The Path Unending (A Cultivation Quest)

I'd note that Siani also deals with infohazards.
He is only accountable to his boss, not his peers, though he respects most of his peers enough to apologize and make restitution for the trouble he caused them.

The only one that turned shitstorm was the guy he always disliked, with a personal philosophy the polar opposite of his own.
I think feeling morally conflicted about Siani is perfectly reasonable. Frankly, we don't *really* know why he Went Loud. He seems to be very lacking in ruth. However, he's generally been generous to Zhi and inspires loyalty in competent people who generally seem to be doing mostly good works, all of which are good traits.
If his duties entitle him to cause mass disruption of the Delving Heart and kill disciples, then he might as well be listed as Caretaker Pankrator and officially granted primacy over the rest of them, because he already has it. If he can spiritually flashbang the entire Sect without any sort of questioning or investigation of why he did so and whether it was justified from his peers, then they're not actually his peers.
For all we know, Fensui could indeed get disciples killed because they were near some kind of border threat and blow off anyone who asked him about it...excepting of course Siani being the second strongest person in the sect and how that would affect any such conversation.

They are his peers tho - and not his superiors. His superior then did show up and demand answers, and he couldn't blow her off the same way.
If his duties entitle him to cause mass disruption of the Delving Heart and kill disciples, then he might as well be listed as Caretaker Pankrator and officially granted primacy over the rest of them, because he already has it. If he can spiritually flashbang the entire Sect without any sort of questioning or investigation of why he did so and whether it was justified from his peers, then they're not actually his peers.

They're not his peers. By definition. He's a Sage, they're all Warlords.

The only one who can bring him to task, or determine whether his actions are reasonable is another Sage.
They're not his peers. By definition. He's a Sage, they're all Warlords.

The only one who can bring him to task, or determine whether his actions are reasonable is another Sage.
I thought Sela was a sage too. As was Hotei.

because the marching sect guy was a sage and when he was meditating, he couldn't sense Hotei, along with emperor and other sect guys.

Sela because, well Siani's Teacher and all that.
I thought Sela was a sage too. As was Hotei.

because the marching sect guy was a sage and when he was meditating, he couldn't sense Hotei, along with emperor and other sect guys.

Sela because, well Siani's Teacher and all that.

Nope, the Delving Heart only has two Sages. Sela being Siani's former master only means that he managed to surpass her, which should be an indicator of his drive, talent, and good fortune.

Elder Rinyi of the Resolute March being unable to detect the Elders of the other sects makes sense because they would all have their own veils up to cover their cultivation, and he was only sensing passively rather than making a real effort to try to break through their veils. You can hide your cultivation from people on the same level as you.

Sages are rather rare. The technique to become so isn't public information, and really it's a personalized Step for everyone who takes it. Beyond that, it's almost assuredly something that can kill you, just like the Warlord's Step can if you screw it up. The danger of that is probably higher, and the resources to mitigate the risk should be even more rare and expensive. There are no Emperor level Artists in the Radiant Empire, either, or at least none that are publicly known (there are only two known Emperor level Artists in the entire world). From some discussion on this, some of the great sects may not even have even a single Sage at some points in time.
If his duties entitle him to cause mass disruption of the Delving Heart and kill disciples, then he might as well be listed as Caretaker Pankrator and officially granted primacy over the rest of them, because he already has it. If he can spiritually flashbang the entire Sect without any sort of questioning or investigation of why he did so and whether it was justified from his peers, then they're not actually his peers.

Admittedly, this is colored by my own creeping dislike for Siani and what he represents, and my growing sense that our choice of patron could plausibly lead to xianxia CIA Agent Kong Zhi ripping Nokai's heart from her chest and crushing it in a century or so because the Emperor has decreed that the savage sun-worshipers' lands be seized to ensure the Empire's prosperity, and a lifetime of indoctrination and loyalty tests have scoured away the bright-eyed young craftsman who sided with a foreigner over one of the noble-born.
So long as we get Xue out of the arrangement then sacrifices can be made.
Shhh! We're not supposed to talk in the thread until it turns to 12:00 a.m. on November first, to which we furiously complain about the fact there's no update. Didn't we all agree on this already? :V

You've forgotten to mark the date of the full moon! An auspicious night when we can enact our vengeance upon the naked crabs as we raise our keyboards in supplication to the Wicked God!

Within the organization, though not in absolute terms, he does basically treat them like peers out of courtesy for rank.

Who do you think provides the man's stash of Cinnamon Sticks?
The Hunger Within Me by Thor's Twin
The Hunger Within Men

Stalking through twisting and curving tunnels was never Luo Jie's idea of a good time. A dim glowing charm was his only source of light as he crept along. But, it was necessary. Natural Wonders were scattered around the Delving Heart like seeds from a farmer's hand, but you still needed to go out there and get them. Already he had found a nice secluded underground pool covered in algae the colors of the rainbow and radiating Life anam. It wasn't the most potent wonder, but it would serve nicely as a pillar for his step into Soldier. He just needed one powerful wonder or a couple of smaller ones and everything would be in place.

Stopping for a moment to examine the walls, Luo Jie noticed something interesting. No longer were they the rough walls of natural tunnels, but smooth like worked stone. Swirling designs made themselves known, etched so finely into the corridor that they looked like strands of glittering hair. Smiling, he began to follow the swirls and etches. Someone, long ago, had put considerable time and effort into this place. Which meant it lead to something of importance, and depending on how long ago that would have been, likely a natural wonder. So he walked and observed as the etchings grew in thickness. Soon, there was no piece of the wall that was left unmarked, intricate swirls and patterns cut into the solid stone giving it an almost hypnotic feel. All leading, directing he imagined, to a single carved door. Testing it, Luo Jie found it unlocked or blocked, and as he pushed it open he could feel the anam poor out from behind it.

Stepping into the cavern, he beheld what could only be a natural wonder. A large, long table took up most of the room, covered in dishes of silver upon which was heaped rotten fruits and the bones of animals. Tarnished copper candlesticks dotted the table with wax pooled at their bases like dunes of sand. Around the table were thrones of stone, and sitting upon each was a skeleton, slumping forward as if attempting to reach the table. Stepping closer and taking a closer look, Luo Jie noticed that each skeleton was shackled with rusted iron chains, foot and hand, to the throne they sat on. The edges of the manacles had a dark black tint of dried blood.

Sitting in one of the corners, he began to breathe in a pattern specific to his cycling manual and the anam rushed into him. His stomach lit aflame with a need for food, and his mouth drowned in saliva. Hunger, pure and undiluted, flowed into him and Luo Jie smiled. He had found the pillar that would take him far in the Delving Heart.

Discovered a Natural Wonder: "The Shackles of Gluttony."


Sliding along the rim protruding over a dark pit, Luo Jie could only smile in the dimly lit darkness. Life had gone well for him after taking the step to become a soldier. He had joined Elder Sela's Grove and began making a living out of exploring the twisted tunnels of the Delving Heart, making maps for the Court of Preservation, or acting as a guide to points of interest. Which made a decent enough to survive in the Delving Heart, but didn't really let him thrive like he wanted to. He needed to keep moving upwards, he hungered for the acknowledgment of others, for the riches that nobles seemed to throw around at a whim, for the lifestyle he deserved after his hard work! Which is where his side gig came in.

It took time and effort, but he would find those in the eighth that were desperate, who were almost at the edge of being kicked out of Elder Sela's Grove. And he would give them a lie, a hope, that he could secure their future for a bit longer. Confiding in his target about a technique he had developed after studying vestiges, a technique which allowed him to violently take the power of a spirit beast into himself or others. It was too much strain on him to take the full power of a beast, he would whisper to them, but if he split it between two or more people, then they could take a leap along their path. Each person he had approached fell for it like the gullible gulpers they were. Like this girl, Chen Jun. Cute enough, he supposed, but who had a hunger for advancement that far outstripped her dedication, talent, or common sense.

"How much further, Luo Jie," she whined softly, "You said the beast we were hunting was only two hours out of the main cavern! It's been three now!"

"Stop whining, we're almost there. We'll be able to see the cave entrance from this shelf."

Stepping onto the shelf that held his camp, he graciously gave his hand to Chen Jun to help her along, but she only slapped it away with a huff. She glanced around with pursed lips at his little outpost. The tent, sleeping roll, and canvas bags bulging with knick-knacks he had taken… ownership of.

"So, where is this beast we are hunting and how will we subdue it?" She questioned.

"Right here," Luo Jie responded with a disarming smile, "and, like this!"

Driving his hand into her gut, he released his technique. Hunger anam surged into her spirit and began to rend it apart. She collapsed into a gurgling heap, eyes wide with panic. With a pull on his anam, he brought the technique back to his core, bloated now with pieces of Chen Jun's spirit. Feeling it settle in his core and begin the process of digestion, Luo Jie let out a little sigh of satisfaction. Of hunger sated, for now.

"Now, Chen Jun, I'm very sorry, but it seems a vestige surprised us and you fell to its claws and hunger. Don't worry, I'll take very good care of your possessions. And who knows, maybe your friends will care enough to ask about you after a couple of weeks?"

Her only response was a panicked whine from the back of her throat and wildly shifting eyes. Shrugging, he took her sect token and searched her for any hidden charms or pills hiding in her robes. Finding pills, he placed them into his own pill chute and then rolled her over the edge of the shelf with a merry whistle. Chen Jun landed with a wet thud and it didn't take long before he heard the shuffling vestiges of his previous victims begin to advance on her. With a jaunty step, Luo Jie left the way he came, sliding across a thin protruding edge towards the more traveled tunnels. He failed to notice a shape fall from the ceiling into the pit Chen Jun had tumbled into. A shape that looked like a human with a shell on their back.


It had only been a week since Luo Jie's latest success in his side gig, but already he was feeling the itch. To rend another person's spirit and add it to his own. With a sigh, he popped some sort of earth pill, sending the anam to his core as he walked. The itch petered off to an easily ignorable ache. Ahh well, starting his search for another sucker would probably be smart. Before the itch became too much to handle with simple pills.

Scribbling a note on the map he was making, he began to make his way down another tunnel when he heard a strange sound. Like a grandmother making her disapproval known. Curiosity bloomed in his mind and he found himself following the sound down an unexplored corridor. Soon enough he discovered the source of the noise. A strange man with leathery green skin and a shell protruding out of his back was sitting down on a boulder and was holding an odd doll that was making that curious noise. Upon Luo Jie's approach, the man looked up and with a wave of his hand made the doll disappear.

"Excellent, you've arrived Luo Jie."

Curiosity withered into dread as a cold sweat popped out on his skin. Looking around, Luo Jie noticed that the tunnel he had followed here had disappeared.

"Ahh, this Luo Jie greets…?"

"Wugui, member of the fifth circle."

"Thank you, this junior greets his senior brother. Can I be of assistance?"

Shaking his head, Wugui stood up. "I am here to carry out your sentence," the man began, "I have presented evidence and testimony to my Elder regarding your murder of three fellow disciples and attempted murder of another. He has decreed that for your crimes against the Delving Heart your sentence is to be Death. Before carrying out the sentence, I will hear your final words. You have my assurance that they will be remembered."

"I, I..." Luo Jie stammered before drawing himself up. "I demand a trial by The Administration! I will not be sentenced by flimsy pretense and lies against my person!"

He saw Wugui tilt his head to the side slowly and blink. "No."

Suddenly, a fist was jammed into his stomach and he felt air rush out of his mouth in a strangled gasp. Falling to his knees, Luo Jie's face was pressed into the ground by a foot on the back of his head. Lashing out blindly against his aggressor, he couldn't land a single solid blow against the leathery leg holding him down. Sensation began to leave his stomach and he could feel flesh turning into dirt and stone. With the strength of panic, he threw his anam at the foreign technique working its way through his body. He tried to eat it with his core, tried to stall it with his spirit, but nothing stopped its relentless advance. He didn't even have the air to beg for mercy or leniency. And then he didn't have anything at all.

A/N: This omake was brought to you by Elder Siani's ominous warning about hunger anam and Wugui. Because I think Wugui is awesome. Also, a little bit about the darker side of cultivation and the Caretakers. I hope you enjoyed the read!
Thank you for that riveting story Thor's Twin, and now onto the real show....

gasp It's already been several hours since we've been out of October *pushes up glasses* and by reasoning that I can conclude that Vesvius is supposed to have posted by now, for in which he spoke of earlier when taking a break from "A Path Unending" that he would only be gone for October. As a snarky internet user with a crazy persona, I am infact shocked and appalled by the fact that not only did you lie to the voterbase by not posting a new update at precisely 12:00 a.m. on November 1st when any reasonable person would be sleeping, but you haven't even apologized directly to us, kow towing, shouting for forgivness and begging us to grace you with replies when this is a passion project you do for entertainment and improving your writing skills.

It's frankly shocking beyond belief that you'd have life outside of this, and that you refuse to cater to the wishes and needs of every random stranger on the internet, for not just you to go radio-silent, but for your hardworking and hilariously evil assistant to not even give excuses for your lateness! This isn't what I spent my non-existent dollars on, to have my day trampled and spit upon by you for taking a well-deserved break. I'll take this to the moderators- no, to the council eve- no no...the Supreme Justice Court if have to! Now that'll teach you to enjoy your life and post updates at your own discretion!
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I suspect that the puppet master pulling the strings behind the scenes of this outrage will be revealed to be the nefarious Will Wight.
Remembrance of Stone (Wits ??)
Monk Technique ?? (Time ??, Earth ?)
Description: Taking inspiration from studying the history of stone, Kong Zhi has worked on a technique that allows him to see moments that arose in the formation of whatever, or whomever, he is inspecting, whether an item, a beast, a kukuni, or a person. Naturally, it is more difficult to view that which has more moments of import in their past.

So, this idea is for a Time/Earth technique that can be used in investigating the circumstances that brought around whatever, or whomever, he is investigating. This can be the moment when an item is created or named. When a beast became a spirit beast. Multiple moments that define how a person views themselves. But, I think, most useful would be to view the moment that a Kukuni was born. I based it on the idea of geology and using the physical features of stone to determine pretty much everything about it. Age, how it was formed, where it was formed, events that occurred when the stone was forming, etc.
In The Service of Kong (commission) (canon)
A/N: A big thanks to the 46 people who have pledged to me on Patreon! If you'd like to join them, you can do so here. Or, if you'd like to support me without the monthly commitment, you can buy me a cup of Ko-Fi here.

It's commission time, everyone! Today, the request was a bit of a different one. Our current commissioner wanted to know what nobody's favorite Kong, Kong De, does for the family and to see him on the job. So on the job we will see him! I hope you enjoy this look at the Kong Family Fixer as he goes about his duties.

Kong De would never, ever admit it, but part of him treasures the times he is called upon to fix his cousin's mistakes.

His work in the Cerulean Summer is rewarding and fulfilling, of course, but it can be done by almost anyone of a certain threshold. One set of hands that has reached a certain rank is as good as another in the eyes of the Elders, and Kong De is no exception. But the tasks set upon him by the family?

For those, they can only call upon Kong De.

Not once has one of Aunt Ru's requests for aid asked if he has finally overcome his bottleneck. Auntie Bi has not mentioned his lack of advancement even a single time. Uncle Fang only cares for what is between his ears, not in his channels, and the relief in Cousin Bowen's voice every time he hears that Kong De will prioritize his request is enough to make the younger Farmer feel as if he could float on air without a technique.

And then there is the work itself. The tasks given to Kong De by the Summer are… fine. They are fine. Kong De has never once complained about a duty given to him by his Elders. But they are all so… similar. This tincture needs to be brewed. That Spirit Beast must be slain. The same representative from the March needs to be escorted through the waves. It has reached the point where Kong De could finish his tasks with his eyes closed- and has done just that on several occasions, which at least caused an interesting discussion when escorting the March's scout.

The same cannot be said for the problems caused by the next generation of Kong. They cause problems as numerous and as varied as the stars in the sky! Cousin Cui's enmeshment with the Wan clan was a thorny patch of brambles that had needed every ounce of Kong De's political acumen to conclude in a satisfying manner. Cousin Bowen's predicament with the bureaucracy of Merciful Rest had required similar maneuvering and a quick hunt to raise the capital needed to pay off the indenture board on top of it. And Cousin Shi… it had taken every last drop of Kong De's guile to keep him from winding up adopted by a family of Spirit Snakes. How does one even find themself in that situation?!

So yes, Kong De may, one day, in the darkest hours of the night, be forced to confront the fact that he rather enjoys fixing some of the problems caused by his cousins.

Most of the problems.

Others? Not so much.

The ones Cousin Zhi brings are just plain irritating.

Not for the first time since entering the offices of General's Grave's Lord Inspector, Kong De shifts uncomfortably in his seat. He barely bites back a groan as the uneven wood digs into his spine in just the perfect way to send a shiver of discomfort down his left leg. Again, he fights back the urge to tap his core- not much, just enough to wash away the discomfort- but just barely. To cycle now would be to admit weakness, and his position here is tenuous enough as it is.

Instead, he stands and strides to the front of the room. Behind a desk sits an older Artist, streaks of silver shining through her hair as she makes careful notes on a scroll with a brush clenched in gnarled fingers, pretending to all the world as if she has not been watching Kong De like a hawk for the past six hours.

"Beg pardon," the Kong begins for the third time so far today. "May I ask how much longer it will be?"

The gray-hair pauses in her calligraphy and looks up at Kong De, staring at him with a piercing gaze over thick spectacles. "You may," she allows after a few moments of consideration. "But the answer has not changed since you last asked. Lord Inspector Kuy is a very busy man." She does not actually say 'unlike some people', but the implication is loud enough that it almost makes Kong De's ears ring.

"His work is vital in maintaining General's Grave," the grey-hair continues. "And he is devoted to it. If you wish to meet with him, you will have to wait until he can find the time to see you. If you would rather leave a message, I would be honored to see that he gets it."

Kong De highly doubts that. Any message he leaves will grace the matronly woman's desk for mere moments before it meets with a mysterious accident similar to the one suffered by the last six notes he left. He shakes his head and swallows a sigh before rocking back on his heels. "My thanks, but I am content to wait," Kong De states.

One silver eyebrow climbs the older woman's forehead. "Do you, perhaps, find some fault in my ability to convey a simple message, Lord Kong?" she states, warning loud in her tone. "I assure you, it would reach Lord Inspector Kuy at his earliest possible convenience."

"Surely it would," Kong De responds, mentally patting himself on the back for not clenching his teeth as he speaks. "But I have already waited this long, and it would be churlish to depart at this juncture. A Kong never leaves a task half-finished, after all."

The Lord Inspector's gatekeeper is too restrained to let out an annoyed huff, but she deliberately turns back to her papers with the air of an aggrieved cat which is enough for Kong De to claim a small victory. The taste of success buoys his spirits as he turns away from the desk and moves back to the horrifyingly uncomfortable chair. He does not sit in it, however. The thing seems to have been designed as a low-grade instrument of torture. Standing is much preferable to sitting in it once more.

And so the hours pass. Kong De stands motionless in the receiving chamber as the sun slowly sets on General's Grave. The grey-hair continues pouring over the same scroll again and again, not seeming to pay him an ounce of attention. And back behind her, Lord Inspector Kuy lurks in his office, doing his utmost to avoid meeting with the Kong Family representative.

Until finally, the Lord Inspector can take no more. He has not emerged from his office since Kong De ensconced himself in the receiving chamber, meaning he has not left since before the sun first rose. He has likely not eaten, unless he is the type of man to carry travel rations to his station, he has not visited the water closet, and he is such a marginal Soldier that such things likely bother him. Not to mention that there is only so much boredom a mind can endure, and he has likely long since exhausted all forms of distraction. Eventually, he has no choice but to casually wander out into the receiving room and 'suddenly notice' Kong De waiting there for him.

Geng Kuy, Lord Inspector for General's Grave, looks as if he was born middle-aged. The corners of his eyes bear deep wrinkles, hair has long since begun fleeing his head, and he walks with the stiff gait of one unaccustomed to doing so for long. If Kong De couldn't detect the faint flickers of power deep within his core, he would suspect that he would pass into the grip of the ancestors at any moment. But while Geng Kui might barely be a Soldier, he still is a Soldier, so he will likely live to torment many people for at least a few more years.

That is, if he does not rouse anyone's anger to the point where they demand justice be served. And considering how easily he made the decisions that brought Kong De to this city… the Kong suspects he will not be hobbling over this earth much longer.

Those wrinkled eyes glare at the gatekeeper, who just slumps slightly in her chair and drums her fingers on her desk. When glowering doesn't seem to make Kong De vanish into thin air, Geng Kui turns to him, the most fraudulent smile the Kong has ever seen sprouting on his face. "Good day, citizen!" he states. "My apologies for your wait. I am Lord Inspector Geng Kuy, and it is my pleasure to make your acquaintance day, sir…"

Kong De very deliberately does not answer that Geng Kui knows exactly who he is and why he's here, nor does he add on the dozen implications he has concocted about the man's parentage, business practices, and general hygiene. Instead he bows slightly and clasps hands with the loathsome toad. "It was no issue at all, good sir. I bear the good fortune to be Kong De of the Harmony Kongs. Perhaps you have received my letters?"

Geng Kui taps his finger to his lips as if in absent thought. "Kong… Kong… Kong… oh, yes! The charm peddlers! I remember now!" As Kong De fights to keep his reaction to the veiled slight hidden, the Lord Inspector shakes his head. "Though I cannot imagine why you would need to speak with me. I believe my last correspondence was most clear."

"The general message was indeed communicated, sir, but my Lord Kong still wishes to receive clarification on several points," Kong De responds. The effort of his faux smile is enough to make his cheeks cramp in pain, and he drops it in favor of bowing once more. "If I might beg but a moment of your time, you will hear no more from me."

The Lord Inspector studies Kong De for a long moment, clearly weighing actually speaking with Kong De against the promise of never having to do so again. Eventually, the former wins out. "Of course, of course, I will be thrilled to render whatever service I can." He turns and marches back into his office, leaving Kong De to nod at the gatekeeper before following him.

Geng Kuy drops down behind his desk as soon as he crosses the threshold, leaving Kong De to close the door behind him. "I am not certain what else your clan needs to hear," he states bluntly as the Kong turns to face him. "But since you have made the trip, I will say it again: there is no place in General's Grave for the Kong maker mark."

Kong De does not sit down in the chair opposite Geng Kuy's desk. It looks to be of a similar make to those in the receiving chamber, and his back has suffered enough today. Instead he leans against the wall and crosses his arms. "Yes, you were most vociferous on that point in your messages," he answers. "But the reasoning was… vague, at best. Perhaps you could clarify why we are not welcome so that we may alleviate the issue in the future."

A far-thinner, far more honest smile crosses Geng Kuy's face. "The market simply cannot accommodate any new vendors at this time," he states bluntly, not even pretending to mask the lie in his voice. "The clans of General's Grave are all exceedingly satisfied by the Jin and Suro clans. Perhaps when the city expands, we will have more space for… outsiders."

"I see," Kong De responds, face blank. "It is nothing personal. It is simply that the entire city of General's Grave… every single clan represented in it… every last open market… every single soul in the city… has no interest in our wares."

Geng Kuy simply blinks in response, and Kong De begins to wonder if he perhaps has a Spirit Toad in his ancestry. "Yes, I do indeed see," he repeats himself. "The city… is full. That makes perfect sense. And this has nothing to do with interactions between Geng Zen's youngest and Lord Shuren's heir in the Delving Heart."

"Of course not," Geng Kuy responds promptly. "The Lord Inspector's office is not moved by the petty actions of children. This is a business decision, nothing less and nothing more."

"Though," the glorified bureaucrat continued after a moment. "It is said that the way a clan raises their children says a great deal about that clan as a whole. If one raised and steeped in a clan's traditions is to act unruly, that would certainly cast a pall over the clan as a whole, wouldn't it? We all represent something greater than ourselves, now matter how weak or powerful we are in our own right. If you think that perhaps a scion of your clan is acting poorly, correcting such behavior would not go amiss."

Kong De barely suppresses a snort. "Better men than I have attempted to steer the main branch in productive ways."

"Then perhaps one more suited should make the next attempt," Geng Kuy states. "I know that if my own daughter acted in a manner ill-befitting the Geng, matters would be in hand within the hour. Allowing a child to so poorly reflect on your name is… not conducive to profitable relationships."

For a second, Kong De mulls over Geng Kuy's words. But he has to shake his head. "No, Lord Inspector, I do not think that will happen."

"No matter," Geng Kuy states, half rising from his seat. "It was merely an idle thought. As I said before, General's Grave is-"

"However, your words do bear some worth," Kong De continues, rushing over Geng Kuy's words as if he had not spoken. "After all, you are an expert in 'profitable relationships'. I would not dream of dismissing them out of hand- after all, look at the vast experience you have in such dealings!"

The Lord Inspector of General's Grave freezes. "What-"

"Just look at your most recent 'relationships'," Kong De continues. He flicks his wrist and his void ring spits out a page thick with ink anam. The Kong Family representative throws the page down on Geng Kuy's desk, allowing the portrait of living ink it contains to stare the Geng in the eye. "Why, who is that you were sneaking out to meet last night? She must be a very valuable associate for you to spend so much time cultivating them- and with such finery, as well!"

"How did you-"

"I can only dream of what benefits she brings to the Geng," comes the idle interruption. "Though I do not have to dream, do I? I can simply ask other members of your august clan… could you perhaps introduce me to one?"

Kong De snaps his fingers as if something has just occurred to him. "Oh, do you know who would be the perfect person to speak with? Your honored wife, Geng Yu! She's an expert at connecting with assets through unconventional means- such as yourself! She was cunning enough to not only wed you, but to adopt you into the clan! Surely the insight she can shed on these negotiations would be unparalleled."

Geng Kuy has turned the color of old chalk. "I… um… I…."

Now it's Kong De's turn to offer a thin smile. "Yes?" he asks. "Did you have some objection to involving your wife in these negotiations?"

"Er… what… I…"

Kong De can barely hold in a sigh. Amateurs. One would think this is Geng Kuy's first time being blackmailed!

"My good Lord Inspector," he states bluntly. "I believe now is the time for you to sit back and find space in your markets for the Kong maker mark. Do you concur?"

The Lord Inspector of General's Grave swallows so loudly that it almost shakes Kong De's ears. "Um… why don't we discuss this matter further?"

"Good sir, I would like nothing more."

The tasks Cousin Zhi brings Kong De are irritating to the highest degree. But sometimes, the most satisfying feeling in the world is scratching an itch- and now, it is time for Kong De to finally soothe this irritation.

During moments like this one, Kong De has no issues at all in admitting that he loves what he does for the family.
Geng Kuy has turned the color of old chalk. "I… um… I…."

Now it's Kong De's turn to offer a thin smile. "Yes?" he asks. "Did you have some objection to involving your wife in these negotiations?"

"Er… what… I…"

Kong De can barely hold in a sigh. Amateurs. One would think this is Geng Kuy's first time being blackmailed!
It might be, actually! He seems to be rather reliant on his gatekeeper for dealing with unwanted guests, if his solution for Kong De was 'literally hide in his office all day', until that failed.
This is great. Kong De functioning as the family troubleshooter is amazing and fits perfectly with the 'asshole-ish but not unreasonably so' impression he gave off during the start of the quest. I especially love the idea that Kong scions stir up so much trouble that the family has basically dedicated a Farmer level cultivator to clean up after them whenever he's not busy with sect work.
It's commission time, everyone! Today, the request was a bit of a different one. Our current commissioner wanted to know what nobody's favorite Kong, Kong De, does for the family and to see him on the job. So on the job we will see him! I hope you enjoy this look at the Kong Family Fixer as he goes about his duties.

You... do realize a substantial portion of the readers like him now, right? I hope you're expecting more commissions.