The Path Unending (A Cultivation Quest)

If thats the plan then I would want to use +8 dev on the commission rod (so glass + whale teeth) because I think 5 dev is the base for a usable talisman? If that is true then I'd feel a lot better about having +4 dev off the bat rather than +3, even though we will be progressing quickly in our crafting skill that doesn't mean we shouldn't stack the deck in our favor.

I would prefer to go with the nine start and then try to scavenge for materials for the second. This would probably require giving up on having it be ready for the test.
Since our second action for today is already set.... I say we spend one of tomorrow's actions checking the market again, solo this time, before we commit to crafting with the day's second action.

Since materials change daily, we may get lucky and spot a good 3 or 1 talent material that completely changes things.
Since our second action for today is already set.... I say we spend one of tomorrow's actions checking the market again, solo this time, before we commit to crafting with the day's second action.

Since materials change daily, we may get lucky and spot a good 3 or 1 talent material that completely changes things.

We should wait until we see how crafting with two differently aspected materials work.

Is it only an increase in quality and versatility or will there be an increase, maybe even reduction, in power as well?

Based on that we could maybe even arrange for the shopkeeper to hold on to materials of a given aspect. It'll likely cost something to arrange, but could be worth it in order to keep the randomness out.
We should wait until we see how crafting with two differently aspected materials work.

Is it only an increase in quality and versatility or will there be an increase, maybe even reduction, in power as well?

Based on that we could maybe even arrange for the shopkeeper to hold on to materials of a given aspect. It'll likely cost something to arrange, but could be worth it in order to keep the randomness out.

Although I agree with the first two, I don't think we have need, neither coin, to make the shopkeeper hold for even a couple days. Though it's also good to bear in mind: he's not the only one selling, and there might be modifiers for what kinds of materials are available at each location.
Since our second action for today is already set.... I say we spend one of tomorrow's actions checking the market again, solo this time, before we commit to crafting with the day's second action.

Since materials change daily, we may get lucky and spot a good 3 or 1 talent material that completely changes things.

I think that if we go to the market tomorrow we need to COMMIT to buying another piece of material. I would've preferred to just buy to the Force material but we need to make the best of what we've got. And for me that means we have two real options that dont waste any actions we either:

A) Don't go to the market and make a base +4 dev Archer rod for ourselves (my preferred action right now, though I can be convinced)
B) Go to the market and COMMIT to buying another piece of material, even if its not amazing and try to finish it before this trial/test.
I think that if we go to the market tomorrow we need to COMMIT to buying another piece of material. I would've preferred to just buy to the Force material but we need to make the best of what we've got. And for me that means we have two real options that dont waste any actions we either:

A) Don't go to the market and make a base +4 dev Archer rod for ourselves (my preferred action right now, though I can be convinced)
B) Go to the market and COMMIT to buying another piece of material, even if its not amazing and try to finish it before this trial/test.

Yeah, might best to use the +4 for Zhi. If we get below 5 in build target we could always fill up the build target again to push it above 5. We could fill it up again in one action vs uncertainty of going to the market.
Yeah, might best to use the +4 for Zhi. If we get below 5 in build target we could always fill up the build target again to push it above 5. We could fill it up again in one action vs uncertainty of going to the market.

That assumes we can do the R&D phase, then back out if we dont like the rolls. Which I want to point out, was bery much not the case when we made the rings.

@Vesvius am I right in assuming that once we enter the R&D phase to the point of rolling dice, we're committed? At least with those materials?

Also, check the update where the crafting rules are explained. A build target of 5 isnt "technically works, but has a unpleasant side effects" territory.

There are three phases in crafting a charm. The first is research and design (R&D). In this phase, you decide what kind of charm you want to make. The two primary decisions you must make are the ones you made last update (type of technique and type of anam). As we progress, you will be able to decide more specific things about your charm (such as activation method, exact effect, security measures, and much more), but for now we are sticking with the basics.

Once those things are decided, Kong Zhi must search for materials. Materials can be bought, they can be won, they can be found, and they can be taken off the bodies of your foes. Poor quality materials harm the design of the charm and good ones can provide a bonus. Further bonuses can be gained for different tools, an environment rich in the proper anam aspect, and many other ways that will be discovered.

Once those things are set, we roll Kong Zhi's Craft (Charm) and factor in all bonuses. The resulting number of successes is the charm's 'Build Target'. A Build Target of 5 signals that the charm design is heavily flawed but might get a minor use, while a Build Target of 50 or more could be a charm that will be an heirloom passed down through the generations.

So... trying. To start crafting a charm with a base below 5 is a waste of materials, time, and money. Unless we get EXTRAORDINARILY lucky with our rolls.

I don't really see the point of going tomorrow, are we going to try to create two charms simultaneously and give up on socializing and training altogether?

Spending 1 action checking for more material to ensure our current materials, and more importantly, crafting actions aren't wasted making busted junk. Especially since one of those crafting actions is a comission that can and will affect our relationship with our roommate and if it is too janky may cost us out pill.
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I'm definitely voting against making quality 5 charms. Deliberately making a broken charm would be an affront to our pride.

Spending 1 action checking for more material to ensure our current materials, and more importantly, crafting actions aren't wasted making busted junk. Especially since one of those crafting actions is a comission that can and will affect our relationship with our roommate and if it is too janky may cost us out pill.

A base of 12 should be plenty. I would expect that to take us about 6 actions to complete which is enough that I don't expect us to have time to make anything else. That means we have 2 extra actions of buffer for bad luck. Improving our materials by spending another action on them basically guarantees that we fail.

This is all assuming we only spend 1 action a turn on crafting, thus my question.

Edit: Oh, and it will probably take a few actions to take the Soldier's Step. I would recommend taking some before we get the pill to improve our cycling and make a little bit of progress.
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That assumes we can do the R&D phase, then back out if we dont like the rolls. Which I want to point out, was bery much not the case when we made the rings.

@Vesvius am I right in assuming that once we enter the R&D phase to the point of rolling dice, we're committed? At least with those materials?

Also, check the update where the crafting rules are explained. A build target of 5 isnt "technically works, but has a unpleasant side effects" territory.

We don't get a new R&D phase, but we can choose to fill up the build target once more for a 50% increase and yet again for another 25%.

So one succes on the development will give us 5 on the build rate and working extra on it will give us 8, assuming that 7.5 rounds up.
So... trying. To start crafting a charm with a base below 5 is a waste of materials, time, and money. Unless we get EXTRAORDINARILY lucky with our rolls.

I think we are just about on the same page but I would like to point out we wouldn't actually have to be that "extraordinarily lucky" with our rolls. Below is the roll we made for our first charm:

Craft (Charm) Check: 3d10s8(1.3)+10(Decent Materials). Dice Rolled: 2, 10, 6, 2. 1 x 1.3 (Drive+Son of Kong Shuren)= 1.3, rounded to 1, + 10. Build Target = 11!

(To be clear, I am not sure about how to derive the exact number of dice we get on each roll, so some of this math might be slightly off, but I am just basing it off of previous rolls)

Here we have a roll of 4 dice with a DC 8+ indicating a success. At this level we had a 34.39% chance to get at least 1 success from 4 dice (the amount that we rolled). To calculate this I used this online calculator. [Options used: 10 face, 4 dice, "at least X dice equal to...", value=8, "...or"=0, Target number of dice (X) = 1.]

We also know that we got a skill up in our Craft (Charm) skill post completing the charm.

Item Gained: Unnamed Earth Monk Charm
Unnamed Earth Monk Charm (Rings)
Monk Charm 1 (Earth)
This set of bejeweled bone rings is your first finished product as a charm crafter. They draw the power of earth anam to allow you to withstand more that you otherwise could. Once per day, you may store a full box of Mental or Physical stress within this charm, freeing it and allowing you to continue on as if you were undamaged. However, before using this charm again, it will have to be emptied. When the rings are emptied, or when twenty four hours have elapsed from first storage (whichever comes first) you receive the stored stress as fresh damage. This new stress cannot be stored in this charm again.
Skill Up! Craft (Charm) +1!

That means the next time we roll dice for crafting a charm we will have 5 dice to roll. Assuming we do the commission Light/Water charm first, we have a chance to rank-up that skill again to Level 5 which I assume would give us 6 dice to roll.

Assuming we have 5 dice and we spent +8 base dev on the commission charm and kept +4 base dev for ourselves
Probability of at least 1 success = 40.95%.
Probability of 1 success = 32.80% --- Build Target would equal 5 (drive doesn't kick in)
Probability of 2 successes = 7.29%. --- Build Target would equal 7 (drive kicks in rounding 2 successes to 3. |2 * 1.3 = 2.6, rounded up = 3|)
Probability of at least 3 successes = 0.856%

Assuming we have 6 dice and we spent +8 base dev on the commission charm and kept +4 base dev for ourselves
Probability of at least 1 success = 46.86%
Probability of 1 success = 35.43% (Build Target = 5)
Probability of 2 successes = 9.842% (Build Target = 7)
Probability of at least 3 successes = 1.585%

So we wouldn't have to roll "EXTRAORDINARILY" well to get a "Poor" quality charm but we would be beating the odds.

I'm definitely voting against making quality 5 charms. Deliberately making a broken charm would be an affront to our pride.

I am wary of making a deliberately poor charm because I do think it could damage our Dao, or whatever similar concept exists in this universe, but I am not really sure if we have another choice. I don't think we have the time or resources to make a +12 base dev charm on commission, make our own charm, and also train/cultivate to the necessary levels before the trial.

EDIT: I honestly didn't realize we had 2 weeks before the trial total, so we have 9(?) days left I think.

I am now pro-going back to the market tomorrow (but I wish we just bought that Force material). My idea for what our next steps will look like are.

1. Make +8 base Light/Water charm
2. Go back to market, pick up material to make our own wand
3. Make our own wand using +4 Light material and whatever we pick up at the market.

The primary reason I don't want to make a +12 base charm on commission is because
A) that means we'd have spent over half our resources on making this charm, and I don't think we're at that level of alliance yet so I don't think we'll get something of that commitment in return.
B) It seems like a charm incorporating Light is good for Archer techniques and we have no guarantee that there will be more Light aspected materials at the market, so i don't want us to commit to using all our Light materials on commission.
C) 3 talents might not be enough to make us a charm that is actually worthwhile, especially if we are taking materials from anam aspects that might not work well together.
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So... trying. To start crafting a charm with a base below 5 is a waste of materials, time, and money. Unless we get EXTRAORDINARILY lucky with our rolls.

Or we are already pretty skilled. By the calculation, even simple materials can become really good designs in the hands of a master. Which also means that the more we craft, the less materials we'll need to get the same level of craft.

Spending 1 action checking for more material to ensure our current materials, and more importantly, crafting actions aren't wasted making busted junk. Especially since one of those crafting actions is a comission that can and will affect our relationship with our roommate and if it is too janky may cost us out pill.

The one for comission is already guaranteed, we don't need to go to the market for that. You want to go to make another charm for us, but we don't have the time to do the two and also train. That's why I've been saying: we keep one of the light, and after the test we can use it. There's no need to rush another one, if we can get allies and take the soldier step, we'll already be above average, and probably well prepared for the test. Unless the test is single combat, which I doubt, since none of the class are actually COMBAT classes, the closest being physical training.

A base of 12 should be plenty. I would expect that to take us about 6 actions to complete which is enough that I don't expect us to have time to make anything else. That means we have 2 extra actions of buffer for bad luck. Improving our materials by spending another action on them basically guarantees that we fail.

This is all assuming we only spend 1 action a turn on crafting, thus my question.

Your maths are... Wrong. We finished our first charm in 4 actions. And it was a 11 difficulty, with base 10. And although I agree we don't have time to make another charm, that's because we have other things to focus on. But also, we shouldn't make a base 12 one, if only because that will be most of our resources for this whole month, as a comission that won't give us more resources. Don't take this badly, I believe that what we're getting is more than worth what we're spending, but it remains the fact we're not getting money for this, so we won't have money for more materials later on, and I don't think we have any reliable way of getting materials out of buying, since we are weak to hunt, and know nothing about the nature or survival to just spot things.

I think we are just about on the same page but I would like to point out we wouldn't actually have to be that "extraordinarily lucky" with our rolls. Below is the roll we made for our first charm:

(To be clear, I am not sure about how to derive the exact number of dice we get on each roll, so some of this math might be slightly off, but I am just basing it off of previous rolls)

Here we have a roll of 4 dice with a DC 8+ indicating a success. At this level we had a 34.39% chance to get at least 1 success from 4 dice (the amount that we rolled). To calculate this I used this online calculator. [Options used: 10 face, 4 dice, "at least X dice equal to...", value=8, "...or"=0, Target number of dice (X) = 1.]

We also know that we got a skill up in our Craft (Charm) skill post completing the charm.

That means the next time we roll dice for crafting a charm we will have 5 dice to roll. Assuming we do the commission Light/Water charm first, we have a chance to rank-up that skill again to Level 5 which I assume would give us 6 dice to roll.

Assuming we have 5 dice and we spent +8 base dev on the commission charm and kept +4 base dev for ourselves
Probability of at least 1 success = 40.95%.
Probability of 1 success = 32.80% --- Build Target would equal 5 (drive doesn't kick in)
Probability of 2 successes = 7.29%. --- Build Target would equal 7 (drive kicks in rounding 2 successes to 3. |2 * 1.3 = 2.6, rounded up = 3|)
Probability of at least 3 successes = 0.856%

Assuming we have 6 dice and we spent +8 base dev on the commission charm and kept +4 base dev for ourselves
Probability of at least 1 success = 46.86%
Probability of 1 success = 35.43% (Build Target = 5)
Probability of 2 successes = 9.842% (Build Target = 7)
Probability of at least 3 successes = 1.585%

So we wouldn't have to roll "EXTRAORDINARILY" well to get a "Poor" quality charm but we would be beating the odds.

I am wary of making a deliberately poor charm because I do think it could damage our Dao, or whatever similar concept exists in this universe, but I am not really sure if we have another choice. I don't think we have the time or resources to make a +12 base dev charm on commission, make our own charm, and also train/cultivate to the necessary levels before the trial.

EDIT: I honestly didn't realize we had 2 weeks before the trial total, so we have 9(?) days left I think.

I am now pro-going back to the market tomorrow (but I wish we just bought that Force material). My idea for what our next steps will look like are.

1. Make +8 base Light/Water charm
2. Go back to market, pick up material to make our own wand
3. Make our own wand using +4 Light material and whatever we pick up at the market.

The primary reason I don't want to make a +12 base charm on commission is because
A) that means we'd have spent over half our resources on making this charm, and I don't think we're at that level of alliance yet so I don't think we'll get something of that commitment in return.
B) It seems like a charm incorporating Light is good for Archer techniques and we have no guarantee that there will be more Light aspected materials at the market, so i don't want us to commit to using all our Light materials on commission.
C) 3 talents might not be enough to make us a charm that is actually worthwhile, especially if we are taking materials from anam aspects that might not work well together.

Although I agree with most of what you said, I can't agree with we going back to the market so soon. First we finish this comission, then we finish the soldier step, and only afterwards do we have time for such a thing, and most probably we'll be right before the test, so no time for the new charm by then. Though yes, we must keep one of the light ones for when we do our own Archer charm, lasers inbound!
I'd like to point out that getting on the Soldier's Step might - should, I believe - give us more actions. That is not to be underestimated!
Or we are already pretty skilled. By the calculation, even simple materials can become really good designs in the hands of a master. Which also means that the more we craft, the less materials we'll need to get the same level of craft.

The one for comission is already guaranteed, we don't need to go to the market for that. You want to go to make another charm for us, but we don't have the time to do the two and also train. That's why I've been saying: we keep one of the light, and after the test we can use it. There's no need to rush another one, if we can get allies and take the soldier step, we'll already be above average, and probably well prepared for the test. Unless the test is single combat, which I doubt, since none of the class are actually COMBAT classes, the closest being physical training.

Your maths are... Wrong. We finished our first charm in 4 actions. And it was a 11 difficulty, with base 10. And although I agree we don't have time to make another charm, that's because we have other things to focus on. But also, we shouldn't make a base 12 one, if only because that will be most of our resources for this whole month, as a comission that won't give us more resources. Don't take this badly, I believe that what we're getting is more than worth what we're spending, but it remains the fact we're not getting money for this, so we won't have money for more materials later on, and I don't think we have any reliable way of getting materials out of buying, since we are weak to hunt, and know nothing about the nature or survival to just spot things.

Although I agree with most of what you said, I can't agree with we going back to the market so soon. First we finish this comission, then we finish the soldier step, and only afterwards do we have time for such a thing, and most probably we'll be right before the test, so no time for the new charm by then. Though yes, we must keep one of the light ones for when we do our own Archer charm, lasers inbound!

Actually yeah I think the soldiers step is what we should shoot for after making the commissioned charm. Getting the soldier step will probably increase our charm crafting abilities and/or give us more actions to craft charms with.

I think right now if we went:
Commission -> Our charm + market -> Soldier's Step + training
we wouldn't have enough time but

Commission -> soldier's step + training -> our charm + market
We could probably squeak out a 7-9 charm for ourselves
18. All Sorts of People
[] A mound of natural glass (Light Aspected, +3 to development)
[] An collection of glowing husks from rare beatles (Light Aspected, +4 to development)
[] The teeth of a man-eating whale (Beast/Water Aspected, +5 to development)

At first, as Ming Hui takes charge of your shopping trip, you're relieved. You haven't spent more than an hour in the village atop the sect before, and that little time was spent finding your way to the sect entrance. And while you're more than confident in your ability to judge wares and find a good deal on your own, that kind of thing takes time, which right now is in short supply for you. Jai Shouxi might know his way around, but more people to guide you can only be a good thing.

At least, that's what you think until Ming Hui chooses his first store. He latches onto your arm with one meaty hand, Jai Shouxi with the other, and pulls you through the small clusters of people like a great barge towing two smaller ships right towards a beaten shop at the intersection of two small paths. Pushing open the door reveals a worn room dominated by slanted display cases lined with ice and stuffed to the brim with various cuts of meat. Behind it stands an older man in a pristine apron, who looks up at you when the bell above the door tinkles with your entrance.

"Good morning, young masters!" he greets you. "How may I- Lord Ming!" He interrupts his greeting midword to focus on the chef that's taken the lead. "It is a pleasure to welcome you back to my humble establishment!"

"Nay," Ming Hui replies, letting go of your sleeves to reach out to the butcher. He embraces the older man as he would a father and you swear you hear the creak of the older man's bones. "The pleasure is all mine, Sir Zheng! How could I not rush back after the exemplary wares I received last time?"

He turns back and throws his arm around the butcher's shoulder. "My friends, this is the good Zheng Hai, and he is the greatest butcher on this side of the seas. There is no beast too unruly for him to slaughter, and no meat so tough that he cannot render it into perfection."

You nod and murmur a greeting even as you trade a look with Jai Shouxi. A butcher. Great. While that might suit what Ming Hui came here for, there isn't much here for you or, judging by your roommate's look, him. Jai Shouxi squares his shoulders and puts a neutral smile on his face. "Yes, it is truly wonderful to meet you, Sir Zheng. Ming Hui, we shall meet later, after we are done with our-"

A scandalized gasp erupts from Ming Hui's throat. "You mean to leave already? But you just came! It would be beyond foolish to leave before sampling some of Sir Zheng's most illustrious cuts!"

You shake your head, slightly bemused by how aghast the chef is at the thought of someone not wanting to buy meat. "We're sure that they are beyond comparison," you add diplomatically, hoping that Jai Shouxi won't mind you speaking for him. A glance at his nodding face shows that no, he's probably okay with it in this case. "But we have our own errands to run, and with no offense meant to Sir Zheng, we shall need to look elsewhere for the wares we seek."

Ming Hui turns his scandalized gasp on you in turn. "I assure you, Kong Zhi, that Sir Zheng has everything your heart desires, from the aged stakes carved from the flanks of a great southern lizard to cutlets hewn from the freshest of calves."

"But we do not need meat-" Jai Shouxi attempts to interject, only to be cut off by the overwhelming voice of Ming Hui.

"Ah, you are stocked already," the chef answers. "Very well. I shall only be a moment, and then we shall venture to the farmer's market! The Honeydew Farm has a new hen and I will not miss sampling it's eggs." He turns to the butcher and begins gesturing emphatically as he describes exactly what meat he needs.

...should you leave? It seems like you should just leave.

But for his part, the butcher glances over at you. "If the young masters would not mind honoring this humble butcher so," he says, barely audible under Ming Hui's bombast, "It would be my pleasure to show you the bones I have in stock. They are usually ground for broth, but other disciples such as yourselves have found interest in them."

Jai Shouxi's neutral facade remains in place, a sign of frustration if ever you've seen one, but he gives the butcher a nod. "Of course, sir. Simply direct us to them."

The butcher gestures towards a small box barely visible beside the ice counter. Jai Shouxi heads towards it instantly and you fall into step beside him. "Are you certain we should not just leave?" you mutter.

Your roommate shakes his head. "If Ming Hui says that he shall only be a short time, then he shall only be a short time. It would be foolish to alienate him over a few minutes delay."

You quirk an eyebrow in question and then glance back over your shoulder, where Ming Hui has scooped a blue steak from it's ice bed and is holding it between two fingers as he wiggles it back and forth. "Is he… notable in some way?" you ask, straining to find your diplomacy. You don't want to just ask what's on your mind- asking if someone is actually important out loud would offend even the most even tempered of men.

But Jai Shouxi hears the words beneath your question, and his smile becomes a little sharper, a little more real. "Not yet," he murmurs. "But one day, he may be. And that is enough for now."

Well. That certainly says a lot about Jai Shouxi. And you think this is probably the closest you have come to understanding the small boy yet.

Relationship Gain! Jai Shouxi: +1 (Acquaintance)!

You follow him over to the box of bones, ready to just stare into space as you wait for Ming Hui to finish his purchases. But to your surprise, the bones are actually worth looking at. Each one comes from a beast rich in some sort of anam and their remnants still practically teem with the power they contained in life. Blood amam, earth anam, wood anam, even one small bone that seems to carry the flavor of life; it's all here in the box of bones. There's nothing here that really catches your eye, but still, it's far more than you expected.

Ming Hui is true to his word. He finishes his business with the butcher minutes later, and the three of you depart. Ming Hui now carries a bag laden with several parcels wrapped in thick paper and he isn't the only one: Jai Shouxi is leaving the butcher's with a heavy bone the length of your arm thrown over his shoulder that seems to have a weak blood anam contained within.

And so the rest of your shopping trip goes. Ming Hui drags the two of you to another shop or a stand, each of which he claims is the best at whatever it is they do. He then immediately immerses himself in the wares of the shop, usually something that's edible in some way shape or form. That leaves you and Shouxi free to browse through the rest of the store or neighboring stalls, usually finding something worthwhile.

By the end of the day, you have spent over half of your allowance on good materials found in such a manner. When Ming Hui was cooing over a spice stand, you wandered over to the neighboring curiosity display and purchased a mound of glass forged solid by the sun's rays. While he was in awe of a fishmonger's prized trout, you filled your pockets with teeth from a man eating whale. While he is avidly listening to a caravan wagon's pitch on delicacies from the far east, you were buying a bag full of luminous beetle husks from that same location.

All in all, while you may have heard more about food over this shopping trip than you have in the rest of your life, it was time well spent.

Talents spent: 5! Materials gained: Beetle Husks, Whale Teeth, Natural Glass.

Finally, the sun is high in the sky. You glance over at Jai Shouxi, who is gathering his own parcels. "I need to return to the sect," you tell him. At his questioning look, you explain, "I've been invited to spar with your sister and her friends."

Jai Shouxi just looks at you for a long moment and then snorts out a laugh. "Good luck," he says. "Better you than me. But you could not have chosen a better instructor. Fa is dedicated to her Art. Make no mistake, you will suffer. But you will learn well."

He follows your gaze up towards the heavens and frowns. "But she normally does not begin her afternoon training for hours yet. Are you sure you would like to leave so soon?"

You nod. "I have never been to her training ground before and I would like to give myself plenty of time to find it. I would rather be early than late."

At that, Jai Shouxi actually bites his lip to contain a laugh, and his cheeks bulge out like a frogs from the effort. "I see," he finally says once the laugh dies. "I suppose that makes sense. But allow me to assure you of one thing: you will not have trouble finding Fa's training ground."

Before you can ask him to explain his cryptic statement, he turns and calls Ming Hui over so you can bid farewell. You endure a rigorous backslapping from the chef and trade small nods with your roommate before you turn and make your way back into the soothing darkness of the tunnels.

You don't linger in the caverns like you did on your way up. Instead you set your legs to a slight jog, not nearly as fast as you were on your first trip to the sect, but fast enough to save some time. You make it back to the Spire in short order and- after making sure that none of your watchers have returned- slip into your home to deposit your purchases. That done, you leave just as quickly as you had arrived, following the directions that Jai Fa gave you this morning.

The directions take you back towards the craters that Elder Sela favors for her lessons, though you spot no sign of the tree elder anywhere near them. That raises a question: how exactly does she move? You would assume she does so in her small wooden form, but if that's the case, does she replant herself once she finds somewhere suitable? How does she decide which places have soil that's worth setting her roots in? Does she even need to change back or does she just prefer to?

But those are questions for another time. Now that you're here, you need to focus on finding Jai Fa and her sparring partners. She said that she would be in one of these craters and indeed, several of them are full of activity. A few of the larger ones are crowded with veritable armies of disciples going through forms in unison, while others are dominated by smaller groups doing more specialized work. The problem is that with so many groups engaging in combat training, it's near impossible to find one small group composed mainly of people you don't know. You stop and scan the craters, looking for a flash of white hair-

Only to be surprised by a body flying through the air and landing at your feet so heavily that it sends chips of stone flying.

You look down at the person in front of you. Judging by his robes, he's a Ninth Circle Disciple the same as you. His skin is dark with what seems to be a bone-deep tan the color of well crafted leather, and his light blonde hair is plastered to his skull with an enormous amount of sweat. He lies in front of you, unmoving and seemingly ignorant of your presence. "Hello?" you try to greet him, to no avail. You wave a hand back and forth before his eyes. Nothing; he's not even tracking the movement. "Are you okay? Should I look for-"

"Xu Yun!" a familiar voice calls. "Cease your foolishness and get back here! Or are you truly weak enough to be felled by a glancing blow?"

The man at your feet blinks rapidly and shakes his head. His body coils beneath him and he springs to his feet in one fluid motion. "How dare you!" the disciple yells back towards the voice. "There was not one thing 'glancing' about that blow! Were I not made of stern stuff, you would have removed my head from my shoulders!"

"But you are," Jai Fa's voice answers. "And so it wasn't. Hurry up. You're wasting time."

The boy sighs and shakes his head. He glances over his shoulder at you with an apologetic look on his face. "I am sorry for any inconvenience my abrupt landing has caused for you, brother. One of our sisters does not know the meaning of restraint!" The last he says with a raised voice and a glance towards a crater. "I do appreciate your offer of aid, but it is unnecessary. If you will excuse me…"

He turns to go, but you move quickly to stand by his side. "I beg your pardon brother, but are you currently training with Jai Fa?"

The disciple pauses and looks back at you. "I am. And- ah, you must be Kong Zhi. Jai Fa told us to expect you, but not quite so soon." He gives you a slight bow. "I am Xu Yun, and it is my pleasure to meet you."

You trade greetings and then let him take the lead. Xu Yun moves quickly towards the crater he flew out of, while you follow with a bemused look on your face. If Jai Fa sends all her sparring partners literally flying, then you suppose you know why Jai Shouxi believed you would have no trouble finding her.

Xu Yun leads you down a set of stairs hewn in the side of the crater and into the training ground. It is a mostly featureless crater, but it does differentiate itself from others of its kind in one way. Its floor is covered in a thick green moss that makes you feel as if you are walking upon a sponge. It's not an unpleasant feeling to be honest, and you have to resist the urge to jump up and down to see if you will bounce.

In the center of the crater is a small weapons rack that is mostly empty. Standing near it are two other disciples. One is Jai Fa, who greets you with a jerk of her head. The other is another of those disciples that you have seen around the sect but have never been introduced to, a pretty girl with long, almost lavender hair with subtle powders decorating her face. Either she is very skilled or she has not yet begun to work, because unlike Xu Yun's everything, the powders are unmarred by sweat or exertion.

Xu Yun jogs towards his sparring partners and waves in your direction. "Jai Fa! You almost sent me into our guest! How rude!"

"You almost sent yourself into our guest with your unnecessary display," she counters. Xu Yun looks like he wants to protest more, but Jai Fa ignores him and turns to you. "It is good that you have made it, Kong Zhi. And you are early as well."

"I expected finding your training ground to be more difficult," you explain. "But then again, I did not expect a guide to come falling at my feet."

Jai Fa looks very much like she wants to roll her eyes, but she doesn't. "You have already met Xu Yun," she says instead before glancing over at the other girl. "This is Mei Daiyu, my other sparring partner."

Mei Daiyu gives you a thin smile that doesn't fully reach her eyes. "A pleasure," she says. "It is nice to finally exchange words with you, Kong Zhi."

Relationships Established! Mei Daiyu, Xu Yun: 0 (Neutral)!

You answer cordially, and turn back to Jai Fa. "Alright," you say, almost dreading what's about to come out of your mouth. "What's first?"

"First, you warm up," she tells you. "Begin with laps until you feel a sweat, and then we shall get started." You nod, walk towards the edge of the crater, and begin.

Athletics Check! 1d10s8. Dice Rolled: 10, 8. Two Successes! Pass!

The mossy floor takes some getting used to. It has much more pushback than anything you've walked on before, and each step feels far more weightless than it should. But after a lap, you can feel your body getting used to it. You adjust your balance, you change your stride to something more fluid, and you start picking up the pace. Before long you've fallen into a good rhythm as you move quickly around the edge of the crater.

Out of the corner of your eye, you see the three of them all watching you. They track your progress for a lap before Mei Daiyu turns to Jai Fa. She's clearly saying something, but you're too far away to easily overhear her. You pick up your pace, hoping that you'll be able to bring yourself close enough before she's done to overhear what she's saying...

Perception Check! 1d10s8. Dice Rolled: 2. No Successes. Fail! no avail. You manage to get close enough, but whatever she has to say, she's saying it quietly, if with emphatic gestures. No word of it reaches you. You sigh, but put it out of your mind. You have warm ups to complete.

You feel the prickle of sweat a few minutes later and stop, turning and heading back towards the center of the pillar. "Alright," you say. "Now what?"

"Now you spar," Jai Fa says simply. She seems to think and turns to look at her partners. "Xu Yun. You are the least experienced; some simple work with Kong Zhi should suit you-"

"Excuse me, Jai Fa," Xu Yun interrupts. "But it is true. Of the three of us, I am the least skilled." He admits his weakness easily, almost readily. "But I shall always remain as such if I am not tested against better opponents. With all due respect to Kong Zhi, it is clear he is not a fighter. I will gain nothing by sparring with him."

Your roommate nods, conceding the point. "I would not say you will gain nothing. An opportunity to polish abilities in a low-risk setting is always to be valued. But it is true, you will gain more from sparring with Mei Daiyu. I will-"

This time it's Mei Daiyu who interrupts. "No," she simply states. "I have beaten Xu Yun into the ground so many times that it has lost all meaning. I will not be able to hone my skills against a dull sharpening stone, and I must be at my best for the challenge. I must test myself against other opponents if I am to shine." Jai Fa crosses her arms, looking distinctly unimpressed. But she doesn't argue. It seems that Mei Dayu has a point as well.

It seems that the question of who you will be sparing with is the subject of some debate. If you were to say something, you would likely tip the balance one way or another.

Who would you prefer to have as your primary sparring partner today?
[] Xu Yun. He is the weakest of the disciples, and so will likely cause you the least pain while still teaching you something.
[] Jai Fa. Your roommate is the one who invited you after all, and seems more than willing to teach you.
[] Mei Daiyu. She seems the strongest of the disciples. This will likely be very unpleasant, but you will learn a great deal. Hopefully.
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[X] Mei Daiyu. She seems the strongest of the disciples. This will likely be very unpleasant, but you will learn a great deal. Hopefully.

Now's a good time to have a Charm with an extra health box in it, methinks. As long as it doesn't annoy her to teach another newbie.
[X] Mei Daiyu. She seems the strongest of the disciples. This will likely be very unpleasant, but you will learn a great deal. Hopefully

Challenge the strongest! What can possibly go wrong?
[X] Jai Fa. Your roommate is the one who invited you after all, and seems more than willing to teach you.

Lets go with the most experienced in teaching. Strength in battle doesnt mean shit to us if they have no skill in teaching.
[X] Jai Fa. Your roommate is the one who invited you after all, and seems more than willing to teach you.

Sparring seems like a good way to get to bond with someone and she's our roommate.
Wrong maths are wrong. We have 47, 178% of getting at least 2 successes with 5 dices, target number 8, an 83, 193% of getting at least 1 success with the same chanches. Also, we should do the charm we were commissioned while we train ourself, get the potion, use it while doing the soldier's step and only then think if we ought to do a charm for ourself or do something else.

[X] Jai Fa. Your roommate is the one who invited you after all, and seems more than willing to teach you.
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[X] Jai Fa. Your roommate is the one who invited you after all, and seems more than willing to teach you.
[X] Mei Daiyu. She seems the strongest of the disciples. This will likely be very unpleasant, but you will learn a great deal. Hopefully.
What does each person want from this spar right now to see what choice we can find. Xu Yun doesn't want to spar with us because he wants to fight someone stronger then him to get better, I'm going to assume that he doesn't completely suck which means that he wouldn't be happy fighting us because we have no skills but either of the others would work. Mei Daiyu is bored of fighting Xu Yun and wants to fight someone new to sharpen her skills. That would be either us or Jai Fa however given that she wants to sharpen her skills I'm assuming that she wants that person to actually know how to fight which means she wants to fight Jai Fa. Jai Fa wants to find a compromise that will work for everyone but doesn't seem to have a preference in who she fights. Given that both of them want to fight Jai Fa we can't really create the compromise but if we want to try and improve social cohesion we might want to choose Mei Daiyu so that Xu Yun can fight someone stronger and Mei Daiyu can thrash someone new then maybe they could fight again after the fight is over.

[X] Mei Daiyu. She seems the strongest of the disciples. This will likely be very unpleasant, but you will learn a great deal. Hopefully
[X] Jai Fa. Your roommate is the one who invited you after all, and seems more than willing to teach you.

She's willing to teach + building a pre-existing connection sounds good to me.