And so, I must take responsibility and wed her other parent, Prime Minister Diao Linqin."
And so, I must take responsibility and wed her other parent, Prime Minister Diao Linqin."
Also, I think now more than ever this theme song should be playing in the background.
with its heel click and blinding radiance and Shenhua's general Ragyo-ness, I can't imagine anything but Blumenkranz playing over the start of the speech.The Duchess appeared in midair beside the Sect head, there was no flash or crash, just the click of heels upon an invisible surface, and the bloom of radiance, washing across the stands in every direction. When Cai Shenhua spoke her face was invisible past the blinding light cast by her eyes
Tbf, back in the day having children produced by the combination of male and female essences was a radical concept, in that it was a thing at all. And the Stars were as outraged by it and considered it to be an abomination in a way I suspect will be quite similar to more conservative minds in the Empire will be outraged.It is really interesting what is happening here. Besides the political and social upheaval, which are a big deal, this calls into question fundamental workings of the world. The nameless Father and nameless Mother were the ones that made the world. A lot of the assumed systems of the world derive from that. This act shows that those systems are either not true, or can be subverted. Which one is worse for the imperial conservative; that their founding myths may not be right, or that the systems they base their hierarchies on are able to be subverted?
Forget Meizhen, imagine Qingling, who already idolized Shenhua for not giving a fuck about what other people thought, etc.Meizhen's brain right now must resemble a thousand fireworks going off at once.
Forget Meizhen, imagine Qingling, who already idolized Shenhua for not giving a fuck about what other people thought, etc.
Now Shenhua goes ahead and shows that Qingling can have her dream with Meizhen.
Alright so the important part is Renxiang simply cannot comprehend the logic behind what Shenhua is doing here, and that makes sense as while Sixiang wonder about some clever plan I think the truth is pretty simple. The fact is Shenhua does not care about the collateral damage of her next Revolution, and while the Hui were the primary focus everyone liked, but as Shenhua noted to Renxiang this won't lost forever.Cai Renxiang beside her was frowning deeply, so much so that her eyes were nearly squeezed shut. She didn't speak up.
Sixiang, Ling Qi thought. What in the world was that woman doing?
Don't ask me. I still don't quite get how that stuff works for you. At a guess though… scattering complaint. The Army thing, the wedding thing its two different angles, gets people arguing in different directions, maybe?" Sixiang wondered. "But like being honest here Ling Qi, you can't expect me to know all the layers to what someone like that is doing."
Ling Qi nodded faintly. It felt weird and strange to think about for her. That meant to a lot of people it was going to be outright outrageous. Maybe even more infuriating than the tithe of soldiers, especially for those outside the Emerald Seas. How would the Bai, who strained so hard against any change, going to react?
Diao Luwen returned first, appearing and fractal flash at the back of the box and descending without a word. The Duchess and the Prime Minister came next, Diao Linqin smiling for the first time Ling Qi could recall, while the Duchess wore a certain aura of utter satisfaction that Ling Qi found just as alien and uncomfortable as her attention.
This was basically Renxiang confirming that Shenhua will continue to burn political goodwill on similar things for the sake of Revolution, and this will continue with little regard for the political consequences of doing so. This is liable to divide the Emerald Seas between those will continue to support Shenhua in part due to their Ways being shaped in a beneficial manner from her Revolutions, and those who oppose her, which is likely one reason for the Horned Legion as it protects her Order from being chipped away at due to all the blow-back Shenhua will continue to generate."Why, Mother," Cai Renxiang spoke, to Ling Qi's surprise. "Why so much goodwill spent for this?"
"It is important to remember where you began, my daughter, even if it costs you," Cai Shenhua chuckled. Casting a single blinding glance at them as she swept away down the stairs. "Do try to remember that as you rise."
Diversity Win! The radiant goddess of oppression who governs you is marrying a woman!
onI will not bore with technical details. The wedding shall take place one the tenth day of next year."
Duchess'Ling Qi leaned back in her seat under the rising sea of noise as the Duchess speech began to go into pleasantries, and talking up of war efforts
How would the Bai, who strained so hard against any change, react?Maybe even more infuriating than the tithe of soldiers, especially for those outside the Emerald Seas. How would the Bai, who strained so hard against any change, going to react?
in aDiao Luwen returned first, appearing and fractal flash at the back of the box and descending without a word.
Hence her announcing this only after everyone examined Tienli. If nobody spoke up about it back then (Shenhua even needled them by talking about the praise the baby got) despite everyone of them being given the chance to meet the baby, then any complaints they make after the announcement will be worse than hollow. It will be a Lie set to be seared off by the Pittiless Truth of Shenhua's Light.Shenhua's announcement be "Tienli isn't human at all" as opposed to "Shenhua cracked fatherless reproduction and Tienli is the test subject" ?
I agree with you that it is an homage to the weilu, but I also think it is an homage to a very specific set of Weilu. I think this is an homage to the group that slew the beast gods. A large group of people each arriving from all over the ES to Xiangman. Training under Xiangman. Fighting 'for' Xiangman.Mmm, the name of the army - the Horned Legion - is also interesting because it's a clear homage to the Weilu, and a signal that it's intended to be an Emerald Seas institution, not an imperial one.
Shenhua is very much not a traditionalist, and her powerbase stems more from the young modernisers who tend to lean Peakaboo, but she's respecting the ES tradition and repurposing it for herself anyway. Is she working with the direction Renxiang's taken things here? Is she just good at playing the political game? Who knows?
Qingling's neurodivergence can be seen as a particularity of her way or path of cultivation. Also many of the Bai white snake caste would likely be considered neurodivergent. Their entire social structure and clan are very different from any other imperial group we have seen so far. They appear to act very animalistic: extremely territorial, absolutely unforgiving of slights against them, encourage dangerous and painful competition between children, ect.Eh, even if she went full "fuck tradition" I don't think Meizhen would marry Qingling. Why? Same reason Meizhen did not want Ling Qi as a handmaiden - the Bai pounce on weakness. And Qingling's neurodivergence is one heck of a weakness. Seriously, Qingling can get fucked over by people who are well intentioned but don't try to understand her, imagine how bad things could be if a whole group was explicitly targeting her issues.
I don't think Meizhen would ever accept that outcome, so marriage is probably a no-go even if the Bai got onboard with the gay rights agenda... Which is not likely. They're a conservative lot.