- Sincerity is the measure by which the worthiness of the self and ones guests should be measured. (Truth Community, Home)
- There are endings and Endings, only the very last one is final. Just as winter ends in spring, small endings are new beginnings. (Cycles, Ending Creation.)
- Though a path might be hard and lonely, it has worth if you can present something of beauty to those you care for at the end. (Expression, Isolation, Want)
- There is no peace in emptiness, no content in stillness. Stagnation is death; act, change, move, think, and grow until the very end. (Power, Motion, Freedom)
- Branches and trunks bend and sway, but the roots must remain unyielding. Retreat only so far and then no more. (Implacability, Courage, Life)
- Even walking alone, footfalls echo beyond your hearing. (Community, Causality, Expression)
- One person's desires cannot, alone make a home nor a family. (Community, Power, Want)
Alright, let's look at the Domain and Concept stuff.
Most of these all work really well imo, and I like them. There are a few interesting points though. [Cycles] in FSS is something I don't know if LQ has really looked at at all? It's not really present in her Zeqing tribulation and arguments at all - that's more Endings -> new possibilities. That being said, it is something
we've talked about a lot, and all the other things I can think of like "beginnings" "opportunity" etc. are kind of being addressed by [Creation] anyway. The season metaphor is in the Insight, so it's a solid move I think.
[Isolation] is interesting just because I think we've framed it more as [Loneliness] up to now? Isolation works well though, and perhaps better encapsulates the broader point, so I think this works well.
[Expression] in HDW is interesting. Like, I get how [Expression] comes from the Art itself, but its relevance to the insight there is less clear to me? [Connections] seems to be getting stuck into [Community] to a degree though...
The TRF insight is perhaps the most interesting though, and is also the one that I'd actually disagree with. [Courage] is interesting. I wouldn't have thought of it, but thinking about it, and how the insight is very much about LQ and the idea of principles, it makes sense - she relates to them a lot through
fear, and so having the courage to resist that and stand by her friends etc. is important, and that makes it fit well imo. [Life] I'm not sure about? It feels a bit like an Art-not-Insight-concept like HDW and [Expression]? Maybe it's meaning it a bit in a the miraculous resilience and life-finds-a-way-ness of life? Dunno.
The one I actually question though is [Implacability]. It just doesn't really feel right for LQ imo? It's also been applied to Zhengui, and I don't see that at all either. It feels like it's there because of the recent UGM stuff, but I don't see how it fits that narrative? We were trying to relate UGM to Zhengui through the potential lens of [Renewal], which is very different.
I get the idea [Implacability] seems to be trying to relate to - it's the TRU, Unbroken Will, immovable indomitable determination stuff. But I don't feel that [Implacability] describes that right. Like, the insight there, TRU, and LQ's behaviour around things like taking that knife and getting Unbroken Will - and her earlier failure with the King of the Forest - are
defensive. It's about not giving up, about not failing herself and her friends, about standing by her principles (which basically means her friends), about not losing. I would describe it more as a mixture of shounen determination and Ling Qi's moral code. And it's not really aggressive.
If we look at the definition of "Implacable" though, we get:
adjective. not to be appeased, mollified, or pacified; inexorable: an implacable enemy.
which doesn't really fit I feel. It's the glacier carving out a valley, rather than the great tree standing with its roots unbroken. They're not really the same. I'd suggest something like [
Conviction] instead - though
@AbeoLogos has suggested [
Enduring] which could also work with the more principled stuff being handled by [Courage] perhaps.
Zhengui too, I just don't see how [Implacablity] fits at all. At the same time, he isn't giving bonuses to Life/Growth/Vitality, which I would have thought would have fit much better? I'd go with one of those instead imo.
Finally then, looking at our Spirit bonuses (or boni if you will), Sixiang is a little interesting, having both [Expression] and [Music]... The question I'd ask
@yrsillar is what the difference between those is intended to be? Historically we've used Expression as just the broader category of which Music is a component - it feels like most of the time [Music] is probably going to be redundant there? The only music-but-not-expression art I could think of would maybe be our modded RME which I can't remember the new name of?
The other problem I can potentially see with the limited spirit keywords is just if/when we get new keywords that clearly fit those spirits but aren't on the list. Like, if we were to get a [Winter] art I would say it would be weird if Hanyi didn't give bonuses to it - but she doesn't have that keyword. I would personal advocate for flexibility in this regard.
And lastly lastly. We have one more new insight that isn't on the list yet, our new:
The future changes with every step, never be certain you know what is coming
What concepts do people think would fit this one? [Causality] would be an obvious pick from our current options I think?. I could also maybe see [Motion]? What I think I'd suggest though in terms of new concepts would be [
Knowledge] and