The Path Unending (A Cultivation Quest)

[X] "The Eighth Court--at least from my experience so far--specialize in solving exotic problems that would otherwise slip beneath notice or require unusual talents and abilities to resolve--investigation, research, deduction, and when possible, resolution of the issue. Our little adventure in the Twelve Winds was actually an excellent example of what one of the Eighth Court's missions might look like and the sort of threat we'd need to identify--a creature of unknown aspect with unusual powers that had no obvious counters. Just compressed down into the space of a few hours instead of days and weeks and with far more witnesses than would normally be ideal. There may be more to it, but I am still in the Eighth Circle, there's only so much I'm privy to."
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Vesvius on May 16, 2024 at 9:00 PM, finished with 139 posts and 93 votes.
Hot Take: There is no Eighth Court. Not officially. Elder Siani just got more bored than usual one day and spontaneously decided he's gonna run his own Court and task it with finding and messing with the weirdest shit in the world, and he's gonna staff it with the serious types who'll end up suffering through dealing with all those weird shit and be too responsible to quit, and the bizarrely unique types who end up as interesting as all the weird shit, if not more.

Preferaby more. :V
Hot Take: There is no Eighth Court. Not officially. Elder Siani just got more bored than usual one day and spontaneously decided he's gonna run his own Court and task it with finding and messing with the weirdest shit in the world, and he's gonna staff it with the serious types who'll end up suffering through dealing with all those weird shit and be too responsible to quit, and the bizarrely unique types who end up as interesting as all the weird shit, if not more.

Preferaby more. :V
"An elder decided to make a court" sounds like how all the courts start. Not sure if Siani was the one to do it, though. The living building thing implies they're ancient.
Random thought but we could probably win over Kong Zi's family if we ever talk about courting Nokia by saying that she reacted like a true Kong when meeting auntie Bi- she immediatly abandoned Kong Zi to his fate and tried to GTFO because a true Kong knows to stay away from auntie Bi and abandon any and all relationships if that is recquired
250. Jingyi's Summit
A/N: A big thanks to the 37 people who have pledged to me on Patreon! If you'd like to join them, you can do so here. Or, if you'd like to support me without the monthly commitment, you can buy me a cup of Ko-Fi here.
> "The Eighth Court--at least from my experience so far--specialize in solving exotic problems that would otherwise slip beneath notice or require unusual talents and abilities to resolve--investigation, research, deduction, and when possible, resolution of the issue. Our little adventure in the Twelve Winds was actually an excellent example of what one of the Eighth Court's missions might look like and the sort of threat we'd need to identify--a creature of unknown aspect with unusual powers that had no obvious counters. Just compressed down into the space of a few hours instead of days and weeks and with far more witnesses than would normally be ideal. There may be more to it, but I am still in the Eighth Circle, there's only so much I'm privy to."
I let out a heaving sigh and shake my head. "Please," I answer. "Do not do that, Daiyu. But I ask this not because I do not want you to have the information. I ask this only because I am fairly certain that if you have a conversation of any length with Brother Naixin, you will attempt to stab him. I doubt you would be successful, but the attempt would be made."

Anger steals over Daiyu's face and her grip on my hand becomes far too tight to be comfortable. It loosens only after she looks at Zhuan Kun, who is nodding along with my words. "Kong Zhi's senior is irritating and powerful," he adds bluntly. "I would have offered to exchange pointers with him many times already if I thought such a request would be granted."

Daiyu's gaze turns flat. "You would do that even if you didn't think he deserved to be punched," she points out.

Zhuan Kun nods. "You are correct. I would. But the point remains that he is very frustrating, and I am not capable of doing anything to correct that."

"But," I interrupt, drawing my companions' focus back to me. "That does not mean I won't tell you about my Court. I've always planned to; it is not as if I have been attempting to withhold any information. It just… it either never seemed relevant or we were too pressed for time, I assure you."

I pause before I continue and glance around. We are still standing outside of Silverwing Hall, surrounded by its disciples. None of them are paying us any mind at the moment as some are still reeling from witnessing Naixin, while the rest seem horrified as they learn the fate of their Natural Wonder. That will change soon, however. "Can this conversation not wait until later, though?" I offer. "When there are not so many ears to listen?"

Daiyu crosses her arms and glowers, but nods. "Very well," she grates out. "But I am not letting this go again, Zhi. You will tell me at the very next opportunity you have."

As it turns out, the next opportunity I have comes very soon. After a few more moments of waiting for something to happen, Clerk Ni emerges from the Hall, robes billowing and a pleased look on his face. "The Elder Council has prepared very well for the examination," he crows, barely nodding at Zhuan Kun and I when he registers our return. "They have already gathered and organized their disciples. They wait only for their turn before the treasure."

"There are only a score and four candidates," he continues. "They all already await us in their novice hall. So we will not need anyone to gather the stragglers today. I will need a guard, of course, and then the others can handle orientation."

The clerk looks over each of us in turn before nodding to Zhuan Kun. "Disciple Zhuan, you will serve as my escort," he states. "The Elder Council implied there might be some who would attempt to underperform today. They will think better of it while being watched by their future lord. Disciple Mei, Disciple Kong, there is a courtyard to the rear of the novice hall. Wait there; with good fortune, we will not be here for more than a few hours."

We split into our pairs, and after leaving our mounts in the care of a particularly terrified looking stable master, we are shown to our stations by an older disciple of the Hall. Zhuan Kun and the Clerk vanish into the novice hall while Daiyu and I take up our position on a bench behind it. As our guide leaves, Daiyu turns her amethyst eyes back to me.

"Well, look at that," she muses. "An opportunity to speak without many ears to listen. I believe you were about to tell me something, Zhi?"

I let out a slow breath as I fumble for the right words. This conversation has been a long time coming, but it is still far too difficult to find the proper way to phrase things. But Daiyu's impatience is growing even now; she will not allow me to delay this even further to find the perfect path forward. I will have to simply answer her questions and hope for the best. "The Eighth Court," I begin, "specializes in solving problems of an exotic nature. If something slips into the cracks between the other courts, or demonstrates unusual talents or abilities, it falls under our purview- at least, that has been my experience thus far. I am but a novice in the court; there could be more that I-"

Daiyu's eyes pierce me, and her hand raises and twists in the universal gesture for 'please stop stalling and continue'. "Thus far, my training has focused on research, deduction, and investigation of each unique problem before resolving the issue in a quick and final manner. Oddly enough, the incident in the Twelve Winds was an effective summation of the Eighth Court's duties."

I shake my head as images of the Dealer in Death juxtapose themselves with the fanged maw of the Phantom Point in my head. "In truth, it actually resembled my first task in my court. In both, we sought the cause of a strange incident, discovered it to be a creature with unusual powers and unknown aspects, and dealt with it. The only difference is that in the case of Cang Yong, the entire process had to be carried out in hours, as opposed to the days and weeks of my previous missions."

Daiyu's face is unreadable as I speak. Under her unyielding gaze, I can only shrug. "Perhaps there is more," I finish. "I cannot say for certain. The entire court is organized in a manner which… well, I would hesitate to say it is organized at all, save for the fact that Sister Xiong would be most offended by such an implication. Suffice it to say that the duties and tasks of the Eighth Court are opaque, to say the least. But if there is more, I have yet to discover it, and likely will not for quite some time."

Composure Check: 7d10s8(1.1)(An Uncomfortable Authenticity)(Bonus Dice Applied!). Dice Rolled: 8, 8, 6, 4, 4, 2, 1. 1.1, rounded down to 1 Successes!

Silence reigns in the courtyard for a long moment. The Phantom Point and its foul hunger, the ominous emptiness of the… object, the pure overwhelming power of Elder Siani's full, unveiled attention focused on me… all of it floats through my mind, and I fight to keep my breathing steady. Daiyu studies me as she would study a skittish animal preparing to flee. An unrecognizable emotion seems to flood her eyes for a fraction of a moment before vanishing so quickly that it may have been my imagination. "Zhi," she eventually answers. "I…"

Words fail her. She considers things again for another long moment before rising and moving closer to me on the bench. Her arms rise and pull me down into a loose embrace. "Zhi," she mutters into my shoulder. "I must admit that my worries have not been eased."

…out of all the ways this conversation could have gone, this was one I had not even considered. I raise my hand clumsily and pat Daiyu's arm. "I'm… sorry?" I offer. "But I do not think you need to worry. The Eighth Court may be unconventional, but it is simply another court of the Delving Heart. Aside from its organization there is little to separate us from either the Stone Fist or the Court of Preservation. We simply… focus on other aspects of protection."

Daiyu's eyes are wide as she looks up at me. "As far as you know, that could be the case," she allows. "But by your own admission, the organization of your court is shrouded, your mandate is broad enough that it could extend to most anything your Master says it does, and…" She pauses, and her eyes dart to my hand. "...and you still will not tell me how you acquired that ring."

I stare down at the Wandering Estate upon my finger, and my hand clenches into a fist. "I assure you, I have a… very good reason for that," I answer weakly.

"And I am sure that you do," Daiyu answers. Her grip tightens around me and she sighs. "But good reason or not, I… just be careful, Zhi. Please?"

Should… should I hug her back? That feels as if it would be the proper thing to do, but would she really- no. We already talked about this! To continue to doubt would insult both Daiyu and myself. I awkwardly raise an arm and wrap it around Daiyu. "I will do my best," I answer honestly. "I can only be so careful, but I will take all the care I-"

Daiyu sighs and leans down, resting her forehead on my shoulder. "Zhi?"

I pause and glance down at her. "Daiyu?"

"While your honesty and forthrightness are admirable and respectable qualities, when your darling asks you to take care of yourself, it is perfectly acceptable to simply acquiesce."

Despite Daiyu's worries, I cannot help but smile. "Is that what you are? My darling? I had not thought to label-"

Daiyu doesn't move her head from my shoulder, but her voice is dangerously calm. "Are you saying that I am not?" she asks. "Please remember that I both have New Moon close at hand and know that you've not called upon your healing rings recently."

"No, no!" I protest. "I never said that! But if I did, I would not be swayed by any threats involving New Moon. Anything that comes from the workbench of a Jin is no more threatening than a baby bird that has fallen from its nest!"

From Daiyu's belt pouch, Yuebing lets out an offended "Crek!", which only makes my smile grow wider. Before the owlet can truly retaliate for the insult, I am saved by the door to the novice hall swinging open to allow Zhuan Kun to escort the newest member of the Delving Heart out to us. Any further conversations- and Yuebing's no doubt painful vengeance- will have to wait until later.
Our visit to Silverwing Hall is a short, yet fruitful one. Of the twenty-four candidates the school presents us, seven prove to have the spark. The seventeen who fail are beside themselves, with several wandering out of the Hall in despair, but the newest neophytes are gleeful beyond belief. It takes Daiyu and I longer to calm them down than it actually takes to answer their questions.

But soon enough, Clerk Ni has declared our business with Silverwing Hall finished. We are mounted less than four hours after we arrived at the school and are on our way minutes after that. We leave so quickly that I don't even get a chance to say goodbye to Naixin. Zhuan Kun, however, assures me that that is for the best.

"When last I saw," the noble states, a note of admiration in his voice. "Your Senior was in the midst of interrupting the Patriarch's closed door cultivation. Stepping in the midst of that confrontation would be educational, but the rewards…"

Zhuan Kun pauses in thought as he seems to consider what he might gain from intervening in a confrontation between Naixin- who must be at least into the Teacher's Step- and the nameless Patriarch of Silverwing Hall. Eventually, he shakes his head. "The rewards would be great. I do not believe they outweigh the risks, but perhaps we could…"

"I think not," Daiyu interrupts. She steers Sunswift in between Quishu and Zhuan Kun's mare with only her knees, using her hands to grab both of our elbows and tug us along. "If your Senior wishes to speak with you later, Zhi, I am certain he will be able to find you. But right now, we are far too busy to stick our noses into that mess- my deepest apologies. Perhaps you will find an equally destructive way to pass the time in the Summit."

The noble seems to have many answers to that. He does not get the chance to voice them, however. We do, in fact, have more work to do on the road than usual. Unlike previous stops, every candidate from Silverwing Hall was already prepared to leave, and so now the successful candidates trail in our wake. We've been bid to escort them to Jingyi's Summit, where they will find transportation to the sect.

I am certain that the disciples of Silverwing Hall are each individually good people. But together, they form into a disorganized and disobedient mass that is too drunk on its own newly discovered power to properly take orders. Unlike the novices we'd plucked from villages and cities, these school trained disciples have been preparing for years for this, at the very least. Their knowledge and training gives confidence. Frankly, it gives them too much confidence. More than one of our neophyte disciples are going to be treated to a rude awakening when they make it to the Heart; if they don't figure things out quickly, standing in line for their courtyard's Wonder will be the highest position they could hope to reach.

It takes a great effort and more than one glare from my blue-glowing eye to corral them, and even then it only lasts for so long before they forget their fear and begin crowing about their future greatness once more. Several hours of this nonsense is enough to give me a pounding headache, and I have to rub at my temples, steer Quishu, and attempt to keep order all at the same time. It is enough to make me want to leap off of my loamwalker and allow her to go introduce herself to our newest pupils.

The more time passes, however, the less alone I feel in my annoyance. Zhuan Kun looks almost offended by the lack of reverence held by the disciples of Silverwing Hall, and Daiyu seems mere moments from laying into them with the sharp side of her tongue at any moment. Even Clerk Ni, long accustomed to the nonsense of nascent Artists, seems to be gritting his teeth more and more the further we go.

It seems as if the bureaucrat is preparing to finally lose his detached attitude and try to take the neophytes in hand. But before he can unleash his bile, the road before us begins to change. The lush plains of the White Daylight Fields begin to shift beneath our feet, rising and tilting as we begin traversing some hills. They start as gentle slopes that a child could climb before becoming sharper, harsher, and require actual effort to get over. It is not enough to prove a challenge, but it is enough to force the Silverwing Hall disciples to actually focus.

"Finally," Clerk Ni sighs. He seems to relish the new silence before saying, "After this hill, there will be another half dozen or so ridges to crest. Once we make it to the top of the largest one, we will be in sight of our destination. Once we have reached the summit, we will stable our mounts and…"

That is far from the last of the bureaucrat's instructions. He continues on for an interminable amount of time, going into every aspect of our itinerary in Jingyi's Summit. The longer he goes, the more detail he goes into, and the more his voice begins to stop making coherent sense to my ears. It becomes a dull background drone that accompanies our trek across the broad hills, one that dulls my mind and numbs my senses as if my body is trying to defend me by turning my focus inward, away from the omnipresent directions.

…perhaps Clerk Ni could be convinced to attempt again at another time. It would be a powerful cycling aide if used properly, if nothing else.

The monotony induced by the drone ends suddenly as we crest a final hill. It is the largest one we've climbed so far, and from our new vantage point I can see that it is no hill at all. It is a long, curved ridge, one that stretches out as far as the eye can see and wraps around on itself, forming a perfect ring. The other hills we have already climbed spread out behind us like ripples in a pond, forming other, lesser circles that rise and fall until they meet the near wall we now stand on.

There are no hills before us, however. Instead, the ridge slopes downwards into a perfectly flat, level plain covered in the towering grass that has become so familiar to us over the last weeks. The verdant carpet stretches out in an all encompassing tide until it abruptly ends when it meets a wall of flat stone. I crane my neck to look up at the sheer stone wall, searching for the top.

My gaze goes up… and up… and up… and…

"Ancestors above," I breathe out.

Standing in the middle of the field at the center of the series of ridges stands a group of stone pillars that climb until they seem to almost brush the clouds above. Bridges stretch between each pillar, connecting them into a greater mass, and I can faintly see them sway as countless people go about their day. Faint shapes atop the pillars may be buildings, but between the columns of dazzling sun and their sheer height, they are impossible to see much of.

Beside me, Daiyu seems no less dazzled. Her eyes are wide as she guides Sunswift to stand next to Quishu. "I see now why it is known as Jingyi's 'Summit'," she says, to which I can only nod.

Zhuan Kun, on the other hand, seems far less impressed. Still, there is an eagerness to his motions as he guides his mount forward. "Come," he calls us. "We must be quick if we wish to catch the evening lift. Should we miss it, we will have to take the bridge trails, and that takes far longer."

He takes off, and we've no choice but to follow in his wake. We ride straight forward, down the sloping ridge and onto the plains, directly towards the stone pillars of Jingyi's Summit. But as we push through the grass, Zhuan Kun stops abruptly, pulling his mount to a complete halt with a sharp tug of his reins.

When we pull up alongside him, we see what has frozen the noble in his place. Before him stands a figure clad in silver armor, clutching a pristine spear. He stares up at Zhuan Kun, face slack and shocked, before abruptly throwing himself down to one knee. "This soldier greets the young master!" he bellows at the top of his lungs.

Zhuan Kun's eyes grow wide. "Your greeting is-"

Before he can even finish his statement, he is drowned out. Another voice comes from the grass, words echoing in the strange basin left by the ridge. "This soldier greets the young master!" it echoes.

The call is taken up by another soldier, this one further away. "This soldier greets the young master!"

"This soldier greets the young master!" This one is a fainter chorus, ripped from at least half a dozen throats.

Again and again, the greeting is repeated as the soldiers of Jingyi's Summit call out their respect. The trail of calls continues, stretching out across the basin as what must be hundreds of soldiers all call out the same words again and again. It is an almost painful cacophony with no mind paid to speaking with one voice. Instead, the soldiers' words stretch over each other, creating what feels like a solid wall of noise.

And then the call reaches the city itself. "This soldier greets the young master!" comes a faint call from the pillars. It is a call taken up with a will, and it spreads like wildfire.

Within moments, it is as if the heavens themselves have opened and are speaking directly to us. The same words are ripped from hundreds of thousands of throats, all spoken with near reverence, and they echo through the basin like a divine pronouncement.


It shows no sign of letting up anytime soon, and Zhuan Kun turns to look at us. His voice is calm, as if this is a normal, every day occurrence, when he says, "My apologies. This will continue for some time. I would suggest we wait here for a moment to let the initial reaction die down."

Daiyu and I trade a look, and Clerk Ni lets out a pained moan that sounds like " itinerary!"

Well. It seems like Jingyi's Summit has its own plans, and Clerk Ni's schedule will have to adapt.

This leg of the Grand Examination has reached the towering city of Jingyi's Summit! The group will be spending one week here. How does Kong Zhi spend his week in Jingyi's Summit? (Pick Nine! Travel Penalty negated by Immortal Rations!)

Please cast all votes in PLAN FORMAT!
There is a twelve hour moratorium on this vote! There is no voting until twelve hours have passed! If anyone breaks this moratorium, if their vote still stands before it ends, their vote will be disqualified for the round!

Examination Actions

[] Kong Zhi has come to Jingyi's Summit for one purpose and one purpose alone: to test the residents for the Spark. Clerk Ni would never let anyone shirk their duties even if he were so inclined to do so, and now he calls for Kong Zhi's aid. (This counts as 3 Actions.) (This action is mandatory.)
[] Even a city such as Jingyi's Summit has those that will fall through the cracks, or will simply try to avoid being tested. Some hide, some linger, and others may flee the city. Kong Zhi will seek those hard to locate prospects and ensure they have their turn before the testing treasure.

Training Actions
[] Kong Zhi has discovered some talent in the physical arts, but talent is useless if not honed. He will find an empty training field and work on his martial skills.
-[] (Specify Technique Being Trained)
[] The Archives of Jingyi's Summit are vast, well organized, and home to the collected knowledge of thousands of years. There is nothing like a review of the words of the scholars to further one's studies.
-[] (Specify subject of interest. An Investigation Check will determine the results.)
[] The only true way to walk the Path Unending is to cycle the anam of the world. Kong Zhi has his Natural Treasures, but Jingyi's Summit also has half a dozen Natural Wonders carefully guarded and set aside for use by traveling Artists- for a fee, of course.
-[] (Select the Natural Wonder and/or Treasure you will cycle.)
--[] (Select your cycling target (healing, for a technique, for another purpose, etc.))
Circle of the Sky (Sun/Moon/Star/Heavens 100) (Cost: 4 Talents)
Jingyi's Temple (Force/Knowledge/Growth 100) (Cost: 5 Talents)
The Lonely Peak (All Weather Aspects 100) (Cost: 4 Talents)
Steelwind Beach (Steel/Water/Creation 100 (Cost: 3 Talents)
The Throne at the End of the World (Fire/Destruction/Dream 100) (Cost: 6 Talents)

Craftsman Actions
[] Kong Zhi's fingers itch to begin work on a new charm. He shall begin planning one out.
-[] He will begin work on a charm for his own purposes
[] A true charmcrafter always has a ready supply of materials ready to go. It is time to add to the collection.
-[] He will go scavenging for new materials.
-[] He will go hunting for new materials.
-[] He will go seek out new materials in the marketplace.
[] One of his materials is in a form which does not suit it. It must be refined.
-[] (Select which material to refine)
--[] It will be refined with a quick formation (No bonus, no further cost).
--[] It will be refined with an intense formation (+2 dice, costs two actions).
--[] It will be refined with the aid of a charmforge (+5 dice, -1 bronze talent).

Social Actions
[] Jingyi's Summit is Zhuan Kun's home, and as such, the local schools are held to a higher standard. That standard must be enforced, and Zhuan Kun has made it clear that I am welcome to join him if I desire to test my skills.
[] If rumors are to be believed, Jingyi's Summit is home to a not insignificant number of skilled craftsmen, some of whom practice techniques I'm not yet familiar with. Zhuan Kun has volunteered to use his family's name to allow us to tour the Forge District, and Daiyu seems interested in coming along as well.
[] Daiyu has discovered that one of the schools within Jingyi's Summit is home to an order of Spirit Beast tamers and trainers, and she is interested in their methods. She's mentioned that such tips could be helpful for Kukuni as well as Spirit Beasts; I will tag along to see what knowledge I can glean.
[] Zhuan Kun's training regimen was handed down to him by a group of his family members known as the Zhuan Clan Technique Masters. He is visiting them to tweak his skills, and has invited both Daiyu and I to come along for advanced instruction.
[] The return of the Zhuan Clan's Young Master has sparked a festival on the streets of Jingyi's Summit. Whenever it is mentioned, Daiyu stares at me with an intent I would have to be far denser than I am to misread. I will escort her through the festival, and we will have a nice time. [MANDATORY]Optional
[] Rumors are flying on the streets of the Summit about an incident on one of the peaks. It was something about vicious, man eating birds- and that has jarred free a half-forgotten memory. Or perhaps a dream? All I know is that something about vicious birds in Jingyi's Summit strikes a chord. I will investigate it to find out why.

Other Actions
[] Jingyi's Summit is a towering city full of history and wonder. Who knows what secrets and mysteries lie down its lesser paths? It is time to explore the streets and find what there is to be found.
[] Upon Kong Zhi's belt hangs a small hammer inhabited by a Kukuni of Steel named Chui Dao. It seems to be an affable spirit with a passion for beating metal, but there may be more hidden beneath its surface. He will experiment with Chui Dao and see what other secrets hide within its metal.
-[] (Write-In how Kong Zhi will experiment with Chui Dao.)
[] Write-In
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I really like the idea of doing plenty of socials too. They are nice scenes and sometimes lead to good bennies.

Why steel wonder? I forgot what we were cultivating tbh...
[] The return of the Zhuan Clan's Young Master has sparked a festival on the streets of Jingyi's Summit. Whenever it is mentioned, Daiyu stares at me with an intent I would have to be far denser than I am to misread. I will escort her through the festival, and we will have a nice time. [MANDATORY]Optional

Optional... sure, I believe that. (no, not really) Anyway, ALL THE SOCIALS is clearly an option here...

[] Jingyi's Summit is Zhuan Kun's home, and as such, the local schools are held to a higher standard. That standard must be enforced, and Zhuan Kun has made it clear that I am welcome to join him if I desire to test my skills.
[] If rumors are to be believed, Jingyi's Summit is home to a not insignificant number of skilled craftsmen, some of whom practice techniques I'm not yet familiar with. Zhuan Kun has volunteered to use his family's name to allow us to tour the Forge District, and Daiyu seems interested in coming along as well.
[] Daiyu has discovered that one of the schools within Jingyi's Summit is home to an order of Spirit Beast tamers and trainers, and she is interested in their methods. She's mentioned that such tips could be helpful for Kukuni as well as Spirit Beasts; I will tag along to see what knowledge I can glean.
[] Zhuan Kun's training regimen was handed down to him by a group of his family members known as the Zhuan Clan Technique Masters. He is visiting them to tweak his skills, and has invited both Daiyu and I to come along for advanced instruction.
[] The return of the Zhuan Clan's Young Master has sparked a festival on the streets of Jingyi's Summit. Whenever it is mentioned, Daiyu stares at me with an intent I would have to be far denser than I am to misread. I will escort her through the festival, and we will have a nice time. [MANDATORY]Optional
[] Rumors are flying on the streets of the Summit about an incident on one of the peaks. It was something about vicious, man eating birds- and that has jarred free a half-forgotten memory. Or perhaps a dream? All I know is that something about vicious birds in Jingyi's Summit strikes a chord. I will investigate it to find out why.

But I wouldn't mind cutting one of them out to do something else. Maybe some general exploration? I wouldn't mind wandering around this city to find something random!
[] Rockeye Draft Plan
-[] Kong Zhi has come to Jingyi's Summit for one purpose and one purpose alone: to test the residents for the Spark. Clerk Ni would never let anyone shirk their duties even if he were so inclined to do so, and now he calls for Kong Zhi's aid. (This counts as 3 Actions.) (This action is mandatory.)
-[] Even a city such as Jingyi's Summit has those that will fall through the cracks, or will simply try to avoid being tested. Some hide, some linger, and others may flee the city. Kong Zhi will seek those hard to locate prospects and ensure they have their turn before the testing treasure.
-[] Zhuan Kun's training regimen was handed down to him by a group of his family members known as the Zhuan Clan Technique Masters. He is visiting them to tweak his skills, and has invited both Daiyu and I to come along for advanced instruction.
-[] The return of the Zhuan Clan's Young Master has sparked a festival on the streets of Jingyi's Summit. Whenever it is mentioned, Daiyu stares at me with an intent I would have to be far denser than I am to misread. I will escort her through the festival, and we will have a nice time. [MANDATORY]Optional
-[] Rumors are flying on the streets of the Summit about an incident on one of the peaks. It was something about vicious, man eating birds- and that has jarred free a half-forgotten memory. Or perhaps a dream? All I know is that something about vicious birds in Jingyi's Summit strikes a chord. I will investigate it to find out why.

That's 7, and all the social actions I consider mandatory. Two actions can then be allocated to cultivation or more socials.

The more I think about it, the more I do want to try and go above and beyond on the job here... I think we've done a pretty darn good job on this adventure so far, might as well keep being thorough.
Optional... sure, I believe that. (no, not really) Anyway, ALL THE SOCIALS is clearly an option here...

[] Jingyi's Summit is Zhuan Kun's home, and as such, the local schools are held to a higher standard. That standard must be enforced, and Zhuan Kun has made it clear that I am welcome to join him if I desire to test my skills.
[] If rumors are to be believed, Jingyi's Summit is home to a not insignificant number of skilled craftsmen, some of whom practice techniques I'm not yet familiar with. Zhuan Kun has volunteered to use his family's name to allow us to tour the Forge District, and Daiyu seems interested in coming along as well.
[] Daiyu has discovered that one of the schools within Jingyi's Summit is home to an order of Spirit Beast tamers and trainers, and she is interested in their methods. She's mentioned that such tips could be helpful for Kukuni as well as Spirit Beasts; I will tag along to see what knowledge I can glean.
[] Zhuan Kun's training regimen was handed down to him by a group of his family members known as the Zhuan Clan Technique Masters. He is visiting them to tweak his skills, and has invited both Daiyu and I to come along for advanced instruction.
[] The return of the Zhuan Clan's Young Master has sparked a festival on the streets of Jingyi's Summit. Whenever it is mentioned, Daiyu stares at me with an intent I would have to be far denser than I am to misread. I will escort her through the festival, and we will have a nice time. [MANDATORY]Optional
[] Rumors are flying on the streets of the Summit about an incident on one of the peaks. It was something about vicious, man eating birds- and that has jarred free a half-forgotten memory. Or perhaps a dream? All I know is that something about vicious birds in Jingyi's Summit strikes a chord. I will investigate it to find out why.

But I wouldn't mind cutting one of them out to do something else. Maybe some general exploration? I wouldn't mind wandering around this city to find something random!

That lineup hits a lot of the ones I like.
[] Plan Intrigue, Intentions, Innovation, and Ass Kicking
-[] Kong Zhi has come to Jingyi's Summit for one purpose and one purpose alone: to test the residents for the Spark. Clerk Ni would never let anyone shirk their duties even if he were so inclined to do so, and now he calls for Kong Zhi's aid. (This counts as 3 Actions.) (This action is mandatory.)
-[] Even a city such as Jingyi's Summit has those that will fall through the cracks, or will simply try to avoid being tested. Some hide, some linger, and others may flee the city. Kong Zhi will seek those hard to locate prospects and ensure they have their turn before the testing treasure. Kun and Daiyu are invited to help if they wish.
-[] Jingyi's Summit is Zhuan Kun's home, and as such, the local schools are held to a higher standard. That standard must be enforced, and Zhuan Kun has made it clear that I am welcome to join him if I desire to test my skills.
-[] If rumors are to be believed, Jingyi's Summit is home to a not insignificant number of skilled craftsmen, some of whom practice techniques I'm not yet familiar with. Zhuan Kun has volunteered to use his family's name to allow us to tour the Forge District, and Daiyu seems interested in coming along as well.
-[] Zhuan Kun's training regimen was handed down to him by a group of his family members known as the Zhuan Clan Technique Masters. He is visiting them to tweak his skills, and has invited both Daiyu and I to come along for advanced instruction.
-[] The return of the Zhuan Clan's Young Master has sparked a festival on the streets of Jingyi's Summit. Whenever it is mentioned, Daiyu stares at me with an intent I would have to be far denser than I am to misread. I will escort her through the festival, and we will have a nice time. [MANDATORY]Optional
-[] Upon Kong Zhi's belt hangs a small hammer inhabited by a Kukuni of Steel named Chui Dao. It seems to be an affable spirit with a passion for beating metal, but there may be more hidden beneath its surface. He will experiment with Chui Dao and see what other secrets hide within its metal.
--[] (Write-In how Kong Zhi will experiment with Chui Dao.)
---[] Kong Zhi will buy two categories of low-grade materials; those that seem to resonate with Chui Dao and those that he seems to reject. He will then craft rock bottom basic charms as fast as he can, of the minimal quanlity Kong pride and standards will allow, then record the results. Daiyu is invited to come along and participate if she wishes.

Primarily a social plan, but one that also takes the secondary training options for martial arts and crafting that Kun and Daiyu offer, plus a testing plan for exploring Chui Dao some more. Also takes the secondary option to boost anam testing performance.
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[] Plan Wondrous Things
-[] Kong Zhi has come to Jingyi's Summit for one purpose and one purpose alone: to test the residents for the Spark. Clerk Ni would never let anyone shirk their duties even if he were so inclined to do so, and now he calls for Kong Zhi's aid. (This counts as 3 Actions.) (This action is mandatory.)
-[] The only true way to walk the Path Unending is to cycle the anam of the world. Kong Zhi has his Natural Treasures, but Jingyi's Summit also has half a dozen Natural Wonders carefully guarded and set aside for use by traveling Artists- for a fee, of course.
--[] Steelwind Beach (Steel/Water/Creation 100 (Cost: 3 Talents)
---[] Shadow of the Prince
-[] Jingyi's Summit is Zhuan Kun's home, and as such, the local schools are held to a higher standard. That standard must be enforced, and Zhuan Kun has made it clear that I am welcome to join him if I desire to test my skills.
-[] If rumors are to be believed, Jingyi's Summit is home to a not insignificant number of skilled craftsmen, some of whom practice techniques I'm not yet familiar with. Zhuan Kun has volunteered to use his family's name to allow us to tour the Forge District, and Daiyu seems interested in coming along as well.
-[] The return of the Zhuan Clan's Young Master has sparked a festival on the streets of Jingyi's Summit. Whenever it is mentioned, Daiyu stares at me with an intent I would have to be far denser than I am to misread. I will escort her through the festival, and we will have a nice time. [MANDATORY]Optional
-[] Zhuan Kun's training regimen was handed down to him by a group of his family members known as the Zhuan Clan Technique Masters. He is visiting them to tweak his skills, and has invited both Daiyu and I to come along for advanced instruction.
-[] Rumors are flying on the streets of the Summit about an incident on one of the peaks. It was something about vicious, man eating birds- and that has jarred free a half-forgotten memory. Or perhaps a dream? All I know is that something about vicious birds in Jingyi's Summit strikes a chord. I will investigate it to find out why.

This hits everything I want. Spread of social and development actions. I really want to hit at least one foreign Wonder and this seems like a good one for us.
Quick note about the Steel Wonder:
For Shadow of the Prince, Zhi appears to be bottlenecked on Royalty anam, not Steel. The Twice Forged Thicket and the Forged Veins pills provide more than sufficient Steel anam to integrate the technique.
An action could be squeezed in now to save one back at the Heart, but this is going to cost 3 talents.
That said, it would get the technique up to phase 2 meaning we could be sure what the progression is.
No point using the Sceptre or a Forged Veins pill right now. Zhi can sink 32 Steel anam into it before any Royalty is needed. Average roll is for 24.

It may be more useful to spend an action using 2 Spider's Serums and 1 Ache of the Mind to get Warhound's Cry up by 2 phases, as the Resolve increase helps get closer to an increase in Spiritual talent.
Quick note about the Steel Wonder:
For Shadow of the Prince, Zhi appears to be bottlenecked on Royalty anam, not Steel. The Twice Forged Thicket and the Forged Veins pills provide more than sufficient Steel anam to integrate the technique.
An action could be squeezed in now to save one back at the Heart, but this is going to cost 3 talents.
That said, it would get the technique up to phase 2 meaning we could be sure what the progression is.
No point using the Sceptre or a Forged Veins pill right now. Zhi can sink 32 Steel anam into it before any Royalty is needed. Average roll is for 24.

It may be more useful to spend an action using 2 Spider's Serums and 1 Ache of the Mind to get Warhound's Cry up by 2 phases, as the Resolve increase helps get closer to an increase in Spiritual talent.
There's been quite a bit of noise about the importance of sampling different Wonders and potential benefits therein. If it was just a game of anam points value, I would agree, but I think trying out a Wonder at the Summit would be a good idea, and it's at least not a waste of actions. Plus we get to cycle Creation anam.
Given that there wouldn't be much progress to our techniques if we dedicate a handful of actions to Shadow of the Prince or take pills for something else, it may be a good time to go all-in on socials for a turn. It may heal a box of mental stress to refrain from training techniques!

[] Plan: Social Relaxation (Draft)
-[] Kong Zhi has come to Jingyi's Summit for one purpose and one purpose alone: to test the residents for the Spark. Clerk Ni would never let anyone shirk their duties even if he were so inclined to do so, and now he calls for Kong Zhi's aid. (This counts as 3 Actions.) (This action is mandatory.)
-[] Jingyi's Summit is Zhuan Kun's home, and as such, the local schools are held to a higher standard. That standard must be enforced, and Zhuan Kun has made it clear that I am welcome to join him if I desire to test my skills.
-[] If rumors are to be believed, Jingyi's Summit is home to a not insignificant number of skilled craftsmen, some of whom practice techniques I'm not yet familiar with. Zhuan Kun has volunteered to use his family's name to allow us to tour the Forge District, and Daiyu seems interested in coming along as well.
-[] Daiyu has discovered that one of the schools within Jingyi's Summit is home to an order of Spirit Beast tamers and trainers, and she is interested in their methods. She's mentioned that such tips could be helpful for Kukuni as well as Spirit Beasts; I will tag along to see what knowledge I can glean.
-[] Zhuan Kun's training regimen was handed down to him by a group of his family members known as the Zhuan Clan Technique Masters. He is visiting them to tweak his skills, and has invited both Daiyu and I to come along for advanced instruction.
-[] The return of the Zhuan Clan's Young Master has sparked a festival on the streets of Jingyi's Summit. Whenever it is mentioned, Daiyu stares at me with an intent I would have to be far denser than I am to misread. I will escort her through the festival, and we will have a nice time. [MANDATORY]Optional
-[] Rumors are flying on the streets of the Summit about an incident on one of the peaks. It was something about vicious, man eating birds- and that has jarred free a half-forgotten memory. Or perhaps a dream? All I know is that something about vicious birds in Jingyi's Summit strikes a chord. I will investigate it to find out why.
--[] Invite Mei Daiyu
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There's been quite a bit of noise about the importance of sampling different Wonders and potential benefits therein. If it was just a game of anam points value, I would agree, but I think trying out a Wonder at the Summit would be a good idea, and it's at least not a waste of actions. Plus we get to cycle Creation anam.
Yeah, I'm not ruling it a complete waste of time. Just that it isn't anywhere near optimal for getting techniques done.

If people just want to experience the Wonder, then that is a good enough reason to spend the time.
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Hrm, okay what would I want to do? EVERYTHING

[] Kong Zhi has come to Jingyi's Summit for one purpose and one purpose alone: to test the residents for the Spark. Clerk Ni would never let anyone shirk their duties even if he were so inclined to do so, and now he calls for Kong Zhi's aid. (This counts as 3 Actions.)
Cos mandatory.

[] Jingyi's Summit is Zhuan Kun's home, and as such, the local schools are held to a higher standard. That standard must be enforced, and Zhuan Kun has made it clear that I am welcome to join him if I desire to test my skills.
I would like to spend time with ZK again. His other actions don't seem like hanging out. Seems likely to help advance Zhi's use of Hummingbird's Dance.

[] If rumors are to be believed, Jingyi's Summit is home to a not insignificant number of skilled craftsmen, some of whom practice techniques I'm not yet familiar with. Zhuan Kun has volunteered to use his family's name to allow us to tour the Forge District, and Daiyu seems interested in coming along as well.
Unsure on this one. I should be excited, but I'm not feeling it for some reason. Could be a way to get more Pottery skill.

[] Daiyu has discovered that one of the schools within Jingyi's Summit is home to an order of Spirit Beast tamers and trainers, and she is interested in their methods. She's mentioned that such tips could be helpful for Kukuni as well as Spirit Beasts; I will tag along to see what knowledge I can glean.
This makes a lot of sense if we'd like to keep Quishu as well.

[] Zhuan Kun's training regimen was handed down to him by a group of his family members known as the Zhuan Clan Technique Masters. He is visiting them to tweak his skills, and has invited both Daiyu and I to come along for advanced instruction.
This seems like it shouldn't be missed.

[] The return of the Zhuan Clan's Young Master has sparked a festival on the streets of Jingyi's Summit. Whenever it is mentioned, Daiyu stares at me with an intent I would have to be far denser than I am to misread. I will escort her through the festival, and we will have a nice time. [MANDATORY]Optional
A Moment's Respite is still available. It remaining so is entirely optional...

[] Rumors are flying on the streets of the Summit about an incident on one of the peaks. It was something about vicious, man eating birds- and that has jarred free a half-forgotten memory. Or perhaps a dream? All I know is that something about vicious birds in Jingyi's Summit strikes a chord. I will investigate it to find out why.
Kumi action? That said, not sure.

The Wonders don't interest me for cycling, but visiting one to do a charm design could be good. We have Steel, Star and Moon materials. Star and Moon are not Wonders we have access to at the Heart yet.
Oh, and I would like a battery charm. Star works.

I am interested in getting Warhound's Cry done quickly. Resolve is a very useful stat right now, helping with both anam pool and spiritual talent.

Random explore is always interesting too.

We could also consider writing a letter home, or to the Jai twins.
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