rest get here because even small disturbances will ruin the whole batch of crystals with flaws.
"Maybe," Ling Qi called over the hiss of the steam. "Does this place have a library or a poet?"

"Why?" Yu Nuan's face screwed up for a moment. "Ah I get it, I was thinking of the little weasels that run around this place with the sharp claws. Yeah there's a library. Why'd you think of that?"

"Oh because Lady Cai's sword is named, Cifeng with the characters 'cutting words'," Ling Qi replied absently, getting a feel for the folds of dream in this narrow space, catapulting them straight up shouldn't be too hard.

"What," Yu Nuan said dully.

"Nothing wrong with a good pun," Sixiang said cheerfully.
Puns are high culture!
Well, appropriate ones.
"Or a bad one! Hold onto your insides!"

"Oh n-" Yu Nuan began hunching down on Qiu's back.
Yu Nuan: [I Am On A Ling Qi Adventure Face]
And then they were within a scintillating rainbow steam and flames, surrounded by dancing shards of rock and crystal, rising toward roiling thunderheads shot through with kilometers long spans of golden scale.
The dream side of this place is neat. Of course the boss dragon winds through the very framework here.
Again, just for a second, before they blinked back into the vent, just in time to erupt from its exit in a cloud of superheated vapor.

The chamber they emerged in was all polished wood, save for the stone floor, filled with benches and buckets, and hanging plants, all manner of spirits lazed about in a state of ill dress, and… did she spot a disciple or two scattered about. Was this kind of sauna?

Ling Qi flushed a little and spied an exit, flashing toward it in a twist of wind and shadow, leaving a burst of frozen air and outraged yelps behind as she darted off down the passage. Qiu thundered after her, paws striking sparks in the air as he galloped after her with his tongue out, Yu Nuan holding frantically to her back.

"Oh man, your face," Sixiang cackled in her head."I kinda feel bad for those folks."
Ling Qi, you just dumped winter-cold air into a sauna, followed by electricity.
Thats just wrong man.

Also hmm, disciples here, I guess this would be a cultivation site possibly.
"What is this then?" he asked, beak clacking out of time with the scratchy words. "Another hunter?"

Ling Qi grimaced, of course someone else would have this idea. "Yes, have there been many so far?"

"Just two pair so far," the keeper said. "They've not come back yet. S'pose I'll have to check the books tonight, no use letting them get off their diets."
Those two are up to no good.
The books eat lost visitors huh.
Biting her bottom lip Ling Qi put her hand to the sealed doors and concentrated circulating dream and wind qi through the meridians in her arm, she just needed to sort of wiggle her hand between the spaces in the physical matter like slipping through infinitesimally small bars.
Just reach between the molecular bonds. Easy.
She cut off her words as she sensed something, a shift in the air, a thread of qi, not her own, intruding on her aura. And then a sharp yank, tearing the scroll from her grasp as a booming cackle rang out.

Ling Qi looked up in time to see a blur of blue and white carving through the mist on a trailof lightning, and one of the Leigong's son laughing mockingly as they zoomed away, the trailing scroll already snapping into the cloud-like brother's outstretched hand on a glittering diamond thread.

That wasn't going to stand.
Wait, I think he's using his own branch of Wind Thief isn't he?
I wonder if any of the disciples that were in the sauna recognized Ling Qi? I mean, she didn't seem to recognize any of them, but that isn't indicative of anything. Ling Qi is notorious for having poor memory in regard to other people.

It'll be interesting if any rumors spin-off from this event in the inner sect gossip rings.
It'll be interesting if any rumors spin-off from this event in the inner sect gossip rings.

Random Sect Senior#1: "You'll never guess what happened next."
Random SS#2: "I'll never guess what happened after you both dropped your robes in the sauna? How sheltered do you think I am?! Of course you started fooling around!"
RSS#1: "NOPE! We were all set to get started. When suddenly that quiet girl who follows the Duchess's daughter around BURSTS in out of nowhere!"
#2: "What?! The girl with the flute? What was she doing there?"
#1: "Damned if I know but she brought practically a whole winter storm with her...and dog!"
#2: " A dog?"
#1: "Not important! What is important is that she practically froze the whole room and then ran out! Completely ruined the mood!"

So begins the legend of Ling Qi: The Good Time Ruinier
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So, new topic.

I know we are still bloated with things to do, but what new Actions would you like there to be?
I think I would like a "Musician's Impromptu" Action, where we introduce Ma Jun and the violet Bai to our musician group in the Inner Sect.
Maybe it could replace the Bian Ya action we didn't take this turn?
I duno if we'd need to take a full action to invite Ma Jun to Music Club or the Wang Training Stuff. Maybe vote on it, or have Ling Qi do it automatically as something that she'd probably do (if she didn't forget)

I think it'd maybe take an action for Bai Anxi to observe/participate, purely on the basis that Music Club is supposed to not be stressful/overlypolitical so we'd take an action either scheduling an extra meeting or making sure everything's good.

Or maybe we just shrug and invite Bai Anxi to one with no prep and see what happens. I think it gets a little weird when action-economy has to match up with the actual amount of updates that'd need to happen to keep moving forward?

I definitely think that smooshing Bian Ya, Bai Anxi, Ma Jun, Ruan Shen and Yu Nuan into the same update is going to make it very hard to flesh out any of them as characters. Maybe that's possible, but uh. Very ambitious

mmmm. Most of the stuff I've been wanting to do is being done this turn. Su Ling adventure. Yu Nuan adventure. Learning about the political structures of Emerald Seas. Cultivating. Cultivating. Cultivating.

If I was greedy, maybe we do some research into getting flute upgrade? I liked Abeo's idea of Xiangmen sliver incorporated with our mom's flute shards. Mended connections to home and history, both personal and universal. I liked that. But also, that sounds ridiculous lol
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Seeking Perfection in Puppets Performance
Seeking Perfection in a Puppet's Performance

Li Touko brushed scarlet hair out of her eyes and glasses as she surveyed the path forward. Shifting sands belied treacherous ground, as walls of ash and dust obscured the horizon. Behind her, she knew, lay clean golden sand, relatively safe compared to what lay ahead. White, grey, and black sand, still clinging to a death an eon past. Pillars of towering twisted glass, black as the sand that had birthed them, appeared far in the distance. Some even obscured by the churning storm that still had not dispersed since the Sun's death. Soon, remnants of sacrificed soldiers would rise from the earth, ghosts wailing at the injustice of death and envious of those who still hold life's bounty. Given half a chance, they would stick her with so many spears that she would appear to be a pincushion of an elderly lady from the Peaks. So, she would give them not a single moment to spear her.

Lighting the ivory pipe clamped between her lips, Touko took a calming breath of scented smoke and began to walk forward hoisting a surprisingly durable burlap sack over a shoulder. Even as the wind howled for her to stop, she walked forward, forward into death's embrace. Around her, shambling failures secured from ancient Li vaults loped in the same direction. Rotting flesh, slavering jaws, and creaking bones sought to protect their master from the horrors that would soon arrive. They would fail. But they would buy the time needed. Time to pass the worst of it. Time to find remnants of her soon-to-be, and hopefully, very dead tutor.


"I have mastered all the subsequent trials! Even the Patriarch complimented me on the skills I had honed, the work I had completed, the efforts I underwent. Now you tell me to slow down!? To contemplate the severity of theoretical consequences!? No! Either grant me permission to further my study on the Li traditions of soul surgery, or deny it. Do not, however, promise to give to me in one hundred years that which you are unwilling to give today!"

"Your request is denied then. If, in due time, you learn more temperance and caution then a review may occur."

"May a hundred rats spit on your review and a thousand sheep use it for cud! You'll not see me again and in one hundred years you'll weep at what could have been!"


Ash attempted to choke her breath, radiant heat attempted to burn her flesh, and Ash Walkers attempted to spear her heart. Until, that is, her twisting flows of qi turned their hatred towards better targets. Such as their brothers in arms. Which unfortunately didn't do anything about the ash or heat. An Ash Lord, in his warped regalia and black plume, was being stymied by Muscle two, five, and ten while she made her escape deeper to the southeast. Not killing it, she had read up on the disastrous effects that could bring, instead preventing it from following her. Only a handful of the failures remained though, the rest preventing the three other lords from following her, or, for a more accurate description, taking so long to be destroyed that the Ash Lords had lost her trail. But that was alright. Soon enough she would be out of this accursed desert and into some accursed mountains! It had been months in this terrible land, months of skirting the worst of the calamity, keeping to the south of it for the most part. But that was still months of ash and sand. Heat and hatred. Of fitful rest and poor food. Soon, though, the real struggle would begin.


"My decision is final in this matter."

"Surely not! I know that normally an apprenticeship with Scions of Shenhua is something to be lauded, but you have such a bright future with the Li! As you have constantly reminded everyone, even the Patriarch lauded your accomplishments and drive. In the Li traditions, you are a genius without peers! Surely you can wait a mere few decades to prove to those conservative idiots that you deserve the deeper secrets! With those in hand, there would be nothing outside your reach!

"If you believe that I would content myself with merely the Li traditions, then you have done a poorer job of understanding me than those who hold your leash believe. I will make it clear to you then. My ambition can not be reached with the traditions of the Li. It is my belief as well that Cai Shenhua's traditions also can not contain my ambitions. But it certainly won't hurt to see."


None of the failures remained. But neither did the Ashwalkers. Cool, clean air filled Touko's lungs with every breath, the remaining golden dunes with their heat and ash were left behind with their accursed masters. Cloud nomads still ruled these lands, warring with the Ice nations to the southwest, their northwestern brethren who were being pushed out by the Empire, and, if the rumors were true, those nomads who had settled in burgeoning cities to the east of the Grave. But it was here where the journey would become difficult. Maybe even impossible. To find the caves that Ao Longshen cultivated in, studied in, and experimented in during his rise to become the Twilight King.

While the material world would likely not provide any clues to the locations she was searching for, the Liminal realm was much more interested in the weight of an event. Hopefully, enough so that even after all this time Touko would be able to find the way forward. While she wasn't adept at traversing that side of the world, tools could make up for many glaring deficiencies.


"Are you telling me to slow down as well! I thought that a follower of the traditions that Cai Shenhua herself set down would appreciate more fully the speed at which one can learn! She became a White in a shorter amount of time than a Peak aristocrat learns to walk! And you are telling me that I need to slow down!"

"Your frustrations are understandable, but before we delve into the trickier aspects of crafting that Cai Shenhua developed, one must take some time to digest the lesser lessons."

"No! I have demonstrated well above normal understandings required for the basic levels of the Cai traditions, far more than even Yu Peng demonstrated before he was inducted into the deeper lessons!"

"Envy is hardly a reason to accelerate your learning, why…"

"Envy! You think it is envy that stirs my outrage! It is the fact that politics should never be a reason to suppress progress! I know that the Li Patriarch cordially called upon Cai Teng just last week, and I hardly believe it is a coincidence that now I am being told to slow down!

"What passed between the Li Patriarch and the venerable Cai Teng has nothing to do with you, and I feel this obsession you have that everybody around you is trying to slow you down to be a prime example of why more time needs to be taken to…"

"May your bones and skin make a glass drum for use by the devils of hell in their torment of the damned!"


It was in these moments that Li Touko felt most alive. When the puzzle piece fit just so and understanding bloomed like a lotus at dawn. No matter where she was, no matter how filthy she was, no matter how tired she was, these moments were what she lived for. And here, in a rancid cave filled with the mad scratches of the Twilight King, did the final puzzle piece fit.

The perfect puppet was in her reach. She finally knew the road to making a perfect copy of herself.

A/N: @yrsillar another omake for the omake throne! Three guesses which fantasy character inspired this omake, and they all should begin with Touko and all should end in Aozaki. I hope you all enjoyed the read!
If I was greedy, maybe we do some research into getting flute upgrade? I liked Abeo's idea of Xiangmen sliver incorporated with our mom's flute shards. Mended connections to home and history, both personal and universal. I liked that. But also, that sounds ridiculous lol

I'm relatively new to this thread, so I'm not sure what discussion has already been had on the topic, but there's a part of me wondering about formation based amps. I have a picture in my head of a pair of floating plates, like Xuan Shi's (irc) defensive plates, designed to project holographic speaker stacks. You could send them out to make it sound like you're somewhere else or better blanket your targets in sound. Alternatively, you could have them float to either side and use them to up your volume, though I suppose that's less Ling Qi's style. ... Now I'm wondering if there's any punk flute music.
I'm relatively new to this thread, so I'm not sure what discussion has already been had on the topic, but there's a part of me wondering about formation based amps. I have a picture in my head of a pair of floating plates, like Xuan Shi's (irc) defensive plates, designed to project holographic speaker stacks. You could send them out to make it sound like you're somewhere else or better blanket your targets in sound. Alternatively, you could have them float to either side and use them to up your volume, though I suppose that's less Ling Qi's style. ... Now I'm wondering if there's any punk flute music.
So our Domain Weapon does that for us, and the Domain Weapon is training-wheels for a cultivator's Domain.

The short answer is: our ability to Multi-Presence will be more flexible and cheaper when we get there. Won't be that long

as for Amplifiers that are like, not technically a part of us? Hmm. We'd need to look for a specialist. It'd be pretty niche I think
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So our Domain Weapon does that for us, and the Domain Weapon is training-wheels for a cultivator's Domain.

The short answer is: our ability to Multi-Presence will be more flexible and cheaper when we get there. Won't be that long
I haven't seen the domain weapon really acting that way. It mostly seems to be focused on playing it's own song/Forgotten Vale Melody and dueling with other domain weapons, rather than amplifying our music in general. Similarly, domain multi-presence seems pretty different from a wireless speaker you can leave somewhere.
I haven't seen the domain weapon really acting that way. It mostly seems to be focused on playing it's own song/Forgotten Vale Melody and dueling with other domain weapons, rather than amplifying our music in general. Similarly, domain multi-presence seems pretty different from a wireless speaker you can leave somewhere.
Domain weapons can be pretty weird, and ours certainly is. When we use our domain weapon we are using our domain which is like a powerup. So technically it is strengthening our music by virtue of expressing our domain. Using our domain weapon enables us to trigger Lost Child's Elegy which is pretty nasty musical attack. So our domain weapon might not strengthen our music directly, but it makes it harder for enemies to contest our songs.

One of the key things to remember is that with our music volume doesn't actually matter. We are so good that our songs can effect people that normally shouldn't be able to hear them. Whether that is because of environmental noise or even deafness. At this point we don't need to play loud in order to be heard, we just need to play.

If we want to amplify our songs perhaps the best way to go about that would be our flute. It's a good flute, but we've been using it since a couple weeks after the first council fight. We are way stronger now. Our flute just isn't good for our level. Good news is that something is going to happen with our flute, but I really don't know when.

The wireless speaker idea has popped up before. One of the alterations possible to our wisps was Constellation's Accompaniment. We choose a different path, but constellation's accompaniment would have allowed us to infuse our wisps with techs, or songs, and give them to our allies. Basically our allies would have become wireless speakers through the wisps. The biggest problem with that is that we are too fast. We can teleport anywhere we want in a combat encounter so wireless speakers don't really help us in those. But the idea is very possible.

I think it is pretty unlike for Ling Qi to pursue wireless speakers in the near future given how much is already on her plate, but I can easily see a future Ling using something like that.
So our Domain Weapon does that for us, and the Domain Weapon is training-wheels for a cultivator's Domain.

The short answer is: our ability to Multi-Presence will be more flexible and cheaper when we get there. Won't be that long

as for Amplifiers that are like, not technically a part of us? Hmm. We'd need to look for a specialist. It'd be pretty niche I think

The big use for an "amp" would be as a repeater so that our domain can cover an entire settlement to aid in the defense. This is especially true for someone with as defensive a domain as LQ. I don't think that's actually possible at Green, regardless of formation quality, but presumably it can still give an impressive range boost if we've prepared the entire area well ahead of time. I wouldn't be surprised if it was possible by Cyan, though.

Additionally I could see people wanting to use formations to provide a home ground advantage for cultivator vs cultivator battles. For instance we might make the area on border of our holdings be unusually friendly to Dream/Cold/Wind techs. Other people would be able to take advantage of this as well but it would be designed to benefit us first and foremost. The fields, as Zhengui's area, would likely be similarly made friendly to Wood/Fire techs. In magnitude this would be somewhat stronger than the "this is favorable ground for X" musing that everyone did for the tournaments but hardly overwhelming.
so Ling Qi's personal formation focus is on Boundaries, and I think if we're talking about wireless speakers we should look through the lens of Boundaries for how they would work. We have some small practice with making Formations that are able to activate Technique's on their own, with our Ossuary Horror. Perhaps Bone-Inscribing could work.

I think the question would then have to be about what Boundaries have to do with that? How would an "Amp" work that uses Boundaries as its main concept?
Johnnie has an interesting idea, that we artificially set Boundaries of the area we consider our Domain so that while we're in it we gain an exceptional range boost. I would worry that we'd also gain a large surface area to be attacked through.

I do feel like there's gotta be some weird connection to the Bone-Carving and the Boundaries concept. We already steal things from their context for power, so I feel like maybe we could repurpose their memory for our own needs? Like, we establish Bone Constructs as Boundaries for Liminal Spirits to inhabit for a time. Dream spirits like to experience things, so they can experience the memory of being a beast in exchange for helping us with something? And then they can leave?

I duno. Maybe it's crazy, but I think it might be neat
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so Ling Qi's personal formation focus is on Boundaries, and I think if we're talking about wireless speakers we should look through the lens of Boundaries for how they would work. We have some small practice with making Formations that are able to activate Technique's on their own, with our Ossuary Horror. Perhaps Bone-Inscribing could work.

I think the question would then have to be about what Boundaries have to do with that? How would an "Amp" work that uses Boundaries as its main concept?
Johnnie has an interesting idea, that we artificially set Boundaries of the area we consider our Domain so that while we're in it we gain an exceptional range boost. I would worry that we'd also gain a large surface area to be attacked through.

I do feel like there's gotta be some weird connection to the Bone-Carving and the Boundaries concept. We already steal things from their context for power, so I feel like maybe we could repurpose their memory for our own needs? Like, we establish Bone Constructs as Boundaries for Liminal Spirits to inhabit for a time. Dream spirits like to experience things, so they can experience the memory of being a beast in exchange for helping us with something? And then they can leave?

I duno. Maybe it's crazy, but I think it might be neat
That implies it would be something we need to primarily make ourselves. Is there a reason we couldn't purchase the item or craft it in conjunction with another cultivator? The original idea I had was based on Xuan's plates, and I suspect they'd be a particularly good base, but I also suspect that wouldn't be terribly feasible at the moment.

Maybe a joint project with Yu, so she can also benefit from a set. The concept of a storm, could act as a connection between the speakers, much like it connects the distant locations where lightning falls or the way lightning connects the earth and sky. This could also be a good secondary solution to Yu's problem regarding the speed of thunder, since she could preplace speakers at key locations and move through them.

Besides, if she's going to join our family, we owe it to her make sure she can fulfill her punk rock dreams, even if she doesn't know she has those dreams and has never heard of punk rock.

For our own part, bones could be incorporated to reinforce connectedness and ability to act as a greater whole, much like a skeleton. Alternatively what if we treated the barrier between the material and liminal as the speaker's membrane or the medium for the "sound", causing it to rapidly thin and thicken(?) in the effected area and, potentially, repeating the music in multiple, overlaping, facets of reality to reinforce its effect.