The Path Unending (A Cultivation Quest)

trying not to doublepost, but no one comments before I finish an omake so it's out of my hands

Measuring The Weave: Lachesis

I was no stranger to having a decent library of materials available, but ever since I had crafted Hunger's Bounty, I was really starting to feel the pressure of obligation from how extensive the resources I had were becoming. Harvesting spirit beasts or vestiges had gone from selecting one or two choice components, maybe getting to preserve the anam traces of three at the cost of their potency if I sacrificed accuracy for speed… to deconstructing and rendering down enemies into half a dozen decent resources, and a handful of more modest additions, or enhancing in the moment the strength of a material's anam signature by using the blade as a conduit for some of these lesser materials. The versatility and power of a Charmforge was not something I could live without, and refining was still an important part of large projects, but the first time I'd cut through a bunnicorn's Sound-infused floppy ears in order to more completely harvest the Nature/War horn, getting a material at near half again as potent as I suspect it would have been, all whilst in the field and a matter of seconds? My heart near burst with excitement – and probably no small twinge of avarice, were I to be honest with myself.

I was almost too guilty to look around my estate, seeing the weight of excellent materials that it would take many moons to do justice, turning them all into Charms worthy of their quality. Could I perhaps sell some to the market as they are? If my concerns were of the materials not being done justice, releasing them to lesser Charmcrafters would hardly solve that issue, but compared to languishing eternally in my ring, perhaps I could bear to have my fingers prized from my hard-collected treasures-

"Kong Zhi?" A distorted greeting rang out, as Sun Yijun sailed past. A bare twitch of his hands brought him around in a smooth turn, hovering before me with a wide grin, and ignoring the flex of my core was almost trivial at this point. "Brother, I must thank you again for Steward of Heart's Will, they're truly irreplaceable!" He looks fondly upon the liquid metal orb hovering over his shoulder, a diffuse crimson glow marking where the Charm regards him in turn, before returning their attention to the surroundings, the cone sweeping the bushes and twisting some vines way from the wall to peer behind with a brief flex of distant anam. I looked on with pride as Steward of Heart's Will managed to maintain a vigil, listen for further commands both spoken and unconscious, support and transport Sun Yujin, and also use small applications of force anam to erase blindspots, smooth their path, or perform other small tasks as Sun Yujin desires. "Allowing me to perform many more small actions than before allows me to make so much better use of the insights my Core affords me, and the convenience is truly unmatched. Let it never be doubted that the Kong are crafters without peer!"

Rightly so. Elders could perhaps do more than I, at present, but compared to Father's creations, it went without saying. Having more of our work on display would no doubt make those who were too ignorant to have already noticed the Kong talents. "It was but small recompense for the insight you afforded me. Hunger's Bounty," I nodded towards the elegant blade at my hip, "Has improved the resources available to me many times over. You have certainly rendered me aid, brother, and I am simply gladdened to see you favoring the gift I owed you in return."

"Well, the Eighth Court seeks to help its own, even beyond the… particular bond that Elder Siani encouraged us to share. It was nothing more than idle curiosity, brother, and I thank you for indulging." Sun Yujin seemed to hesitate a moment, and was that… forced casualness? "In fact, if you'll permit me to be so bold again – Did you make that Charm?" He gestured at the string of cracked gems on my wrist, Rainbow Eyes still needing repair after my last cycling session.

"Ah, no, that was actually a gift from my honored father, a good luck Charm to begin my path." Although- the reservations at the strange manner of Sun Yijun's excessive politeness and strange verbosity melting into a feigned nonchalance all started to crack beneath the weight of the sudden questions the innocent enquiry conjured up. Why hadn't I thought about Rainbow Eyes as much? And the constant need for refueling made perfect sense as a gift for a neophyte, but with the amount of cycling I currently performed it quickly became overwhelmed. But though I would never approach the elegance and artistry of my Father's works (at least in any sensible time frame) could I not bend my hands to a similar tool more appropriate for my level? In fact, with similar Beauty anam and perhaps a potent source of Mind alongside it, I could surely shape a tool much more resilient to the anam currents of the Soldier and even the Farmer's step, at the very least- "My apologies once again, Brother, I suddenly find myself in need of a trip to the Market-" I hurried out a quick (but no less respectful) bow before trying not to break into a run.

"Worry not, Kong Zhi, I hope I have been helpful once more!"

It was only much later, when I was letting my arms rest from the rigors of carving whalebone for one full cycle of the pillar, that I realised I would need to make Sun Yijun something pretty spectacular in exchange for this one.
Heh. just noticed something.
A bid rings out from Su Ali's box and the auctioneer spins again. "Forty Five! I hear Forty Five from the Whispering Jackal! Do I hear Fifty? Fifty Gold for-"
I wonder if that bid will stand.

Pity, until I checked I thought the only bid made was Zhuan Kun's 40, which would have been amusing.
Last edited:

You dog. You got me there :(

my least favourite part, which is the moment I realised that what I thought was a really cool and inventive worldbuilding term to use instead of 'qi'/'chi' was actually just 'mana' backwards

So there was some discussion with Ves wether this was intentional. He says no complete coincidence, but we have a lot of distrust on that. It did kinda feel like a dad joke we all have to take seriously now.

I've enjoyed seeing everyone come into their own, and Kong Zhi's initial frosty bearing turn into a much healthier approach to others without needing to lose any of his pride or drive. Keeping him very recognisably the same person whilst changing such a core feature and not sacrificing anything to do it? Impressive.

He's just such a real boy! A nerd who's doing his best. I like that he has a loving family as a protagonist. It's often easier to just kill the family or have only one family member, because connections and familial pressure is sometimes hard to write.
But Zhis family loves him and they want the best for him. They want him to succeed and be happy, yeah in the family business, but how he does it is up to him.
(I am in strong denial that Shuren WILL NOT die)
240. Goodbye, Honeydrenched Hills
A/N: A big thanks to the 39 people who have pledged to me on Patreon! If you'd like to join them, you can do so here. Or, if you'd like to support me without the monthly commitment, you can buy me a cup of Ko-Fi here.
Out of all the stars in the sky, it is possible that those that make up the Ivory Ferryman constellation are thought of the least.

Four stars make up the boat the Ferryman stands in, two form his oar, and the last three represent his head, bent elbow, and hand. Unlike most constellations, those stars are seldom seen together. The boat comes and goes with the night, but the oar only emerges when the sky is at it's blackest, and the Ferryman himself tends to only make an appearance during the month of the Winter's Moon. All in all, it is quite easy for all but the most dedicated of stargazers to forget that the Ivory Ferryman even exists.

But even if the stars burned in the sky at all hours of the night and day, most would try to push the Ferryman from their mind. The Ivory Ferryman is… he is not the happiest of constellations, at least among Artists. The old legends say that the Ivory Ferryman is the one who carries lost souls across the sea of stars and into the waiting embrace of the Ancestors. The sea of stars has many ways it can be crossed, it is said and for the Seated, whose journey across that sea is governed by fate and karma, the Ferryman is well regarded. But to any who walk the Path Unending, the very idea that one would need help- no, need to be carried- beyond the stars is a chilling one.

After all, that is the journey it is said an Artist takes when they ascend. To rely on the Ivory Ferryman is to acknowledge weakness, to content oneself with mediocrity, to stop making their own Path and allow the Heavens to dictate where one plants their feet. It is no surprise that the Ivory Ferryman is spoken of sparingly, if at all.

But his stars shine brightly through the Fractal View. I've no choice but to heed their wisdom. The Autumn Hunter vanishes as pieces fly from the charm, guided into their new homes by twelve and then ten fingers. The ruby skin I've grown so accustomed to begins to pale, fading the red of poppies and then the faintest of pinks before losing its hue all together.

My skin is far from the only aspect of my body to change beneath the ministrations of the Fractal View. My fingers, now looking so alone without their extra comrades, lengthen an extra half inch and begin to itch as a new joint forms at the end. The itching carries on up my arms, molding my skin to my body and revealing new muscle definition. A tingling sensation erupts in my face as my jaw seems to square and my ears curve towards my skull. A dark fringe falls in front of my eyes; it takes a moment for it to register that it's my hair. I reach up to tuck the now-dark strands behind my ear, but find little resistance. Instead my hair removes itself from my face, floating upon a current only it can see.

As my hand comes down, it seems to shine with a pale, winter's blue. Wait, no- my skin remains lily white, but it has captured the shining azure glow now radiating from my right eye.

And then finally there are no more pieces left to reassemble. The light from my eye illuminates the Ivory Ferryman, captured in its entirety within the now-shimmering blue confines of the Fractal View.

New Form added to the Fractal View: The Ivory Ferryman!
Form of the Ivory Ferryman
Kong Zhi's skin turns a pale ivory white and contracts, clinging to newfound musculature. His hair thins to the point where it blows back in even the lightest breeze and becomes jet black. His fingers lengthen to accommodate a fourth joint. Kong Zhi's eyes become an icy, neon blue, and the right leaves a trail of light in the air behind it if not covered.

Cost: 10% of Kong Zhi's maximum threshold on activation and 10% to maintain (if Kong Zhi's anam ever drops below 10% of his maximum threshold, Fractal View ceases to function until activated again.)

Stat Bonuses: +1 Con, +1 Wit, +1 Cha

Effect: While Fractal View is active, the effects of 'The Gifts of Tiaoyue' are suppressed. King Zhi cannot use either the Talon of Remembrance or Raptor Foot techniques while this form is active. While the form of the Ivory Ferryman is active, Kong Zhi gains the following trait:

Form of the Ivory Ferryman: Through the power of the Fractal View and Kong Zhi's own ingenuity, the monstrous gifts of the blood Kukukni Tiaoyue have been washed away by the form of the Ivory Ferryman. While the form of the Ivory Ferryman is active, Kong Zhi may render himself intangible for a fraction of an instant at a moment's thought. Out of combat, each second spent intangible costs one point of anam. In combat, becoming intangible is more taxing, and instead inflicts escalating points of mental stress towards Kong Zhi's damage threshold, with the first use costing one point which then doubles each subsequent use during the same combat encounter. While intangible, Kong Zhi is immune to Warrior, Archer, Defender, Monk, and Sage techniques.

The sensations of the Ivory Ferryman wash over me in waves. Even as the Autumn Hunter's strength flees my muscles, they feel more solid. As my-

A gasp of astonishment interrupts my contemplation and I belatedly realize that I am still standing in the middle of the Twelve Winds. Perhaps I could have waited a few moments and picked a better place to allow inspiration to have its head.

The next several moments pass in a blur. I'm bundled from the Twelve Winds almost before I realize what's happening. Daiyu walks alongside me, one hand on my elbow as she guides me through the wild throng of auction-goers, all of whom are practically frantic as the events of the last several hours catch up to us all. Those unfortunate few who Daiyu cannot navigate around are nearly trampled underfoot by Zhuan Kun, who was apparently being very polite the last time he broke through a crowd. Today, he shows no such restraint.

His eyes are not firmly fixed before him, however. The noble keeps glancing back over his shoulder, making sure that Daiyu and I are still sheltered behind him. I catch his eye and offer him a smile and a nod, receiving the same in return. When Zhuan Kun looks for similar reassurance from Daiyu, all he receives is a fond sigh as she uses her free hand to point to the street before him, as if telling him where he should truly focus his attention.

"Clerk Ni should still be busy with… whatever his business involves," Daiyu hisses, her low urgent voice cutting through the noise of the evening crowds. "So we should have a few more hours before duty reclaims us. Zhi, go directly to bed once we return to the Candle. Do not train, cycle, experiment with your charms, or do anything but sleep. You need rest, Zhi."

I cannot help but arch an eyebrow at her. She flinches back and I belatedly realize that I've just hit her directly in the face with winter light. A flick of my wrist reconjures Ta Riou's gift. I press it back in place and mouth an apology at my friend before responding. "But Matron," I answer, the mockery coming easily to my tongue. "I am not tired. Are you certain I cannot stay up just a bit longer?"

Daiyu's stern gaze makes my mirth shrivel into nothingness. "No. No you cannot."

"Your body may not currently register it, but you are currently exhausted," comes Zhuan Kun's stern interjection from in front of us. "You have spent the last several hours utilizing a variety of techniques while racing to deduce the culprit of a crime, all while fueled by reinforced wine. Soon, your body will finish burning through the energy granted by that wine. You will require rest."

"We all will," Daiyu adds. She shoots a glare at Zhuan Kun's back. "That includes you, Lord."

"Of course. A weapon must be honed to keep its edge, and its wielder must maintain their own wellbeing to use that edge. I will stand guard while the two of you regain your energy, but afterwards-"

"No!" Daiyu hisses. "No delays. You are being held aloft by spirits almost as much as Zhi is! We are going straight to our rooms and sleeping!"

"That is an exaggeration," Zhuan Kun argues. "My technique usage was far more restrained."

The two bicker incessantly as we cut through the Honeydrenched Hills on the way to the Ivory Candle. In truth, it seems a bit much. It is not as if I am going to fall flat on my face the moment they let me go. I've taken the Soldier's Step; it is not uncommon to stay awake for a week straight without ill effect. An afternoon spent racing the clock in order to-

My feet bump into each other and I nearly pitch forward onto my skull. Only Daiyu's hands on my arm and Zhuan Kun reaching back to steady me keeps me upright.

…perhaps they have a point. I return my focus to my feet, and on keeping them moving forward.

The Hills fly by around us and soon, a familiar street takes its place beneath my sandals. Zhuan Kun steers us into the hearth of the Ivory Candle and then directly up the stairs. I am not certain who's room he leads us to, but I fall upon the bed to find it soft and comfortable- and crowded, when Daiyu and Zhuan Kun both throw themselves upon the mattress with no regard for propriety.

As sleep reaches out and grasps me with its sharp talons, I cannot say I find myself caring over much.

Relationship Change: Zhuan Kun +1(2: Friend)! Mei Daiyu +1(4: Ally)!
I wake the next morning in a confused tangle of limbs and robes to the sound of heavy pounding on the door. "Disciple Zhuan!" Clerk Ni's reedy voice bellows, echoing through the Candle with a strength that makes it hard to believe that the bureaucracy is truly Seated. "Disciple Kong! Disciple Mei! You may laze about on your own time, but for now your time belongs to His Imperial Glory!"

A groan echoes near my ear and I turn slightly, finding Zhuan Kun's emerald eyes blinking blearily at me from less than an inch away. Something beneath me rustles and moves. I look down, finding Daiyu attempting to stretch and finding her arm pinned beneath my stomach. She stares up at me without seeing, amethysts still clouded by sleep.

…somehow, it is very reassuring to find that neither Daiyu nor Zhuan Kun rises from the mattress looking utterly perfect. Still, they are quite a sight to wake next to in the-

My mind stutters and crashes as the reality of my sleeping situation settles in on me. Did- what- why- I- I force my mind back to coherence and croak out the first complete thought that forms. "Did Clerk Ni wake before us?" I manage to get out.

Daiyu's eyes widen. Zhuan Kun's spine stiffens. And the three of us erupt into chaotic motion before another heartbeat has passed.

The chaos carries us through our morning routines and down the stairs. Clerk Ni stands with a foot tapping in annoyance, eyes alight with malicious glee as he watches us race into the common room. "For once, it is I that-" Clerk Ni's gloating cuts off abruptly as he finally registers my appearance. He scans me up and down, mouth falling open before he closes it with an audible clicking noise. "Disciple Kong, may I presume that you have altered your form?"

"Um, yes, sir," comes my awkward response. One hand reaches up to rub at the back of my head. "My apologies for any surprise. Yesterday was an eventful day."

Clerk Ni does not look away from me. He does not even blink. He only nods absently and repeatedly, as if he means to nod only once but keeps forgetting that he has done so. "Yes, I suspected as much," he answers. "Though I perhaps did not truly recognize how eventful it was. Tell me, is this change a permanent one?"

I reach down and cradle the Fractal View. A smile forces its way across my face as the warm prism practically vibrates with power against my palm. "It is not," I answer. "With time, I can reconfigure my charm to allow me to return to my prior appearance."

Clerk Ni considers that for a moment. "Very well," he states. "If you plan to change, do so later. The day has begun and time waits for no soul beneath the sun, and we are already wasting enough time."

He lets out a long sigh. "And we will be wasting more." The bureaucrat jerks a thumb at a table off to the side. "The three of you have a visitor. Conclude your business quickly, lest the best mounts be gone before we've a chance to claim them."

I turn and follow his gaze to see Sen Lui sitting at the table. Her spine is as straight as an arrow, and an untouched mug of something that has grown cold sits on the table before her. She meets Clerk Ni's eyes and jerks into a sharp bow before turning to us and repeating the gesture. "Lord Zhuan, Lord Kong, Lady Mei, my apologies for delaying your departure. Clerk Ni, thank you once again for indulging this humble messenger."

Clerk Ni snorts and crosses his arms. "Just hurry this along. Should this drag on too long, His administration will need far more generous support."

"Of course. I will endeavor to conclude our business with all haste. Your appreciation will not go unnoticed, and His administration will be supported as it deserves," Sen Lui answers without blinking.

Clerk Ni turns away, seemingly mollified by the promise. That is as good a cue as any, and the three of us move towards the Sen guard. I trade glances with my friends, both of whom seem content to fall back and allow me to take the lead. "Sen Lui," I greet her. "Is all well with the Twelve Winds?"

Sen Lui's eyes grow slightly wider, but she closes them and chokes out a laugh. ", Lord Kong. No it is not. But matters would be far worse without your aid- without all of your aid. I have been sent here by Lord Tuzhen and Lady Woliu to offer my thanks and express the appreciation of the entire Sen Clan."

"Just Sen Tuzhen and Sen Woliu?" Daiyu interjects wryly. "Does Sen Choliu also not wish to offer his thanks?"

The Sen guard very pointedly does not address Daiyu's comment. Instead, she stands and turns to face us directly before dropping to her knees with a heavy thud. "Before anything else," she states, bowing so low that her hair brushes the floor. "Please allow me to express my gratitude. You did not need to involve yourselves at all in our matters, yet you did. Because of that, my Lord has a future- has a life this morning, and my cousin may rest with the Ancestors knowing his murder was avenged. So… thank you, Disciples. From the very bottom of my heart, thank you."

Daiyu stares down at Sen Lui, face unreadable, as Zhuan Kun seems almost lost in thought. For my part, the whole thing feels… honestly, quite uncomfortable. Heat blooms on my face and I reach down to attempt to help Sen Lui to her feet. "That is not necessary," I answer. "Your gratitude is appreciated, but-"

"It is quite necessary," comes Sen Lui's muffled voice as she presses her forehead to the floor, resisting my pull. "You may not truly realize what you have prevented, but this is the absolute least I can do. If that thing had escaped, Daefant would not have been the only Sen to lose his life last night. Were Lord Tuzhen here, he would insist on doing the same. As he is currently still entangled at the auction house, I am privileged enough to do so in his stead."

The guard looks up and glances from Daiyu to Zhuan Kun before looking back to me, eyes boring deep into my own. "Should you ever require anything from this humble Sen Lui- anything- it would be my duty, my honor, and my privilege to assist you."

"Thank you," I mumble awkwardly, one hand idly combing through my new cloud of hair. What else can I really say?

Thankfully I need not think of anything. After another five heartbeats of bowing, Sen Lui climbs back to her feet and reaches into her belt sash. "Of course, this Sen Lui's gratitude and even that of Lord Tuzhen alone would be miserly recompense. I have been tasked with rewarding you appropriately, and reward you I shall. But first-" A small stone token sits in her palm, which she presses, releasing a small flood of objects. "-in the tumult surrounding yesterday, you left without claiming your purchases. Lord Tuzhen bid me to gather them and deliver them to you post-haste."

A ghost of a smile crosses Sen Lui's face. "I also took the liberty of packaging them. Worry not- there is no additional charge."

The joke escapes us as Daiyu, Zhuan Kun, and I all pour through the pile of goods Sen Lui has released. Zhuan Kun shoulders a single large burden which must contain the Warden's Key, while Daiyu and I divide a dozen small parcels. Daiyu takes several pill chutes and an odd beehive hanging from a handle, which she inspects carefully before tucking away. Meanwhile, the Estate seems to grow heavier as I tuck case after case of carefully organized pills and elixirs within it. They are followed by the tome and clay I purchased from the catalog for experimentation, as well as the extremely hideous pot that Wu Ashin spoke of.

…the pot does not contain Dawn Over the Desert. I check it carefully and cannot find even the least grain of sand.

My disappointment is blunted when I find a heavy case seemingly hewn of black glass. I flip it open to find a full four dozen bones awaiting me, all etched with twining, foreign glyphs. In the center sits the large hooked skull of the Sorrowborne Guardian. I glance over to Sen Lui who nods eagerly at me. "The appraisers and experts worked through the night to ensure it was in optimal condition. You may rest assured that it is in perfect working order."

Excellent. I flip the case closed and allow the charm to vanish to the Estate, practically vibrating at the thought of unlocking the guardian's secrets. How does it even function?! I cannot wait to find out.

Acquired: The Sorrowborne Guardian!
The Sorrowborne Guardian (Totem)
Traveler Charm 4 (Raven 35/Wind 20/Rage 8)
Trigger Cost: 1 Anam
Before this charm is used, it must be primed by cycling 50 anam of any aspect into it. Once it is ready, it can be triggered for the above anam cost by the individual whose anam has primed it. Once active, the Sorrowborne Guardian will mirror the user, adding its physical and spiritual weight to their actions. It adds +3d10 to any physical or mental skill check. This can be triggered as a free action, and can be activated 14 times before it must be recharged.

This charm has hidden functions. These functions require further investigation to reveal.

This charm is not primed. 0 uses remaining.
"Of course," Sen Lui continues. "Simply giving you what was already paid for would be no reward at all. Sen Woliu further bid me to give all of you one of these." She focuses, and a breeze begins to blow in the Ivory Candle's common room. Three small wooden boxes float from Sen Lui's stasis ring, and one drops in each of our hands. The gale dies down almost as quickly as it erupted, leaving Daiyu staring at Sen Lui with an unimpressed look painted on her features.

"Was that truly necessary?"

"It was," Sen Lui answers shamelessly. "It is the traditional way to pass along these rewards. Please, open them." My curiosity piqued, I do as bid. Within the stone box, atop plush blue velvet lining, sits a token the color of an overcast sky. Next to it, in small divots, sit ten oblong pills, each a clear membrane stretched over what appears to be a whirling windstorm.

I look up from the reward to Sen Lui. "What is this?"

The guard stares at the open box for an endless moment. A fond, almost nostalgic smile grows on her face and she glances at Daiyu and Zhuan Kun's now open parcels, watching both of them reveal identical contents. "Disciples of the Heart, as thanks for your deeds, you have been granted an honor that few outside the Clan have ever earned: admission into the Worldstream."

Daiyu stares down at the box and then looks up at Sen Lui, a question on her face. "The Worldstream?" she echoes. "That sounds… familiar."

Daiyu's words are enough to jar my memory, and Sen Lui's words click into place. "Wait, yes, that is familiar. Is that not the wind technique your clan uses to lift things?"

"Amongst other uses, yes," Sen Lui answers. She looks almost maternal as she crosses her arms and nods proudly at the tokens. "The Worldstream is a technique innovated and honed by Sen Hoyh, our most revered ancestor, millenia ago. Through it, we release anam into the air around us and bend it to our will. The wind becomes another set of arms in the hands of a competent user, and its applications are innumerable. The Worldstream is the core to the Sen library, and to master it is to prove that one is ready to be named a full member of the Clan."

"And," she adds, lowering her voice as if to underscore the importance of her next words. "It has rarely been allowed in the hands of those outside the Clan. The three of you are the first not of the blood in centuries to gain use of the Worldstream, and the first in nearly eight hundred years to do so honorably."

Technique Gained: The Worldstream!
Worldstream (INT 2)
Traveler Technique 3 (Wind 18)
Cost: 1 Anam
Current Phase: 0/5 (LOCKED)
Description: The Artist bends the wind around them to their will, forcing it to do their bidding.
"You have all you need to fully integrate the Worldstream," Sen Lui continues. "Next to the token, you've a half-score doses of Summit Air. Our refiners are constantly honing its recipe and have pushed it to new potency. These doses are more than enough to allow you to reach full integration."

Acquired: Summit Air (Grade 4 Wind Pill)x10!

The wind gathers around Sen Lui's feet once more, forming the shadow of a vortex in the air around her. "The Worldstream can be an obtuse technique," she admits. "It can rise to formidable heights on its own, but its full potential only comes out when used in harmony with the Worldstreams of others. One of you on your own with a fully integrated technique will be able to knock over a horse. All three of you will be able to flatten a full stable."

"Should you have any other questions about the Worldstream," Sen Lui states. "You may consider any Sen at your disposal. Young Master Xuetai will soon walk the tunnels of the Delving Heart. He would be more than pleased to aid you in any way possible."

Does Sen Xuetai know that he has volunteered to teach me the Worldstream technique? This seems like something he may not be fully aware of. It does not bear thinking about; he will be made aware regardless. "My thanks, Sen Lui," I reply. "I am honored to receive such a reward. It will be a worthy addition to my technique array."

"I am certain it will," comes the response. "But let us speak of that array, if we may. Lord Tuzhen noticed that though your techniques and skills are broad and diverse, not all of them are being utilized to their fullest extent. Is there perhaps-"

From behind us, Clerk Ni clears his throat. I glance back to see him tapping his foot as if stomping the ground into submission. "Sometime today, hm?"

Sen Lui sighs. "Of course. In the interests of time, I will be quick."

Her wrist twitches again, but this time no parcel falls from her stasis ring. Instead, a small azure card falls from thin air. Sen Lui catches it gingerly and holds it to the light, seeming to inspect it for any minute imperfection. Finding none, she hands it to me.

The card is indeed the color of the afternoon sky, but it is far from empty. As I look at it, white cotton clouds stream across its surface as if carried by a strong wind. They bend and twist beneath the imaginary wind before being blown off of the card, with new clouds taking its place. I stare blankly at it, enjoying the imagery, before looking back to Sen Lui. "May I ask-"

But the next words spoken do not come from Sen Lui. They come when Zhuan Kun marches up behind me and stares wide-eyed at the card. He looks from the card to Sen Lui and back again before breathing out a sharp snort. His eyes narrow and he nods once. "Acceptable," he proclaims. Then he turns and moves back to Daiyu, inaudible words passing between them.

…whatever this is, Zhuan Kun seems to think it a satisfactory reward. That… ancestors above, what did Sen Lui just hand me?!

"Kong Zhi," the guard states in a low tone. "Your aid was beyond anything we could have asked or hoped for. As such, it has been decreed by no less than Lady Woliu herself that you be given this: the Blue Skies Card."

I mouth the name along with Sen Lui but say nothing further, allowing her to explain. "Holders of the Blue Skies Card are honored and respected by the Sen more than any words can truly convey. You may present it at any business owned by the Clan or any associated family, and your needs will be met. This includes anything from the Twelve Winds itself to any small outpost- including the one that will be set up outside of the Delving Heart."

Sen Lui considers her words carefully before shrugging and speaking her mind. "You need resources, Kong Zhi, resources that are not easily attainable. You will need pills, elixirs, techniques, charms, materials, perhaps even channel maps. Simply present the Blue Skies Card and whatever you need, if it is within our power to attain, will be yours."

I feel as if the slightest use of a Worldstream would knock me over. This… this is a frankly insane promise. Whatever I need? With no limits? I… this is far too much. "I cannot accept this, Sen Lui," I answer. "I did not seek Sen Daefant's killer for reward, and so-"

"Yet it is a reward well earned," Sen Lui answers. Her eyes are hard as she states, "Or do you not think avenging my cousin's life is worth reward?"

There is no good way for me to answer that, so I change tacts. "It is too much," I repeat. "My family… the Kong way is for every disciple to find their own resources when creating their foundation. Only once the groundwork has been laid will the Clan assist us in walking our Path. I cannot accept this."

"Why not?" Sen Lui answers. "Have you not earned these resources with your own power? Did you not find a murderer that would have eluded Artists hundreds of years your Senior? Kong Zhi, this is no charity. You deserve this, and you are taking the Blue Skies Card."

…well. It seems I am taking the Blue Skies Card.

Trait Gained: The Blue Skies Card! Kong Zhi has earned the Blue Skies Card, a reward granted only to those the Sen hold in high esteem. He may present the Blue Skies Card to any Sen establishment along with a list of requests. The requests will be granted at the start of the next week. Obscure or expensive resources may not be available to the Sen, or they may only provide them in limited quantities or with a cost.

Sen Lui does not linger long after handing out our rewards. After only a moment more to ensure that I have cycled anam through the Blue Skies Card, she is gone in a cloud of gratitude. Clerk Ni does not hesitate for a moment once the Sen guard retreats; the four of us are out of the Ivory Candle and on the roads of Honeydrenched Hills.

I drop back to walk alongside Zhuan Kun. "You said that the Blue Skies Card is acceptable. Is it truly that grand a reward?"

"It is," the noble states bluntly. "All of the premier merchant families in the Empire have their own exclusive card they offer as only the grandest reward, and the majority of those families have come to an accord with each other. The guard said that with this card, you would get the Sen's resources. It seems more likely that you will gain those, as well as the resources of every family with the power to offer a card of their own."

"Oh," comes my lacking response. "Are there many such families?"

Zhuan Kun shakes his head from side to side. "No," comes his curt response. "There are six families of such prominence- seven, I suppose, now that the Sen are offering their own card."

"I see," I reply. So it is a grand reward, but not one likely to truly-

Zhuan Kun's hand twitches, and the satchel containing his scrolls from Yi Tai emerges once again. He rifles through it as we walk and finally retrieves one labeled 'Economic Power and Its Uses'. The scroll flies open immediately as Zhuan Kun reads through it. Within seconds, he is tucking it away again. "The previous six families have some hand in approximately seventy percent of all trade that happens within the Radiant Empire," he states casually. "With the Sen, that number is expected to be closer to eighty percent."

His piece said, Zhuan Kun pulls forward, leaving me staring blankly at the space he once stood in.

Alright, so perhaps Sen Lui was not overstating the reward. What was it she said? Pills, Elixirs, Charms, Materials, anything I needed? Mine with a quick flash of the Blue Skies Card- and not just at Sen businesses. At businesses owned by one of seven families that control eighty percent of the trade in the Empire. It is… I tuck the Blue Skies Card away in the Estate, vowing to consider the ramifications it will bring later, when I have the time to ponder such things.

Though time has proven to be in short supply lately. Since arriving at the Honeydrenched Hills, it has been one thing after another. First it was the demands of guarding Clerk Ni. Then it was the disciples of the Rose Triumphant, and later the Seated Who Stood. If that was not a challenge on its own, there was also the horror that was the Honeydrenched Hills Archive, the sheer unadulterated euphoria of finally integrating the Elegant Plume, and the threat that was the journey into the Garden of Beasts alongside the Foemaster.

And that does not even begin to address the murder at the Twelve Winds.

It has been… Honeydrenched Hills has been a lot. In truth, it does not feel like the same person is walking from its hills that walked into them. A great deal has happened, and we have not been untested, unchallenged, or unchanged.

Skill Up! Perform (Storytelling) +1, Diplomacy +1, Intimidate +1, Perception +2, Investigation +3, Composure +3!

But it is over. At long last, this eternal week is finally, blessedly over. Now we can get on the road, where the worst thing we must deal with are villages that are too happy to see us, curious Spirit Beasts, and-

I glance up as I barely keep myself from walking directly into Zhuan Kun's back. I look over his shoulder to find that we've reached our destination: the same stable we stopped at upon our arrival. Clerk Ni walks to the counter and presents his seal of authority to the groom. "We need the four freshest mounts at your disposal, immediately."

The groom does not seem to notice him. She is staring directly at me. A broad smile crosses her face and she lets out a shriek of unbridled glee. "Master!" she calls over her shoulder. "Master! He is here and leaving! Quickly! Saddle the beast!"

The groom looks at me with something approaching pity. "You will be pleased to find," she states. "That your prior mount is currently stabled. She has remained so since you left her here, in fact."

A bloodcurdling bray fills the air, and the groom's smile widens. "She has missed you."

-and Quishu. On the road, we will most certainly have to be wary of Quishu.

As the mounts are saddled, Clerk Ni is deciding upon the heading. What route will the expedition take as they venture from Honeydrenched Hills south to Jingyi's Summit?
[] [ROUTE] Directly south, hugging the Brightmaple Foothills. It is by far the fastest route, and should deliver us to Jingyi's Summit without undue delay.
[] [ROUTE] Southwest, through the White Daylight Fields. It is a longer, more circuitous route, but it will be a pleasant one that promises to weave through the majority of the villages west of the Brightmaples.
[] [ROUTE] West then south, along the coast of the Emberflow Abyss. This is the longest route and will partially be via boat, but takes us far from most mapped locations.

Once Kong Zhi becomes accustomed to the saddle, he finds himself with a moment of free time which he could use to rearrange the Fractal View. Which form does Kong Zhi choose to take over the next leg of his journey?
[] [FORM] The Autumn Hunter
[] [FORM] The Ivory Ferryman
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An Update on Mental Stress
Important Mechanics Update:

Individual Mental Stress points will heal, like Physical Stress, down to the next full box. A filled Mental Stress box will not heal on its own, though can be healed with a low impact week.

Any action that takes place in a week that involves the use of anam, eliminates the possibility for that to become a low impact week.
@Vesvius, some errors for you:

Technique Gained: The Worldstream!
[SPOILERS=Worldstream]Worldstream (INT 2)
Traveler Technique 3 (Wind 18)
Cost: 1 Anam
Current Phase: 0/5 (LOCKED)
Description: The Artist bends the wind around them to their will, forcing it to do their bidding.
"You have all you need to fully integrate the Worldstream," Sen Lui continues. "Next to the token, you've a half-score doses of Summit Air. Our refiners are constantly honing its recipe and have pushed it to new potency. These doses are more than enough to allow you to reach full integration."

This spoiler is broken.
Skill Up! Perform (Storytelling) +1, Diplomacy +1, Intimidate +1, Perception +2, Investigation +3, Composure +3!

Zhi's character sheet only shows composure of 2, which is impossible given that you've given us +3. I haven't checked the others; I don't know the previous values.
Great update!

And the rewards are really quite good. That Blue Card may be very, very valuable for us in getting resources to keep on advancing, or just for fun. The technique is also interesting, and I'm glad that we got the pills we needed to advance it!
Relationship Change: Zhuan Kun +1(2: Friend)! Mei Daiyu +1(4: Ally)!
We got a lot of nice rewards just now, but this was one of the nicer ones. For that matter, Zhuan Kun and Mei Daiyu also seem to be getting along better now; even their bickering sounded more friendly.

[X] [ROUTE] Southwest, through the White Daylight Fields. It is a longer, more circuitous route, but it will be a pleasant one that promises to weave through the majority of the villages west of the Brightmaples.
Diversion aside, we still have a job to do. We're not going to the next place just to get there ASAP, nor are we taking the long way just to take the long way. Our mission is to visit as many population centers as possible, so the obviously correct path is the one that hits every village along the way. We'll get there when we get there.

[X] [FORM] The Ivory Ferryman
The new form could use some breaking in.
Hunger withing... That is a lot, fitting for avenging a family member in a way. And a Wind Technique to boot!
WE avenged a family member vindicated a major player of the family, and killed an eldritch gribble that was hidden in plain sight while also ensuring no other Sen were killed. CY was good enough it took a Warlord to notice him on average. Like his corpse alone might well be a major lot.
Great update, all the rewards are amazing. Economics be-gone! No more stressing over sect points or our monthly allowance.

Now on the votes

[X] [ROUTE] Directly south, hugging the Brightmaple Foothills. It is by far the fastest route, and should deliver us to Jingyi's Summit without undue delay.
Speeeeed. Also, I want to get to the Heart

[X] [FORM] The Ivory Ferryman
Use the new cool thing.
Gosh Kong has to be so weird, just form changing like that. It's been so long, I know the blood Kukukni basically cursed us with a raptor arm and eye, but how and why did that happen again? And I know we've taken to learning new forms to get to something at least more approaching human/less disfigured, but man even Ivory Ferryman seems inhuman in a way. I wonder if we'll ever gain the ability to just be in a "base" human form again without having to rely on forms...

Thanks for the Chapter! We sure got a ton of rewards and skill ups.

[X] [FORM] The Ivory Ferryman

[X] [ROUTE] West then south, along the coast of the Emberflow Abyss. This is the longest route and will partially be via boat, but takes us far from most mapped locations.

We just became the Ferryman, how could we not go on a boat! hehehe
[X] [ROUTE] Southwest, through the White Daylight Fields. It is a longer, more circuitous route, but it will be a pleasant one that promises to weave through the majority of the villages west of the Brightmaples.
[X] [FORM] The Ivory Ferryman

I want to get some use out of the new form, maybe some sparring with ZK.
[X] [ROUTE] Southwest, through the White Daylight Fields. It is a longer, more circuitous route, but it will be a pleasant one that promises to weave through the majority of the villages west of the Brightmaples.
[X] [FORM] The Ivory Ferryman

I want us to spar with Zhuan Kun with the new Danny Phantom form, and for Daiyu to have to deal with a new kind of bishie Kong Zhi
Wow, our reward is another technique to integrate? :(

Just kidding. Worldstream definitely looks like a versatile technique, and is fittingly completely different from all of our other techniques. Also good thing we got that Card, because now we can guzzle pills like a true xianxia protagonist to integrate our techniques.

Looking forward to investigating the pot and Guardian the first chance we get.

[X] [ROUTE] Southwest, through the White Daylight Fields. It is a longer, more circuitous route, but it will be a pleasant one that promises to weave through the majority of the villages west of the Brightmaples.

Seems like a good compromise in terms of length and most useful in terms of actually finding candidates.

[X] [FORM] The Autumn Hunter

I'm sorry, an extra action is just too useful, even if intangibility is dope.

It's been so long, I know the blood Kukukni basically cursed us with a raptor arm and eye, but how and why did that happen again?
Because that's what it does. It's basically a mad scientist kukukni. We ran into it in the tunnels and botched the vote/roll to run away.
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[X] [ROUTE] West then south, along the coast of the Emberflow Abyss. This is the longest route and will partially be via boat, but takes us far from most mapped locations.
We're here to cover every bit of ground to avoid a village getting poofed. Walk the walk.

So on forms topics.... The Ferryman is clearly a combat ready form over the hunter. But it also boosts Wits and Con which are major factors in pill taking (big for technique integration timing) AND Charmcrafting. Rough choice all told.

[X] [FORM] The Ivory Ferryman

In case we get jumped.
Awww Ves, why did you have to take us from Zhi's adoring fans at the Auction House. Having him and Daiyu be smug at the Sen would have been beyond cathartic.

As for the rewards, the basic Sen wind technique is somewhat a subpar specimen of a reward materially speaaing though high in honor I guess. At least it has accompanying pills.

The Sen Requisition Card, however, makes up for it, and is quite obviously the actual reward.

I can't wait for Zhi to tell Shouxi that he has cultivated two contacts in the Hills and that he would be happy to make a referral in the future if his ol' pal Shouxi needs it. :D
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[X] [ROUTE] West then south, along the coast of the Emberflow Abyss. This is the longest route and will partially be via boat, but takes us far from most mapped locations.
We're here to cover every bit of ground to avoid a village getting poofed. Walk the walk.

So on forms topics.... The Ferryman is clearly a combat ready form over the hunter. But it also boosts Wits and Con which are major factors in pill taking (big for technique integration timing) AND Charmcrafting. Rough choice all told.

[X] [FORM] The Ivory Ferryman

In case we get jumped.
Would anyone care to math out if it might be a whole AP worth?
Honestly, it may be AP inefficient as heck... But for the sake of actually making use of the Fractal, I feel inclined to try out each new form for one 'turn' after we get it.

For narrative reasons. Doesn't feel like we're using the charm if we just stick to one form all the time.
Would anyone care to math out if it might be a whole AP worth?
I'm voting for the Ferryman form regardless, but I second this request to some kind soul so I might feel better about the loss of AP.
[X] [ROUTE] Southwest, through the White Daylight Fields. It is a longer, more circuitous route, but it will be a pleasant one that promises to weave through the majority of the villages west of the Brightmaples.
[X] [FORM] The Ivory Ferryman
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Hell of a reward, awesome form for defense and scouting or infiltration, new family secret tech which has to be pretty quality just because of how much money and expertise they probably dumped into it as their signature.

Even on the low side it's telekinesis and couple that with an extra joint in our fingers should have interesting potential for our crafting. THEN we get access to costco (or lower) pricing with Amazon delivery speed (or better) we're set up to rapidly grow. With more techs integrated, more skill, and resilience generally we could "unlock" whole new levels of adventure (definitely new levels of our caretaker tardis bunker).
[X] [ROUTE] Southwest, through the White Daylight Fields. It is a longer, more circuitous route, but it will be a pleasant one that promises to weave through the majority of the villages west of the Brightmaples.
Diversion aside, we still have a job to do. We're not going to the next place just to get there ASAP, nor are we taking the long way just to take the long way. Our mission is to visit as many population centers as possible, so the obviously correct path is the one that hits every village along the way. We'll get there when we get there.

[X] [FORM] The Ivory Ferryman