The Path Unending (A Cultivation Quest)

Ves: "Alright, folks, give me all of your designs."
Ves, one day later: "Stop! Please, make it stop!"

Seriously though, Ves, we appreciate you. Good luck digging through all of this.
Alright, I think that'll do it for the design phase of this little project. Thanks to everyone who participated, either by offering feedback or by submitting a design (and to @Edkose for collecting them all. Big thanks. If I miss yours, blame them).

I'm going to level with you all here. Turnout has been... a touch greater than expected. My next step was going to be collecting all the designs and just posting them up as a straight vote. That was when I expected maybe ten designs. Obviously, with so many, plans have to change.

So here's what going to happen next: me and my brain trust are going to start winnowing these down. Designs with very similar elements are going to be combined, trying to save the best aspects of both. Ones we aren't huge fans of will be straight eliminated. Ones we love will go through unchanged. We'll keep narrowing them down until there's somewhere between 5-10 left. Once we've narrowed it down to the final field, I'll post a vote up with the candidates.

This may take us a hot minute. So bear with us as we start going through your beautifully sculpted list of candidates with a hacksaw.

And again, thanks. This blew expectations out of the water. I hope you all enjoyed writing your designs as much as I'm going to enjoy reading them.
Dangit, I missed this, could I still post my set? If not no matter, my favorite is based on one that was probably posted already but it's stationary and requires a small quest to complete after construction
Dangit, I missed this, could I still post my set? If not no matter, my favorite is based on one that was probably posted already but it's stationary and requires a small quest to complete after construction
Sorry, no, we're all closed up. Also, not in the market to add any more hurdles on here for the most part. Adding an additional step on after the charm is created is in the same vein as a charm design featuring materials we don't have.
The ALT Finals
Alright, everyone! After deliberations, we have managed to narrow down a very impressive field of charm ideas to just seven. Below are our seven favorite charms from the bunch, each different from the last, along with a few notes from Ct and myself as to how we think each one may play out mechanically. Please keep in mind that all thoughts on mechanics are very preliminary. They will change, sometimes wildly, as the charm is developed. Vote for your favorites and let's see what happens!

That's right: favorites. This vote is the rarest of rarities in Path: an approval vote! Vote for as many as you would like and we'll see what the top dog turns out to be.

Now, without further delay, here're our finalists!
Charm Concept: The Heart of Kong
Materials: A Love Transfixed, Everbloom, Ifeagrass
Anam Types: Blood/Star/Life
Construction: A Love Transfixed is carefully split in half. The inside is carved and faceted, with runes places inside. Sap boiled and mixed with the Ifeagrass and some of Kong Zhi's own blood. It is used to become amber in which the Everbloom will be preserved and then carved to fit into the inside of A Love Transfixed. Angel Tears are then used to fuse the two pieces of A Love Transfixed back together. A silver mounting is constructed to go around the seam, which is decorated with smaller gems made from the parts taken from the inside of the ALT. Runes carved on us it use dust

This charm could either be implanted inside Kong Zhi as a second heart, or be made into an amulet. I prefer the former, as it's the neat and weird kind of shit that the Kong method allows for.

Effects: This charm allows Kong Zhi to transform parts of his body between his human state and the Gifts of Tiaoyue freely. Ideally, this transformation is fairly quick (be that instantly, or a few moments) so that the swapping out can be done conveniently (can swap in battle, or at least in advance of a battle that is about to occur). In addition, the charm could provide healing, as it is righting Kong Zhi's form in one way or another.
Mechanics: Combat transformation: this would require a large amount of anam for a combat form.
Over time transformation: whenever a technique is integrated, the heart will absorb some of the perfection of anam, and spread it through body and spirit.

I'll pitch an idea, but it might need some refinement.

Name:[A Family United]

Materials Used: A Love Transfixed, Still Growing Sapling

Theme: In this world, family can often be like stars, ever distant in their cultivation, but guiding younger generations making their way through the struggles of life. And a family is united, despite differences, by a common bond. But these differences do not hurt a family, but rather strengthen it. Each shard of [A Family United] is different in form and purpose, but through the tree that binds them, they are united in their goals.

Appearance: When not deployed, appears like A Love Transfixed but with numerous roots growing around and inside of it. When deployed, the roots extend outward from a core controller gem wielding fragments of A Love Transfixed shaped in varied forms.

Use: The charm synchronizes to the users body, allowing the user to control the charm as if it was a limb. For Kong Zhi, this sychronization will allow him to deconstruct what it means to have a body, improving his learning of unorthodox limbs and forms and hastening his mastery. Perhaps even giving Kong Zhi fine control over his body's muscular structure? Outside of the teaching experience, A Family United enhances the users ability in performing certain tasks, for example, charm crafting.

Concept: I want to see Kong Zhi lean into the opportunity to learn from this opportunity. Part of this charm is to allow Kong Zhi to realize that his new limbs offer some novel advantages and aren't necessarily a limitation, even if he prefers other limbs. Through that lesson and by having such a flexible design in this charm, Kong Zhi may consider tools and approaches in charmcrafting that he had not considered previously. Basically, I want Kong Zhi to reevaluate his approach to charm crafting and even just living day-to-day.

I suppose an alternative idea could be a plant parasite arm with a very similar functionality. If done that way, this charm could replace our current undesired arm, and might have ability to upgrade with more gems in the future if Ves permits? Would be an additional reason to be friends with Bihai, maybe.
Mechanics: Adds a prosthesis that Zhi can use to aid in a variety of tasks and combat.
Not spoilered, because kindness has made me brave.

Materials on Hand: A Love Transfixed (Blood/Star 42),
Still Growing Sapling (Wood/Life 13), Vestige's Ice (Ice 8), Everbloom (Life 6).


In Amber Clad

A simple wooden Torc, appearing as though carved from an ordinary tree, however, when viewed with the sixth sense, it practically sings with anam.

Hidden inside the wooden shell lies an exquisitely carved Ruby chain, each link slowly and lovingly carved whole from the Rubys crystalline mass.

This chain will be encased in the distilled sap and resin of the the Still Growing Sapling, which in turn, is encased within the bark of the Everbloom, its flowers emerging from each torc head, and its body studded with shards of ice, beneath the bark, the Amber is covered in runes, from one end to another, their filling made from what cast off powder is salvaged from the heart, nothing goes to waste.

The purpose of the charm is simple.
Take from the body its impurities.
Its mutations.
Its weaknesses.
Store them in its chain, and then, once it has been fully absorbed, burn it with the radiant purity of its shackled star, and once nothing is left but its most pure and refined essence, let it be returned to the body as raw energy, as power.

Anam Breakdown:

A Love Transfixed:
Carved into chains symbolic of shackled power, the star anam burns away impurities, and the Blood anam to connect it to your body.

A Still Living Sapling:
Wood and Life. Life to empower and harmonize the charm to our own wellspring of life-force.
Wood to provide a shell, and to offer a natural flow to the charm, like a root that steadies a windblown stem. Gifting the charm with both the ability to grow, and the ability to give structure to the construct as a whole.

A second connection to life, further strengthening in turn the torc's connection to ourselves, whilst additionally allowing its attribute to hold strongly enough so as not to simply be swallowed by the tide of blood and starlight.

Vestige's Ice:
Ice, to give our work clarity, and provide a counter to the star that lies at the center of its construction. A cooling, restrictive, element.
A outer chain of ice to mach the inner chain of star and blood.

Edit: I don't want to set down any potential mechanics for this one other than rough intent and speculation, It would ideally function by permanently removing corruption and impurities, transmuting them into a source of power. Perhaps once burnt into the charm, the limbs could act an a form of anam battery? Or a cycling aid? Only god knows.

Personally, I chose this aesthetic because while its plainness speaks of simple means, and humble beginnings, beneath the surface its true brilliance is made clear. I'm my mind, it is a metaphor for Cultivation, and the Artist himself.
From a plain and unrefined mortal, to the brilliantly powerful demigod he has the potential to be.
Mechanics: Cycling action can be undertaken to feed debuffs and negative physical traits into the charm. Removing traits in this manner results in physical stress. They can then choose to convert the debuffs and physical traits into a temporary positive trait.
Charm name: A Fractal View.

Blood/Star 42 (A Love Transfixed), Life 6 (Everbloom)

The Stars are but points of light but the powers of them come from the meaning we give them. What for one group of stars in the Radiant Empire is clearly a bowl endlessly emptying for other the stars form the shape of a cup being filled. They can lead us to foreign shores or we can follow them to find our home.

This charm aims to use the power of guidance and the interpretative nature of the stars and apply it to blood and flesh.

The charm takes the form of a larger than 2 fists sized cube. The LoveTransfixed was carefully carved away with many facets created in it. It is a large rotating puzzle with different channels and facets creating different refractions and paths for light to go through. Each arrangement creates different paths for runes and therefore channels the power for different effects. In the centre of this Fractal puzzle is the Everbloom. Placed in the centre with incredible canny care like one places a ship inside a bottle. It's living energy transmutes the cold power of the stars into a more vital essence.

This charm works only with a period of meditation and the slow channelling of anam. You must have the purpose and the constellation you wish to draw meaning from firmly fixated in one's mind and "tune" the charm to reflect in it that purpose. It can only be bound to a single individual at a time and the charm does not need to be on one's person after it has been "set" for the effect of it to continue on the body.

Why these anam types?

Star - The source of the blueprint/inspiration/guidance for the change.

Life - Life endures and adapts. This transforms the cold guidance of the stars into a form that works with Zhi's body and intent

Blood - A catalyst to make the change made manifest on our flesh.

Possible constellation effects

The Constellation of the Tireless Oxen:

While under the Sign of Indefatigable Strength, Kong Zhi will find himself able to work harder than normal and for longer than normal. What would normally have been an exhausting day at the forge is instead a calm but focussed afternoon. Should Kong Zhi find himself in combat, his enemies will find that he shrugs off lesser blows with ease, and hits with far greater force than normal.

The Constellation of the Graceful Crane:

While under the Watch of the Delicate Strider, Kong Zhi will find his precision and poise enhanced. The most fiddly of crafting tasks will be completed easily, and elegant artistry will be completed with a graceful flourish. Should Kong Zhi find himself in combat, his enemies will seem to be always aiming at where he was, and their weaknesses will be plain to him.

The Constellation of the Rising Sun:

While under the Light of the Energising Flame, Kong Zhi will feel filled with anam and curiosity. Cycling could not feel more natural. Studying could not feel more exciting. And for other people, Kong Zhi could not be more engaging. Should Kong Zhi find himself in combat, he will seem to have an endless supply of anam available.

Deep thanks to Knight-Radiant, KreenWarrior and HousePet from the Path discord for their help in writing up this charm. I greatly appreciate all of you!
Mechanics: Only a single form available at the start. New forms require collection of materials and treasures.
After reading my last Ves!Quest, I started training professional wrestling. Learned to bump, sell, run the ropes, bump off the ropes, slam a dude to the ring floor.

After reading this Ves!Quest, I broke through to the first cultivation realm. Truly, nothing can be so addictive as the sensation of raw power. Work from home has truly made closed-door cultivation easier. Forging the Core of Peerless Dominance, of Royalty, Force, and Glory Anam, I impose my will on anything in my vicinity. Now, I return to the real, and find this quest in need of my will's imposition.

Charm Concept: The Forge of Idealization
Materials: A Love Transfixed, A Still Shaking Anvil, Everbloom, Snake Mother's Skin, Wool of a Verdant Ewe
Anam Types: Blood/Star/Steel/Force/Life/Beast
Construction: A still Shaking Anvil is melted down and reforged as a sarcophagus. Etchings of growth and beauty under starry skies surround the exterior. A Love Transfixed is cut up and set on the inside of the lid and sides, forming runes which channel anam into fleshcrafting and body-reinforcement effect. An interior lining shawl is made of the Snake Mother's Skin, with bedding below the skin using both the Everbloom and the Wool.

Usage: By sleeping in this sarcophagus, one may shape their appearance with the inspiration of the stars. Aesthetic changes are trifles, gaining appearance that echoes the heavenly beauty of nighttime stars without alterations to physical capability is as simple as the turning of one's hand. This sort of usage will not alter mass, height, or other such matters- but playing with symmetries, changing the cast of one's features, altering hair or skin colors, such things require little. Simply holding the visualization of desired changes while going to sleep will suffice.

However, the purpose of this Forge goes well beyond the superficial. With appropriate charging of anam, or its bearing to a Natural Wonder, one may consciously cultivate within the sarcophagus and the sleeper may undertake meaningful enhancements of their physical capabilities. Applied with the instinct of Beast nature, the sarcophagus will change the cultivator through their blood, charging them with Steel, Force, and raw Life. Star anam directly reveals hidden truths of the cultivators body and inspires the cultivator's efforts in carving new channels in their body, making the Farmer's Step easier to complete, while the blood infusions dramatically enhance the physical benefits of that work, and usage over the course of taking the Farmer's Step will see the cultivator gain flesh of steel that resists damage, Force-aided musculature which may grasp the ethereal and crush the mundane, and Life-infused blood which wants the cultivator healthy: natural healing restores more overnight, and this allows natural regrowth of limbs and digits.

Notes: This charm allows Kong Zhi to alter his appearance without capability impacts, and could solve the issue at hand immediately. Rather than going full xian-punk transhumanist and building a method for controlling and swapping in/swapping out physical abilities (don't ya'll have enough things to stay busy voting on?), this sarcophagus will make Kong look like a starry idealization of himself without changing his ability to use the lizard arm/leg/eye, and allows gradual building of raw durability, strength, and endurance alongside going Farmer. Also, this doesn't bind it to Kong- items we craft now won't be needed forever. When we're getting past Farmer, even with mats worse than ALT, we'll be making better charms. But this one will be able to help other fleshcrafting victims, and valuable to any early-stage cultivator- worth passing down in the Kong family, or sellable at an commanding price.
Mechanics: Used as a channeling focus for channel carving. As each channel is carved KZ will revert more and more to previous form and gain deeper benefits/insight into Farmer.
Spymaster's Pride

Materials used: A Love Transcended (Blood/Star 42), Vestige's Ice (Ice 8)

Shape: A Love Transcended is set on the top of a scepter/cane made of the Vestige's Ice. There it is carved with runes to bring out its effect. The gem always glows with its channeled starlight. Mundane metals decorate the icy shaft to make it look fancy schmancy.

Effect: This charms allows the user of the charm to shape its own body as if it were an artist's canvas. One's body mass, hair color, and other such physical attributes may be molded by the charm. This charm does not allow for one to mold themselves into another beast or make themselves a dramatically new person. There are two general limitations. 1. The changes cannot alter the basic humanoid/bipedal structure of the user. 2. The changes cannot change the user's appearance to stray too far from the original identity. In short, the Star Anam centers itself on the identity of the user and all the changes guided by the star cannot shape oneself dramatically away from its user's internalized identity. Once the blood, using the star's guidance, shapes itself as the user desires, the Ice Anam of the scepter freezes the new body shape for the forseeable future, or until such a time where the charm is used again. The ice anam also serves to preserve the memory of the forms shifted to and from.

This charm is actually a spy's best friend. While Kong Zhi cannot transform himself into a bird or into another person, there is plenty of potential for himself. Firstly, any undesired mutations may be removed. Secondly, should infiltration be necessary, as Kong Zhi's new duties may require, Kong Zhi may choose to use this charm to transform himself into a Blonde Zhi, a bearded Zhi, a buff Zhi, an emaciated Zhi, an older Zhi, etc. While the charm cannot disguise the feel/properties of his anam, the other five senses may be fooled by the new form Zhi takes.

The charm also preserves the memory of the forms Zhi shifts to and from to allow himself to easily adopt on guises he has taken on before.
Mechanics: Spend anam to transform into different versions of Zhi.
My ALT charm idea, originally posted here and iterated upon in the meantime.

Charm concept name: Chrysalis of the Polestar

Materials used: A Love Transfixed (Blood/Star 42), Still Growing Sapling (Wood/Life 13)

Charm summary: a large wooden periapt seating a bonsai tree grown around ALT allowing the user to periodically reforge their body with the purifying, scouring, guiding energy of Star anam; each reforging also alters the user in a fashion reflecting the user's recent life experiences.

Charm construction: a cutting of the Still Growing Sapling is taken, while the majority of it is used to create a large periapt consisting of an ornate setting for A Love Transfixed in the shape of an inverted pyramid and wooden chain links carved from the wood such that they are interlinked from the moment of their shaping. A Love Transfixed is placed within the setting atop the pyramid and the cutting placed upon it, where the cutting's roots are guided to encompass the gem without entirely obscuring it and the cutting is cultivated into a bonsai tree using the gem's Star anam. The necessary runes are placed upon the gem setting and chain links.

Charm function: the user wears the charm around their neck and enters a meditative trance. The sapling grows and the gem swells until the entranced user is incapsulated in a ruby cocoon set into base of a tree. Inside, the user's body undergoes a metamorphosis according to their conception of an idealized self. Elements dissonant with the user's self-conception may be removed entirely or take on new, less dissonant forms touched by the supernatural: a grotesque arm reformed with a pearlescent ivory sheen, an amputated leg regrown with a wood grain, a blinded eye restored with a glow like soft moonlight; these supernatural touches may further change or spread over multiple reforgings should the user's self-conception come to include them as part of the idealized self. Furthermore, the user's recent experiences are crystallized and alloyed in some way into their very being. Traumatic, triumphant, life-changing, or otherwise weighty experiences manifest as mental, physical, or spiritual quirks: the death of a loved one might cause the user's flesh to toughen and densify, carving a crucial channel within a Moon anam wonder might increase mental acuity when bathed in moonlight, a near-drowning at sea might give the user an affinity for water anam - the magnitude of the alteration's effect corresponding to the weight of the experience. This crystallization is metaphysical: a spiritual event is not certain to beget a spiritual alteration. At the conclusion of the transformation, the charm devolves back to its previous form and releases the user, and will require a lengthy period before it can be used again.

Aspect utilization and thematic resonance: the tree grasps at the gem in a simulacrum of photosynthesis, a fundamental act of transformation. The charm is worn to position it over the center of our body and place the bonsai over our core. The Blood and Life anam allow the body to be reforged anew and the mind and spirit tempered. The Star anam serves as both guide and crucible to discern and shape the more perfect self as well as crystallize and fuse alterations borne of experience. The Wood anam forms a substrate of slow, continuing metamorphosis, allowing iterative, accumulative change to the user in the same manner a tree grows its rings. The inverted pyramid shape of the periapt evokes the Delving heart sigil and the challenges that led to its construction. Lastly, its powers reflect two core themes of Kong Zhi's story: being true to who he is, and being shaped himself by the connections he has made.

The periapt before the bonzai tree and ALT are seated upon it would resemble the Millennium Puzzle:

lightly edited to no longer specify the time spent within the chrysalis
Mechanics: allows important events to be channeled into benefits, using the charm as a focus. Dependent on the strength of the event and zhi's skill at crystalizing them into himself.

WHO WILL WIN?! (Vote for as many as you would like.)
[] The Heart of Kong
[] A Family United
[] In Amber Clad
[] A Fractal View
[] The Forge of Idealization
[] Spymaster's Pride
[] Chrysalis of the Polestar
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[X] The Heart of Kong
[X] Spymaster's Pride
[X] Chrysalis of the Polestar
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[x] The Forge of Idealization
[X] The Heart of Kong

EDIT: Brought it down to two since the vote is getting tight.
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[X] The Heart of Kong
[X] A Family United
[X] In Amber Clad
[] A Fractal View
[] The Forge of Idealization
[X] Spymaster's Pride
[X] Chrysalis of the Polestar
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This is the most valuable item we're going to make for the forseeable future. As such, I'm voting for long term benefits, the sort of thing we could use our entire life.

[X] The Heart of Kong
[X] A Fractal View
[X] Chrysalis of the Polestar
Wew these are all pretty interesting actually.

I was juggling a bunch of preferences until I read the potential mechanics for Forge of idealization. The synergy in preparation for Farmer also contributing to solving our problem and the charm assisting with that prep itself is HUGE. The charm also becomes obsolete in truth around the time I'd expect it to be obsolete mechanically and neatly ties off that part of our life all at once. It's my top pick by far right now.

That said, Fractal View and Heart of Kong both have very appealing aspects I'd like to see, especially that 'perfection of anam' stacking from Heart.
Honourable polestar mention for also giving those synergies to things we'd be doing anyway, allowing us to advance while we advance :V

[X] The Heart of Kong
[X] A Fractal View
[X] The Forge of Idealization
[X] A Family United
[X] A Fractal View
[X] Spymaster's Pride
[] The Forge of Idealization

Probably will add some more tomorrow after I sleep on it a bit.

Edit: Need to sleep on this one a bit.
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